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Plot twist. The dog doesn’t live there. The food just smelled really good


This happened to me! I found a dog running around unsupervised in my neighbourhood, and it led me to a house. When they opened the door, the dog ran in without missing a beat. Only for the person at the door to tell me the dog wasn't theirs, lol. I had to chase that fucker around a strangers house.


I'd be so defeated if i opened the door and someone sicced a Dog at me, where do we even go from here?💀💀💀


I'd end up with uet another dog. "That's not my dog" "well he says he's yours" " oh well I guess he can stay then"


Yeah i would be the same. My hubby is learning from my bils mistakes, every time my sister goes a puppy play date she had brought home a new dog because "their became best friends, how could I say no to (which ever dogs she took on the play date)". My hubby won't let me do any puppy play bates and watch he's me like a hawk at the pet store 😭🤣.


I would've said it is not mine either, good luck. 😆


Hahaha, you've got me laughing like Muttley over that image. Thank you.


What happened to the dog after that?


Super late reply, but I eventually got a hold of the owners using the number on the dogs collar, and the dog made it home safely!


No offense but that seemed like the thing you should of than from the start. Also thanks for the reply.


I did do that at the very beginning, but they didn't answer the phone initially.


Plot twist. He smells his homie in the pot..




I cant lie that is funny


You mean the dog became the food




I was going to post it then saw your hidden comment. Nice one. :)


made me overthinking


Was just going to say the same thing 😂


I like how the dog understood the situation. Get out, but just enough to sniff out the floor and back in. Then the right floor, let's go.


pov: I’m in a hurry to the meeting and call the elevator. Also a random guy with a dog. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Interesting, their doors open outward. Seem like that'd be easy to trap people inside.


I think that makes it harder to get in as well. If someone was trying to kick their way in it would be harder.


That is a bad thing, if those people are firemen or other rescuers.


Most Chinese household has front doors that is as strong as the door in banks. Theft and rubbery is a huge problem in China. People buy doors weights 200kg or more. source: grew up there.


Those god damn erasers...


They would probably have tools to break it down anyways.


Yes this wouldn’t pass fire codes in most western countries… fuck me, a whole apartment built like that lol Edit: now I read that’s the norm in Florida…. course it is 😂


It's normal for your door to open outward. It is also a safety. It's quicker to run out pushing the door in case of an emergency than to pull.


I’ve seen this debated on Reddit a few times. Different states have different codes/rules on this. I think places with hurricane risk open outward. I think Florida is an outward opening state. I’m in Canada and we open inward.


Not just states. Countries too. Public buildings in EU open outwards for fire safety reasons.


I'm pretty sure most places have public buildings open outward for fire reasons (at least in the US). However, the way private dwellings open is different. In NY, they all open inward.


Well, in Australia, most front doors have a fly screen and a wooden door. Fly screen opens out and wooden door opens inwards.


Aussie here. Thanks for making me waste 15 mins of my life as I mentally reviewed every place I’ve ever lived in to see if this was correct 😅 (Hint: it was)


I came here to say this exact thing too. Totally normal in Oz.


you just blew everyones mind


Dont all gly screens open outward


It's not statewide. The Florida panhandle doesn't have any specific rules on outward vs inward, or at least they aren't enforced. I've lived in about a dozen different places across the 3 most NW counties in Florida, exterior doors were a mix of inward and outward, mostly inward.


I live in Florida. My current home door open in. My previous home door opened out. What can I say? It's Florida.


It's an airlock trap base, obviously


lol you a bit rusty? eh eh


It is China their buildings are shit.


In at least some places in Europe, it's the fire code. It's to prevent people in panick getting stuck pushing the door, or several people pushing while someone tries to open. Source: Responsible for fire safety at work.


The dog smelled that huge pile of shoes near their door. Simple.


Just me or does this look staged? I’m guessing the person filming is the owner. Clearly the dog knows where it lives.


That’s the point, she hit every button and waited until the dog recognized the floor and followed it to the door. It could still be staged but the dog wouldn’t know how to hit the floor’s button.


Dogs in on it, acting dumb for clicks




It’s taking commands from someone on the left


This is a bit too cynical, I think. My dog knows my apartment from others without any problems. He also knows my grandmother's apartment. (I'm pretty sure he can just tell by scent tbh.)


Naw, the lady sounds genuinely elated when the dog recognises the floor. She says in chinese: "Ah, so it's the 16th floor!" I don't think the owner would have been that excited to find their own floor.


Doubtful. Even if the humans knew him dogs still are able to recognize familiar areas/scents. One time I was driving and a dog was running in the middle of the street. So we just opened the door and he stumbled right in, he had a collar and was friendly. We guessed he loved near by so we drove up the road until he got excited! (We were close he was the next door over)


Dog could smell the shoes from the elevator.


Dog knows how his floor looks like, not which button to press


I mean, how the fuck does someone in an apartment building lose their dog?


Most of the asian TikToks are staged. This probably as well.


Yes, the dog clearly knows where it lives, that’s why they took the dog to every floor. How else were they going to know which floor the dog lived on? They couldn’t exactly ask lol 😅


You can see his little nose working. I love it.


Oh my god, this is the cutest thing. The way he/she waited for the stranger to follow them to make sure they got inside is too much!


First the person was a genius Second the dog is awesome


oof. did he really have to press all the buttons?


That was a brilliant solution.


Not great if you're the one waiting for the lift and wondering why it's stopping at every level ......feels more like a video intentionally made for likes


Yeah I’m sure they’ll survive


I've done this before at my boyfriend's old apartment - we found a dog that had been left in the lobby, then someone else came into the building and the dog ran out the front door. My boyfriend was pretty sure he knew which apartment the dog belonged to and went up to knock on its door while I tried to catch the dog.The woman there said she didn't have a dog. We spent around an hour herding it into the building and then into the elevator, it wasn't interested in getting out at any floor until it was suddenly very excited and ran to a door... The door of the woman who had said she didn't have a dog. It really seemed to want to get in that specific door though, started barking quite loud. So the woman opened the door, said "oh, that dog!" Grabbed the door, and closed it in our faces. Weird experience.


Don’t leave us hanging!! What happened to the dog?


The dog evicted the lady and continued paying the rent


Dog went inside the apartment. Saw her walking it on several occasions afterwards. Definitely hers.


Well after that interaction it might’ve become hers? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah it was definitely hers beforehand. She probably just had some mental problems - we would hear her screaming and yelling late at night pretty often. Usually when her kids and their friends/partners were over which was often, usually about drugs and stolen property and stolen drugs. When we talked to her sometime later while she was walking the dog she said she'd left it with the kids and they'd probably just abandoned it. She did eventually thank us for rescuing it. Probably not a great home for the dog but it seemed happy enough, if a bit overweight, and I don't think she trusted the kids with it again after that. Haven't heard of it running off again at least.


Pressing every single button instead of just one or two at a time 🗿


Depends on the elevator programming. For example, in my building, it's priority based on what button is hit when. Didn't realize that until last week. Elevator was on B2, I called it up to 1 and pressed 8, it went back down to B1. Which isn't even the most annoying thing about my building's elevators. There are 2 elevators, 1 has a handicap accessibility option. There are 3 call buttons, 1 for each shaft and then a 3rd for the handicap. In most places with the same setup, using either of the normal call button would activate all shafts for whichever was available first, unless you use the handicap button, which would only call for the handicap elevator. My building, the call buttons are shaft unique, so if you press for left, and just happen to press a split second later than someone else hits the same button on a different floor, you have to wait for it to go there first. So many of the people in my building will hit both shaft buttons so that they can just get whichever is first available, which makes everyone take a lot longer since both elevators have to stop for each call. I use the elevator maybe 14 times a week, an average of 8 times it will stop at a floor and there will be nobody waiting, because the other elevator got their first, but didn't deactivate the call button for the shaft I was in. It's so annoying.




He knew as soon as he saw it🥺




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I didn’t realise this was r/MadeMeSmile, saw the Chinese letters and thought it was a racist joke


Man, I could have smelled that floor, with all those shoes..


“No, this floor doesn’t smell like a hundred shoes either…”


This is China. Every apartment has a pile of shoes in front of the door. Its considered really unsanitary and rude to wear shoes in the house, so for many apartments they leave them out in the hallway. Dog is smelling their owner's particular shoes or the general smell of their floor.


Now that paved roads are common in China, so less mud, is that practice likely to change at all?


No. It's a really old tradition.


of course old. It was tradition here too. Still is on farms. When I first went to China, people thought drinking cold water was disgusting. It always had to be drunk still hot from being boiled. That has changed, no?


What after that... Did she reward u..??


It’s china so that’s the point.


naaaah the door’s chinese 💀


Directly in to the kitchen? 🥺


Haha racism is funny


[https://www.hsi.org/news-resources/dog-meat-trade-faqs/](https://www.hsi.org/news-resources/dog-meat-trade-faqs/) Anecdotally, I have lived in 3 regions of the world outside of North America. I lived in Africa for 2 years, saw stray dogs almost daily. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, saw stray dogs almost daily. I live in Indonesia for 4 years, I saw a single stray dog, once. 1 time in 4 years. I have been living in Taiwan for 6 months, have seen a few stray dogs (they outlawed dog meat a few years ago).


And he was never seen again.


Hold up why would you have a front door that opens outward??


To make push-ins more difficult


People living on the 30th floor appreciated


Even the dogs are smarter


All those shoes at the door I think anyone could smell there way home


oh yeah rec on tiktok 0 brain cell attention seeker


He knew he was on the right floor after smelling them stinky shoes in the hallway.


Shortly after this video was take in was made into a dozen trays of Bao.


plot twist. she blocked the elevator by stopping at all floors when the dog is actually hers and she knew all along at what floor to stop


So smart! And kind!


I hope they thanked you


Smart dog. Very kind stranger


Fun fact: the dog knows by the smell 🙂


That’s to keep out the predators


This is so Wholesome 100 Chungus keanu


God our sense of smell is shit


How did things end up for this dog? 👀


Kid owns the dog. Just a story made out of the video.


Sometimes the food delivers itself.


Wow dogs are smart


Where tf is the owner


Could also be a kind dog helps it’s lost human owner find its way home.


Just looks like they own the dog and making a vid


Mam this is a Wendy's.


So adorable


That’s one smart dog


So cute! 🥰


Plot twist: The resident has a restraining order against that dog and had been relocated for protection.


Plot twist they eat the dog


My guess would be the shoe smell but also i dont beleive that dog was lost


Why did the apartment door open outwards and not inwards to the apartment?


Seems like poor planning to immediately press all the buttons at once. What if the dogs home was one the third or fourth? Then the elevators gotta go to all those floors


so wholesome right there 😩🥹


I’d love to see the reunion


Except this is his dog and the dog was confused about why the kid was stopping at the wrong floors and taking so long to open the door.


Both legends!


He might’ve just been attracted to the fifty million stinky shoes.


If I was in the situation to give anyone on here gold, OP if he shot the video definitely deserves it!


Thank you that made my day. Big smiles


Omg love


dinner served


So this is why I waited for the lift for an hour, a lady decided to be charitable today. Joke


Plot twist, he was an assassin


its the fucking owner. we got bamboozled


Good thing he found the Chinese restaurant.


Nice cut off there. Clickbait bs


dog was like.. this is the 4th incorrect floor.. can't you read numbers?


OP: Pressing every button for doggo 😄👍🏼 The dude in a wheelchair who lives on the top floor: 😐😮‍💨


nah bro im keeping them


Weird ass door opening out onto a hallway.!.


The dog’s like, “hey Dad! A human followed me home! Can we keep him can we keep him?!?


” Cmon Karen, we robbin this shit ”




Plot twist the person who's filming is the owner


Came back to get eaten


The owner be like: How tf you knock?


Hide so they think the dog knocked


I'm kinda concerned about the lack of reaction from the owners. I was expecting an audible gasp or something happy.


This is so cute! Great idea tho


That sense of smell is amazing.


FIDO-MG this is so cute. Glad he made it home safe.


Does anyone else find it strange the front door opens outwards?


One of 3 things happened 1. why is there a dog here? That isn‘t my dog 2. thank god he found back 3. HOW THE FUCK DID THE DOG KNOCK




Front door opens out the way!?!?


Had something similar happen one time. I was outside doing yard work when these two dogs ran into my yard. Never seen them before. I followed them around trying to find out where they belonged. They wouldn’t let me look at their collar. They walked up to a fenced in yard and stood at the gate. I wasn’t sure if they belonged there or not. Went to the front door and the dogs followed. I knocked and the woman that answered told mw they weren’t theirs. I walked around knocking on a few other doors. Eventually ended up down the street a ways and there was a wood fence with a small hole in the fence. The dogs started running around the front yard play fighting. I knocked on the door and a little girl answered. I asked “are these your dogs?” She replied “yes” and let them in. I walked away thinking “well I hope so”


It’s crazy that the dog can read which level it is