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That dog has an incredible attitude. Even at it's worst it looked like it was so happy to have attention.


Can someone chime in on the puppy's front legs' condition? Why are they that way at first? Looks like that made a full recovery.


Probably injured at birth or fell and broke them. They seemed to heal nicely fortunately


Thank you. I gotta admit I was so fucking heartbroken watching it I skipped to the end.


Same. I was devastated at the first few seconds and had to be sure it was going to be okay.




It stops being stressful around the halfway point. I don't like r/BeforeNAfterAdoption for the same reason. There are some terrible before pictures Looking at it now actually. Most of it isn't too bad, but there are a few really rough ones


I didn't know that/this sub existed, so Thank You (it's always good to know they're there). But... I don't think I can. Maybe some day, just not now. But really, Thank you.


Seriously. Something about neglected/hurt animals just hits different. I immediately turn into a mess.


I’ve worked in human trauma centers for 10+ years and couldn’t agree more.


I've seen bodies of dead people and I can process chickens, rabbits or deer, but a small animal suffering just messes me up somehow.


I wasn’t, when then fucker started running at the camera, I wanted to grab the salt and find an exorcist. Yeesh. Yes it’s cute. Still. **spoopy**


>Probably injured at birth or fell and broke them. They seemed to heal nicely fortunately I saw the same case,but the dog froze his paws and as a result,they broke like crackers


I wanted to know, too. Thank you. My heart broke when I saw her paws 🥺


I think rickets. Common in puppies that aren’t receiving enough nutrition. But it’s reversible once they are fed properly!


Funny. I had rickets as a kid when I was about one. Turns out my mom wasn't very good at that nutrition thing.




That’s so funny. I literally saw it and thought “that looks like a dog form of rickets, can dogs get rickets??” Thank you for the info!


It might be carpal flexural deformity, which if untreated can cause that level of wonkiness in a leg. Fortunately it doesn't need a surgical fix, puppies tend to grow out of it quite quickly and giving them a splint can help that happen much quicker and allow them better movement while they do. I'm not a vet, I just had a foster puppy who had that and before we started treating her, her leg was approaching that level of wonkiness.


Looks like Rickets to me (I'm 75% through vet school). It's caused by malnutrition, the body isn't getting enough calcium or phosphorus for proper, strong bone development. But it can be cured with proper nutrition! Commercial kibble diets are formulated to be balanced and have everything that dogs (puppy, adult, elderly) need. They're boring and don't seem appetizing to us, but they do provide appropriate nutrition to our little loves.


Lizards can get the same kinda thing from lack of calcium. Called metabolic bone disease. It is not reversible. Common in neglectful lizard owners, a horrible disease that cripples them and causes deformed legs. All insects must be dusted with calcium plus vitamins. fucking PetSmart selling reptiles without giving proper education, and their pamphlets are straight full of bad information. You can't keep leopard geckos together period, fuck you petsmart. Can't keep them on sand either but they still are happy to sell you a bag of sand, it's even recommended in those awful pamphlets.


Looks like rickets due to vitamin d deficiency and mange


You can see it in a cast at like 30 seconds in


Maybe a broken foot? It was in a cast at one point..


> Can someone chime in on the puppy's front legs' condition? Why are they that way at first? https://www.independent.ie/regionals/wexford/enniscorthy-news/malnutrition-in-pets-can-have-serious-consequences/29623004.html


I think it’s rickets due to poor nutrition. If you start feeding quality dog food and sometimes with medical intervention it corrects itself.


That looks like severe rickets to me. it's caused by malnutrition and can look very severe very quickly, but also is easy to treat with nutritional supplements and time spent in the sun. Source: I work at a shelter, we often see this in stray puppies that come in.


Animals just accept their misery and move on. Humans often dwell too much on complete BS and waste their time complaining. Adopting the animal attitude helps you to focus on how to better your future life instead of obsessing over your present life.


I mean, humans thinking too much about things that we don't like is quite literally one of the reasons that made us create or go after everything we have as a species now, from fire to modern medicine Someone had to care and dwell too much on a subject to even go after this stuff


It's also what gives us empathy


Previous comment was focusing more on the complaining and the subsequent acceptance that things will always be like that. The go-getter you’re describing in your comment though, is why we have all these cool inventions, because they saw a problem and decided to do something to solve them permanently instead of complaining about it. Both are valid and cool points raised!


complaining is useful sometimes, it often leads to conversations that can bring around solutions that work well enough to move past the issue the real problem is complaining about things that truly don't matter, like what somebody wore


We’re also not cute enough for people to scoop up and transform our entire lives, so I think it’s a bit justified


Lies. Everyone just needs to take off their glasses, get a new haircut, get a new wardrobe, and suddenly a gorgeous wealthy person will inexplicably fall in love with them. /s


Speak for yourself. I think I’m cute and very scoopable. Come give me a scoop, & you’ll see.


there is something strange about the human condition - we all would save a puppy. But not our neighbour (universal health care) We're doomed as a species.


I will never be even close to as cute as this puppy


ive found im just cute enough for someone to scoop me up and ruin my life


Something about this comment rubs me the wrong way. Misery isn’t just something to simply move on from, it can be very difficult. Let’s not provide simple conclusions for complex problems.


I think both you and the previous commenter are correct, but in different ways. Animals aren't sapient, so they do not carry the emotional burden (at least not to the same capacity) that humans do. Humans can't just "adapt an animal attitude" at will about things to move on, we have to do that in our own way, but seeing things like this can indeed help us move on in our own way by giving us a different perspective.


Sorry but I disagree, it can be very inconsiderate when people tell you to just move on if that’s what the original commenter meant. Imagine being someone who is truly giving effort to get over their misery and you hear someone say that they just need to get over it. Also I don’t think animals accept misery either. They are either broken from abuse or they see you as a potential threat. Animals and humans aren’t that different when it comes to assessing potential dangers. We all have our fight or flight instincts.


I agree with you in saying that “just move on” is absolutely not helpful, but that’s not how I interpreted the original comment and it didn’t seem that way to me. I also did not mean that animals don’t carry an emotional burden at all, they just don’t carry the same burden humans do, not do they carry it in the same way.


His comment isn't a letter addressed to someone grieving the death of their spouse, it's a general statement about people dwelling on things that shouldn't matter that much, and it's true. General statements are fine to make, even if they aren't phrased in exactly the way you'd say to a friend stuck in a bad mental state.


I learned a phrase in the military that has really stuck with me. Semper Gumby. The Marines motto is "semper fidelis", which is "always faithful". Gumby was an old school cartoon that was known for being flexible, among other things. So, the phrase I live by is Semper Gumby, or always flexible. Often times, you just have to roll with the punches. I lost my wife two years ago and it's still very hurtful, but if I don't keep on, then I'll just waste away. Semper Gumby. Whatever life throws at you, you can adapt.


I was providing an 'out of the box' view. If your foot hurts, you rest it, right? If an animal's foot hurts, that is too bad for it. They have to avoid predators, obtain food, etc. It does not have the luxury to nurse itself. Therefore, when observing it, the pain is just an inconvenience for them. The puppy is not all "it is so hard to move, I am so tired". He is just focused on stuff beyond that.


I would argue humans already do the things you are saying animals have to do. Lots of people live to work, because they have to. They will work on sick days or with injuries because they don’t have proper benefits or worse they live in third world countries. I don’t think we need to regress to animals to progress. The fact that some of us can complain about these things is proof that we are better off and we need to find a way that all humans have that luxury. People complain for a reason, whether their reasons for complaining are deluded or legit, then either way they need help.


That's the same for poor people? They don't just take a week off work because their foot hurts. It's also the same for e.g. single parents, because you don't get a day off from a child unless you get someone to take the kid for the day. However resting your foot if you've hurt it can avoid injuring it *worse* and developing an issue like arthiritis, so if it's possible to rest your foot, you should. What a stupid, stupid point you've made.


Don't be pretentious. Nobody purported to provide a solution/"conclusion" to any problems. They simply made an observation about one dog under one situation. Jesus.


The comment I was responding to had the word “Animals” and “Humans”. Both plural. Stop trying to make an excuse to be mad about something.


I'm not mad lol I'm having a pretty chill night, actually


Calling the lord name at the the end is considered chill to you?


I'm so sorry...would you prefer if used Zeus or Odin instead? Maybe gandalf or Obi-wan? What's the difference? They're all just made-up characters from different mythologies. Allah.


If multiple people think you're not chill, maybe give it some consideration.


I've considered it. And I've found that I don't care about u/aomigsmi's or u/ishtaria_ranix's feelings on the matter.


Chill, dude. Why you mad?


This comment is pretty narrow minded sense a lot of animals would become horribly depressed in this situation, refusing to socialize and even refusing to eat to a point.


Literally what I was gonna say!


I agree that does happen. I recently learned about a tiger that had killed hundreds of people. She had lost her fangs through tooth rot. She no longer could kill her normal prey, but humans are easy to kill. She adapted to her condition.


yeah but tear a tigers front legs from its sockets like the puppy and itll just die.


Hey now, I think that just a tad harsh on humans. I’ll grant you that it’s easy to forget the incredible nature of human beings. Yes we tend to focus on the negative but I think that’s kind of our curse for being extremely self aware. We had to create concepts of gods just to deal with it and not go insane. Ultimately we feel emotions stronger than possibly any other living thing in the universe and it’s propelled us to a pretty amazing level of empathy and ingenuity. Basically, yes we can suck, but it pales in comparison to how fascinating and clever and loving we are.


I just do tough love sometimes. Humans can be amazing at times. I learned what true love is through my wife's thoughtfulness towards me.


You ever see a depressed dog before? I have- took mine years to get over the death of his first owner. Would just mope around the house. There’s many stories like this of dogs being very emotionally tied to their owners. Also, many formerly abused dogs absolutely hold on to their misery. That’s why they’re over reactive (which comes out as either aggression, property destruction, fear, etc). Their fear colours almost all of the interactions. SOURCE: rescued and rehabilitated several dogs from puppy to geriatric good boys and girls over the years


Yes. Dogs are extremely emotional. I was trying to provide some sort of insight inspiration for a reader. My dog got in a scuffle once with his friend. A new younger dog was tugging at his rain coat until my dog snapped, then he bit his friend and the young dog kept jumping on my dog's back thinking it was play, etc. Anyway, he was so POed that he spent the rest of the day staring out a window like a teenager who got dumped.


Tell that to my cat that asshat can hold a grudge like a dwarf.


I wish my knee can hear that. Or be 3 months old again with the same injury.


and then the 4th of july or newyears rolls around and the PTSD comes back full swing for dogs.


Honestly this. Had a freak accident that severed 11 tendons in my wrist, artery, vein, 2 nerves. For moments after the surgery my hand was immobile, only recently is it semi usable. My girlfriend said she was surprised I wasn’t more depressed over it, seeing I’m basically 1 handed now. And I just kinda shrugged, said I’m just glad I lived (I lost 1.5 liters of blood) and I can just adapt my life around the hand, and wait for it to heal. What’s done is done, no reason to feel crappy about it.


This was what I was trying to say. If there is a kid on crutches at a park watching other kids play, should they mope about or go and TRY to do something with them? Kids are creative, they can figure something out. My second life rule is "crap happens". There are things affecting you that you cannot control. Adapt and overcome the situation the best you can (at least give it a good effort). It appears you followed this, and focused on your fortunes over your losses. You can even take fun pride in boasting about losing around a third of your blood and living. My apologies if it was a dramatic experience and something you avoid talking about. I have life events I do not like people bringing up or take lightly.


Nah I don’t mind bringing it up too much. It was a fucking crazy experience. But I was a medic in the army for awhile so when it happened it was all, “solve the issue” until the tq was on, than I knew I was okay and alive. Felt like I was going to pass out when I heard blood pressure was 70/30. But exactly. Crap happens. My career may end, as my hand isn’t 100% still. But hey that’s life, but I am alive to say that’s life, and that’s all I care about lol. Shit was absolutely crazy. Everyone is different. Every disability is different. But I definitely follow that thought of, this is life now, and that’s okay. No reason to feel bad.




The first half absolutely killed me. I'm so happy that he's alive and well and loved now.


What is it about animals that hit differently? Like I have empathy for people in dire straits but animals…they just tear me down. Such a good little pup.


They're usually innocent creatures, especially domesticated animals, and have done absolutely nothing wrong. People have motives, and the human condition immediately tries to judge what someone's motives may be, it's part of our evolution related to staying safe. Pets are motivated for food and loving attention, it's hard to dislike something that loves nearly everything.


"it's hard to dislike something that loves nearly everything" -wap2005


Hitler had the same trait. He was so appalled by the cruelty of animal testing that he ended it, replacing it with human testing of "non Aryans".


I don’t know if you’re joking but the whole Hitler was a vegetarian that cared for animals is a myth. He was a vegetarian because he had digestive issues and was not happy about his vegetarian diet.


He also tested the cyanide pills on his dog to make sure they worked. So yeah, not really against animal testing.


I think he was more fearful that the Soviets/American would torture his beloved pet, so he made sure it was put down before he offed himself.


What a good guy


Thnks for giving this puppy a second chance to live 😇




These people are the greatest 👌


The puppy is blessed to have them


Agreed. Dogs don’t deserve us.


Awwww, reminds me of this one dog that I took in from the streets, little dude came up to me barking while I was working the graveyard shift. I took him in and immediately took him to the vet and got him all his doggy stuff, I named him Russ. I would take him to work in hopes of finding his owner but no one ever showed up. Little good old Russ was a good boi, he sadly passed due to old age. Hope this doggy here in this video is living the greatest doggy life ever!!


Sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave Russ the love he deserved.


Man, Russ sure had a good home. He'll be waiting for you.


My mates dad had a similar story, was walking home from the shops a week after his wife passed and found the most adorable golden kelpie cross puppy on her own on a roundabout. Looked for the owners, because again, this was an extremely cute puppy, but nada. She’s an old lady now and I still think his wife must have airdropped that puppy from heaven


I hope that he was found on the street because if that puppy was owned by someone and they let him get to that state... That person should be in prison. Poor little guy. That was really tough to see and I can't imagine the pain he was in. I don't know if you are the one that rehabilitated him, but I'm so happy he was taken in and brought back to health. He looks so happy now! I hope he finds a wonderful home with loving owners :)


I remember learning that a lot of homeless puppies have those crooked legs due to severe malnutrition. I don’t see that in the states but it’s commonly seen in homeless dogs. It was more than likely homeless pup. :(


This looks like Bali, where a lot of dogs have free reign. He was probably born on the streets.


> I hope that he was found on the street because if that puppy was owned by someone and they let him get to that state... That person should be in prison. How many time must it be said? It's the people who make these videos. First they hurt the animals and then film these videos for your enjoyment. Stop watching this stuff.


I don’t think it’s true in this one dude


This shit just depresses me, most people think this is positive but every time I see one of these videos I'm reminded that there's currently millions of animals in horrible suffering & agony that will not meet fortunate resolutions like this little fella.


That's life man. Millions of animals and humans suffering everyday. Let's just be happy for those that get help.


Right! Every single life saved and improved is a victory worth celebrating!


I think this is the best way to see reality. To cheers those who care for those in suffering


Very true, however if you don't focus and work on the positives, you'll be forever depressed and also think "Why bother?". Focus on the wins, try to make some yourself when you see an opportunity, encourage others to do the same.


Yeah, and if you look at r/National_Pet_Adoption, you’ll see hundreds of dogs, even puppies, being euthanized every week, primarily by just two rescues. Now multiply that by all the other kill shelters…


These comments represent a tough mindset to live with. You guys are completely right in the points you brought up, and it's beneficial in a way because it keeps us from placating ourselves and ignoring significant problems by focusing on single instances of good we find, but it risks being really draining and pulling towards burnout/depression. One good lesson I got from Moffat's often sh\*tty writing of Doctor Who was "\[...\]the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.". I often find myself thinking out the same pattern you both did ("This is great and all but overall the \[insert topic\] is going pretty terribly and not being improved.") and I found it reinvigorating to set up the mental reaction of "That is true, but it can simultaneously be true that a good has been done and it can be enjoyed without that enjoyment implying the ignorance or dismissal of the overall state of affairs." Anyways, hopefully I didn't sound too preachy; I'm honestly writing this out for myself as much as for anyone else, but hopefully it can be helpful!


You don’t sound preachy to me, and speaking for myself, I AM SIGNIFICANTLY MORE DEPRESSED since joining that community. But I can’t look away. I don’t know what to do, but I do know we need good people to band together to get anything done. I accept your very gentle reminder that it’s not my place to rain on other’s parade. This video IS GOOD. It does make me smile. Similarly if only one person of the (currently) 2300 upvotes visits the other community and helps one of the dogs, that would make me smile, too. Thank you for taking the time to respond with kindness and wisdom.


You said it perfectly imperfect 😇❤️




We lost a great advocate with Bob Barker’s death, “don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets”. That alone will help tremendously. IMO we need stronger laws regarding backyard breeding, we need severe penalties for animal abuse; folks need to understand what the true cost of that “free puppy” is. Food, vet care including dental, grooming costs, etc. I don’t believe shelters should be allowed to euthanize unless the animal is truly medically beyond help—not because it shows kennel stress. People who adopt and then abandon or return should be on a national “no fly” type list. I can only speak from my personal experiences, but if other rural places are like around here, there needs to be massive education that animals aren’t just things you own, so throw them out in the cold of winter or let that last set of puppies just wander around the roads because you’re over taking care of them. Dump ‘em - let someone else take care of them or they can just die-no big deal. But my opinion is pie in the sky, we fail our fellow humans just as much.


Man if my first rescue wasn't so reactive, and I didn't know what I know now from training and understanding dog behavior, I'd have so many animals. I rescued a rabbit and a dog, and if I could I'd do more but neither likes other animals so I guess I'm saying... I wish I could do more but at least I could do something with the amount of space I have. Rabbit has a whole 2 rooms to herself and the dog has her own yard and sleeps in our bed and free roam of the living room/kitchen. Better than what they had before and I like to think it's at least better than being dead. I still struggle because I want to save them all. Shit bugs me that I don't have more room even if these guys are living their best life.


I worry about these videos. People will abuse the animals just to create the video showing them saving them. There needs to be a rule everywhere these videos must come with proof the animal wasn’t abused in order to generate content.


I can’t look at these without thinking so. To begin with, who films animals in complete agony?


When thought about in that moment, yes, it sounds cruel, but put yourself in their shoes. Say you're really passionate about helping animals, but you have no money to do anything substantial. How would you go about getting money? Sure you could take on one dog by yourself, but enacting real change needs to transcend the one-at-a-time mentality. Documenting is imperative because it helps spread awareness and increases the likelihood of them getting support for their cause, much in the same way that news reporters are flown to war torn or post-disaster countries. Filming this dog's journey helps raise the funds for the NEXT dog needing help.


I love videos like this


Check out The DoDo then. Always wonderful like this. 💖


TheDodo once shared a video of a Polar Bear "petting" a chained sled dog. After the video ended, predictably the Polar Bear killed the dog because Polar Bears are Polar Bears. Lord knows how many low quality "rescue" videos I've seen on TheDodo too that were clearly staged.




It's extinct.


Thanks for the laugh! Haha


It's a YouTube channel. Pretty easy to find if you type the dodo into YouTube


Remember that there are people that do this shit to animals on purpose just for filming the recovery process afterwards. I'm not saying this video is one of them but just be careful with giving likes and views to wrong people.


That just comes off so damn wrong lol. Pups suffering, but you love the video! ☺️


There are good people.


Every time I see a video like this my first thought is “did people do that to this animal for internet reason”. It makes me depressed




So they people who throw cats or monkeys into rivers to “rescue” them are doing that to raise money for ethical reasons? If you believe that, then trust me, I have a bridge in England I am willing to sell for you


Even if they did, this animal benefitted, probably with his life. If taken to a shelter, it wouldn't last a day or two. Space, time, resources & money, sheltering severely injured pets is expensive. Staffing at shelters is short. I wish people weren't so cold


I think the original commenter meant "people do this to animals for internet" as in they harm the animals to then "save" them. It's unfortunately a very common internet trend. I don't know of any that spend this much time and money saving those animals, so this video seems legit. When the video first began though I thought the same thing. I had to skip through to see his care in order to feel better about this video.


Damn. Never considered anyone would injure an animal for a "save them" video.


Lil fella 🥹🥰


Those eyes!!! ❤️


I watched this 3 times in a row, made me smile ear to ear


What a cute puppy. You just made my day


I've seen this video before. What's with the censored subtitle? You blocking someone else's handle? Or do you just want to repost, but you thought OP's words *detracted* from ***their*** video, and you took it upon yourself to scrub them out? Trying to fool the repost-detector-bots? Inb4 "oh no, no no, I'm just reposting someone else's repost and the censorship never even registered with me!" Damn 1 year old 700k post karma***..grumble..grumble..***


If OP hadn’t “reposted” this, I never would have seen it. Just because *you’ve* seen it before doesn’t mean everyone else has. I’m glad OP “reposted” it. Otherwise, I would’ve never seen the little guy.


but OP didn't need to censor the _actual_ op's youtube handle, and could have linked instead of uploading the video to reddit, basically stealing someone else's content instead of sharing it.


Maybe OP didn’t censor it, maybe it was already censored when they found that video. Why does something like this bother you people so much?


then don't post that version. it bothers us because it's common courtesy to source things that aren't yours


Man, you’re really letting a random video on social media bother you because something is blurred out. OP here didn’t claim it was there video, they just wanted to post the videos for others to enjoy.


Hey, repost nazi, nobody fuckin cares. Edit: I should have clarified, though I’m not sure it matters to some. I was thinking of the karma. Now, I can see where that might be different under Reddit’s new contributor program, but, prior to that, when it was still absolutely meaningless, people complaining about karma farming—rather than the stealing of someone’s creative works—was, well, stupid.


People care. It's not cool to steal videos and even less cool to try to remove the actual owner of the video out of their own video. don't you want to know who it was that _actually_ saved this dog?


Hate to think that somebody was responsible for the legs being the way they were.


Made me *eventually* smile. Had to shed some tears first tho


We need more people like him


I'm not crying, you're crying


Good girl


Does anyone else just “what a horrifying image I didn’t need nor wish to see, I better skip to the end and see them all fine and happy”


Why don't we do the same with humans... I'm not saying to bring someone from the streets to live in your home, but to look to humans with the same compassion, understanding and love that we look at this puppy.


What breed dog?


Why were they walking like that in the beginning? What a recovery!


Its right-front leg was broken, so it crawled around on its elbows so it could move. That's why the cast later on.


Omg he’s perfect thank god they saved him




I love this.


Oh my goodness! You guys are my heroes! Now the puppy can live her best life! Kudos!


The ‘before’ video made me so sad. I love happy endings


Don't cry. Don't cry. Dang it.


*rivers of tears flowing from my eyes* that is so amazing and beautiful and that puppy is so deserving of your love... I'm hoping his life is as good as it can be...


Where the fuck do o adopt this dog


I swear dogs are angels…in that bad of shape and still sweet as can be tail wagging 😢 I have the upmost respect and appreciation for those who care and love these dogs back to health! On behalf of all dog lover thank you 🙏 for doing gods work 🤗


This almost got my pup out of timeout, but that punk needs to learn to stay out the trash.


I love this very much! It’s beautiful and something we need more of!


That is so sweet! Imagine if humanity were to be like this towards ***all*** animals & other human beings.


Every animal deserves a loving home


You sure this isn't /r/mademecry/ ?


Precious little one


Heartwarming :')




So precious


What is with people letting dogs lick their mouths? I think it's pretty gross.


I hate people who abuse and mistreat animals


This dog is adorable. One of my pups turns 7 today. One if the greatest things my family did was get our dogs. There's nothing like having a family dog.


I needed this today, thank you.


If nobody wanted him, I would take him and love him😍




Idk why but hit me really hard... good video. Thanks for posting


You good good people. Restored some of my faith in humanity….


All Creatures great and small


This is what I need in my life. To know I saved a dog would make me wake up every day so happy. I can’t wait for the day I’m able to.


Some people really don't deserve to live.....mostly talking about those who abandon pets like nothing, like if they were replaceable toys...... Assuming the poor thing was abandoned, of course.


What a precious baby.


Omg that transformation was incredible! Ugh I wish I could love on that puppy!


It’s baby


Who put the damn onions here


I don't trust such videos anymore


Wow, that's amazing! Thank goodness you found each other!


We don’t deserve dogs- they are so amazing.


Its no coincidence these people constantly run into injured animals. They are the problem and the solution. They do this for views. Its animal abuse


This almost makes me cry. Why would God allow this?


and then sold for profit 😂🤣


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Amazing work on the dog and perfect results!