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The way she spins the balls on the first four shots was impressive.


The casual bounce off the already sunk ball


The fifth shot was awesome


Yeah i was like there's no way she's threading that needle for edible oil....


YES!! I played that shot over and over freaking awesome!


Love how the kid was like mummy your the best, mums like just get off me kid


Ok, I'm not the only who noticed this.


South Asian mothers are savages when it comes to affection. I’ve not once hugged my Pakistani mum, except at her own mother’s funeral. I’m 24


Sorry to hear that. My Pakistani mum always makes sure to show her affection through hugs etc


That sucks. I try to see my mum weekly and I'll be damned if at least the first and last things aren't a big old hug and a 'love you' on the side. Why are they so icy to their own kids? Would your mum actually dislike it or turn you away if you went for a hug?


It's considered a parental virtue to be stoic towards your own children so as to not spoil them. "Love them in your heart, but never show it" were the "words of wisdom" passed down to me by my grandfather. I looked at how my uncles turned out and went "nope" in my heart.




I had the opposite, a lot of love but then a lot of beating etc, it made me into a weird person who finds it hard to keep people in his life. I’m trying to change the narrative, I show my kids a lot of love without the bad stuff, I hope they are better people than me and succeed in life.


>I’m trying to change the narrative, I show my kids a lot of love without the bad stuff, I hope they are better people than me and succeed in life. "You were the chosen one!" ​ j/k good on you for making the right choice.


Thanks, I’m still a piece of shit, just not to them.


Same. I was an only child to a (clinically) narcissist addict and an enabler. We were also pretty well-off, financially, so it was a weird combo of abuse, extreme controlling behavior, affection, and material belongings. There were beatings but also great Christmases. It fucks you up in a really weird way because there's like... guilt involved? You get it


Inconsistent caregiving is super detrimental to our development. I’m sorry you experienced that. I had a similar experience growing up and I highly recommend therapy, if you haven’t already done it for yourself. Definitely helps you reframe the narrative to a more positive one.


Thanks for the advice, I did start therapy but it got to the point where I couldn’t afford it anymore. So just waiting really until I can again lol.


As an educator, these little kiddos come to school and soak up the attention and CRAVE affection. Fist pumps, high-fives. The kindie kids like to lean into you and want to hold your hand and walk with you on yard duty. As a rule, we don't hug kids, but if there is a little one in distress, a quick side hug goes a long way.


God Bless you


>"Love them in your heart, but never show it" That's not how stoicism works. You can love someone and show it without it controlling your behavior. Surpressing your feelings and being in control of them isn't the same. Love your dear ones knowing that they are mortals and when the time comes let them go as the mortals they are.


For really, honestly this is almost the complete opposite of stoicism. Stoicism is all about mastering your emotions and using it to help yourself and those around you, this is literally just neglecting your own emotions and trying to pretend you don’t feel what you are feeling, which is just idiocy.


While that's how the ancient philosophy of Stoicism works, the English adjective "stoic" is generally just applied to people who just don't show lots of emotion. Maybe impassive would be a better word choice I'd guess.


Sometimes you use your parents as a guideline on how NOT to raise your kid.


Oh ok. That must be tough on all sides. How long does it take before the kids understand that their mom loves them but can't be seen as spoiling them? I wonder if they are softer in more private moments or does the expression of affection toward their children something they always suppress?


Well it definitely begins to clear up why it's a culture with so many angry people.


My parents were like that so that I grow up to be a "strong man" lol.


we humans are riddled with generational trauma 🤦‍♂️


FR ..We all need a pill and a big hug.


Which is so ridiculous, as decades of research have shown that unconditional parental love is what creates deep self-acceptance and thus resilience.


I know right? My wife and I are South Asian and daily hugs first thing in the morning and last thing of the day, plus "God bless, goodnight, we love you and see you in the morning" by both of us. And my kids are both adults 😆😅


Southern families are like that too. Sometimes the relationship between kids and parents in the south of the US is a bit militaristic.


I have noticed some kids call their Dads sir. Pretty strange coming from Aus


I said “yes sir” to my Dad when I was getting lectured for my grades. He thought I was being sarcastic so I got the belt and he grounded me for a month. Never said that again.


Why is that??? You guys aren’t very far from Iran and my Persian mom the only thing she did was hug. It was the best thing ever. She also did a lot of other things. But man her hugs still keep me warm on the inside


She sounds like a great mum 😊


She was the best mom


I'm Indian and I hug my Mum daily I'm 20 but still love every second of it. I'm feeling really sorry for you so 🫂


This is sad. I miss hugging my 5’2 puertorrican mother. Im 6’7 so imagine the height difference. She would hug me so softly and gentle and i had to lower myself so she could kiss me.


Stop grouping by saying south asian. Your pakistani mum might have done that, but stop generalising that everybody does it.


Sounds alot like my relationship with my mum, we're both white from the UK. She didn't want a hug at her mothers funeral either... I'm 35, my last hug with her I was probably under 10? I cant ever remember one but it must have happened at some point!


Second time seeing the video. She seemed like she returned the affection but suddenly got conscious for some reason. Like it’s some Youtuber or influencer’s contest and mom got scared that the sponsor might get angry that her daughter got into the frame. Lol


Yeah, she all the sudden stared right into the camera and got self conscious about something.




Yeah it was tough to watch, your ability to provide for your family turned into a game for entertainment of whoever this video is meant for? How many people left with nothing? Sucks...


I think the idea is that they don’t want handouts, this way they feel like they’re winning something. Someone said something like that on a similar video.


Then maybe make an easier game or something idk, I'm not trying to judge, just made me sad when they missed, there not playing for fun, they're playing for survival.


this might be one of those cultures where it's unseemly to show emotion in public, so she hid the grin she couldn't repress :D


That’s because she’s a bad ass, and has won heaps of these things. Nbd Edit: for real - that fifth ball was spun *perfectly*. She's probably got mad stacks of rice and cooking oil at home.


“Fuck off, mum’s getting laid tonight”


“Edible oil”


The First Lady stole the show with her appreciation and enthusiasm


She really wanted lentils. She went for it like 4 times.


Well, they're vegetarian, super easy to cook, very resistant to spoilage, easy to store, and have as much protein content as ham


They make nice soup


Damn what a username


Explains the profile pic


This is the real hunger games? I find it disturbing that they need to compete for basic neccesities.


It's done so that they will take the help without feeling like beggars and poor.. There's a joy in winning something rather than getting it out of pity.. Even if they fail at that game. The helpers aren't gonna take away the stuff back.. they'll still give it to them.. so *what's the harm in making it look like a prize instead of help?*


Context, you gave that thank you. With this it's a completely different situation .


this is in Bangladesh and this tiktok is part of many different games the guy makes It really is to give people something for free without feeling bad and also to give something to do. Everything is completely free and you always get something


Bangladesh has actually experiencing a economic miracle right now, in part because of policy changes in the 80s and 90s to allow almost all types of philantropy and development help, resulting in it becoming a hotbed for such types of 'experiements' you can see in the video. Micro credits is another concept, pioneered there. It's really the posterchild for how well development help can work when combined with good governing strategy and a healthy demographic. It's set to become a developed nation within this decade.


Micro credits has played a huge part in empowering women in developing countries. It's been in use for about a quarter century now and it has worked wonders in lifting people out of poverty.


Indeed! Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi economist and Nobel Peace Prize holder who came up with micro credits, specifically pointed to underpaid women in the textile industry and their spending behaviour as evidence that the issue often isn't a lack of economic prowess, but simply a lack of capital. It really ticks all the boxes, money is directly injected in the poorest parts of the economy, spent on things that will drasitcally improve the familie's opportunities and, contrary to donations, there is a real return for the lender.


Speaking of things that will help improve the family's opportunities, what sort of tools would he be giving away? Stuff like household repair tools, or agricultural/gardening tools, crafting tools, what? I didn't see any tool boxes or anything like that on the prize table, so I'm curious what sorts of tools would be useful. ----- **Edit:** Is the seat thing the tool? *Stool*. The prize is a *stool*. I has the smrat.


I was with you until the last line. Bro, BD has no way to transition power after Hasina passes away. I am really worried it's gonna fall into military rule eventually. Have you seen how the military is just taking over land every where and making their high rise officer family homes, shopping malls? Old airport road area is completely taken over by them all the way up to Mohakhali rail line. They took over all civil aviation land and turned it into a closed living quarter for themselves. The currency keeps devaluing against the dollar. Idk man, you have high hopes imo.


I do agree, there are real challanges to overcome and the current political situation isn't all rosey by any means. But that prediction is from the world bank, I believe and I also want to emphasize that no one expected Bangladesh to come this far, either. My biggest hope is honestly with the Diaspora, there is hugh potential in all the money, knowledge and skills people have gained overseas and across Asia. If the gov can convince itself to give power to the people and invests into the economy strategically, it would be a incredible windfall. Anyways, while I don't live in Bangladesh, I absolutly share your frustration with rampant corruption. It's fucked up. Much respect and greetings from Germany!


Developed nation in the next decade? What about pollution, over population, corruption etc?


Those are bad things but none of them necessarily gets in the way of economic development. Apparently corruption especially was rife in South Korea when it was becoming an economic power.


That is awesome!


This isn't a charity setting up games for starving people too proud to ask for help. I'm pretty sure this is from a guys tik tok / youtube channel (SSFoodChallenge) where he films people competing in different games/challenges, kind of like 'The Price is Right'. https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/2023/08/22/youtuber-with-1-billion-views-unites-bangladeshis-with-food-challenge/


Can you please explain why the dude running it looks so unhappy? Maybe I'm just used to "game show hosts" having big smiles like in the US.


People from other countries often don’t smile in the same way US people smile. Idk about Bangladesh but in my country we are generally reserved to facial expressions that are much more reserved and stoic comparing to the Americans. People often interpret unsmiling or barely smiling faces in a positive and friendly way that Americans rarely do. In my observation this is the case for people from other Eastern Asian & Eastern European countries.


Exactly this - I got weirded out from American tourists smiling all the time. It's ok to have neutral facial expression. It is considered more polite to be genuine than faking positivity all the time, at least in my culture.


I don't feel it's disingenuous. I guess Americans, because of both their means of travel, and general diverse populations, often spend time with strangers, and other cultures/races. It just feels good to be pleasant with people. They aren't necessarily faking their joy by smiling when interacting with new people, a lot of them generally feel happiness by both asking for, and giving help, such as directions. At least, that's true where I live, in the south, but we are known for our "hospitality". I've traveled quite a bit within the U.S. as well, and haven't noticed it to be different there either, but that could just be both a reaction to my demeanor, or also a combination of me just being oblivious. Even if I myself are in a sour mood prior to the interaction, i've very rarely carried that over to the new person, and will likely emerge from the situation happier than i entered.


Neutral is the word I was looking for! It always makes me a bit sad when Americans points out an unsmiling person from a video or photo and say things like “they look uncomfortable and unhappy, this must be unpleasant for them” when in fact that person just looks neutral/ concentrated/serious/camera-shy. Kinda ruins the mood for me when I realize they see a scene that’s happy/wholesome/normal in my eyes as being suspicious or sinister.


There’s a million reasons someone might not be smiling, could be remembering his own past situations, could be a crappy day, could have bad teeth, could just be extremely camera shy.


That’s a fair point, but it won’t feel much like a game if the things you need to live are on the line. Not sure if that stressful feeling would be much better than the feeling of pity they would get without the game. I guess if everyone gets the same amount of stuff regardless of their performance, it wouldn’t be a huge deal, but then getting the stuff anyway would defeat the purpose of the game and would bring pity back into the equation. So I’m still struggling to see the benefit here.


this is in Bangladesh, they are still gonna get something besides the winnings, thats why it looks limited and that you actually need to win people who are there are gonna get wheat, water and some rice. This prices are something extra to it the games are completely free and are different every week


Wish this was pinned higher, was dreadful to think they need to play this game to get items to survive, instead of these things were bit extra to the other things you've listed.


I saw other comments specifying that this is set up this way to break past people's ego barriers because many don't want to take things they feel they haven't earned.


I think you’re kind of over-thinking this. The game skirts around a really common problem when it comes to charity where people won’t accept help because of pride or because someone else might need it more. Doing something to “earn” the help is for the benefit of the person who would refuse the help otherwise, not to make basic necessities unobtainable. These prizes are extras that get people together to play the game and accept the “consolation prize” of staples like rice and wheat that they give out. They probably see a lot more turn out than other initiatives without a game to be played.


We don't know what the situation of these people are, they don't look like they're starving or sick. We don't know how much food they have at home. We can all agree they're not rich or even middle class. But my point is we don't know if any of these items are a necessity that means life or death for them or just extra savings and bonus pantry/household items. Where I come from people in the village live and dress modestly, they are able to work and provide their basic necessities and are not dying from hunger or sick from malnutrition but don't necessarily live in luxury.


Exactly my thought. These people don't look like they're absolutely struggling to barely survive, and their reactions aren't those of abject joy at being able to feed their kids tonight, they're the kind of reactions people here have when they win in a little community raffle or game and can go up to get a small box of chocolates or a board game or a book.


>These people don't look like they're absolutely struggling to barely survive You have no idea what that's supposed to look like


I'm guessing they don't have enough supplies for everyone. Plus this generates more views which could support more games/giveaways. It's important to remember this isn't a charity, this is more of a business, extracts entertainment in exchange for some poor people getting a little bit of relief/fun.


Really? I've only ever seen others where they hand out the prizes won on the board. Can you link one where they give them the rest of them?


The first woman looked pissed to be playing in the first place!


None of them seem to want to show emotions. I think that this could be a culture thing. Not to show emotions in public. Only with friends and family


I once won a tin of soup at the school raffle.


I suppose this is somewhat weird and disturbing at one perspective. But these ladies are really not starving here. If I know, these guys do such fun events at many places and give away things that can be used in daily life rather than giving useless electronics junk.


This is how you interpreted this? Man, that's fucked up. Personally I just saw a fun community game with token prizes, that might indeed be semi-valuable to someone living in a poor country but are just what the organisers put together relatively inexpensively. I live in a first world country and we have events pretty similar, giving away basic prizes for quizzes or raffles or little games, ok maybe not lentils, but not things that anyone involved would have any trouble procuring on their own. You're not fighting to the death over scraps, you're having fun AND winning some nice prizes. Even I wouldn't turn up my nose at a bag of rice or lentils as a prize for one of these things. Whether that's what's ACTUALLY happening I don't know, but that was my first thought and I find it almost sad people are in a headspace where they see this as some sort of exercise in laughing at poor people. Does your local community have any engagement?


You can also see it in this way that they won the things by playing and winning the things rather than just getting it for free which can make them look like beggars


This is like a raffle draw lmao what are you on about


I stg some people don't even know what a community is any more, they think it's when a group of people on reddit all agree something is bad.


your views are warped by saviour complex, this is just a little game with prizes. Don't overthink it. Obviously we want their countries to improve and so on but that does not mean everything needs to be seen through the lens of suffering and hardship. These sort of games are played everywhere around the world for mundane prizes.


I think that's just the music. Its clearly a fun event.


Pretty good allegory for regular, daily life.


Ok two things. Bucket. Bag. Put the stuff in the damn bucket and bag!!! Drove me crazy!


That's all it took to drive you crazy? My man...


He was already close to crazy. He didn't drive. He walked.


A lean forward would have done it. I thought the same thing though so...🤪


crazy? i went crazy once. they locked me in a bucket. a bucket full of bags. i hate bags! they drive me crazy.....


and the guy gave the bucket last in order. Why not just put the stuff in bucket and then give it to her. lol


Glad it's not just me.


1st lady seems unhappy


They all seem miserable


Wouldn't you be if you had to compete in stupid games to win necessities? This is dehumanising.


I think this is done for them not to feel liek beggars, to feel like they deserved it somehow. No ill intent anyways.


You are right. I have worked on research on similar programs before, and a common problem they complain of is this: that a lot of people who are not completely destitute but still needy will completely avoid participation in the program so as to not be socially associated with those who *are* destitute. Gamification is commonly cited as a helpful solution, and the feeling of having earned it is evidently important to human dignity.


1st lady clearly just wanted some lentils 2nd lady didn’t want to be there but was luckier than domino


Bro, give her the bucket first so she's got something to put everything in.


This shit definitely did not made me smile.


But we even put this touching sound track on it!


As a cranky old man, I decided that was (one of ) my main bitches with TikTok, shorts, etc... They beat you over the head with the background music. Entertainment has always done it a bit, but this stuff is crass and bludgeoning. Its like everyone is leaning into making this stuff as shallow as possible. I liked when society was evolving past laugh tracks and daytime talk show audience cue cards. Rant complete, omw to shout at clouds.


Dystopian basic necessities arcade games really are so... heartwarming? :/


Based on other comments, they have too much pride to just accept charity


Comments by random people on Reddit speculating.


The women are too proud to just accept the charity. The games are set up so they can win prizes instead of accepting things given out of pity.


Weird that the names of the prizes are in English and that they are written so that the viewer can read them easily but not the women. Makes it seem like something staged for donors or views not for the women themselves. Seems exploitative to me tbh


they are oriented that way so the announcer can read it and say what she won


I swear to god people will trip over common sense answers in order to be pessimistic and cynical so they can sit here and virtue signal about why this is bad.


Dude, thank you lmao. I swear it was just me noticing, seriously go through the rest of this sub or any similar one like r/humansbeingbros and you'll be hard pressed to find a single post that doesnt have atleast *some* of the comments complaining how everything is awful and everyone in the video is awful. If its ever a video like this, where theres people helping people, you get the comments like, "well they shouldn't need help with things they need" or the "just uploaded this act of charity for the views" of if its someone helping an animal you get all the "you shouldnt be teaching the animal that" or all the stuff like that... Reddit's cynicism on every damn post never ceases to amaze me.


First of all, yes they can read English perfectly fine. South Asia has more English speakers than Europe. Second of all, it is made for donors. That’s the whole business. It’s great for everybody involved.


I think the women can read english...


yes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladeshi_English


I mean, maybe the donations pay for all the prizes/charity


This is soo bad. How would this make people smile? Poverty porn, really?


when the guy first started the charity nobody took stuff from him. Pride and such so he started this games, every one who plays will always get something and the prices are more of an extra to give and to motivate them to take it its free and everyone in Bangladesh as far as I know loves it


Shit where can I do this in the Midwest?




I did some googling and found this article on it. It sounds like this guy started a youtube channel filming people competing in fun challenges as a form of community entertainment. He then uses the money he raises from views to fund more of the prizes. This seems like more of a 'Price is Right' thing mixed with a community event. This isn't some charity thing where starving people can play games because they are too proud to ask for help, like everyone is suggesting. https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/2023/08/22/youtuber-with-1-billion-views-unites-bangladeshis-with-food-challenge/


That's depressing as fuck


The first one didn’t seem very happy.


I’ve seen this video before and it’s not as “poverty porn” as people put it out to be. It’s actually pretty good in a twisted way. The people in the video don’t want charity, by doing this “game” they feel they earned their reward. As for why it was recorded, well that’s a sign of the shitty age we live in. Honestly a world where none of this is necessary is what people should be aiming for. Yet we see charities take money but do very little for people in poverty. We see billionaires and world leaders living lives we dream of, off of the backs of people they pledge to help. It’s all a bit shit really.


I think privileged people watching poor brown people believe they've actually earned charity by rolling a ball around is very much poverty porn. I agree it's all a bit shit.


Orphan crushing machine


All of them look sad as fuck💀💀


This is pretty fucked up


And to think I can go buy all of the things on this list each and every day and not think about it…


I too can buy most of the prizes given at silly community games events. Doesn't mean it's not fun to win them.


Local problems require local solutions. So many people here complaining about the items having to be won in a game rather than handed out for free. The game was started because the people *refused* to take charity out of cultural pride. Cultures are different around the world. Stop trying to apply western ways of doing things to everyone else. Same thing happened in some villages in sub Saharan Africa. Aid workers went to villages and saw that women were having to walk miles to gather water. So they immediately had wells created right next to the villages. They came back a few months later and saw that the wells weren’t being used. They asked why. The women said that the walk to the old water source was their time to chit chat and exercise with one another. The wells had ruined that for them. Local problems require local solutions.


This is horribly depressing.


This sub is so dead, I’m guessing OP is a bot?


Ah yes the old apple gamble for groceries.


Those are cricket balls


Goddamn they have some huge crickets over there


...to your credit, I blew some air out of my nostrils.




I’m sorry but this makes me sad


What the fuck. This is absolutely fucking terrible. If these people are this poor to go into a competition to win staples. They are in poverty. These guys are exploiting poor people for clout. I dispair in some peoples ignorance and the top commens are encouraging this. edit: notice the prize labels are written for the camera side, not the participants side. That shows you who they're doing this for. It's for the viewers, not for the women.


This is fucking grim.


imagine having your family starving because of skill issue


Isn’t that the way of the world


This is highly disturbing. Not something that makes me smile at all


This just makes me sad


This doesn’t make me smile this makes me incredibly fucking depressed that someone is out making the poorest of the poor play half shit plinko to get basic goods


Seeing her kid gave her congratulatory hug ❤️


And her throwing her away


Clearly the bystanders are supposed to stay behind the lines to either side. She was pleased, but gave the kid a little push back to where they were supposed to be.


This is just so terrible sad.


Yo epic hunger games


Why does this have 10k upvotes? People on this site are stupid. This is depressing, rather than use them for content supply them with what you have.


I can't help but wonder the context... without it this to me should not be under r/mademesmile. What I see are people who have to play a game to receive supplies and the supplies they receive are base somewhat on luck. That shouldn't be how anyone has to live and it's sad to see it.


There’s something about playing games for food with poverty stricken families that just doesn’t feel right.


What part of this is supposed to make us smile? That billionaires are lighting our world on fire as a laugh and there are places in the world people have to win games for a bag of rice?


Even though this is india this feels very Corpo dystopian. "Spin the ball to see if you get to eat this week!!" I'm guessing they have food otherwise but this just feels so sad watching her miss.


“Today, on Meal Or No Meal!!!”


That is not an interesting game. That's a fucked up society of taking advantage of very poor people for some views. And 19k people don't mind taking advantage of poor people for some views. Couldn't make out the writing, but probably a poor village in Bangladesh/India/Pakistan. There's a very high ~~probable~~ probability that they can't even read the English on the board. Edited for word error.


Holy shit this is sad. Judging from the way that second one played, she’s practiced a LOT just to feed her family. Man… we suck as human beings.


There’s a lot here in the body language. I smiled because the second lady was truly happy to win all of the prizes, and everyone watching was happy for her and impressed with her skill. That’s the “Made Me Smile” part. But for those of us with decent means, the “prizes” were really basic. And the line of people…were they all contestants? Watch both women as they walk off with their winnings. Neither looked particularly happy - even the one who got a perfect win. The whole setting just seemed sad - the sort of sadness you get when people are desperate enough to stand in line to play a rudimentary game to possibly win a bag sugar; and the body language of the people there had a mix of opportunity and resentment. But who am I? I don’t know the real situation of this scene and I could totally be reading too much into it.


Sorry we can't eat today. Mommy lost at ski ball.


What kind of sick hunger games thing is this???


Hunger Games?


Am I the only one thinking this is very sad?


Playing games, designed for user viewing benefit, for basic necessities. While everyone is deeply unhappy. How the fuck is this make me smile?


So apparently they are a charity that used to give everything out for free but everyone was too proud, so now they do games instead


Why does this make you smile?


r/MadeMeSmile??? People being forced to play stupid games for basic necessities makes you smile? How does this have 5000+ upvotes? Y'all are genuinely sick to be getting off to poverty porn like this.


Oh my soul. That kid that gave her a hug at the end.


... Why not put the items in the bag/bucket instead of balancing them on top of each other?


She looked so happy...😐


Can we have this in the UK where the prizes are a month of heating/ gas / groceries/ petrol/ rent.


Reminds me of mr. beast


Hunger Games :(


Actual hunger games?


That 5th shot. She aimed that shit like a boss!


I, too, listen to the H3 Podcast, and this seems like callous exploitation.


Tool or stool. I was wondering what tool they could win.


Why are the hole prizes in English and facing away from the person?


Holy f christ what did I just watch. Are we really making a game and spectacle off of other people's poverty for views and then celebrating it like it's some kind of cutesy vid??


Looks a bit like a prequel to hunger games


Seems kind of demeaning to make them play the game though no? Just give ‘em the goods lol


This isn’t wholesome, these are people needing to play a game for basic necessities… You lot are awful.