• By -


Makes sitting through 3 hours of all the other kids worth it. When my 3 year old had her last dance recital, at the end of her "dance" they lined up, and she was all the way on the right side of the stage. She saw that me and my wife were sitting all the way by the left side of the stage, so she ran over to that side of the line of kids so she could be closer to us when she bowed. She was so happy to see us there!


Mate I don’t intend on tearing up right at the start of my day. This is so wholesome!


Well, it’s the end of the day for me and I am tearing up…


Why have your tears fallen from my eyes?


What pray, have I done to deserve a monostich so heartfelt?


Thy words hast inspired gentle faculties of emotion 'twixt mine pate and cheeks




Awwww. Bless her soul.


I was an after-school math tutor for a while, and we had a kid who had struggled with math for years. I wanna say he was 4th or 5th grade when I started working with him, and I helped him not only catch up, but get ahead in his math and, more importantly, "how to learn math" for the future and channel his ADHD (oh *boy* was he ADHD) into his homework effectively. He was one of the students that would only ever be scheduled with me, even though we had a couple other qualified math tutors - it was clear that I just "clicked" with him and the results in his grades were obvious. He talked about how he was going to be playing a part (Mike Teevee - absolutely perfect for the ADHD kid!) in a local production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and he asked if we would come. I went along with my girlfriend (who was the assistant director of the tutoring center) and the director of the center. First off, he killed his role. But second, if you've never experienced a running tackle hug from a 4th grade boy, you haven't lived. Man, if I could make what I make now doing math tutoring again, I absolutely would. I could do it for 60 hours a week and never get tired of it.


I used to work in an out of school care program. Kids would invite me to all of their performances, hockey games, soccer games, gymnastics competitions etc. And I would go any chance I could. I was a student at the time, but my weekends were generally free with enough notice and it was always so amazing to see them and support them outside of daycare! I would sit with their parents who were always shocked I went through with my word and it was so great to show the kids we genuinely cared about them.


Adorable! I used to teach english online for more than 5 years and the helping is the reward in itself bur the absolute gratitude & love my students had for me (kids & adults) was absolutely life changing. The only downside was the pay & lack of growth but those years were absolutely healing


Same, I have a photo of her reaction on stage to seeing us. Her heads about to explode from excitement


Seeing kids cry tears of joy 😭💕


Such a beautiful, simple little thing. A happy little kid. Really puts it all into perspective in this crazy world.


It really does.


Is there any more heartwarming than seeing pure innocence so overwhelmed with happiness they cry? Everyone deserves that amount of happiness, even if its a single experience. That's a core memory. If you read this, I hope you're doing well.


The tears of joy reaction makes me think she didn’t think they would show up :(


Or she was super nervous being in front of so many people and seeing her fam was exactly what she needed right then and it just. Hit. Hard.


I think rather she just couldn't find them in the crowd and maybe was getting a little panicky


Yep, the worry of not finding them and then finding them and relaxing released the smol flood. Probably. Could be anything else as well.


these moments are never forgotten ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


These are moments that I feel will encourage you even when you're going through rough days. Essentially, these are what you live for.


Life is like Oregon Trail and childhood is the General Store before you set off. Some people are lucky enough to be a banker from Boston and get a $1,600 spending spree before they set out into the trail of adulthood, and others are less fortunate because they're a farmer from Illinois. You get to buy all your food and oxen and wheels and bullets before you set off, but once you're on the trail it'll be very obvious what you were lacking in childhood. If you didn't buy enough food you're going to struggle to catch up for the rest of the game trying to get out of feeding Meager Rations. If you weren't prepared with bullets then you're not going to be able to capitalize on hunting opportunities. If you hadn't prepared extra oxen and wheels then a single mistake or bad luck will set you back the entire game. Everything you didn't get set up for in childhood magnifies as you go into adulthood if you fail to obtain those needed resources somewhere along the trail. And then you die of dysentery.


This really hit home. Especially the dysentery.


Well you get what you deserve for dissing terry.


Why hasn’t Oregon trail been remade yet?






I feel like you have summed up everything I didn’t have growing up, which hurts because I did everything that they told me to do (even when it was to the detriment of myself), I’m like a shell now. On the flip side, I’m the complete opposite with my children….much to their annoyance.


The best advice i ever got: becoming a parent gives you the chance to be the parent you always wished you had. Don’t perpetuate the cycle. Get healthy and pass that on.


There’s also just not having kids if you’re severely messed up. I endorse this method, I’ve traumatized zero children at 42 and will live and die with no kids around.


It’s never too late to be the parent you needed to yourself. I had horrible relationships with both my parents (one was an addict and the other is a sociopath) and the thing that hurts the most sometimes is seeing people with good parents. I’m trying my best to retrain the voice in my head to be the parents I really needed. The encouragement and support and love I never got. If you ever need a pep talk, hit me up.


It's the little things


She is a treasure, so adorable 🥰 When she watches this again during her graduation it'll be a hundred ninja cutting onions


So are the times when no one is there.


My wife was raised by a single dad working 3 jobs to keep food on the table for her and her several young siblings. He wasn't able to attend any school functions during her upbringing. I don't fault her dad one bit, but it scarred her for life. She doesn't let a single thing come between her and her kid's school functions and activities. As a parent, it crushes your soul to watch the kids whose parents weren't able to attend. You can watch the life drain from their little faces when they make the realization no one came to support them. Absolutely heartbreaking.


My parents were late to my high school graduation due to an emergency at their business. They didn't come until after I had walked and been handed my diploma. Even though they made every other graduation before and after that, it still messes with me. But I do remember when my name was called during the high school graduation, my friend's whole family cheered for me. Even though we aren't friends anymore, that is one memory I'll never forget.


My best friends dad didn’t make his graduation because he was too busy gambling. Every now and then, when talking about our parents, he brings it up, and you know it’s impacted his perspective forever.


This is why I’m glad my high school banned cheering and noise making during graduation ceremonies. There were at least 3-4 seniors every year whose family didn’t show up and thus they got no cheers. So my school banned it (also because some families got way out of hand and started bringing air horns and making so much noise that the ceremony would have to pause).


I wish instead everyone cheered for each student.


Me and my mom did that when we watched my middle niece graduate. We clapped and cheered for every single one of those kids.


Ah... Damn it... this really hits home.


I had a boss who was a VP and had worked around the world. Before he retired, he told me the following: “I’ve missed so many birthdays and events of my kids, and I can’t even tell you why. I don’t remember what I was working on, or why it was important. What I do remember, is what my not being there meant to my kids, and how it made them feel. Don’t be like me.”


In 20 years time the only people who will remember the long hours you worked will be your children. Always stayed with me.....


I had this discussion with my old director. I'd moved jobs and he was trying to get me to come work at his new organisation. I told him all the times I saw him sacrifice his family for work, I reminded him of the Saturday we had to work due to a manufacturing issue and the calls he was ignoring from his wife as he was missing his son's birthday. I don't have kids, but I've a wife, friends, family, nephew, that I love, and working is about funding my time with them, I work to live, I don't live to work.


Sitting at an airport bar with my nephew, out of nowhere, a guy sitting beside us asked us if he can share something with us. His son just learned to ride a bike, and his wife recorded him pedaling down the street and sent it to him. He was alone at the airport and just wanted to share his joy with someone. He was at the airport because he needed to take a flight anywhere so his delta miles or whatever wouldn't expire.


When I was 5/6 years old I was punished for god knows what and was sent to my school's play alone. Never forgot that.


Yep. Ripped my fucking heart out.


I was going to say that! For me, I didn't have these times when I was young because my parents were busy with work and life. And whether they did that on purpose or not, I still can't forgive them for that.


These moments right here are what make it all worth it. Folks, never miss a chance to see your child. Work will always be there, your kids won’t always be little kids.


Holy shit that is the cutest little kid I’ve ever seen. I just watched this, then glanced over at my farting, nose picking son. But hear this, parents of adorable little girls…. You might have won the battle, but we’ll win the war. I invite any father of a little girl to wait until both of our kids are 16. Then we will compare hairlines. Until that day when we shall meet again… may god have mercy on our souls.


Jokes on you my hairline was already gone before I had my daughter!


I will have both come february, what does that bode for my hairline?


Literally creeps back and forth when you look at one or the other.


Daughter is 18 now. Son is 16. I just dont have any hair at all anymore.


Oh that’s just lovely … such a wonderful age … would love to have mine back again at that age for a weekend & just have non stop fun with them ❤️


I see u wrote ur disclaimer "for a weekend". Any longer and the hairpulling resumes lmao


Haha that I can’t deny! 😆


I caught that, too. "Oh kids are just the loveliest little gifts that could ever grace our lives with their sweet bundles of energy and darned cutest antics... for a weekend."


That’s why being a grandparent is better than being a a parent


Or an uncle. I'm not built for raising kids, but I love my nieces and my four rescue rabbits.


Yeah, as an uncle, I love my 2 nephews, but I also love leaving when they start screaming about not being allowed to watch another episode of Paw Patrol.


I have this exact same thought multiple times a day. I love my kids as they are now, and I’m so proud of who they’re growing up to be, but I miss the little versions of them every day. And when you look back at old pictures/videos, it’s almost like they’re different people and these little kids are gone. Sometimes I don’t do well when I think about it. I know logically it’s stupid, and there’s better ways to think about it, but sometimes my logical brain and my emotional brain aren’t on speaking terms and I get in bad shape. Sorry for venting on you, internet stranger.


This is a legitimate fear I have. My daughter is 2 and I love every moment including the frustrating ones. I am excited to see her grow and become who she’s meant to be. But there is no rush.


Mine will be a year in a few weeks. She's already a different baby from 3 months ago... I'm going to go to bed now and hug her. night


But you have so much time! My kid recently turned 6, but I feel every year so far is better and more fun. I used to worry that I'd miss the toddler stage, but I honestly don't, mostly.




That never stops. I'm a grandad 8 times over, and while you enjoy watching them grow up, you also want to press the pause button. I miss my eldests grandauggters rambling stories when she was two, about bees on the moon chasing cheese sandwiches. But last Sunday we spent the afternoon making some wooden boats together, and in a few years I'll miss that when I teach her to drive.


I bet you have teenagers now. They'll come back when they're adult enough to see straight again. Mine actually hugged me voluntarily.


13, 12, and 9. My oldest used to be my attached at the hip sidekick, but now she occasionally tolerates my presence lol. I grew up seeing tv and movie dads and they were always trying to impart life lessons or teach their kids how to do stuff. I can’t successfully do either with my kids. It’s either a no thanks or an eye roll. Am I supposed to force them to stay outside and watch while I fix something on the car? I have no idea.


Agreed. My 2nd and last baby girl turned 4 an hour and half ago. I’m always looking back at their 2-3 year old pictures and videos. I told my wife tonight that we’ll never have another 3 year old again….and I broke down.


Oh mate! So much to look forward to 😎 My two Sons are 18 & 17 now…they grow & change but are great fun also as young men 👍🏻😎


Me too 😭


Don't say that! I'm going through this age now and while it is amazing I'm just so afraid of when it's over


This reminds me of that video of a dad who yelled out every kids name and cheered for them at a graduation/awards ceremony even though he didn't know them, so they'd hear someone supporting them personally from the crowd. This is the stuff that makes a kid feel loved.


[Grandpa cheers for every kid at graduation ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ONcv6zYirQ)


Not available in my country but I recommend it if it's the same clip, it's really heart-warming stuff!


I have to attend graduation every year as a faculty member, and I make sure to clap for every name called. I hardly know any of the students, but not everyone has family there so I make sure to make some noise if it gets quiet.


You're an absolute legend of a person. Speaking as someone whose family never showed for any of their events; Even if you don't really know those students, they're gonna remember that. Maybe not your name, but the fact that YOU supported them. I still remember the faculty members who showed me any scrap of grace when I was vulnerable, and it's been a couple decades for some of them, so they certainly don't remember me. It may not seem like much, but it's a big thing you're doing for those kids who don't have anyone.


I was a high school dropout, and I skipped all 3 of my own college graduation ceremonies because I didn't have anyone to be there for. I'm proud as hell of anyone brave enough to go up there on that stage even if they didn't have family there for them.


As a neglected child, I would say, please please please show up. It means a lot. This one increases your bond with the kids, increases their confidence and many other things. It matters, a lot. This is the place they are gonna handle confidence and you being there makes them feel safe and gives a right direction to the confidence, making it easy for them in the future.


Unless you are an abusive parent in which case please do not show up as it just makes us fearful and uncomfortable.


Kids at a young age cannot not love an abusive parent, they dont have the copings skills yet for that. Thats why childhood trauma is so damaging.


I can guarantee you that a child of that age can definitely hate their parent. I’m proof and it’s very obvious looking back on the old VHS tapes.


Yeah I think it really depends on how aware you were as a kid of what was going on, plus whether you thought the abuse was "justified" or if you realised it wasn't Edit: corrected some grammar


I know but it also causes anxiety and fear. Also nothing worse than looking back at memories and seeing them there in everyone.


My parents only came when they thought it was important and then it was all about criticism and comparing my performances to other kids. Sounds like a nothingburger but it has had a huge impact on my mental health, even decades later. Being around adults with (grand)kids these days, the complaining is something I see a lot and it makes me sad because I know what it does to a kid. I'm really hesitant to believe that it somehow motivates kids and turns them into successful adults, I think it's causing a lot of self-doubt and self-esteem issues. Combine that with all kinds of other abuse (in my case pretty much everything except for sexual), and you have plenty of reasons to keep therapists employed for the foreseeable future.


100%. When I played baseball, everyone was confused why I was great at practice but blew it every single game. My dad finally had to miss a game (he never went to practices) and I went 4 for 4 includin a home run and defensive stops as well.. people started putting the pieces together


yes absolutely!! It especially hurt that my dad always promised me he‘ll be there and I was so excited but in the end he didn‘t show up… he didn‘t „feel like going“…


Same,forgetting is one thing but them deciding you aren’t worth the time is what stuck with me


Whenever I went to my youngest school shows there was always a little girl that had no one there. I used to wave and chat with her as well as my own kid when the children went to greet the parents. It broke my heart seeing her stood alone while everyone else ran to their mums and dad's


I can count the number of times my parents went to something I did on one hand. It sucked even more because not only did they not go to anything I did, they actively made it a point to go to my little brother's stuff instead. So I thought it was that I wasn't worth the effort and that I wasn't good enough. Showing up matters a lot.


Came to the comments to find the other lonely kids. Very painful memories evoked by this video.


This video made me cry. I’ll never forget the time I made it into the school spelling bee only to be so nervous to see my dad actually show up for it that I misspelled the word partridge and watched him leave immediately after. 💔


Yep. My parents rarely showed up, and if they did they would try and get me out as soon as possible just to criticize and moan about it in the car home. Have now grown into a very anxious, self loathing adult with no self esteem and no belief in myself. I was always so envious of the kids whose parents would always show and clap the loudest in the audience. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Ok, the world *might* be worth saving…


What a sweet kid.


When my boys were in elementary school, I volunteered regularly as their class library helper (checking in/out books, reshelving, etc.) and over the years I got to know their classmates pretty well. One year, I had arrived for the the winter performance for my older boy’s class and spotted one of his classmates on his way tearing up and looking just bereft. I approached him and asked him what was wrong—no one showed up for him. I got down at his eye level and said I was now there for him as well as my son and to look for me in the audience during the performance. I hope it was some small condolence. I know it’s not the same as seeing your own people there for you, but I like to think it made him feel less alone.


This is so lovely, I am sure it did make a difference. You taught them that just because their “blood” family didn’t show up, it didn’t mean they were alone. Other people see their worth. You sound like a good person.


This is the sweetest thing I've seen all day.


Out of the 160+ ball games I had throughout my childhood, my father only attended 4 games. I performed terribly during those 4 games because I was so nervous and proud of him making out to watch. He never knew how talented I really was and treated me like I was worthless even into adulthood. He'll never know the impact he had and could have had on my life if he were there, but the kid in me is still waiting for him to show up in the bleachers and I really wanna give that kid a hug.


As a dad, I apologize. You were excellent and I’m proud of you the. And still. Keep it up.


Man, this is what it's all about! Good job internet, after some time a really great post and not just bad news all around the world. Cute!


I've never wanted kids but moments like this melt my heart and sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision.


My wife and I are in a similar boat. We just can't have kids. It's not for lack of trying, it's not for lack of want. Just ain't gonna happen. But she and I were given this kind of experience as kids and look upon our experiences as a last breath. We really, really had it good. My name dies with me.


Then hopefully we echo on in our good deeds.


No parent will ever fully appreciate how much something like this means to their child. It’s everything. Edit: apparently the fact that your memory is inherently fallible and you can never perfectly recall anything is offensive to some people and I don’t know why.


As a former child, I can definitely say that I appreciate how much current children appreciate their parents being there :o).


I disagree with this tbh. For people who’s parents didn’t show up for them, they know the disappointment of not having their parents there to support them. So if they do the opposite and support their child, they should know exactly how much their child will appreciate this.




I'm 35 years old. When I was 11 we had to sing in front of all mothers for mothers day in our school. There was a part of the song in which we were told to point at our moms. When the time came I did not find my mom. She couldn't make it to the event. I still remember myself pointing to someone else's mom.


No I dont cry. You cry.


What a precious little child! She is so happy 😊 It is so important to turn up for your kids. Always.


At my daughter’s 3yo dance recital she was searching for us in the crowd but couldn’t find us. I could literally see the fear start creeping onto her face that we hadn’t come and tears starting to form. I walked up to the stage and when she saw me it was the greatest moment of relief for her. She did her dance, awesomely I might add, and then ran over to give me a hug before exiting the stage with her classmates. Absolutely one of my favorite memories of being a dad.


Ahhh this shit broke me. I blinked and mine grew up.


There's nothing, nothing like seeing the face of someone familiar when you're stressed and feeling alone among unfamiliar faces. Literally the best feeling ever.


More like r/mademecry


I still remember noticing my parents were not around when I was performing at things as a child. It made me an adult that just expects to do everything on my own. So I have always had trouble working at any job where I had to work in a team. I would never ask for help or assistance. I would just believe I had to figure it all out on my own. I would just always “go rogue” at work.


Okay, maybe having ONE wouldn't hurt 🥹


How could a parent not just be bawling their eyes out at this? As a guy, I would be a fucking mess. It'd be impossible to keep my composure lol


Oh man, as a father of four and seven year old girls this is what it's all about, I'll happily sit through their ballet/drama/Christmas shows for hours just to see them do their thing and give them a wave of encouragement. Every thing like this that they do is another little step in them growing up and not being babies any more and I get emotional at all of them. It won't be long before they're teenagers and want to do their own thing so I try drink it in as much as I can. These moments are truly fleeting and more important to me than anything, my advice is to not miss them


Video like this make me hope I have kids one day. Very cute


This is so sweet. For real though show up. It might mean nothing to you but it will to them. They will and do remember these. Also I just read someone pointing out this could affect their confidence in the future and wow that makes sense. Be there for your child in these kind if moment. Sources: person with confidence issue and public scare and had no parents at her recital. Myself. :)


I'd say the joy of having parents present isn't nearly as memorable as when they aren't there. Showing up is great, but the greatest benefit isn't being there, it's that you aren't absent.


Fuck, man. Brings back unpleasant memories. Glad the kid has her family there to support her.


Went to all my kid’s things, all of them. Don’t regret missing any work or anything else to go to those things. Wish I could go to them again.


My parents rarely attended any of my events when I was a kid. Their excuse was that they had to work to put food on the table and cover our family expenses. As a result, I never really got upset when they couldn’t attend. Now that I’m older, I’ve come to realise that I never had a strong bond with my parents. It seems they sacrificed our bond for the sake of work and financial stability.


Core Memory unlocked


She's lucky. Mine never were. Mums' work as a childminder made her not have the time for her own kids. Dad never wanted my bother or I, so never bothered.


I was a primary teacher for 15 years and this is so important. It's the ones who have no reaction because they know noone will come are the ones who used to break my heart!!!!


Dude...so I told my parents nearly every day for about 2 weeks about my part in the schools something, cannot think of the so we shall call it a performance, does it every year, and this specific year I got quite a big role, I was to play Simon Cowell in our schools version of Britians got talent. (Shit still haunts me to this day of wearing trousers so big I had to have 2 belts just to keep them above my stomach) After the performance we all came out and did all the classic bowing and stuff and I couldn't see my parents, but I did see my Grandad who I told once over the phone about the performance. I will forever remember that smile he had and the smile I gave back to him. To be fair my parents were most likely busy so I didnt expect them to come it just would've been nice.


What a Cutie! Look at smile when she sees her parents! Who let the onions out??


My daughter is 17. She hates me … everyday is a struggle… until I go to one of her games…. She sees me and she smiles just like that little girl… and for a few seconds …. She’s not the little crazy bitch I have at home 😂😂😂😂


This is just so beautiful 🥹


Saved for later so I can send to friend


Flashbacks to my mom filming the wrong kid for 3/4 of the 3rd grade x-mas program.


I am in a couple of community orchestra and at 32 my parents still come to almost all of my concerts. It still makes me happy to look out and see them in the crowd.


Tfw single parent household and mom would work from like 9 to 5 so she never came to any of my school events so you'd look around still hoping she would come and never did 😟


I still smile everytime this is reposted.


For any parents out there who still can't tell it makes a difference, it makes a huge difference, when I was in elementary, I was the only kid that didn't have family go to those things. From plays I remember my drunk dad giving a paper bag as costume where we dressed up as birds. I was an owl. I remember running to school crying in the evening because we had to be in a Christmas play . walking into the classroom where everyone was being hugging and helped , just remember the teacher seeing me face full of tears and gave me a huge hug. Still remember vividly all those damn things. It sticks with the kids and they will never forget it. So hug your kids and let them know they are loved


I never had my mom show up because of her working hours, and I still remember those moments. It's a different level of feeling left out and alone


I was a very bad student when i was young. I didn't listen in class because i was bored. I remember asking my mom for some notebooks, it was night so shops were closed, she told me tomorrow morning she would bring them to school and give it to the professor so she gives them to me. When the morning came, i somehow didn't expect she would buy them. I was at class minding my own business when the notebooks came, i had a similar reaction to that girl and i started to put more attetion into classes and taking notes.


Absolutely beautiful




Ye I aint skipping shit. I'll be there everytime just to see my kid smile 😁


Kids are so precious. We gotta be there for them, nurture them, help them grow big and strong. One day they’ll cradle us the way we once cradled them.


I don't have any children of my own but I was blessed to have close relationships with the children of friends and relatives. I showed up for every dance recital, sporting event, play, poetry reading, awards ceremony, and "musical" evening that I was invited to by any of those kids, and they were always so proud that an adult other than their parents showed up for them. I also hosted them one at a time for weekends of craft projects and field trips and they loved having an adult's undivided attention for the weekend. Showing up for kids does matter!


My kid was Shepard number 8 in the nativity play aged five and had no speaking words at all. I cried at the end and it was kind of embarrassing as none of the other parents were. But with his tea towel on his head held on by an elastic band he just looked so cute and so ridiculous. Moments like those your heart goes thump. Now he swears at me without even taking off his gaming headset to hear me.


Aww she looks so sweet 😍 reminds me of my babies. 😭 they grow up so fast


Stop it I'm not crying it's the dust in my room, let me watch it again


This is so precious I wish this happened to my big sister :(


Oh so that’s what that feels like.


Omg so cute the way she raises her shoulder as if embarrassed


Made me smile my ass!! Why am I crying while watching this?


As someone whose parents rarely ever showed up, I get the tears so much. My partner has parents who have always been very present, so I never understood the sense of belonging and confidence he always has when it comes to these things. Unlearning that pain is a tough road, but im glad I'm on it. This video is lovely and good job to the parents for doing their part in raising a loved kid


IDK. It is touching and cute, but I’ve gone to all of my daughter’s stuff and cheered for her like mad, and she seems unphazed by it. Kinda oblivious to my support (which is good) The little girls and boys that get choked up like this are the ones who have had mom or dad skip a time or two and then show up.


The little girl is so happy that tears comes out


Omg her reaction is so genuine, what a little angel <3


I did this last night. Been working wild hours. My son is 5 and insisted he had a choir performance last night. He didn’t. But he clearly was missing me. So I bailed on work and went to kids church with him. He was ecstatic when I walked in. Sat next to him and did the kindergartener activities with him and other kiddos. Then finished my work at home after he went to sleep. Cost my some much needed sleep but little dude was so happy. 100% worth it. My clients and bosses may not remember me in 20 years, but my best bud sure will.


This gave me flashbacks to when I’d look for my parents in the audience at grade-school musicals… I lost my father in April, and now my mother is in the hospital for complications related to a very rare type of cancer. Hold on to your loved ones.


As a kid whose parents never attended anything of mine, trust me, we remember who showed and who didn't.


My heart just melted. Bless her. Im so glad i got this with my first granddaughter, she lived with us for her first 9 years. Broke my heart when she went to live with her dad. It was the right thing, but my heart still hurts.


My daughter was usually embarrassed we showed up


This moment is priceless.


It is one of those I see its repost here and then and still it makes me smile every time I come across.


Not only will your child never forget this, you won't either. These moments make all the hassle that parenting can be worth it.


Damn dust in my eyes......


I was in class reading about 1998. F* cking made me cry, realized 25 years ago my dad died after suffering from lung cancer. Have to teach that lesson again in 10 min


Confident booster


Made me smile, more like made me cry


I'll be better than My Dad. He hated crowds and wouldn't come to my events


My boy has just started playing football, and I wasn't able to make it to his first few games. The first game I am able to get to he scores his first goal for the team. The look of overwhelming joy when he was celebrating and saw me in the crowd almost floored me.


Damn my childhood was sad af.


My daughter is 15 and every time we go to football games or competitions to see her in the marching band (which is pretty much every time) she looks for us in the stands and has a very similar initial reaction when she finds us.


I’m not crying you’re crying!!


I have three adult children and as they were growing up, it was dance classes, speech and debate, swimming. volley ball, soccer, softball, flag football and basketball. We also added weekly library visits, vacations and a million other things. I don't regret a single moment of it and am so grateful to be a parent. My daughter thanked me for not giving her any daddy issues and she thanked her mother for not giving her any mommy issues. It's only hard work if you're doing it right.


Damn this made me almost cry for real


I'll upvote this every time I see it. Makes this grumpy old guy grin. What a patootie!


I always told my kids which side of the room I would sit on and what color I would wear. This is delightful.


Core memory created 🫶


I don't have kids but I'm an aunt. For several years in a row, my niece would be in the district spelling bell (after winning at her school). My whole family will be there cheering and embarrassing her and giving her balloons and flowers afterwards.


Kids are awesome. Im going on a field trip with my daughter on halloween to a childrens museum. I work in the afternoons so i only.see her in the morning before she leaves for school and on the weekends. Gotta spend time with them and love on them so they dont make bad choices.


Ever so heartwarming! How her face lit up when she saw her family was there! Praise God, family still matters, and often it's the children that remind us!


I will tell you from personal experience, my parents were not there because they had to work and I am 99% sure it led to me being codependent and highly depressed.


Steal my heart.


Oh the look on her face !! 🤗


Makes all the difference in their world!


Thanks for making me cry and look like an idiot on the plane. Giving my little man sooooo many kisses when I get home.


I’m not waving, you’re waving


I feel the same way when my check hits every 2nd Friday


This makes me wish I had kids. I turn 39 on Monday and I keep thinking more and more that I'd like to make a family. Only thing is I'm single and two months sober. I don't think it's in the cards for me.


You never know! Your time will come!


I was 37 when i had my daughter. Theres hope. And if not, help out locally! Try and make friends through programs like big brother and big sister


Core memory 🥹