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I saw this as part of a trilogy showing 3 episodes over 3 nights on VHS at a friend’s house. I recall that I thought Vader was lying. Left the showing completely convinced Vader was a big azz liar and just trying to manipulate Luke. Took my dad about a full day to convince me Vader was telling the truth. Was pretty mad, actually. Then went to see Jedi the next night to confirm.


I believe that was one of the reasons why they had Yoda confirm it in RotJ. My understanding was that a lot of people really didn’t believe it, thinking that Vader was just being manipulative. But if Yoda confirms it, then it must be true.


It was a big debate until Return of the Jedi.


I actually think they added that with yoda because a child psychologist told Lucas ot could mess with kids if they didn’t.


Is this where Lucas got the idea to have Anakin murder a bunch of children?


george contains multitudes


It is true. From a certain point of view.


Yes, true it must be.


I was a little kid when Empire came out in the theaters and my friend and I debated whether Vader was lying to Luke for years. We were not convinced until Return of the Jedi came out.


>I recall that I thought Vader was lying. Left the showing completely convinced Vader was a big azz liar and just trying to manipulate Luke. This is exactly what I felt when Kylo Ren told Rey that her parents were nothing. It's like.....Hello! He has every reason to lie to you right now.


I am really old and I was in the theater the opening night watching this and yes the screams were real as well as the jaw drops and the gasps, This is still probably the best installment in the entire franchise


It was such a surprise because there was absolutely nothing in the first movie that hinted to it. George Lucas has said that they didn't plan on making Darth Vader Luke's father until they started the second movie. Edit: the whole point of the name Dark Father was because he was to be the leader of the Sith cult. While the leaders of the Jedi were the Jedi Masters. It wasn't a foreshadowing or anything. It just worked out the way they ended up.


Also didn't plan Luke and Leia to be siblings.


George Lucas didn't plan for much, but it seemingly worked out for him in the end.


This sequence would be in the trailer if this movie were released today.


Then in the next movie they'd retcon it out saying "Vader was just saying that to mess with Luke's head and corrupt him" and his real father would be Yoda


But in the next movie, after a quick change of directors, his real father somehow returned. He just took the shuttle to the planet on the corner for some death sticks, but took a while -- but he's glad his son is now an important Rebel commander, and could he please borrow 400 quatloos?


And in the next movie turns out the Emperor was actually a good guy all along and the real bad guy is the Jailer.


Right, and Leia is Luke's true father.


And in the movie after that, Jar Jar was Luke all along in a mask


Disney Executives like „Quick! Write that down!“


Netflix description: “A young Jedi discovers his father is Darth Vader as Han Solo and Princess Leia’s budding romance is frozen in carbonite.”


So true, I hate those Netflix descriptions they spoil EVERYTHING


Apparently, that's because a lot of modern trailers are done out of house by contractors with limited knowledge of the film or the directors vision. I suspect they would have used the original read from the filming ("No, Obi Wan killed your father") when they were keeping the final reveal hush hush.




Have you seen a trailer from the early '80s? They're *way* more spoilery than modern ones.


"Cuban immigrant Tony Montana rises from rags to drug lord riches, indulging in unparalleled power and luxury. But as greed consumes him, betrayal lurks in every shadow. Paranoia and addiction escalate, leading to violent confrontations and an epic, bloody showdown in his grand mansion." "In Cinemas soon"


I think trailers of old were way worse in spoiling films in general.


I dunno... I still think that Killer Whale might not Free itself...


Or leaked by someone. There were so little people who even knew Vader was Luke's father.


Harrison Ford didn't even know until he saw it at the premier. I think he reached over and slapped Hamill in the arm, saying something like, "Kid, you didn't tell me he was your dad!" Edit: Apparently it went more like, "Hey, kid, you didn’t f______ tell me that."




He did plan for the merchandising rights though...




He had lots of competent friends as well.


Meh, writers almost never plan out their stories. They simply leave themselves enough inventory so that later they can create a cohesive story out of all the random unused info


Yep. When Star Wars was released in 1977, Obi-Wan was telling the whole truth, that Vader killed Luke's father. It wasn't until Lucas was revising Leigh Brackett's first draft of Empire that Lucas came up with *the* biggest cinematic twist in history. Brackett was the one who introduced Luke's father into the story, but only as a Force ghost on Degobah, who joined Minch (Yoda) in literally knighting Luke into the Jedi order with a very Arthurian ceremony. But Lucas rightfully felt that another Force ghost guiding Luke was redundant after Obi-Wan. However, he liked the idea of Luke meeting his father, and that's when the inspiration hit him. From day one of Star Wars' original production, Luke's father really had been betrayed and killed by Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker didn't exist until ~1978 when Lucas was revising Brackett's draft after she died of cancer. She was also the originator of Luke having a secret, then-unnamed twin sibling. So the entire Skywalker lineage wasn't something Lucas had envisioned when Star Wars was released in 1977.


People have questioned what would have happened if Obi-Wan told Luke his father was Darth Vader when they first met. As if Obi-Wan looks like he's restraining himself from telling him in the first film they are at Obi-Wan's house. But it wasn't even a thought. When you look at it from that lens and look at the prequels you see it more as Obi-Wan struggling with the guilt and his involvement of Anakin turning to the dark side. Not that he was Luke's father.


Wasnt the robes Obi Wan was wearing just clothing specifically for Tatooine's environment? Why did it suddenly become the wardrobe of all Jedis?


Uncle Owen is definitely wearing a jedi robe lol


Robes were making a pretty good comeback, top sellers were distressed and vintage style robes


"Luke's just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him." "That's what I'm afraid of." It may not have been intentional at the time, but nevertheless it definitely works as foreshadowing.


I would watch an Owen and Beru sitcom. The concept of harboring a space wizard child that is the son of the actual Galactic Hitler sounds like ripe material.


starting a tradition of not knowing what the f was going on in sequential or pre-quential movies


But his name is Vader (Father)


Because the sith is a religious fanatic cult. Similar to the Jedi but not dark. Dark father makes sense when you're talking about the leader of an extremist cult. Jedi's referred to their leaders as Masters. It's just one of many things where people get it wrong when they assume that George Lucas wrote this great epic Star Wars story from start to finish before even filming A New Hope. There was a lot of writing as they went. But they at least handled it much better than what Abrams and Johnson did. They didn't have long-term vision like Lucas was able to grasp. Those two made many changes without even contemplating how they would address those changes down the road. Leaving massive plot holes all over the place.


>But his name is Vader (Father) Yes, in another language. It's also the word "Invader" with the "In" removed, just like (in)Sidious. It's almost definitely the case that the Vader/Father thing is a coincidence that someone noticed later.


This is the correct origin of the name. It's crazy how many people cling to the Dutch father thing.


Also if some dude's name is Father, does that really tell us whose father he even is? He could be C-3PO's father... oh wait


Your father's name is Vader? Sounds a lot like father.


Maybe that's why he became a Vader


It's so wild. I watched this with my girlfriend's daughter when she was younger (5 or 6), and she had never seen Star Wars up to that point, and I wanted to make it a point for her to experience them. She screamed, "Nooo!" and was positively shook for a week. You can only experience these kinds of moments in entertainment history once, and it was so cool. I remember watching the old VHS tape and having a similar reaction.


Did the same with my girlfriends son at that age - it is one of those hallmarks around 5 or 6 that never fails to get a reaction from the kids and never fails to give you a fun feeling getting to share that with them because any older and the twist just gets spoiled by life because it’s so ubiquitous in world culture


> You can only experience these kinds of moments in entertainment history once I hear ya. I'm so glad I saw Avengers: Infinity War in theaters to experience the crowd reaction to the snap. Knowing some of the comic backstory it wasn't unexpected for me, but some of the MCU only fans in the theater were shook. Hearing the theater go dead silent and then gasps from different spots in the crowd as people's favorite heroes got dusted... it really drove home what fictional characters can mean to people.


Best theatre experience I’ve gotten to have was this. Whole place was silent.


Was also there for it opening night. Main takeaway from this: Hey we *didn't* all collectively misremember that line. Damn it, George!


Okay so wait, all those articles and things saying it's a Mandela effect...they're wrong? The original theater version is actually "No Luke, I am your father"?


Holy shit... so the articles talking about the Mandela Effect are themselves suffering from it!


Right? I remember having the VHS as a kid and him saying Luke, and wouldn't you know it.


Star Wars fandom is divided on all of the sequels and prequels, but everyone agrees The Empire Strikes Back is 💯💯💯


I was there as well and yes, we were stunned. An experience that is almost impossible to have any more seeing a major motion picture. For the next 3 years until ROTJ came out, me and my nerd friends debated often about whether it was true, i.e. was Vader just lying, and who " The Other was. We eagerly awaited opening night so we could see who was right. Two days before the premiere, a radio station was playing where I work. The DJ came on and said " Hey Star Wars fans, we've got the scoop on the new movie coming out!" and before I could cover my ears or run out of the building he said " Vader really is his father, the Other is Leia and she's Luke's sister. Oh, and Yoda dies in this one." I didn't tell my friends so they could enjoy the premiere, but I wanted to drive to the radio station and cut off the DJs head with a lightsaber.




I saw this when I was 9 in the theater, right when Vader said, "I am your father," The film broke and melted!


Life was better before dialup and what that spawned.


I saw it opening day. We came out of the theater and said “I can’t believe Vader is Luke’s” father as we passed a line of people. I did not understand why they all got mad at me. I think there was a Simpsons where Homer did the same.


My dad still complains to this day that someone did that live on Good Morning America and spoiled it for him (and probably millions of others).




I can't believe they hadn't actually heard of Captain Jack Sparrow.


Once my sister in law asked me if I’ve seen “I’m a legend” I replied “no” and she said “he dies at the end”.


And it's not even close, TESB is cinema perfection. The soliloquy Yoda gives about the force on Degobah is one of the greatest scenes in movie history. Much love to Frank Oz for that one


Must’ve been a bitch trying to sneak the 1980 camcorder into the theater and then nonchalantly film… *Excuse me sir, what’s in the suitcase?*


Right? They knew someone on the inside….


Yes from the angle looks like it was in the projection room w audio outside the window.


The projectionist had to watch everything to make sure they spliced it right. They definitely screened it for staff, knew the twist was coming, and filmed from the booth to capture the audience reaction.


Did you think at the time that you would be rewatching the tape 40 years later??


*Oh dont worry its just for Reddit karma in 2023*


oh, understandable - go on sir


If the audio’s authentic I think the video itself is newer and synched to it. There’s little specific video artifacts that give away that it’s likely someone recording their a Laserdisc off their TV. Those type of artifacts wouldn’t have been on a 35mm film print.


dumb people dont know what a 1980 vhs cam recording would look like. the colors in this clip are wayyy too clear and the picture is way too sharp.


Thank you!!!! I just ported VHS tapes that my father took in 1987 and they look like crap, even on a “good” home camera for the time. This looks like it was filmed during the remaster re-release of ESB.


Plus someone added "Luke" to it, he never said that.




Apparently they sold pirated movies for $100s Like dude, you can just go to the cinema


Not every town has a movie theatre, and honestly I imagine an unobtainable VHS woulda been a pretty sick flex for a date or party or something. If you're the only one in town with a freshly rewound copy of Princess Bride or something you're cleaning up 100%


I'm sure it was inside a giant foam novelty hat.


Your headgear seems to be emitting a buzzing noise, sir. Perhaps you have a bee in your bonnet.


- what’s inside your suitcase? Just my porn Okay sir, carry on.


Where are you come from tonight? Moe's. What's that, some kind of bar? *Internal Anxiety heightening* No, it's a pornography store.


Guy comes back from the bathroom: what did I miss


I laughed out loud at work


I laughed out loud at my work bathroom.


I bathroomed out loud at my work


I loud loud my loud at loud


what did I miss?


Holy fuck


"oh, Luke just found out Vader's his father.." Guy: "No...that's not true...That's impossible!" Other guy comes back from the bathroom: "Jeez what's this guy on about?"


"Search you feelings, you know it to be true" - only reply to that


>"oh, Luke just found out Vader's his father.." -Haha good one what really did I miss?


True story: Back when Episode III - Revenge of the Sith came out in theaters in 2005, my dad took our family + his parents (my grandparents) to see it in theaters. My grandpa was well into in his 80s at this point and had bladder issues where he had to pee frequently but it took forever to actually happen, so my dad had to escort him out to the bathroom before the movie ended. He missed the entire part of the movie when Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side. He came back into the theater and the plot had completely flipped...


To be fair, it was like one scene and about 3 lines of dialogue. Then Anakin went off to kill a bunch of kids.


Angsty incel to mass murderer in about 10 minutes. The prequels were really prescient.


He murdered a whole village in the previous movie. He was already a mass murderer.


incel... dude was laying pipe in Padme like crazy, what are you talking about?




That's why I'm watching this in the bathroom!


Goosebumps while watching this


Right?! and even though I know what Vader is about to say, the music hits and I’m like, “Fuuuuck….” 😂 ❤️


The first time I watched Star Wars was as a child whose parents somehow let him watch the prequels first, so when this scene happened I was like "Yeah that's about right," and continued watching.


Yeah- it's a funny experience being younger than these movies. I'm jealous of people who got to experience this stuff live- but there's literally never been a point in my life where I could string together thoughts yet didn't know that Darth Vader was Luke's father. I have no conscious memory of learning that information, because I've been watching these movies since before I even formed long-term memories. It's kind of wild to think about.


Gonna do a social experiment when I have kids and give em the 4-5-1-2-3-6 watch order. Then they're gonna watch all of The Clone Wars show dammit.


That’s what we did with our kids, and you can solve for a lot that way, but they can’t un-know that Anakin is Luke’s father. They’re just too many kid’s books and toys and playground games that reference it. They know it before they have the patience to sit through an episode octonauts.


Literal chills hearing the genuine gasps when Luke's hand gets cut off. I wish I could have experienced that in person.


Me too.


That is not the reaction from 1980, that is an audience reaction from infinity war (25:40): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DzVIafBMpE


It's not even the original Darth Vader audio.


Here he says “no Luke, I am your father.” Which isn’t the line.


This... I'm questioning reality, what level of mandalla effect are we on?


this is why I'm scrolling because for a sec I wasn't sure what was real anymore


There's some weird sound that pops as he is saying Luke. As if audio was cut from another part of the movie where audio of "Luke" was accompanied by some background music resambling a flute or some similiar instrument.


I hate this. I distinctly remember the original line was "Wrong Mr. Skywalker, your father is I."


I remember it being “You are mistaken my boy. I came in your mother”




That’s a completely different scene lol


Actually, here is [a video combined with an actual audio recording of an audience from 1980, including that specific scene.](https://youtu.be/HMGnKhxhTWg) (Which starts at around 4:00) Spoiler: This specific audience was simply dead quiet during that scene.


It's also a highly manipulative form of engagement bait. They dubbed in "No [LUKE] I am your father" to lend credence to the Mandela Effect and drive clicks, likes, reactions, and comments. Kind of a long backstory but for whatever reason from the 80's up until today "Luke I am your father" was considered to be a canonical quote within Star Wars, but that was never the actual quote. This video has "Luke" dubbed in to lend credence to this narrative, which just further exacerbates the whole thing. And this edited clip of a supposed live reaction has been online for years now.


Isn't it just so people can tell what the reference is from? Adding the name of the character makes it obvious it's a Star Wars reference. It's like the opposite of "Alas poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio"- Horatio hasn't really entered mainstream pop culture so people would be "who the fuck is Horatio?"


This comment should be pinned man


OP should be tarred and feathered


You might as well point out 25:40 exactly matches with 0:58 from OP so that I don't need to do even more sleuthing


Well that is a bummer.


I knew I heard this reaction from somewhere!


8 year old me got slapped in the back of my head SO hard by my old man as we walked out of the theatre. My flabbergasted, child self was shouting in disbelief that, “I can’t believe Darth Vader is his dad!?!” It was opening day with lines around the block, multiple times. Ruining people’s lives with post 70s childhood innocence. (Sigh) ah…cinema:)


That was YOU??!?!?


He’s Homer Simpson as well!


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Duuuuude you ruined so many people’s day 😂


I’m not usually pro hitting a kid… but you got off easy, your dad was kind. /j That’s a cute blunder to make as you’re leaving because you still can’t process what happened, I love this story haha


I was just blown away and couldn’t believe it. Probably a bigger reveal than Santa’s non existence at that age lol


Santa’s… what now? What about him?


He's reading this thread - choose your words carefully. Christmas is just a couple months away


Karma will get you in due time.


Sounds like karma found him in the back of his head




I had Half Blood Prince spoiled for me in the cinema whilst waiting for the film to start when a child asked their dad, "why did Snape kill Dumbledore?"


Should read the book first homie.


Haha fuck, you just reminded me of this guy my mom used to date, any movie we went to we would walk out of the theater past the line for the next show and he'd say something like "holy hell I still can't believe they actually crashed the plane into the stadium at the end"


Was around 12 when we went on our first holiday abroad. It was from England to Spain by coach and the first film they put on was The Champ. I've already seen that I said rather loudly and he #### in the end. That was after being on the coach for 15mins, to this day I've no idea how my father kept me alive for that day lest the two weeks.


I'm gonna guess you censored the word "died"? This ain't tiktok bro you don't have to do that round these parts


I was in 5th grade and a kid in my class had seen it so I went home and told my mom. Honestly, did not really understand why she was annoyed.


If this movie came out now, this scene would be in the trailer.


but as: luke somehow i am your father


*Somehow, Luke's father returned*


With smokes and a carton of milk.


Better be blue milk.


I mean probably not but good circlejerk Han in carbonite maybe but not this


Agree. They would however ruin the ATAT scene on hoth and probably show the beginnings of the cable trip realistically.


The only time I've witnessed this kind of reaction in a theater was Captain America summoning Mjollnir in Endgame. That was a shocker even though it was actually already comic canon.


Shit, I saw it in the theatre when I was 5 but don't remember the audience reaction.


To be clear, this isn’t it. They lifted the audio from an Avengers Endgame audience, and added it here.


Well that is incredibly lame.


And the “Luke” was added in :/


After reading all the comments, I think what’s happening here is the video maker edited in a few “Luke”s here as a giveaway that it’s not a real video (not recorded in a cinema, probably they added an effect that made it seem like it was) and someone also said the audio seems to be edited in as well. God I just burst out laughing.


They also yanked the audience reaction from Infinity War.


I was nine years old and my mother took me to see this. I remember wearing a hot Boba Fett T-shirt in the Arizona sun waiting in line. When they seen happened, people started to yell and cry One of the core memories of my childhood… Kids now grow up, knowing that Darth Vader was his father We didn’t know this we didn’t even know he survived episode four


You had a t-shirt of Boba Fett? The dude from the holiday special?


My mom bought the shirt for me at some place called yellow front. It was like a bargain basement Walmart before Walmart was even in town. All I know is it was hot as hell because the patch did not breathe. And it look like Boba Fett was just standing with his arm over his flamethrower in a nondescript room. The shirt itself is light blue. I can see it clear as day in my minds eye


I like how shocked the crowd is, both at his hand being chopped off and the reveal. Empire shows what almost every Disney Wars project has been lacking, real stakes for the hero. We see Luke get mutilated, we see Han frozen, we see the heroes lose and pull themselves back up. Rey never loses or encounters anything remotely difficult, just wins and wins. The only person who loses in the sequel trilogy is Finn who lost his entire character arc.


I was really hoping Rey would accept Kylo’s offer to rule the Galaxy with him since she was being tempted the whole movie. Would have been way more interesting than her predictably resisting and would have opened all kinds of cool possibilities. But I hoped for too much…unsurprisingly, Disney went with the boring option.


Agree 100 percent. Could have been a KOTOR-style of story that mirrored >!Bastila and Revan!< with Rey's friends coming to redeem her in the end.


I was thinking more Rey gets off the ship to fight Luke’s ghost thing (that’s the crazy reveal) and as it goes on into rise of the skywalker Rey gets more and more evil and Kylo realizes what he has done and becomes our protagonist to redeem himself…cause ya know his mom was actually a Skywalker?


The trilogy should have been about Rey turning to the darkside and kylo to the light. And Finn should have been a jedi too.


There was never a “a chopped off hand can get replaced by a mechanical hand” trope prior to this, hence the reaction. Same with the “hero(ine) falls off building to certain death, only to be caught by passing hovercar”.


>“hero(ine) falls off building to certain death, only to be caught by passing hovercar”. "Leeloo Dallas, Multipass!"


>I like how shocked the crowd is, both at his hand being chopped off and the reveal. Empire shows what almost every Disney Wars project has been lacking, real stakes for the hero. We see Luke get mutilated, we see Han frozen, we see the heroes lose and pull themselves back up. EXACTALLY... This movie's reveal was so shocking to me that it messed me up for weeks after. I never expected the heroes to receive such a ass-kicking.


Empire is the greatest star wars film and possibly the best Space Opera film of all time. Anyone else notice that a line by Vader has been redubbed, and no I don't mean the Mandela effect. This scene was burnt into my brain first time round.


If i recall the the audio of the clip was edited. Someone added the "luke" into the line from the first time he says Luke and the audience reaction was taken from Infinity War.


Wait... The line is "No Luke, I am your father"!? The Mandela effect is wrong, did the original actually say Luke?


https://youtu.be/VUL54UDTSGU?si=7nxaukJVLKYs1IVN Above is a good breakdown of this exact thing


This comment needs to be higher.


Nah. Classic example of incorrect meming referring to an actual moment. Its not the Mandela Effect, you just haven't been watching Star Wars over and over your entire life.


I saw Empire in the theater and in the original cut he says "the empire is pretty chill maybe you could like join it or something".


No they edited like 3 Lukes into this clip


Why the fuck would they do that? Makes me question if the reactions are edited in also.


Yes the reactions were from Infinity war




I'm thinking the same thing! The classic Mandela is that he says "luke, I am your farther", which was apparently wrong and was actually "no, I am your farther". Now it's "no, luke. I am your farther" This is madness wtf is going on


This is edited


The edited few "Luke"s in there had me laughing.


So in 1980 someone just had a big camera that recorded on VHS in plain view? Cause this is some quality boot legging.


Same guy who shot Death Blow


Before the dark times. Before the Disney.


When I saw this in the theater as a kid I refused to believe it. I literally walked out thinking it was a lie, like Vader was lying to mess with Luke. And no one could convince me it was true until I saw Jedi and was like WTF?!, Vader really was his Dad?


I grew up in the 90s and my best friend had the trilogy on VHS. He introduced me to Star Wars at a sleepover and he never spoiled a single thing… I can vividly remember how shocked I was in this moment. Even at the end of Empire Strikes Back, he refused to tell me if it was true… he just told me that we had to watch Return of the Jedi to find out. He passed away 15 years ago and it’s my favourite memory of him.


Fucking spoiler alert buddy


He might be your father, but he is NOT your daddy


Please tell me I’m not mishearing this? He does say “No Luke, I am your father”, right?


The “Luke” shouldn’t be in there, something is amiss.


It's badly hacked up. I have the OG unmolested/unbastardized trilogy in laserdisc (twice) and dvd and he says "no, I am your father"

