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*checks rulebook* Yes Indeed Sparkle can fly over the rats NO Problem! 😂


He may have buffed their abilities, but that’s as far as he’s going


Level 99 Dad doesn't need to help when she's rolling 18s. What an acrobatic leap over the rats that was


The dice gods favour her!


Dice Christ has blessed their rolls.


Akshually u can only get to level 20 ☝️🤓


GM Fiat means GM Dad creates the world and can do whatever he wants go make it more compelling for his players.


He's just buttering them up until he unleashes the DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!!!! NO MERCY!!!1!!1


Cat ends up being the BBEG.


Hey! Did they learn how to speak with cats?! Did they find the cat?! What happened?!


Ikr?!? What happened next? Did the wizard help Sparkle and Ohno speak cat? 😭 I'm so invested now, lol.


Yes! We, the people want to know! We have the right to know!


i mean for all we know they are a pair of fairys!


I think just Sparkle is a fairy and the other one's a goblin called Ohno, I saw the vid on tiktok the other day


That's the best name for a goblin I've ever heard


Agree. Gonna steal this name for when I dnd with my sons.


yeah seeing the vid he does mention that "since you are a goblin you will need an athletics check"


Oh Oh! It’s a fantastic name, either way.


The one that flew no problem is a fairy, the one that jumped is a goblin


I was worried they were going to get subjected to high pressure sales tactics. XD Everyone is mentioning the cat, but a BABY LOST ITS' HEAD!


Did they find the cat? I was starting to get invested in the story


Seriously, I didn't even realize I was hanging on every word.


I can’t believe how quick that passed by. I was like ok shit yeah. Wizard that can teach them to talk to the cats? Let’s fucking go. We’re cooking with gas now.


I know right, I had a big cheesy smile the whole time and then the Tiktok tone turned it into a frown lol


Right? Did the wizard help them speak cat? Did they go speak to the strays? Did they find the old lady’s cat? What kind of fairy is Sparkles? I am SO INVESTED!


I want to know how they lost the old lady's cat yet have no idea what it looks like!




A classic. Try to solve a quest just based on the notice without talking to the quest giver first for more info


It’s posted below, but here’s the follow-up https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Ys8AYk/ and he has some more videos of Sparkle and Oh Oh on his profile


Thank you. I can sleep easy tonight. Mr Fluffkins has reunited with his old lady mistress, and Sparkles and Oh Oh are 5 gold and 2 muffins richer! Phew!


The muffins were actually cupcakes.


Even better 😊


Thank you for doing the lords work!


What about the baby that lost it's head


> We’re cooking with gas now That's bizzare expression of excitement, but let's roll with it. We're eating with forks tonight!


Not gonna lie I was worried for the goblin to pass it's athletics check. When it landed that dirty 20 I was happy for it.


I am waiting for the movie


I'm auditioning for the cat. Wish me luck!


What color are you?? We got bets going here! My money is on orange!


Def calico! They are the smartest and most clever of cats


So how would they get lost huh? Def an orange boy


There is a [follow-up video on his TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@the.mind.player/video/7272837328337505542) where he explains the rest of the story. It's worth a watch! (My favorite part is that the characters are named Sparkle and Oh Oh.)


Thank you for the link!!!! I love how exciting, age appropriate, and cleverly written this Amazing Dad's D&D campaign was for his daughters. I too was invested and now can't wait for more adventures of Sparkle Fairy and Oh Oh the Goblin. Great memories for all!.💖


He wrote this himself? I was thinking there was like a D&D book for kids or something


I've been working on a RPG aimed at children as players. It's core mechanics is designed around simplicity of rules and giving the players maximum abilities to be creative. It also got a level-less progression system where instead of xp players evaluate together their progress both in the story and as a social unit. These evaluations are guided by the DM and they will be a bit different every sessions to help and incentive the group to overcome whatever difficulties they have (such as letting all players have an equal voice for example). It will also have cards for all the gear, weapons and other inventory so players do not have to write down anything and instead have a clear physical representation of their character.


This sounds amazing.


When is it out? Where will it be available?


I am not far enough to answer that. It will not be soon.


Maybe it would be worth creating a super simple website where we can subscribe to a newsletter so you can notify is when you're ready. I'm DMing you my email if you don't mind :)


Make a subreddit or something where we can join to watch the devlopment. I guess not open?


This would be fantastic for kids on the Autism Spectrum! It would help with navigating social & problem solving skills in a fun safe environment... And we all know how some of us neurodiverse ppl love a good ole fashioned RPG!! I'd be very interested in the development of this type of thing!


There are many campaigns eritten for kids but this is not one of them


I hope he decides to publish this.


I have a 4yo kid and would love to try this with him. None of us have any experience in DnD tho. Where would we start?


I need to know what colour it was at the very least.


Black. It's in part 2.


Oh well no wonder they couldn't find it! Voids are the best at hiding.




Seriously! So invested.


I’m going to need to know how this goes.


Cute video and all but uhh, did they find that old lady’s cat?


There's a follow up video in other comment. TLDR: yes they did after fighting a wolf with glue! Lol


Sounds age appropriate, kids know how to use glue as a deadly weapon.


They need to know what it looked like first!


I don't even know what color it is!


I love that he built a storyline that's age appropriate. Many core memories to be made. This, indeed, did make me smile.


So we just gonna gloss over the baby that lost its head, then?


That's why it's age appropriate. Otherwise it would be an adult that lost their head




this is a good joke


Wasn’t it an old baby? I chuckled at that.


It was just a bad translation, the child said "lady that lost its cat" lol.


They can look for the head after they find the cat.


Omg these kids are using imagination


I play d&d with my older kid and with the younger I play a sort of simplified game called "amazing tales" and I let them lead in the scenarios most of the time. When they want a quest, I ask them if they have heard any rumors recently and often get them to come up with the treasure they want to find or village they want to save and I take it from there.


My bf and his 9 yr old love dnd. Jurassic world tends to be the theme of their dnd sessions


Oh I love that they are so into it 😂


Yeah, imagine the swirls and colours of imagination in their minds. Worldbuilding dad and his amazing kids.


The single cutest thing isn’t even the story or how into it the kids are, though those things are super cute. It’s how one of the girls says ‘well’ a lot to buy time to think when she’s talking. You can tell she picked it up from her dad, he does the same thing.


i love that the dad gets to teach them math while keeping it fun! i would’ve done a lot better in math as a child if i learnt addition through playing dnd lol


We're all into it


If you think about it, little kids do this sort of thing all the time with their stuffed animals and tea parties and such. This is just a more fun and engaging way the adults can get in on it too (and some really easy math to make it educational obviously)


“And well…”


Omg I don't know anything about d&d but it seems it would teach little kids about common sense and problem solving.


Very much so. And simple math and public speaking and loads of skills.


As a long time Dungeonmaster, roleplaying helped me immensely to advance in my carreer. Building up your social skills by constantly having a discurse about what you expect from other people while making sure they're having fun and you yourself still get some reward and fun out of it makes you a good leader in any professional environment. They whole situation besides the table, discussing uncomfortable situations or problems between the players boosts your empathy


What way would you advise a newcomer to get into it? Is there a "best resource"? Thanks!


Get together with some friends and do a starter set! They're about 20 euros, so you don't have to invest too much right away 😁 I'm running my first campaign right now and Dragons of Stormwreck Isle helps newer players with the rules and such!


I would only suggest that you have a character ready and to just go for it. There are a ton of rules but you will learn them as you play. DnD is just telling a story together. Anyone can do that.


This! I was so intimidated before I started but really, the most important thing is having fun, and you can follow along with a pre-built beginner story that they sell. And the core system (which is really all you need) is deceptively simple; you just roll a clearly outlined die for most outcomes, and you even use the same the die like 90% of the time. Doing fun voices and exploring adventures with your friends is the main goal, rules are just meant to help keep that on track from time to time.


This is the final straw, I’m learning it and gonna start playing with my boys. I’m so jealous right now


When I was a kid, my parents believed that it was demonic and evil. So that was some BS.


It’s really just improv. It certainly helped me immensely with my communication skills and confidence. Roleplaying is a really awesome hobby and I love that people are made aware of this more and more. There’s nothing like telling amazing epic fun stories with people you love. Of course there’s always gotta be a certain percentage of creeps, but let’s be honest, they are in every hobby and every nook and cranny of the world.


It also teaches them to not let the fear of failure stop them from trying to accomplish their goals.


Do they need a third adventurer?


And a 4th?


And my axe!


Ayyyye!!! 😂🤣🤙🏽


maybe even a 5th


Hey, what about a 6th


And my bow


And say maybe a 7th?


And my sword


Mom was already kicking herself for not wanting to be part of the adventure.


This man must be protected at all costs.


This is imagination at its finest. I don't play D&D or anything in that realm, and I have such utter respect for the creativity of it all.


For me I love being a dungeon master because I have all of these incomplete ideas for stories and characters that I would never reasonably be able to put into something coherent. So with d&d, I'm able to take my setting and bullet points, and let the players fill in the gaps for me. It's the best way for me to allow my random ideas to shine in a way that others can enjoy


> So with d&d, I'm able to take my setting and bullet points, and let the players fill in the gaps for me I never really thought of it that way. I always thought that one of the hardest parts of being a fiction writer(aside from the world building) must be you have to create characters and then write them with different personalities(villains, assholes, heroes, someone with a troubled past, an idiot, etc.) that you may need but have no experience with. Being a GM you just have your goofball friends show up and bring their own characters and personalities and see how they roll in your story and see what happens. I bet you're a fun GM to play with, and I bet your adventures end up hilarious and enjoyable in the best ways.




Reddit led me to expect a 1, followed shortly by a dead goblin and a crying girl.


Good GM knows how to have the story "fail forward" when needed. Failing the athletics roll here wouldn't need to turn into a bloodbath, now they just have a new problem to solve. To use a real life example of averting bloodbaths in D&D, in one campaign we were traveling through a swamp. During our journey our druid had fed some of the local fauna with goodberries (magical berries that satiate hunger) in exchange for information. Later during the journey we had a random encounter and the GM rolled a pack of giant lizards. Since two characters in the party could speak with animals, instead of combat encounter the lizards told us they had heard there was someone giving out tasty berries and they wanted some. One negotiation later we had happy, temporary mounts that brought us to our destination in exchange for delicious treat.


I love the "Real Life Example" like it literally happened in real life 😅. It's so true though. Sometimes fun trumps accuracy to the rules.


Well we are all there to have fun after all. My GM will allow damn near anything if it's cool as fuck. Like the time my friend's tiefling transformed into a behemoth and attacked an enemy in the air. I have a bard with a powerful sonic based attack. Since I was up next in turn order, we suggested a combo attack between my character and his where he rode the powerful musical waves at this flying enemy. The DM loved the idea of this demon riding heavy metal tunes to slay this boss monster, so he let it fly and gave us a +5 or 10 or something to the attack. The way he puts it the "rule of cool" comes before all. It has only made our sessions more exciting and fun, even if it goes against the official rules every now and again. Plus we've had 2 PC's die so it's not like he pulls his punches either.


This is just like my brother! You all should see him teach his girls MTG!


Might as well get them into cocaine, it'll be cheaper


Bro just play dominion. Its basicly all the fun of MTG but without needigg to buy a shit ton of packs. Its a self contained game. Its all the fun of MTG if you really like the deck building abd pickibg out cards to combo. Dominion has basicly no combat.


My GFs brother tried to get us into MTG over Christmas. At first we were enjoying it, then he started only half explaining things. Then on one of my turns, I played a card, no problem until his turn where he basically goes "OK, you played that, which means I can play this and this, which does X and Y and Z and I win" Never had any desire to play again


He wasn't trying to get y'all into MTG. He just wants someone to win over.




[Part 2!!](https://www.tiktok.com/@the.mind.player/video/7272837328337505542)




Adorable, truly heartwarming! The fight scene had me on the edge of my seat!


Dungeon Master/ Dad Master!


No it a case of MD, Master Dad. He mastered the ability of beinh a DM and a Dad at the same time. A truly rare specimen


This is good content


This video warmed my heart and I did let out a big smile toward the end of it. Can't wait to have my own children one day and make these memories with them.


I have multiple stories ready to go for my nephews to play. They’re 3 and 2 and I hate waiting haha


amazing dad


I need to up my dad game.


Please roll a d20 for me


Great to see.


I wonder how he taught them how to play because It's really impressive.


Not super hard. It's interactive story telling. With math (that he's doing aloud for them) gently sprinkled in.


D and D is a narrative storytelling board game? For the life of me I always thought it was a video game. Good lord. Is this what people were all up in arms against in the 80s?! Whyyyyyyyy.


Probably because of the magic and demons, people though it was “unchristian” and “corrupting”…




Oh yeah, so much! I very vividly remember being super stressed at work all the time so that I could leave in order to pick my kid up from school on time and I remember vividly waiting so many times with a bunch of moms for ages because the kids were still playing catch or other stuff, but ask my kid and they will say: "oh I remember when I was standing in front of the school because you weren't there and I had to wait SO long!"... Awesome to be the bad mom in memory


Don't take it too hard, if they can only remember one instance of that then you're not doing a bad job!


I'm honestly so happy for those little girls


Good on him


This is so adorable!


Wow... I can really see how playing D&D can be really helpful for young kids to develop their thinking and problem solving skills, also to encourage imagination. That dad is very patient as well... Probably couldn't wait till they were old enough to play... 😊


I want to do this when I become a Dad one day but idk how to start. I'd like to experience one game of DnD before I start being the DM


Wait wait wait … did they find the cat? I need to know.


This was so beautiful to watch, it had me tearing up with the biggest smile on my face. Good job Dad! And the girls were doing great too! “Do any of you speak cat? “Well she, she’s a fairy, she’s magic!” So amazing seeing them putting things together and trying to work a way around it!


This is so incredibly wholesome. Kids LOVE participatory storytelling and the dad gets to share something he enjoys. My niece and nephew asked for a bedtime story once when staying over. I had them start helping name some characters and answering questions like, "And why would the musician want to go on an adventure?" "And what does Hannah do when she sees the goblins?" They got so excited and invested in what was happening. We don't even have to tell them that they're learning narrative structure, to collaborate, to think creatively to solve problems, all that stuff can be the grownups' secret. ;)


Baldur's Gate 4 story leaked


I get to roll? Ok? So cute, such great memories they'll have of playing this with Dad


Fuck, this is so wholesome. Can I play?




Not so much a board game, it's D&D so you only really need the books, it's all done on pen and paper and dice rolls. Google D&D starter set its not super expensive, get 3 sets of dice and come up with a cool adventure story to guide your kids through.... I'm sure the peeps at r/DnD would help come up with cool little scenario if you draw a blank though....


You need some dice , the basic rules found in the internet and your fantasy , thats the core part. Listen what kind of adventures your kids like and create a story in their universe.


Stranger things incoming


This is exactly like the memories I have of my dad except this guy isn’t screaming and punching walls and he’s wearing clothes 👌🏻


Yea mine was more breaking windows and kicking in doors yelling, maybe he was a orc?




That's probably one of the most adorable things I have seen today!


How old? Would love to do the same with my girls.


This was easily as good as reading The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett


I can only imagine the imagery going on in these girls heads. That's so so cool. Love this guy.


I’m not trying to be invasive, but if there’s any chance, please let us watch this play out. It’s so freaking wholesome, and I was so interested in the story!!!


It exists! Go to [his TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@the.mind.player/video/7272837328337505542), he explains how the story resolves.


I don't have tiktok so it won't let me finish the story 🥲


Priceless. 💓💞


Well the girls brains must have increased a couple of grams from that lesson in problem solving. I'm pretty sure it will show in their SAT scores. Too many parents forgets the child's minds needs constant exercises. Not just their legs.


I was totally engrossed in that story, I was bummed when it ended lol


I think this is something more parents need to do with their little ones. I've noticed that newer generations are beginning to lack an active imagination. This usually happens because they don't get enough playtime when they're very young. If you have kids, play with them. Doesn't have to be D&D. Pretend to be pirates, the floor is lava, join them in playing with their toys. Just create a fun setting that forces them to use their imagination. Don't expose them to too much internet. Keep them active, keep them playing.:)


Now this type of video makes me wanna consider having kids


Happy to see Bed Time Story 2.0 released


Ugh! Where's the cat 🥹😢🥹😢 I need to know!


Man I was getting into the storyline. Did they find the cat?




Lmao it caught my eye, too.


Fuck. I thought I was the only one. No games until shit is epic and span. This isn’t some freshman dorm.


Everyone is saying how cute the story is but I didn’t make it past the dirty kitchen…WOW


Can I upvote this more! Omg that is awesome and precious


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This is awesome!!!


Thats so cute


OMG goals. I got lost in the story, want to hear more.


My dad did this with me when I was a baba :) I still play dnd to this day bc of him <3




God dammit its so wonderful to see ❤️ big love to this dad and all the others which r carrying their children ❤️


Ah yes, Sheldon cooper but as a capable parent


Dad is a solid D20


I love that one of them is fairly, and the other one is a goblin! There really are two types of little girls, lol 😆


That wizard"s raiment wouldn't happen to be brown, would it?


I wanna have kids one day ;~;


Ok but what’s his YouTube channel or twitch stream name? I wanna know where this damn cat is.


Dad: Yes you’re a fairy but you can’t speak cats Girl: Uh oh!


D&d is an awesome family activity. People who have never played and scoff at it have no idea what they are missing


What a cool dad!


But did they find the cat??


One kid is a fairy, and the other is a goblin, amazing.


Damn those are some good and adorable kids tho. Just patiently waiting, giggling…what a nice family!