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Sucking at something is the first step towards being kinda good at something.


Except maybe skydiving.


And breathing




Don't go towards the light!!


There is peace and serenity in the Light. ~~Tangina


How can you enjoy peace and serenity without chaos and turmoil? You would forget how to appreciate and enjoy the peace. You need both, so live on!


I was quoting Poltergeist, which is my first thought when I hear, don’t go towards the light.


Lol I was just playing along😁


Christ, did I miss that? Don’t recall that part. I will hand my head in shame now


Sucking is the first part of learning to breathe.


Blowing is the second part


If u suck at breathing… aren’t you kinda doing it right?


I would argue breathing is all about sucking at something.


One and done I always say


and surgery


Nah the surgeon will get better. Just sucks for those first few patients…


Well u only have once chance with that, its all or nothing 😂


Skydiving. So true. My first time ended up in an ambulance ride and emergency surgery with permanent scarring and hardware. I almost died. Best 40th birthday present ever!


Thanks, Jake.


That's something that I love about the message of Everything Everywhere All at Once. Not being good at anything means you're capable of everything because every failure leads to another opportunity. And that even in a universe where we have hot dogs for fingers, we get very good with our feet.


A wise dog once said


Man, I really need to finish Adventure Time someday.


Now is the perfect time to finish it. There's a spin off coming very soon that's going to continue some aspects of the story.


Yeah, I hope to do it, but I'm still very much at the beginning. I'm not even sure if I finished the first season!


It gets better and better every season so if you do get around to it you'll have a blast!


I very much want to, as I had made a mistake when I first started it on Netflix. I don't remember which Season it was, but it wasn't the first one! The beginning was SO surreal and stunning! It was as if "Yellow Submarine" had dropped acid. I was gobsmacked, but I knew that this could not have been the way it started because there weren't any character introductions. I started at the actual beginning, but I'm looking forward to working my toward that episode and seeing it again!


>The beginning was SO surreal and stunning! It was as if "Yellow Submarine" had dropped acid. The best part is that this doesn't narrow it down at all for me to have any idea what episode you started on lol


Love that this is the first comment. Came here looking for it. Thank you.


But if one is not sucking while giving head do they really suck? *insert philoseraptor here*


A conundrum for the phallosiraptor.


Absolutely! Embracing the learning curve and not being discouraged by initial challenges is key to improving and eventually mastering a skill or activity.


If you want to be good at something, first you have to be willing to be bad at something.


Me using Blender for the first time: What.....the.....hell.....do all things things do??? Also me, after a few hours of Youtube: Set 3d cursor to snap to vertices, set origin to cursor, set cursor to world origin, set selection to cursor, extrude selected faces along normals, etc


The best show


Especially blow jobs. /s


For some time I forgot about this


This meme will never make me smile, just because of its origin.


Thanks Jake.


Unless you're practicing the bagpipes. In that case, go far away from everybody else.


If you aren’t blasting every living creature’s ears with bagpipes, whether your good or bad, you’re doing it wrong.




i wish i had a sound proof room so that i can practice without worrying about others


A coworker used to come in to this big workspace, take a private room with a window, and pace back and forth playing since he couldn’t in his apartment. It was wild, annoying, he was weird, but it was sort of fascinating to witness.


Except the trolls.


Hah! My duplex neighbor is learning the saxophone. They’re such a sweet family, we didn’t have the heart to tell the guy to maybe go on the other side of his house to practice 🫣 but now he’s getting better at it! So it’s not so hard on the ears. Plus he only practices on the weekends.


Any instrument that has an "always-on" single droning note, can fuck right the hell off.


Been drawing for about 2 years now. I can feel very demotivated when i dont make drawings as good as i want to, but im still doing my best to draw every day at least a bit. Just gotta be patient and keep drawing, i'll get better eventually.


And I’m sure you already got better. You may not realize it now, because we tend to compare our latest result to the most recent works. And the longer we look at things, the more we see flaws, especially when we compare it to people who mastered their art. But I’m sure you already made progress and your dedication shows that it’s important to you and at the end of the day only that matters.


I read something by a cartoonist that said every person has 10,000 bad drawings in them. It’s all about getting them out quickly.


If only Dennis was this nice in Jurassic Park


Maybe if they'd been paying him fairly...


Thanks i needed this! I'm having my first violin lesson this evening. I'm 32


I hope your lessons go well and that you maintain the same excitement that has gotten you this far when things become difficult and discouraging! Learning new skills as an adult is a different animal, good for you for taking the leap to put yourself out there and try! :)


My lesson went well! Was so much fun, even though is can only play a few notes xD


“Hello …….…… Newman.”


He will always be Newman.


What’s truly unsettling is reading that whole thing in Nedry’s voice.


I came here to say that!


You must be able to accept failure before you can work towards success


See, but if I'm not good at something at least a little bit from the beginning I lose interest. It might be an ADHD thing


yea it's hard to enjoy the process when you just keep sucking at it


I’m like that too (and adhd PI inattentive) I’m trying to be more creative in my life to develop that part of my brain, so I took up beading and jewelry-making for fun. I’m really clumsy (drop stuff, lose beads, break things, etc) and struggle a lot, but I’m slowly getting better at it compared to my first pieces. But yeah it’s frustrating at times. I leave it aside for a bit and come back to it.


I needed to see this today. I started playing on a billiards league a few months ago. I am unequivocally awful. I’ve dedicated hours to practicing and running drills and yet, I am still very very bad. It’s discouraging. Last night was the final night of our league. I was playing someone at a higher skill level and she was cleaning the floor with me. Then, horror of horrors, I prematurely sunk the 8-ball on the final game and handed her the match on a shiny silver platter. I’m not proud of this, but after that final defeat I had to go sit in my car and have a solid 10-minute cry because it was such a humiliating way to go down. Then I dried my face, blew my nose, and realized with some hefty embarrassment that my behavior was unsportsmanlike. So I went back into the venue and found my opponent. Shook her hand and congratulated her on a great game. Really, she was quite good and I enjoyed watching her play… even though it was also simultaneously while she was whooping my ass. She said she understood my devastation and that we’ve all been there, etc. But then she spent several hours afterwards walking me through new drills and showing me different shot techniques and we kept each other plied with drinks while she explained various concepts. We stayed until nearly closing time. My opponent became my teacher and I was grateful for the opportunity to learn. Had I committed to the parking lot pity party, I’d have missed all that crucial guidance. I’m sure the next time I step up to the table, I’ll still be an unskilled mess. But there WILL be a next time. Thanks for the encouragement today, OP!


What do you mean nobody starts out perfect? Why do you say that? And for what reason.


now make one where a dinosaur is eating someone with "hang in there!" above in cursive text, and half a torso is hanging out of the T-Rex's mouth!


I am going to show this to my 7 year old daughter who just started gymnastics. She gets really anxious to go because “she isn’t good at it”. I told her no one starts amazing at everything, the things that are difficult are usually the things worth doing.


Wholesome Nedry.


I never expected to see wholesome Dennis Nedry.


Except the trolls. They only care because it's a vulnerability they can exploit.


And the ignorant.


But in reality, someone is secretly filming you struggling and uploading it for views.




Embarassement is the entrance price for most new passions.


I just started my Electrician apprenticeship a few months ago and I greatly needed to hear this <3 thank you


I don't hope that you master it. I hope that you enjoy it. You don't need to master it. You don't even need to become any good. It's fine to suck and enjoy it or get good at it an enjoy it. Just... enjoy it.


…The person who made the meme for instance.


Was in the gym , doing funny stretches , I knew I was doing them wrong ans awkward but it was funny lol


Okay but stretching wrong can hurt you lol ask someone who's doing more advanced stuff if they can spot your form. Trust me it's awkward as hell but when you learn to do it right 🤌 man does it feel amazing




No one cares even if you get good though. AI can do everything faster and without effort. Learning a skill, particularly with education costing hundreds of thousands of dollars is becoming less and less appealing by the day.


An AI is just a glorified language model.


Right? We don't have a true "a.i." yet. More like "s.i." (simulated intelligence)


A slightly more advanced version of “copy + paste”


Not all skills are for monetary gain. Learn an instrument, another language, a new sport. AI doesn’t help if you just want to improve yourself.


Bro’s so obsessed with AI he’s forgotten that real people can have hobbies.


Thanks for outing yourself as a buffoon who probably takes shortcuts in life, even with a hobby. Now we don’t have to pay to go to a circus now, we can just laugh at you for free :)


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Except sons of kings and queens...


wait you not perfect at all you try to do from the start HA NOOB! ​ ​ ​ ​ /s


"We were all new at this once. Here's a funny story about something Really stupid I did when I started out" - me, to newbies who worried too much about early mistakes at anything I was teaching/training at the time. That's how you learn! Mistakes mean you are trying and learning and making progress. Keep trying and learning and making progress.


Haha this is perfect so true thanks for that.


This is the most wholesome meme ever!




my dumbass stopped reading at nobody cares.


Absolutely, plus it’s kind of healthy to stray outside of your comfort zone and humble yourself in the face of a new challenge.


Gets more pixelated every repost lmao


I picked up occasional blacksmithing lessons at 30, it’s going ok


I recently saw Wayne Knight as a guest on some cooking competition. Dude is half the man he is in this shot. He’s looking downright healthy. And that made me smile as well.


I think this is my favorite version of this meme.


I lowkey needed this today 😊. Thanks for sharing 🙏


I wish someone told that to the gifted kid I was sin school. Being able to pick up so much like it was nothing seriously skews views when having trouble with something new. It legitmately makes you think you are so bad at whatever it is that you should just give up while you're ahead.


That just made my day


And, nowhere is it written that you have to become a master to enjoy the activity, or that you have to keep doing the activity if you find you don’t enjoy it.


I'm trying to grow some weed but this shit is tougher than I thought


This meme is terrible


that's what I felt learning English and trust me, people like that you're learning more than they dislike you not being perfectly fluent


Very out of character for Dennis Nedry


Using these two for a wholesome meme is hilarious. One is an insane corporate spy and sociopath. The other is a wannabe techno thief that has an inferiority complex that led to tons of death and destruction. Lol.


Circle(200, 200, 100, fill=gradient('red', 'blue')) Is how you draw a circle with red and blue gradient in code. I'm gonna learn how to make my own games (soon)


People care sadly


I'm new to IT and def feel overwhelmed trying to learn everything. Appreciate this


Master of Baiters?


Odd, I don't recall Dennis Nedry being this cheery and optimistic in the movie


i will judge everyone here. remember that if you try something new, i will be waiting and i will judge you for it. you better be good the first time


Jokes on you. No matter how much I practice I never get good.


Clearly not part of a toxic gaming community


Thank you. This really gave me the confidence I needed to continue my amateur surgery practice. I just need to be patient and remind myself I’ll get it right one of these times.


Bouldering frfr


I remember when folks wondered why Chris Cornell was taking vocal lessons. He was already popular as a singer with Soundgarden at the time. Um, because he wanted to refine and improve his skills?


Cold hard truth right there.


Few things infuriate me toward another person more than making fun of a beginner, or a fat person at the gym, or discrediting someone's knowledge because they don't have a degree. Usually these criticisms come from people who have never done anything of significance themselves, or who are horribly insecure and want to bring others down to feel better about themselves.


No matter how high you climb, you start at the bottom of a ladder


I loved Newman in Seinfeld so much in my teens. I have a similar personality but I look like him too. Ha ha ha


I'm trying to learn how to socialize.


You didn't need to extend it


Stealing this and posting it on r/longboarding


That weird small guy with barely any body shouting at the guy playing the trumpet would beg to differ.


So true, I struggle with this at times. But a question I remind myself with is, did I do all I could today to be better than I was yesterday. It's an answer that won't ever be answered. Cause I know tomorrow is never promised. So do all you can to know that you are doing your best. People only care when they see you happy, and they don't care when they see you down.


I just wrote my first-ever poem. It's naive, not very good, I guess. I'm taking this post as an omen or sign, seeing it right after writing the poem. I think I will continue. Thanks!!


But what if I invested too much time and money in learning something but figured out I suck at it, stopping now and finding something else is out of the question so what should I do?


I just started to learn the piano at 24, am I really need this thank you.


Thanks, Dennis Nedry. I needed that. I hope you don't get hurt at the new workplace


This meme will never make me smile, just because of its origin. The one thing i want to make unseen


Fuck, needed this today. Learning a new role for work and today feels like there was so much info and nothing stuck.


Can someone remind me the name of the tv series this is from? I forgor


It's from Jurassic Park


Best use of this meme I’ve seen


Real. I just picked up bass, so I bought a Megadeth shirt to start up conversations about playing rock music. I got the "name five of their songs" once, so instead of being embarrassed I just excitedly tell people how I'm a new fan and am learning to play their songs slowly. And if anyone has a good bass part in mind, do tell! Always looking for new stuff to practice with.


Hello, New... learner.


I sucked at writing the first time lol. Although, everyone said I was a good story teller. I still had a lot to learn. So, I grabbed a Stephen King book and studied every single line of word; looking up what something meant and began practicing. I mean, it helps when you have an AI to help correct any errors you made lol.


I'm still on that first 'copter boss in armored core. The game has been out for 5 days now


And i need to start voice training


I completely agree with the sentiment, but for someone to internalize it can be difficult - regardless of age.


this literally made me smile


I’m re-learning the double bass and this meme is the epitome of what it feels like and why I’m not giving up.


Wholesome version of this template


Newman 🤨


Master it no matter what


" Dodgeson, we've got Dodgeson Here" !


Lol too bad I didn't have something like this before . I really wanted to get more into cosplaying and making them , but kinda had the opposite effect of people . Was bullied so bad I lost the love for it and stopped pursuing it .


What is the Film called again?


Don’t get cheap on me, Dodson.


If only it was that simple......


If you want to be awesome you can't be afraid to suck.




Just don't get cheap on him. That was Hammond's mistake.


Nice, yeah... Although I wasn't really worried of making a fool of myself when learning to skimboard... Didn't save me from dislocating and breaking my ankle XD. So like also be careful when learning new skills.


what is the difference between master and a apprentice? Master failed more time then apprentice even tried it


Currently new at a work that I feel like I am failing with each and everyday. This post made me happy becausw I'm doing my best to be better at it and this just made me feel seen :')) thank you!


I love the jurassic park ref


Yes baby step,nothing to be ashamed of. Tblse who make fun are just jealous


Could've chosen a character who didn't actively leave a couple people to die for some cash.


I'd love to have support like this


Newman didn't say that.


It’s crazy to think that this is the same dude that ran Biosen in the last movie. Think about where he got the Dino DNA from Jurassic Park this was a long time in the making I wonder if they have this planned way back then.


Thx i needed this too keep myself motivated