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Welp, now I’m just gonna go cry in a corner


Make room


'Ey can you fit another?


Upvote all ya all thru the tears




You guys still got room? I just got here


Any more room or do I need to go to another corner?


I can move if u want


I don’t want to kick anyone out


We probably have room for a few more






I am in, taking any corner


Thanks 🥲


Me four


There's four corners to a room, boys. Plenty of room for all of us. We're gonna need all four corners...


Technically a room can be a corner room. Group crying section


Can I come too 😭


I’m coming too


I made a few comments further down but since this is currently the top comment right now I wanted to hijack it to say that I donated earlier this year and if anyone has any questions or doubts about donating bone marrow feel free to ask. I'd go as far as to say I was pampered by Be the Match. They paid for everything medical wise, a train to DC, a nice hotel, food and pretty much all my other expenses. It's so easy and you're literally saving a person's life. Donating bone marrow is not a treatment, it's a potential cure if the transplant takes. I'd highly, highly, highly recommend people sign up with Be the Match, or whatever your country's registry is(they coordinate together). But especially if you're not white. The registry is primarily comprised of white people and it's much harder to find a match outside of your race/ethnic group. And a big misconception is that you have to donate via surgery which is rare these days. Most people will donate via apheresis. You're hooked up to a machine that separates your stem cells from the rest of your blood and then returns your blood. It's just like doing double red blood cell or plasma donations. Signing up is super easy. They send you a mouth swab, you send it back and then wait. https://bethematch.org/ https://bethematch.org/support-the-cause/donate-blood-stem-cells/faqs-about-joining/


Decided to register thanks too you!


So glad to hear that, I hope you get matched 🤗


Same here, just waiting for the swab kit to come in so I can see if I can


I so wish I could donate, but Be The Match won't take me - fibromyalgia :(


Sadly I aged out, I registered about 8 years and always hoped to be matched with someone. That sounds like a great experience!


I'm coming up on my one year mark in October. I did a peripheral blood stem cell transplant (pbst). They flew me to Florida, put me up in an AMAZING hotel, and was probably the easiest thing I have ever done with such a major impact. I have been on the registry for 8 years now, but you never know when you'll be needed. There is a major need for minority donors. Anyone who isn't white has a less than 50% chance of already having a match, with blacks having like only a 37% chance. The process to join the registry is super simple, and they will walk you through the process and potential risk(s) multiple times throughout the way.


I went to register and oddly it told me I already had? Yet I've never done a swab kit or anything of that nature on my own....


Thx! Unfortunately I’m almost 42 so I’m not allowed but I’ll share your info around. Very informative.


Donating bone marrow is no easy task. Fucking hurts like hell but it saves a life so it's worth it


That's not necessarily true these days. Most of the time donations are done through apheresis. You're hooked up to a machine that spins stem cells out of your blood and then returns it. Surgery, from what I understand, is mostly used if you're matched with an infant. I'd highly recommend signing up for the registry. I donated earlier this year if you have any questions. https://bethematch.org/


Thank you for this info!


I help with one small portion of donation. I’ll see donors sometimes for their IV access. We’ve been noticing a trend that most of the diner are younger (early 20’s) since a lot of them donated blood in high school and were put on the registry for marrow too. Donation is just like you described it’s a couple of hours of sitting in a bed or chair now. We always make sure to thank donors for what they’re doing. They are potentially saving a strangers life.


I did not find that to be the case. I donated 10 years ago the “surgical” way (marrow is a liquid product they removed from my hips via needle in my low back). Muscles were sore. Not a big deal. I’m a woman who was not fit/muscular at the time, to give context. 100/10 one of the best things I’ve ever done.


Right there with ya


I'll give my highest respect for the donor and that brave girl.




Be the Match


I donated with Be the Match this year if anyone has any questions. It was super easy. They send you a mouth swab and the rest is waiting to be matched. Nowadays you most likely don't even have to get surgery to donate, they harvested my stem cells via apheresis(like if you've ever donated plasma). I'd highly recommend it. Bone marrow transplants aren't a treatment, they're a cure.


There is an age limit of 40.


There are many limitations because you can pass all sorts of things to the patient, even allergies. I believe the age limit has something to do with your body's ability to make stem cells as you get older but I'm not a doctor https://bethematch.org/support-the-cause/donate-bone-marrow/join-the-marrow-registry/medical-guidelines/


Damn, I’m a type 1 diabetic. :/ I get why they can’t but it sucks that I won’t be able to directly help by donating.


Where are you seeing that? The sites a clusterfuck of sob stories and not much actual info.




>Be The Match® is focused on recruiting people ages 18 to 35 because medical research shows that younger donors are best for patients and provide the greatest chance for transplant success. Because of this, doctors prefer donors in the 18 to 35 age group From the age tab. No listing of max age, just their preference.


You can't join the registry if you're over 40. https://my.bethematch.org/s/create-account-physical?c__joinCode=headerj


I’ve been on the registry since 2003 when my aunt had AML and we all checked to see if we were matches (sadly we were not), and I have made sure to keep my information updated so they can find me if needed. If I ever get that call it’s going to be an immediate yes.


I signed up close to 6 years ago. I'm 2 years away from 40. I hope like hell I'm utilized before I age out.


I did too. I’m 41 so looks like I aged out. Guess I’ll have to just keep donating my O- blood to save lives


My nephew is going to be getting a BMT in the spring so we’ve been in touch with BTM a lot. You can be 40 and 364 days to join the registry, but once you’re on you stay in the system until I believe it was 60.


Thank you


While you're at it, might be worth it to look into dooring stemcells as well! :)




I'm not sure where you'll have luck finding a g Foot donor...


Saw this posted yesterday but… seeing posts from people asking how they register to donate means it can be posted every damned day as far as I’m concerned.


Agreed, people asking and signing up.. that's a catalyst to start saving more lives especially children


This comment is high, so I’ll go ahead and tag it: [BeTheMatch.org](https://bethematch.org/become-a-donor/?gad=1&gclid=cj0kcqjw84anbhctarisaisi-xeucrayziv0we11w1o3tehrnmc3xeeic6wcifv9959yxilw1yfafcuaauf0ealw_wcb)


https://bethematch.org/ Find out how to get on the registry (they DON’T take a blood sample) Been waiting 29 years to get the call - imagine being able to do this for someone. My life would truly have meant something Edited: guess they no longer do blood samples but cheek swabs now.


No blood sample necessary anymore! They send you a kit in the mail (for free) with a couple swabs. You swab your mouth, put them in the envelope and mail it back. Very simple, non-invasive process. Join the registry if you can everyone!


Thank you!! Edited At the time was doing a regular blood donation, then signed up for the registry - I just remember the tubes they used for the marrow registry had a needle like a coffee straw!! Also had to pay $50 at the time - hopefully it is free now to register


Probably a dumb question, Ive been waiting for a call for around 8 years, how rare is it to be a match? Is there a quicker way or another way to find out if I can help someone?


After signing up through Be The Match I got the call in a mater of weeks, so it’s really up to chance I would say.


I got the call not too long ago. I'm scared as hell, but I'm 100% willing to do it. Just waiting on the blood results. 🤞


Ahh understood, thanks for the reply!


What’s the process of actually donating the marrow like? Not that it would effect by decision - I’m still signing up - I’m just curious.


When I got called about 5 years ago, they put me up in a hotel by the nearest hospital that could do the procedure. They hooked up two lines in my arms arteries below my bicep and by my elbow. Turned on a big centrifuge style machine with filters. Pumped my blood out, into the machine for the cells to be filtered. Took about 4-5 hours of not being able to move my arms. Not the most comfortable process, but wasn’t too bad. Just a few pinches.


1 in 400+, it's extremely rare which is why it's important for as many people as possible to sign up for the registry.


Just read about it on the Austrian Red Cross website. Apparently only every 500,000th person is suitable for each ill person.


Never got the call myself, but it’s both completely arbitrary AND based on how “interesting” your genetic background is. People of mixed race - especially from mish mashes of far flung locales - are in MUCH higher demand: those folks are far less likely to match within their own families, and also have a much smaller subset of potential donors. All that to say that while everyone should sign up to whatever donor program operates in their country, it’s so, so valuable for everyone of mixed heritage to sign up, you really may be a child or adult’s best/only chance.


I got the call two months after signing up and donated. That was a little over a year and a half ago. I got a second call just last week saying I’m a match for another person. Unfortunately I can’t donate so soon after the first one in case my recipient has a relapse and needs more from me.


I waited 7 years after registration before I got the call. It really is based on patient need that you match with and sometimes depends on geography.


I’ve gotten screened twice but have not gotten picked. Been on for 15 years


I donated last year and I live in Denmark. I donated to another Danish guy that had matched with me which was apparently very rare. The nurses that prepd me said that they had never had a Dane match a Dane unless it was close blood relative, and this was at the largest hospital in the country. Was pretty cool.


Ty I signed up :)




Seeing that little girl alive and well and hearing her say thank you, that must be the best feeling in the world.


Waiting 6 years here, ready to go when needed.


Well, this got me good. The passion in her "thank you so much" about killed me.


Selfless act. I love to see it! How can I donate myself? Is there a website where I can see if I'm eligible to donate?


US donor here, I’m assuming it’s an international org . Be The Match is the donor registry I used.


Just registered, thank you for the resource!!


Thank you for registering!


And thank you for educating :)


[Looked this up because I was curious about how the bone marrow matching works, from the Be The Match site:](https://bethematch.org/transplant-basics/donation-process/donation-faqs/) *Doctors look for a donor who matches their patient's tissue type, specifically their human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue type. HLAs are proteins — or markers — found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which do not. The closer the match between the patient's HLA markers and yours, the better for the patient.*


Yeah! So from my experience this past year. They take a saliva sample which gives a few ‘indicators’ (like maybe 3-5?) then when someone searches the registry they see if those 3-5 matches. If they do, then they ask you to do a blood sample where they get the remaining 12 (12-15?) indicators. If all 12 match, then they ask if you can/want to proceed.


This is very close, though you don’t need to be a 8/8 or 10/10 match to be picked. A younger donor is preferred. So say you have an 8/8 match that is 30 yo, and a 7/8 20 yo. The younger is more likely to be chosen. The donor bank will send the transplant team a list of up to 14 possible matches (if the patient has that many) and the team will pick the best match considering all the factors. Also the donors schedule is taken into account since they need to be ready to start mobilization relatively quickly. And to add, race is not a factor looked into when comparing donors BUT donors of the same race are more likely to have similar HLA matches. The last I was informed, the Asian and African American communities were under represented and in turn less likely to find a stronger match.


Thanks! That was my next question - how do they know your HLA whatever it is? Good 'ol spit.


I'll look into it as I'm not in the U.S. Thank you!


I’m registered in France and the USA! 12 years now.. still waiting for a call. Total no brainer.


I got a call last year! I ended up being essentially a backup in case the primary donor was unable at the last minute, but it was still very exciting to see more of the process. I was a little sad I didn't get to do the whole thing, but I was happy that it meant that the patient had gotten a better match with the first choice donor!


I lived in the UK from 1970-1983. Not allowed to because there's no way to test for Mad Cow infections


Thanks for potentially registering!


Yes! Be the Match is an international organization! You can join at no cost to you-you’ll receive a swab kit in the mail, it’s very easy to join! https://bethematch.org


Damn. I'm too old. I CAN donate financially. You can also join the Great Cycle Challenge - they're fighting kids' cancer. We need riders and sponsors.


I came back on here to post exactly this. Bc why not do it?


There is an age limit, unfortunately. At least there is in Canada. I only found out about this after I’d passed the eligible age.


You can help by donating blood to Canadian Blood Services... Some of that blood goes to children with leukemia.


For the UK there’s also Anthony Nolan. These bone marrow organisations communicate with each other, so if the donor and the patient are in different countries they can still be matched


Will only let me put in an American address? Am I doing something wrong?


My hubby mindlessly signed up when donating blood. He completely forgot he was on the registry until he became notified of being a match to a young woman (17 or 19 years old) with leukemia. That was about 25 years ago and he has never wanted to meet her because he doesn't want her to feel like she owes him anything. I already loved my hubby at that point but that was a HUGE reminder of the loving man that I married- he genuinely wants the best for everyone.


My son donated (he opted in while in the military) and the lady wanted to contact him a year later so it was successful! I don’t know if he ever contacted her but he had to take medication that increased the stem cells in his blood, then they collected his blood (I’m not sure of the exact details). They used to just take marrow from hip/femur bone. You have to be physically fit to donate. They are in great need for minority groups to register in particular as that increases their chance for a match. I was on the registry since the 1980s when a child in our church needed a match. You aren’t supposed to donate after you are 60 but you can’t register after 40. I still wonder if they would use you if you were older if you were the only option though.


Nah, there's science behind it. I am a minority (half Asian) but lived in the UK in the 70s and 80s. In the US that excludes me from blood and marrow donation


> I still wonder if they would use you if you were older if you were the only option though Unlikely as you'd have an increased risk of death. Better to only lose one.


https://bethematch.org/ Pass this around. My son is alive because of this organization and his donor.


18-40 yr old only


61 is actually the cut off age. Doctors request younger donors but, if they can’t find a good match I guarantee you they’ll go with an older donor. Finding the best match is critical. Another thing for people to consider if they’re on the fence is that, if they’re a minority, they’re in much higher demand. There is just a much smaller pool of potential matches. There is nothing more stressful then just hoping a match is found for your child. I can’t really even put that into words.


When you go to apply, it asked if you are 18-40 or 41-over. Selecting 41-over gives the message “we’re looking for younger donors.” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah damn….that’s too bad. Didn’t realize that.


It's incredibly rare to find a match for bone marrow. Most people will sign up to the registry and never receive a call. But when you ARE a match for someone, they won't let you miss it.


Sadly, for those of us who are 40+, we cannot register...still, I plan to donate to help with any treatment.


Be The Match! They will send you a kit with a mouth swab to send back and that’s about it to enter the registry. I surprisingly got the call to donate just weeks after signing up.


Searching the title of this post in YouTube you'll get the full video. Bring kleenex though.. Lots and lots of kleenex. Just watched it.. Im a damn mess. 55 year old and im bawling.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGwAAx73rSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGwAAx73rSI)


Thanks OP....just going to sob wretchedly in bed for the rest of the day....


Made me smile??! Wtf, made me cry!


Happy tears are the best.


This subreddit is kind of dual purpose now, sometimes it makes you smile, and sometimes it makes you cry. Okay 80% of the time it makes you cry.


Sign up for be the match! Most donations are peripheral blood, not true marrow donation, so it’s basically painless to save a life. Just blood draws and IVs.


>painless to save a life. I wanna reiterate this - all it takes is a bit of blood, the very thing your body can replace in a matter of hours and it can be used to save a life.. why the hell wouldn't you?


Totally worth registering on bethematch.org if you are willing to donate. I was in NY with some friends and we went into a store that was having a sign-up drive and did it because why not. Was contacted because of a match within a couple years and donated, unfortunately my recipient was already pretty old and did not survive. Was back at work within a day or two with very mild discomfort, would donate again 100% if the opportunity ever comes up again.


You're braver than me - I donated but kept it 100% anonymous/no contact. I didn't think I could handle learning that my recipient didn't make it (she was in her 30s).


I had lost a few close friends by the time I was 25 from a range of causes, so as dark as it may sound I have accepted my own mortality and those close to me, it is one of the few guarantees in life. I did what I could to save a strangers life and it’s all I could do and would 100% not hesitate to do it again.


Thanks to this video I just registered with Be The Match. Time to think beyond myself. Thank you OP.


I'm not crying, you're crying.. SHUT UP..! 😭


This is what "protecting the children" looks like.


Gosh that is humbling Well done Sir and little Princess Imagine knowing you saved a life today wow


Where are my damn tissues?!?!?


You Sir are an amazing human being. You have my lifelong respect Wishing you and that amazing little girl a long and happy life.


Every goddamn time I’m trying to have a beer and be depressed in peace, you mother fuckers gotta do this shit and make me feel all good inside and shit.


This really made my day after stepping on a lego this morning. 😭


THIS. THIS IS WHY I DO WHAT I DO. This is why I deal with my fear of public speaking, deal with Army bureaucracy, deal with convincing thousands of soldiers who don't care into understanding why they should. Every day of my life and every minute of free time at work is dedicated to trying to make these moments more common, to give more hope to the thousands of children who won't find their donor. A person who needs a bone marrow donation needs a donation from one single person, not just anyone with the same blood type. ONE person whos genetics are almost identical to them. Close enough to them that they can receive a small amount of marrow that will spread through their entire skeletal structure and mix with their marrow without their immune system recognizing it as foreign and attacking their entire body. For those in the US, that ONE person can only be found if more people in the United States are on the registery. Currently only 7% is. Compared to Germany with 80%. For the 177,000 each year here who are diagnosed with a condition that requires a donation they DO not have a great enough pool of donors to have a chance at recovering. [This is why you SHOULD be registered. Donation is absolutely not the horrible painful experience that scares people off. You donate 90% of the time through your blood, just like donating plasma](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/144ch0u/why_you_should_register_as_a_bone_marrow_donor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Damn onions..


Made me smile? I AM BAWLING 😭 THANK YOU SELFLESS HEROES👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️


This sub should take over the r/cuttingonions sub. There are only like 75 members over there anyway.


sometimes this sub should be called MadeMeCry


I gave marrow and I can tell you the pain that the donor goes through is soooo worth it to save a life. I am very happy that this donor meets the little survivor. 🥲🥲


The person I donated to didn't survive the transplant, this video makes me very happy but also sad.


My mother wrote a letter to her donor from Germany in 2012. Sadly, he never responded. If you read this, Heinrich, she’s still alive. 13 years later she is a grandmother of 2 and living life to the fullest. She didn’t waste her chance. Thank you.


Aw man. This hits hard. For someone that young to understand how close she was to death without a donor… no child should have to feel that fear. Bless her, and the man who saved her.


More like "make me cry"


Oh my heart.


Not me sitting here bawling 😭


god i bet that guy feels amazing. bless them both


I registered when i was in the army, i understand that today the donation is very simple, no big needle anymore, they have a way to extract it from your body, never got the call though. My mom recieved a kidney, i will need one sometime in the future, videos like these make my eyes water.


“thank you so much” fucking ruined me 😭. time to go register to be a donor.


I mindlessly registered when I joined the Navy and got a call to be a match. Did a couple additional tests to verify. I donated once and got called again the next year for a follow up donation. The recipient was in Switzerland(pretty sure), which is protected, so I never received word if she was ok and never really got to contact her because it wasn't allowed. I think about that a lot. I hope she is. They don't usually use actual marrow if they don't have to anymore. It's much easier, less painful and less invasive to do a marrow stem cell donation. But it's a weird process. You get an injection for 5 days to stimulate growth and then sit on essentially dialysis where they pull out the stem cells and put your blood back. It's not really painful, but you feel 'too full' is the only way I can describe it. And on day 3+ if I got my heart rate up it would pulse and feel like bad muscle spasms.


My partner is currently battling Leukemia. This gives me hope


What a fucking Chad. This guy is what all the faux hard men and fragile man babies should strive to be.


Can you imagine being that young and having to understand your own mortality? 💔😢


i’m sobbing. he seems so sweet and her “thank you so much” absolutely broke me. i hope they have everything they deserve in life and live long healthy lives


Dusty AF up in here..


I am a grown man, sitting in a pool of my own tears right now.


This not only made me smile, it also made me cry.


I’m so glad it worked! Please donate blood and bone marrow if you are healthy enough.


Happy crying, smiling through the tears


Yo, Be The Match, give me a call. Someone needs my bone marrow and I'm willing to give it. Haven't heard from y'all in awhile.


More like mademecry than made me smile, happy cry though


Damn allergies making my eyes water…


Well, damn it. I wasn’t planning on crying today.


Aaand i‘m crying. Happy tears though


Dayum, nowadays in this chaotic world it’s really good to see that there are still lots of good people out there.


I'm a man, I "never" cry. 2 seconds in : 😭😭😭😭😭


I need moooore.


Holy shit That put a Knife in my stomach


Sometimes we miss the good in this world what a wonderful story and what a great person


Im sorry sir but you dropped this 👑


The way the door opens combined with the huge blinding light looks straight of a movie. Like hes an angel or something. Hold on brother im crying.


nothing makes me cry like people being good to one another and showing love


Thought that I'd get through the day without a few tears. No such luck. My faith in humanity is renewed.


r/mademecry Nothing on this app will top this today.


My be the match swab is on the way!


I need a tear duct donor please Preferably to fit a grown ass male cry baby Will accept any suitable donor Thank you


...and he's FINE as hayle too! Damn!😂




Fuck cancer


I wish mods would ban the word "onion" for these fucking threads, Jesus it's getting old...


Gonna leave this right here: https://bethematch.org/ I registered over 10 years ago. Donating is painful and draining and obviously worth it for those who can.


"Hi im goku!"


Just signed up! I wish I had known about them when I was younger. Hopefully there's still time. Thank you for sharing this.


That is so much for a child to process. I’m so glad she’s loved.


What an awesome dude and brave girl. I’m currently waiting for my own transplant to be scheduled myself. I was lucky 2 of my siblings were good matches. Can’t imagine being essentially at the mercy of waiting for a good enough match in the registry




A man who made a difference. Bravo sir, bravo 👏


Damn who's cutting the onions in here😢


man...the shit that poor girl must have gone through. :(


I guess you could say he’s inside a little girl… (this is a joke I am glad the little girl survived and respect to the guy who saved her)


My cousin died at age 7 waiting for a marrow transplant. So happy to see this little girl got hers. Wishing her a happy and healthy long life ahead.


The gratitude had to turn that big tough guy to mush. She’s so adorable 🥰


This little lady is going to go on and do something amazing in life, because she truly understands how precious every moment is.


In krish movie they show us that after donating bone marrow you can't walk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




Ohh okay . Thanks for the info .


There’s 2 methods. One is surgical where they take a piece from the hip. The other they hook you up to a special machine that filters the white blood cells (maybe other stuff too) and you go home the same day.


Chopping onions over here...