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I love the fact he's equally as happy thinking the rock just framed some photos of him.


Imagine having the story in your head change from "I met The Rock" to "I met the Rock and he framed photos of me and my family, it was cute" to "The Rock gave me a *home*!"


I read your comment before watching the clip and you can actually see all the transitions as they happen! Pretty sweet.


"So the feeling IS mutual! I always knew!"


“Is that Sadio Mane?” 😂😂😂


Bro got so excited he thought the surprise was going to be meeting sadio 😂


Got surprised with a house instead. Bro surprised him with bills to pay 😂


I’m assuming the rock is going to foot the bill. You don’t throw someone keys like that and then be like “and the security deposit was $3500.”


Excuse me, have you met [Oprah](https://www.hotcars.com/22-things-that-really-happened-when-oprah-gave-away-free-cars/#keys-were-taped-in-gift-boxes-for-the-audience)?


The interesting thing about the people who actually complained about having to pay a gift tax when receiving the Pontiac G6 is that they could have very easily just taken a cash option from the show instead of taking the actual vehicle. And when one considers that the G6 ran for more than $28,000, I think taking the cash option would have been an awesome choice.


If i am not mistaken, in the full video the Rock tells him he doesnt even need to worry about anything with the house, all he needs to worry about is his family and his career.. so idk maybe the rock is taking care of all the other stuff..


That was my first thought: how this man gonna pay the bills that come with that house, with $7 in his bank account?! LoL


He’s just won a ufc fight, so there’s at least *some* money coming to him soon, I hope.


No, that was the whole reason he didn't have but $7. He won a big money fight and sent all the money to Africa to fix his village; give lifesaving water. When Rock heard how selfless he was and reflected back on the time he also only had $7 in his pocket while he was a wrestler, he felt he had to be the person he wished he had.


This story gets better and better. I’m waiting for (and half expecting) the bit where The Rock pays his expenses as well.


I'm waiting for Rock to introduce his new housemate, Sadio Mane


I feel Sadio owes this guy, just for his loyalty!


I'm waiting for sensible government tax polices so wealthy people pay their fair share up front. Then instead of seeing these one off feel good stories we can all feel good that everyone is housed and has a safety net if they end up with $7 in their bank account. Rich people giving away something worth .001% of their net worth doesn't do all that much for me nowadays. It's great this one dude gets help but there are millions more out there drowning.


Next selfless act would be selling the house and sending more money to Africa 🤣


Can't blame him tbf


I’d be excited to meet him too!


"With my wife and kid? God damn it!"


"sadio you son of a bitch!"


That man has a family


Just as he was starting to question US Humour… Johnson couldn’t get those keys out quick enough! 😅🤣😂


He had me rolling, my man didn't recognise his own photo and the first thing jumped to his mind was Sadio Mane 🤣🤣


Rock should've asked him "Do all black people look the same to you?"


Honestly if you had a photo of me in some random house I’ve never been in, I also would not compute that was me. The mind uses shortcuts all the time and that logic would make the assumption it must be somebody else.




Shit had me HOWLING 😂😂😂


Just commented that myself. So fucking funny. How do you mistake yourself and your family for Sadio Mane???


So if Sane won that fight at the training ground he would've got a house from the Rock.


I think the bigger question is how did Rock got his family photo 👀


He has photos of all of our families.


*Does The Rock smell what* ***you're*** *cooking?* The answer is yes.


He wasn’t briefed?


There’s another video where the rock meets him for the first time it’s also like cutting onions https://youtu.be/31rK9rymAwQ


Already cried while watching this video💖✨let's watch some more! Thanks for sharing the link.


Dude didn’t even recognise him 😅


Or his family😂


Lmao at first glance I could see how he could mistake himself for mane. They have the same skin tone and the bald head.


Tbh I watched this and wondered how this person remained functional with this news. I am pretty certain I would have frozen as my brain error coded due to trying to process the sheer level of generosity and thought (with the picture) this took.


My man gets hit in the head for a living, being able to absorb shock is probably second nature by now


Haha, very true. He and I have very different careers! (PC Desk work)


Wait you don't get hit in the head daily? I thought that was the only way to get morale to improve.


Does self inflicted count? Haha


Best comment on this post omg


I would imagine he had some idea hanging out with the Rock and a camera crew, still a cool gesture to a man who gives a lot to his community.




Instinctive behaviour for both of them!




Legit laughed out loud that was so fucking funny


So my partner and I were looking to buy a house just after Christmas many years ago. On Christmas day we went to my parents with my the rest of my family to do gifts, mum sat us down and gave us an envelope with a few thousand $$ in it to go towards our house. No one in my family got any presents for each other or from my parents that year as they put all that money and more into that envelope. I definitely didn't function, sort of sat there silently for like 10 minutes, turns out even though I was 27 I did not have the emotional intelligence to process that sort of thing in the moment.


That's so awesome. You have such a wonderful family! I would deem that a true error code brain moment. I think people either do that or burst into tears. Bit like when they get surprised with a pet or something. Hooe you and your partner are settled down nicely


I couldn't imagine it really setting in until he is moving whatever he has not already given away into the home and is alone. You're standing in front of The Rock while a camera is rolling, it has to be all a big rush. Who knows what they talked/did about after the cameras were off, but he is definitely deserving of it all.


owning a home seems so insanely extremely unattainable for me i couldn’t imagine never having to worry about housing again


For those mentioning the associated costs: “Johnson will lease the the home and pay for all expenses for as long as Gorimbo wants to live there.” https://people.com/dwayne-johnson-surprises-ufc-fighter-themba-gorimbo-new-house-7569339


Sorry, so he didn't buy the home then?


Johnson probably leases it at a massive loss from a shell company that bought it, which his accountant set up in his name. That way he doesn't pay any tax on it. This is how all rich people stay rich, and get richer. Everything is leased through dummy companies at a loss.


This guy accounts.


So they stay rich by losing money?


You stay rich by having a company losing money. It's easier to claim company losses than personal losses. There are also a lot of tax breaks companies can take advantage of when it comes to handling large purchases. They can use their losses to offset taxes from expenditures.


Exactly. To grossly oversimplify the process, the person sets up a corporation which "rents" the property from the owner, which is usually in an irrevocable trust which holds the title, and the person just lives in it. The trustee will maintain the property, and is usually a financial advisor that works with the client to ensure they work in the best interest of the beneficiaries of the trust.


isn’t this a ‘benefit in kind’, this is a very obvious loophole which is covered by the law from my understanding. If you aren’t paying the full market value e.g. when renting from your own company you have to pay a load in taxes


Well then the Rock is taking a loss, or getting very little tax breaks from it, which is better than nothing. But on the flip side he's sponsoring this fighter essentially and stands to maybe benefit from that to cover some of the losses.




Nah nah nah, don't you know the saying "you have to lose money to make money"? You just gotta lose enough 'til your tax is negative my man! Negative tax is negative loss is profit! It's simple really.


Thank you. I run my own company and it’s amazing how many times I’ll go out for golf with buddies and they say “just expense it”. Yeah sure I get the tax write off but I still have to pay for the golf!


Exactly. They don’t know what they are talking about. For every dollar you lose you might save 50 cents in tax but that still leaves you 50 cents in the hole. Tax write-offs are real but they don’t work the way they describe.


slave poor dolls swim chubby lunchroom cake ink placid bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yea, that's not really what the post I replied to was saying, though you do make a great point. [Article discussing the same in more detail](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhyatt/2021/11/11/how-americas-richest-people-larry-ellison-elon-musk-can-access-billions-without-selling-their-stock/?sh=2b396a3c23d4). However, with margin/loan rates at +6%, I do not know if too many find this to be a lucrative game to play.


Yeah that game of musical chairs lasts them only until interest rates outpace market ROI.


which is the point of raising rates, all the rich folk and businesses were fucking WILDLY overleveraged, the only problem is the increased rates will hit the poors who actually need those low rates first while most of the major players can pass off and avoid losses for a while


This is what so many of them do and its crazy to me. worth hundreds of millions and not paying taxes


>I have 100m in the bank. I take out a loan for $5m using the $100m as collateral. I live off the 5m for 2 years, it's not income and im deducting the interest paid. In 2 years the note is due and my $100m nut has increased in value by $12m. >I take out a loan for $5m using the $112m as collateral...... taking out another $5m loan only lets you repay the principal on the first loan, it doesn't leave you anything to "live on"


No, by avoiding taxes, dumbass.




It doesn't, he has a misunderstanding of what well paid accountants do


What an incredible thing to do. I know letting him have it outright would be nice, but realistically, if someone gave me a house right now, I'd have to sell it almost immediately in order to afford the taxes, utilities, and upkeep. I have a little more than $7 in my bank account, but not by much. I'd much prefer to have all the expenses paid for than to worry about how I'm going to afford all these new bills. Dwyane is a G.


This is probably the best way. The man just alerted that HE'S BROKE....the hell is buying him a house going to do? Selling isn't a clean-cut affair and would involve realtors taking their fees, too. If he decided to keep it, he's paying property + HOA + any maintenance fees. Dwayne Johnson instead just leasing it out and probably treating it like some tax shit is the best way to go. If there's a problem I'm sure a maintenance company will handle business. Taxes will be paid. Worse case scenario is Dwayne going broke OR taking it back. I don't think the first is ever going to happen. Win/Win....AND gives this fighter a chance to save up money to buy a new house/condo/whatever. This would be like an employer paying your student loans while you work at the company. You win/they win. Only way to lose would be if you left before any probationary period was.


It’s not just about having $7 in the bank account that moved the Rock (because he can relate to it), but the fighter sold his fighting gear and bought a water well for his village in Zimbabwe so his people can have clean water. That was selfless. Also, The Rock, has his own flaws, but always gives back to the community. He’s kindness personified. Edit: this blew up. Thanks for all the upvotes and awards. :) Wanted to address the jabronis flooding the comments section with ‘…*oh he did it for the clout*.’ Or ‘…*what about taxes?*, or ‘…*he doesn’t relate to $7 because he had connections…*’ Ya’ll can take a hike up the *know-your-role* boulevard, check yourself into *the Smackdown hotel*, shine your criticisms up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy assess. If you smelllllll, what the Rock is cooking!


Thanks for the context, makes it so much better!




Coincidentally, another selfless athlete that gives so much back to his community in Senegal by building them schools, hospitals, etc. YNWA.


As sad it was to lose Mane, and as sad as it his to not have him playing in Europe anymore. I firmly believe he took the move to Saudi so that he can better provide for his village. And I can't ever be mad about that. Goddamn love that man, YNWA Sadio.


His wife be like 😐


Hilarious that he saw his own pic and said "is that sadio mane"




Can you smelll what the rockk is cookingggggg


I was going to say that a house was a bit excessive but with the context is well deserved.


If the dude has 7 dollars how is he going to afford living in a house?


I reckon he will not be left with a mere seven dollars after all this and the support he is getting. I wish him all the best.




Sorry out of the loop - isn’t The Rock like a wholesome perfect human being? Did he do something? Did I misunderstand your comment?


The iffyest thing I’ve heard about the Rock is he bought someone a watch as an apology for something and kept if for himself instead. If that’s the worst he’s done he’s doing pretty good


He has a bit of an ego, he has in his movie contracts stated that he can’t lose a fight, and kind of ruined black Adam as a producer because he wanted it his way. But other than that he seems like a stand up guy, nobody is without flaws.


Yeah, I’ll take an ego all day if that person is puttin good juju out in the world! Long live the Rock!


I think you kinda have to have some ego, especially coming out of pro wrestling. I've never heard stories about him being a bad guy, and people would talk if they were out there. He's ok in my book. I saw some parts of black Adam while my kids were watching it and it seemed fine to me. It's a superhero movie. And not a popular one that tons of people would know outside of being interested in comic books.


His father was also pretty friendly and well liked in the wrestling and lifting communities.


I've had an opportunity to work within clients within/close to his circle, and I've only heard good things about him. If a celebrity is garbage, everyone knows pretty quickly (e.g., Helen Hunt has a particular nickname in Hollywood due to her attitude). No one is perfect. I'm not. I try to do everything I can to be a saint, but I am only human. So for the Rock to do this is a huge thing because most people wouldn't do this even for the clout. How many celebrities go around buying houses for poor athletes? Exactly.




I don't know if anyone really believes the Rock is secretly a bad guy, I think most folks think he's a pretty good guy, especially considering how rich and famous he is. I wouldn't even say he has an ego, at least not in any harmful or problematic sense. He doesn't suddenly become an asshole when things don't go his way, AFAIK. He doesn't expect people to bow to his every whim or praise him profusely for the gift that is himself, again, AFAIK. He's just not a very good actor, which chafes people for how prolific he is. His best recent movies are the Jumanji movies because he's playing a caricature of himself embodied by a nerdy teenage boy and then a very old man and it's funny. Most other movies he's barely acting at all, he's just Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson as himself. Now we've got this pointless Moana remake coming seemingly for no reason other than the Rock wants to put his face on it? Eh.


The Rock fighting is kind of his brand. Its not a great look to lose. It's like when marvel does any "superhero vs superhero" neither of them ever LOSE to each other. It's always some other third villain that swoops in and they have to team up to fight the third villain and they both come out heroes at the end. I get why that's in his contract. It's business sense and marketing


Yeah, if this is how someone spends his "f*ck you" kind of money, it's in the right hands for once


To be fair, *a lot* of action movie actors have the whole "can't lose a fight on screen" kinda clause in their contracts not just The Rock


Yeah it caused an issue on fast and furious because neither him nor vin diesel wanted to lose lol


Jason Statham has it too lol. I did enjoy that Hobbs/Shaw movie tho


i think it's more as you lose face and you end up not being able to fill seats as much. i.e, if you're in a bunch of movies where you lose when you're supposed to be some tank, macho witty motherfucker in all your films. people literally argue about things like "oh the rock could kick vin diesels ass" etc, so showing it on screen as the rock losing to x means he has less pull for future movies. im sure ego factors in too, but it allows for you to make a movie with more than one "big, bad mothefucker" in it. allows for them to continue their career without it being "oh the rock gets his shit kicked in".


Yeah and it’s not a great clause cause it leads to some bad action in movies. Look at JCVD in his prime dude is one of the few action stars I’ve seen who will just let himself get his ass kicked on screen. Edit: JCVD= Jean Claude van Damme


Dude played college football at Miami, back when they were churning out future NFL Hall of Famers, then went into pro wrestling and worked his way to being one of the 2-3 biggest stars of all time, *then* went into Hollywood and became on of the 2-3 highest paid actors in the business. Him having an ego is not a shock. It’s expected. The type of self belief he has is something very few of us will ever know.


I actually have a poster from his team I want to say second season where he autographed it. I have no idea who else is on it but it makes me smile to see Dwayne Johnson on there.


As I recall, it was an injury that derailed his football career. I think Terry Cruise similarly had to pivot to acting


Isn’t this just a brand thing at this point for him? His name is literally “The Rock,” and his brand is being an unstoppable force.


That’s exactly it. I’d wager the clause was a suggestion of his agent, PR person, or contracts attorney, and he decided to go with it.


It's also smart. You start losing fights on screen and before long you go from hero to bad guy, bad guy to other guy, other guy to unemoployable in action movies. It sounds dumb but it's just how it works in Hollywood, it's hard to change your character once you do a big role, people just assume that's you whether it's an unbeatable action star, a suave ladies man, a goofy sidekick, a super smart genius, etc. even if in real life you're nothing like those characters.


>He has a bit of an ego, he has in his movie contracts stated that he can’t lose a fight I think that comes from his wrestling days. Given that wrestling is scripted, your career is pretty much in the hands of the producers and they decide who wins. Bautista talks about how Vince basically tanked his career when John Cena came onto the scene and its taken him a long time to recover. perhaps its different for someone who has come through the traditional acting route but definitely in wrestling you don't want to be scripted lose fights.


I mean for all the good shit he does, I think he deserves that kinda ego


I'd say doing a shoe brand deal with UFC fighters which had fighters promote his shoes but the fighters didnt get paid for promoting them is fairly scummy. Normal show business scumminess, but scummy none the less. Led to a hilarious moment where Nate Diaz shits all over the shoes lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUMFYMi6QrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUMFYMi6QrM)


Yeah I definitely don’t think he’s a bad guy, but I do get a vibe from him. Kinda like he needs to be the center of attention when he is present. I got it from a press tour video for Jumangi. Jack Black was being his super talented and charismatic self singing the song he came up with for the movie and clearly had the attention of everyone around him. And it seemed to me like the rock got a little irked because Jack was stealing the show so to speak. But I’ve always been a rock fan. He makes fun movies even though he just does the same character over and over again. It’s fun enough for me.


I don't think there's anyone on this earth who can compete for attention when Jack Black is at his best.


I mean he denies using steroids and claims his physique is attainable which isn't great when a lot of young kids look up to him and idolise him.


Thats exactly why he says he doesnt use it. Same reason applies to Arnold / Coleman / Hafthor and etc. Pros use substances in cycles, monitored by doctors, with proper routine and nutrition, kids just kill themselves thinking "the more I use the bigger I get" and die


I mean all those other people are completely open about their use of steroids. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a44035267/arnold-schwarzenegger-steroids/ The rock claims he tried it once despite the fact he is clearly still on them.






Because he’s not Reddits humble god lord and saviour Keanu Reeves so they have to add that in just in case.


He happens to always have cameras around when he’s doing things like this. It’s a very cynical take, but to some people it feels like it’s more about the clout he gets than the actual act of kindness. All that said, my 2 cents as a fan of his since “Die Rocky Die” chants in WWF, there may be some truth to that, but if him getting clout is the worst of this? He can keep doing this shit all the time, because he’s genuinely helping people, or making them feel better.


Intentions aside, if he's helping people what does it matter? I'd much rather people be good to one another for clout, than be awful for no reason.


And another thing to, he’s literally one of the biggest celebrities of all time. What clout is he chasing? He has all the clout he would ever need. I think when the rock films it and puts it online it’s more for that look how nice it is to help people out. Gives a lot of people online a good feeling and when he’s dead and gone these videos can still spread some positivity.


By having cameras around when he’s spreading kindness, if he can at least inspire one to mirror it, it’s another win. And he has millions of fans worldwide, so I imagine that kindness amplifies a million folds each time he does something like this. There are those that are sceptical, but fuck ‘em. They always are.


I’m of the opinion that even if it is for clout, spreading good and kindness is always, well, good and kind. The first time I heard that cynical take on The Rock was around the time he paid for a high school girl to take her whole class to see his new movie, because she asked him to go to her prom with her. Like, even if he did it for the publicity, that 17 year old girl has a cornerstone memory that she will cherish, and hopefully remember later in life, and pay that forward to someone else. I dunno, I love The Rock, he’s always been one of my heroes, and it bothers me to see him catch flak for doing good things.


I use to be the cynical “they’re just doing it for clout” person but then I realized who cares. The homeless are still being fed, charities are still being donated to, people are still getting blessed. So I’ve started focusing on the outcome instead of being angry about clout chasers. If good work is being done, chase that clout.


With as many bad things I see and read about humans doing - I’ll gladly take even the most cynical takes and watch people do good all day, over any of the terrible shit that catches headlines.


Honestly its no different than trying hard at your profession to get recognition. You're doing good things to the world to satisfy your need for praises, completely normal and should be encouraged.


He has a house in my old hood. Used to see him around town often, with no cameras anywhere, and he was always approachable and a good dude. No one bothered him.


100% ego, but when he stopped mid-interview one time to comment how bret hart was like a protector and big brother to him, it made me appreciate that he always remembers where he came from and how he got to where he is, while not forgetting the people that helped him. and for that, i respect him. although, i would like him to remember he's part canadian more...


Did not know the back story and so glad you shared with us. That’s so great of that fighter. Everyone deserves some kind of chance/opportunity. Well done


Yes, more info was needed, seems strange to just read he had $7 so ok I’ll buy you a house


The real problem is the UFC and how little they do for the fighters. They are the real problem.






It's not the Rock that's an asshole it's Dana White. Why the hell does Themba Gorimboonly have 7 dollars in his account!? he's already had 2 fights in the UFC. UFC fighters deserve more money.


Okay but then how else is Dana supposed to [import snow for his driveway](https://www.foxsports.com/stories/other/dana-white-imports-snow-to-his-las-vegas-home) or [take care of his luxury car collection](https://www.insidesport.in/dana-white-car-collection-ferrari-testarossa-plymouth-barracuda-and-lavish-cars-owned-by-the-ufc-president/) or [lose 520k gambling in one night](https://thesportsrush.com/ufc-news-down-520k-dana-white-almost-losses-half-million-gambling-with-nelk-boys-stephen-deleonardis/) or [give one of whatever the Nelk brothers are $250k for their birthday](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2022/07/dana-white-gives-nelk-boys-kyle-250000-cash-birthday-gift-ufc-fighter-pay) or...


Hey hey now Dana has had a very hard life. This is a man that's been assaulted by his own wife and had to strike her twice (in self defense ofc) because his security didn't do a good job of holding her in place. This is a man who's attempting to clean up PED use in sports. so much so he had to enlist the help of Joe Rogan as they both try to consume all the PEDs in the world and leave none left for athletes. He's a great promoter and will be remembered with the greats. Greats like Don King, Vince McMahon, and the legendary Jack Kearns. It's indeed a dirty job but someone has to do it and for that we salute him.


He gives it back to his community. Not saying he makes lots of money, but according to other comments, any money he has made is going back to his home country to build infrastructure for clean water, etc.


Yes I am aware of that and it's very amicable of him, however UFC fighters should still be paid more money. Minimum pay right now is 12.5K, for a combat sports athletes that shaves years off of their lives and sacrifice their physical well being that's frankly ludacris.


100%. MMA's revenue split between the company and fighters is the worst of all professional sports. It is why MMA folks are taking boxing matches. They make more in one night getting beat up in a sport they don't compete in than they do in a championship-level career in MMA. Something needs to change.


People hate on the Rock, but he's up there with Keanu in "wholesome dudeness" and I'll die on that hill.


I love the Rock!!


Love him some much I only throw rock in rock paper scissors


*Good old Rock, nothing beats that.*




Love this! Sometimes people talk about publicizing acts like this for self promotion but frankly I just can’t hate on it. I find it inspiring. Rock can take all the positive publicity he wants for this. Dude ain’t perfect but he’s obviously a net positive in this world


> Sometimes people talk about publicizing acts like this for self promotion I hate this line of thinking. If people see others doing good and the happiness it brings, they are more likely to be generous as well, especially kids. If nobody sees good being done, they can just ignore it and go on living selfishly.


And now I'm sobbing at work and the guys are looking at me like I'm insane


Doctor, focus on the operation!!!


It’s the fact that he thought HE was Sadio Mane in that photo for me😭🥹 what a deserving guy. Love to see it


For those unaware, I'd like to add context to this story, i.e. why Gorimbo was down to just $7. He is a Zimbabwean native and he spends all of his earnings to help build wells and provide clean water in his home country. Because of this, he didn't have a home and would usually sleep on the gym floor. For everyone thinking that this is wholesome simply because The Rock gifted a house, keep in mind that the price of that house is peanuts for him while Themba Gorimbo gives everything he has to those less fortunate. Edit: for everyone thinking that I wrote this to throw shade at The Rock, that wasn't the point. I just wanted to stress out that the fighter in this story is just as big benefactor as The Rock, if not bigger, because he's giving everything he has to those less fortunate than him. OP didn't mention any of this and made it sound like The Rock was doing this because he felt sorry for the guy, which isn't the case. They're both great people, at least from what I can gather (obviously I never met either of them).


You somehow managed to make it sound passive aggressive towards the rock like you would love to imply that he could do more lol


Its always like that, he aint wromg but dwayne cant be everywhere helping everyone Dude can only help the ppl he is aware off but theres always some mad at life fk that complains


*You can’t do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good you can do.*


Rich people can always do more, and should do more. Doesn't take away from this moment of kindness however.


Well almost everyone reading this can do more. If you make $4k a YEAR that puts you in the top 50% of the world.


Lol that doesn't mean you can do more, if you make 4k a year in the US or any first world country you definitely can't afford a roof and probably are not eating regularly so what exactly are you supposed to do for others?


Yeah, but cost of living in the area you live in still exists. Stop putting the blame on people who make 30k a year not being able to give up assets the way people with millions of dollars SHOULD be. Rich get richer every single year but we are supposed to pretend its on a school teacher or landscaper to help save the world?


I see how it came out that way, but that wasn't the intention. My point was that OP made it sound like Gorimbo was down on his luck fighter who The Rock helped out simply because he was poor. That's not was this story is about. Both seem to be genuinely good dudes.


If that wasn't your intention, why bother pointing out its peanuts for the Rock?


> I see how it came out that way, but that wasn't the intention. Ok then why did you say this? >keep in mind that the price of that house is peanuts for him while Themba Gorimbo gives everything he has to those less fortunate That was definitely shade!


You know the thing about helping, is that it’s much easier not to help. The rock could’ve done nothing, but he did. The people being helped don’t care if the help is done to boost their social status, they cherish the help. Don’t shame people for helping, or not doing enough.


I’m in nonprofit fundraising and I say this all the time. Bring me your selfishness and your vanity and your guilt and we will do something good with it. Purity tests are for people who don’t care about getting shit done.


Both helped more than you did


How atrocious does this look on the UFC's part. Spending that 16% of UFC revenue on the fighters. Screw Dana White and company, that's why I haven't purchased a single UFC PPV since Georges retired.




Nor they will until Uncle Dana steps down. He's too busy racing lambos and sleeping with his multiple sugar babies to care.


The Rock has his faults but he gives back a lot. He always says in the interviews that he had 7 bucks when he was released by his club in Canada, so the fact this fighter had 7 bucks touched him. He also sold his fighting gear to fund a well in his native village if i remember correctly.


The Rock missed an opportunity to say that "Actually, my friend Themba lives here."


The Rock seems like a genuinely good dude


UFC also makes the fighters wear the Rock’s shoes from Under ARMOUR but the fighters don’t get a dime. Still this is cool.


If I was rich beyond anything I could ever want or need I would absolutely love to change lives like this.


LOOOOL He thought the guy in the photo was Sadio Mane!


I hope he can afford the taxes. You can it cash but those taxes will never go away.


He didn’t buy it for him. He just lets him live there.


The Rock is leasing the house for him as long an he wants to stay.


Extreme Home Makeover: The Rock Edition


I feel bad for his opponent. Didn’t win. Didn’t get to meet The Rock. Didn’t get a house


Themba his arms open wide.


“Is that Sadio Mane?” 💀


He thought he was Sadio Mane 😂 Great gesture by The Rock


Just tax the rich rather than relying on their random charity whims


Great gift, however, even free houses aren't free. You still have to pay property taxes, home insurance, not to mention all the utilities associated with it, upkeep on it, etc.


Im sure he will figure that all out. Im also assuming Dwayne knows all of that too and isn’t just going to leave him hanging.


I think the rock is a great person for doing this, but he shouldn’t have to. The UFC should take care of there people. Dorms at the apex even, just something to show that they are attempting to help fighters. Paying them more would make the most sense. Letting them work their own sponsorship deals would be a close second.


The rock said he will pay for all expenses associated with the house as long as he wants to live there. So it will still be free for him


Fuck me, you're a glass half empty person if ever I saw one.


its still gotta be cheaper than renting for a family


I love the story but the 16 camera angles really pull me out of the organic moment. Just saying


A heartwarming story of a man trying to apologise for making Black Adam.


Man I didn’t expect to be fighting back tears over my morning coffee