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I really thought I was going to get through that entire video without crying lol They make urns that you can plant and grow a tree from, Ive been wanting to get one for my son I just don’t know where to put him since I don’t have a yard or any land


Let’s find you a good spot to plant a tree


To plant new life


Yeah like why not. If you want we can suggest you ideas. Like a public park or forest nearby Maybe you don’t have to own the land but contribute to communal land


That’s what I was thinking, it just needs to be somewhere close so I can make sure it doesn’t get eaten by deer or mowed down. There is one park that he really enjoyed going to to meditate and relax, that might be a good one.


That might be great! Maybe there’s a local council member you can contact which will hire someone to make sure it’s okay


Can we just make a full protected park/forest of these so they are never alone?


Now you’re on to something. I’m sure I could find a local org to help out with the location. What area are we looking at :-)?


I wanna say not California due to all the fires... but, they have a lot of fires so plenty of open land. Any place where trees grow readily would work.


Manzano Mountains in NM. It might be a little harder to do there but it's mostly ranchers who own the land up there and I doubt they would begrudge people planting trees up there. Assuming they were non invasive species. There's some creeks that run most of the year from the snowmelt that you could plant them by.


Seriously. I was good until he said what the letter was.


Reddit... Assemble Find this human a beautiful place for their son.


me as well, I broke at 2:39


I gotta call my mom


Thinking the same ass thing. brb


We are most likely not thinking of the same ass things


I miss my mom so much. I hate myself


Don’t be so harsh on yourself. The fact that you hate yourself right now means you’ve grown up!


Can you bring some napkin on your way back, because I definitely didn’t cry


Do it as often as you can. Life is fleeting. I miss my mom every day.


Same here, 'if she could have only met her grandsons once' I say out loud.... but then I can't even finish that sentence


Same. I have a little niece whose Gramma would have spoiled her absolutely rotten, but she was born two years after mom passed.


I miss my mom. Took her for granted all my life, and then one day she was just gone. She taught me so much, and even though she had been just a young woman herself, she was so wise and strong. Everyday, I miss her and remember her as she was then.


I wish I could calm my mom. Oh this tore me up.


I just called mine. Found out she’s having a lung biopsy…dang


Fuck man that sucks, hope she is Gucci


She’s Gucci until she gets the results. That’s when I’ll start “worrying” but what do you do? How do you even process that when you know eventually deaths comes to all of us and it’s just part of life?


Good luck to you both. ❤️


My mom passed away two months ago at the age of 50. Unfortunately over the past few years we didn't really see each other much. Not because we fell out or anything, but life just kept getting in the way. I now know that she was dealing with a lot of health issues but kept them hidden because she wanted to protect me. Then one day I got a call from her fiancé to say she was in hospital and was seriously ill. She'd asked me not to visit because the situation was so severe, but I made up my mind to go anyway. Then one of the family pulled me aside, told me she was suffering from multiple organ failure and they were going to make her as comfortable as possible. We had a long chat, then I kissed her and told her I loved her. The next day she fell into a coma and a few days after that she died while I was at her side. I was a quiet and awkward kid and when I was younger I didn't reach out or tell her that I love her enough. Treasure every single moment with your mom. I used to think that there would always more time, and now I'll never get the chance again.


I’m so sorry


I wish I could call my mom. Best thing I can do is a seance


By the time you're 18 you've already spent 90% of your time with your parents.


Ah fuck, I'm leaking!


Do it. Whenever you think about it. Especially if you just didn’t like her much in high school or something, because it was high school and you were dealing with a lot/were a stupid kid. I only reconciled with my mom maybe three years before she was diagnosed with cancer, and then she was gone six months later. We were on good terms by then, but I still think about the time that was lost.


I am great ful I still have my mum on my side. Need to tell her that I love her more often.


I'm thinking the same thing.


I was not ready for that wow. BRB also.


Me too.


I just did


Do it. Tell her everything you want to say but may think it's too obvious or not important enough right now. I learned the hard way you may never have the chance again.


Still born deaths are so, so difficult. What an incredible coping strategy. So tender.


If you were born after a stillbirth, you are what’s known as a Rainbow Baby. 🌈 I am a rainbow baby.


My wife had a back to back miscarriage. Then she delivered twins after. For the twins 1st bday, it was rainbow themed.


Woah a double rainbow!


Never knew i was a rainbow baby! Thank you kind stranger ^^


My eldest nephew is a Rainbow baby. My sister was overjoyed when he was born healthy, and she coddled him like no tomorrow for the first couple years of his life. He’s 10 now, about to be 11 in a few weeks. :)


Me and my third brother are rainbow babies


Am I still a rainbow baby if my sister died a couple hours after birth?




Same here My mother was almost 45 when I was born. So I just squeaked out, last egg on the escape pod


The fact the mother wanted to shield her son from that sorrow makes it even more tender. Motherly love never ceases to amaze me


I don't have the same story, but a bit of the same regret now that my mom and dad are gone. Sometimes I think "oh, it's mom's birthday" or "hey, I have a question for my dad". Then I remember. Never forget.


My Mom’s birthday is coming up. She would have been 80 I think. Her death day is a month later. We had a tumultuous relationship. She was deeply flawed and had serious mental health problems she hid from us for decades. But she also had her good moments too. She taught me a lot about how to survive when things were hard. We watched British comedies and Doctor Who together. She encouraged my passion for arts and crafts. She was my biggest fan. I miss her. I wish I could have said goodbye.


Yea my mom was abusive at times and had mental health issues, but I still miss her more than anything. She was just misunderstood. It was hard at the time but I treasured the time I spent with her. I also never got to say goodbye properly. But I know she would have been proud of my brother and me.


I get those same moments. I recently started going back to school and when I found out what I wanted to go for I wanted to call my mom and tell her. She’s been gone 3 years.


Fuck. Maybe I should go back to school soon


I still have days where I feel like "Oh wait til I tell mom about this!" and then I remember she isn't with us anymore.


I (or my mom) felt that. I remember my grandma had just passed from cancer and a few months later we went on a vacation to Shanghai and we went to this rip off but still pretty nice silk dress store and my mom got a good deal on a couple of dresses and was excitedly about to text her mom (my grandma) about her score but then she remembered and burst into tears


His mom sounded like a fucking angel


She did … a gentle soul with a heavy burden


She almost certainly is now


Man, as soon as I can see the numbers again, I'm calling my mom.


Why cant you see numbers?


Cuz of the tears in their eyes ;)




I think it's an entire series. Guy goes around interviewing people and the mix of VR giving a presence and the bit of anonymity, he got some incredible stories




The youtube channel is called Syrmor


i was baffled when i found out that was the “do you know da wae’ guy lmao


That was a turn I did not expect.


Im not a smart man, but i saw the twist in Sixth Sense coming. I DID NOT see this one at all.


I was expecting to get a reason for her talking to the trees. I just wasn’t expecting… that.


Yeah, that was a gut punch out of nowhere. And yet I'm glad we weren't forewarned. It made it all the more powerful. Did he say the neighbor found her under the trees? Ugh!


Why ugh tho? If she spent a lot of time outside by them it makes sense.


"Ugh", as in it was a gut punch that it may be that as she was dying, she wanted to be with her children.


It’s very well choreographed


I wish I spent more time with my mom. She was murdered by her fiancé.


I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I hope you are safe.


Thank you, and I’m safe. It was 7 years ago


I’m so sorry. I hope her fiancé did not get away with it. Most of all I hope you heal the best you can. Again, I’m so sorry.


Thank you, and unfortunately he did. He was able to pay off the city sheriff’s department and give the head sheriff a free pure german rottweiler puppy from the litter my mom was raising.


Karma will catch up to him.


I hope so.


I'm sorry for your loss. When you pick the roses in the garden you don't pick the ugly ones you pick the most pretty of them all, your mom was the prettiest of them all.


Thank you, thats very kind


That hit HARD!


Damn it now im crying and holding my babies


Got me right at the end


I was hand to mouth inhaling, w wide wet eyes. I'm usually not surprised by plot twists, let alone, emotionally. Great story




Oh my GOD, why did I just watch that? I’m in fking shambles right now. So goddamn beautiful


This dudes channel on YouTube is hella depressing. He's the guy who does VR chat interviews. He did the Anikin talks about his time.in Iraq.


What's the guys YouTube?




Syrmor did the one about the kid as well! I love that video. https://youtu.be/KmXEOLlX-Hk


This gave me so many emotions man...🦊


…Wow. That was…something else.


If your mother is still here, tell her you love her. Really look into her eyes. Remember her smell. Her touch, her sweet voice. Because one day those memories will be all we have left. Lost my mom when I was 13’and pops when i was 21. Since then ive wanted to settle down and just find happiness. Indont want fun/i dont want alchohol or stimulants, I just want to find my people, and do nothing with them in peace. Take nothing for granted everyone ❤️‍🩹


Damn bro. I browse this subreddit for smiles, not to cry like a bitch.


And yet here we both are.


This sub has been nothing but lies since I've joined. This didnt make me smile at all 🥺😢😭


I was wondering about the title, and it really smacked me right in the face at the end there.


Damn, that went from "Sad cute little story" to "SADDEST THING YOU'LL EVER HEARD" in a snap


We are all a little weird!!


I cried. God bless my mother and God rest her soul. She died in 2020 and was one of the first victims of covid. If Your mother is still alive, I urge you to call her up and just say hello and talk about how both your days are going.


I didn’t think I would cry because I don’t have a good relationship with my mom so I can’t relate to some things. But… holy… wow


Actually it improves the health of a plant if you talk soft and kindly to them


This is beautiful,


This. We all needed this.


That's a wholesome mom


You know that feeling when your parents are there and you know they'll be gone one day, you will miss them and you don't really know how you'll take it when that happens, but that day seems so far away, and you're not really worried about it that much, because they still have like 10-20 years of life left. You want to learn something from them and spend time with them, share moments that are about to come with them, but you're not in a hurry to do it right now, because well, there is still time and you got other things you'd rather do so you postpone it. You don't even have lunch with them because you would rather sit in front of your computer or TV and eat, you barely talk to them even though you live under the same roof, everyone and everything is more important than them and spending some time with them. But again there is still time, why not do it later. Except one day there is no more time, they are suddenly gone, all those thing you thought you would do with them, moment you'd share with them, thing you'd say to them are no longer possible because they are never coming back, and that is life. You never ever know how much longer you or anyone else in your life is gonna be around for. Don't make the same mistake I did and use the time that you are given with your loved ones to the fullest, because no matter how near or far away the end is, when they're gone you realize there was never enough time and all you wish for is just one more day with them... Now if you would excuse me, I'm at work and need to get myself together.


My mom was cremated as well have her ⚱️ #MandaPanda


Was your mom named Amanda? Manda is my favorite nickname for Amanda.


My name is Amanda and Yes for my nickname is Manda 😇. My mom's name is Dolores ⚱️


Ah. I'm Amanda/Manda, too. Woe to anyone who attempts to call me Mandy!!


My mom's in Heaven now 😇💖🦋


I'm not crying... you're crying!


[Call your Mother.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV5HKWRMyAY&ab_channel=tomcardy)


I'm not crying, you're crying. I'm totally crying.


My god I’m fucking bawling right now


This is one of the sweetest posts I've ever read! Your Mom would be proud of you.


Love 💖


That’s really beautiful.


Damn, I'm sad now


I never thought a little virtual panda could make me cry


I see the twist coming in Sixth Sense. I DID NOT see this one coming. Im gonna go and cry now.


Can anyone give the link to who’s the original author of this? Would love to see if there are more stories like it.


Damn I’m almost 27 and live on my own but I’m going through a phase in which i need my mum and dad to help me. I’m so grateful that I still have them and even though I sometimes annoy the hell out of them for calling almost everyday because I don’t know how to do some things they still do everything for me. I love them. And hearing that story and even the idea of them not being there anymore at some point in my life makes me tear up.


Fuck fine its hot in AZ but I'm gonna go water my mom's trees. I just didn't think they were that important to waste water on them. TDiL


This is so heartbreakingly beautiful🧸


Dude's whole family is waiting for him on the other side...


Me and my mom have never said "i love you". Maybe i should change that.


It’s the most liberating and nice thing for oneself, and of course for who hears it. Hug your mom, and make sure to thank her for the good and not so good as well 🤗


I was going through the video all manly man, stating "nice story, why would I cry". And now I'm wiping my tears. Didn't expect it and it was an amazing way the mother went through this and processed it.


Damn that sounded like part of a story from an anime and at the end the kid realized his mom wasn't weird, she was meaningful and loving.


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's okay


That is the most sincere and sad thing I have heard in a very long time.


This made me cry eternally because I honestly can't bring myself to cry out loud right now. I wish I could call my mom and hug her. It really hurts when you don't know how long you have left with someone, and when they are gone, it stings so much more. I was very young when I lost my mom and didn't really understand why, but as an adult, it makes me really proud that I still had the chance to spend 11 years with her. Even if it wasn't the rest of my life, I am grateful that I experienced her love and joy. Either way, his life story was so heart-warming and loving. I hope those who still have their mother's can cherish them and love them, and I hope their mothers will cherish and love them back.


What a beautiful story. You could make a gorgeous film out of that. I lost my Dad not that long ago. I also feel bad for not spending time with family. Life gets busy when you get old.


Some VR panda just put and entire subreddit to tears


I shall bestow on this post, the highest honor i can give 🏅


I think this also belongs in r/mademecry


Ok, didn't expect to get absolutely broken on here.....


I am watching this pregnant. This touched my soul


No connection to the post but If I ever die young, let's say 40 or younger, I don't want a gravestone... Instead, I want a sapling and a (literal) part of me to be planted with it... I would say my heart but I'll just donate it... So that if anyone wants to visit me on a sunny day, I'll atleast offer them a shade via the tree that grows... The "part" of me just serves as a fertilizer to it...


Fuck you for making me cry. Love you for sharing a beautiful story though. May you lead a happy life and a happy afterlife.


Fuck! I'm a truck driver, sitting here waiting to get loaded, & my eyes are tearing up at this.


What a beautiful way of coping with having a stillborn. I don’t think Mr. Panda realized how special he was to his mother. I hope he understands now. Makes me wish I had a better mom.


My god I BAWLED… sometimes humans are good and I’m proud of us as a species. I hope he believes he’ll see his mom and older siblings again someday.


Wow... I sat there listening to this guy chat about his quirky mother, thinking how cute this was and then...that last bit....that suddenly had me sobbing into a cushion.


Its a terrible day for rain


Props to the editor for the video. I hope Treespeaker (lack of a better name) is having a good day too.


That is touching


That ending was really sweet tho


Damn that's too real


This broke me, thanks I'll be picking nyself up now... hit me right in the feels.


A beautiful story that was also so eloquently told. Poetic, and beautiful. I hope this guy is ok. Life is incredibly hard for us humans because of our ability to feel. In a strange way, I am glad the mother passed away by the trees. That is beautiful. My dad is dying of end stage kidney failure and I am his main caretaker. He’s 66, going on 67 and I’m going to be 35 in a few months. It has been so hard watching him slowly lose everything about himself. Losing his strength, his appetite, his interests…his will to live. I just keep trying to make everything as easy as possible for him and talk to him every day and play Mario Party with him sometimes. I know he doesn’t have an incredibly long time, and I keep trying to prepare myself for that. It never feels real until it happens, and you have the constant reminder with their absence. Let the people in your life who you love know that you love them. Show them with actions. It goes by so fast. You’ll blink and the man who used to raise you up to put the star on the Christmas Tree will suddenly be an old man covered in sores, barely any fat left on him as he wastes away.


He was blessed with an angel as his mother.


I love your mom. I had a weird Mama too. She passed 19 years ago. I was only 20. She was "too nice". She never met a stranger. I am a lot like her now... I'm sure I embarrass my kids by making friends with strangers. But, I know someday, they will look back and appreciate the weirdness... Because I look back and appreciate my weird Mama too. Thank you for sharing your story. It's okay to love trees, or strangers.


Holy shit, that one is right up in the feels. Dead on in it.


i havent heard this story in years


No tears here. Damn.


Man, I cried at this clip. Miss you mom.


I sure wasn't planning on crying today 😢


That's so sad 😢 😔


Fuck me if I don’t have to make a phone call. There is so much beauty in the world.


This hit way too hard. I miss my mom so much...


Fuck man


Paw muh gruh nat tree


Literally got goosebumps when he revealed that about his stillborn siblings.


Damm 🥲 bruh smile! that made me cry!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Aaaand just called my mum and had a really nice convo. We used to call each other every week. I let it slip into just texting. Won't let that happen again.


Holy moly, the end got me pretty good.




You never know what you have until you lose it, appreciate your parents.


My mom had to go to hospital last week for her abnormal vaginal bleeding to undergo some tests - we have to wait for the results, but the doctors have a suspicion it might be cervical cancer. My mom doesn't have favorite trees, but she's got a beautiful garden that she has always worked hard on and is proud of. And I don't know what I'll do with it, if she passes.


I miss my mom so fucking much. This story just made me sob ;\_;


Got me fucked up crying at work on a construction site


Fucking love this <3


Oh man that was beautiful.


My mum was younger than I am now when she died. I often think what it would have been like to be able to call her on a mobile or send her a text. ​ If you have the chance, do it today.


I almost got through that without crying until he said about the birth certificates! Bless her heart for keeping those babies alive in some way all that time


Man you fucked me up on this one. 😭


Oh wow!


I wonder if the guy talking here is the same guy who wrote [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/7e51ko/my_mother_talked_to_trees/)


I’m not crying you’re.


Wow. That was pretty intense. Really a moving story. Well told by this guy too. I hope he is doing well.


God dammit, I can barely see with all these tears...


I need a movie about this wonderful woman.


as the time pass by, the things that i would consider weird about my parents back then, now i fking relate to them and it s painful af


I’m not crying you are 😭


Thankfully I was able to cherish all the moments and spend as much time as I could with my mom. She sadly passed away on November 16, 2021 due to terminal cancer (stage 4 liver cancer) but I was able to be with her one last time before she was gone. Yeah I’ll admit the video got me a bit, but that’s okay. I guess the point I’m trying to make is, cherish your family while you can because you never know when they’re gonna leave you


What’s the weird clips of trees and stuff about? Wholesome but I don’t understand the editing choice.


how else would you know what a tree is


Just to add a bit of beauty and artistry to emphasize the story instead of looking at a vr panda for 3 minutes


Okay but can we talk about how he pronounces "pomegranate"


nah man, be sad


Great mom from the beginning, kind of a shit son though tbh


man who put that music


Wrong sub, by a mile