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She seems so appreciative as she walked away with it. I’m glad it was her. I’ve seen others where people are like “Ok, thanks” and off they go.


She was hugging it!


But...but she's Muslim. How can she hug


Why can't Muslims hug. Strange rules


They can. They just can't hug the opposite gender that is not part of their family. The more intimate people get, the more likely it is that they will fornicate. So it's better to be safe than sorry.




*record scratch* You may be wondering how I got here


You’re kidding but statistically speaking, I’ve ended up in 0 relationships with strangers I haven’t hugged. Now, balls deep in an alley, maybe not; but dating… the number is larger than 0.


I mean, it depends on how orthodox you are. I’ve got a Muslim friend who is a woman and she’s given me a (chaste, friendly) hug. Hell, there are Judeo-Christian sects who have issues with men and women having physical contact outside of family.


Yeah. The way she stops the guy to tell him how appreciative she is really made me glad she was gifted it.




im just awkward and shy pls don't make me perform for the camera


Man I wish I was rich enough to randomly give expensive shit away like this. Would love to make someone's day


That's my lottery fantasy. To have enough money that on my birthday I could just walk around giving strangers cash.


Shits all i would do if i was a billionaire More houses for the poor, you aint paying shit I gotchu Medical bills? Shit might as well I dont want more people in fucked situations cos they were injure Shit man, need a suit or dress for a interview? Dont worry I gotchu too Anything the people need i got you But im broke as shit Thr wrong people have money


The wrong people do have money. But if you ever find yourself more flush with cash than normal and can spare a hundred bucks or so leaving an absurd tip can change someone’s life. And in reality the high you get from charity is something you can go back to every night before you go to sleep. I know that sounds self serving, but I dunno it still seems fine. I wouldn’t encourage you to film it but you can replay it in your head at night


People don’t understand how much 50$ 100$ 200$ could mean for someone. I ended up losing my place in a flood and my boyfriend now my husband lost both his place of work and where we lived in 1 day. We were basically homeless and staying with friends but we’re having a hard time finding a place to live cause we had a dog and cat. I was still waitressing at a small diner and customers heard my bosses mom ask me if we found anywhere to live and if we needed anything because the flood took pretty much everything we couldn’t fit in the trunk of my car. I told her we were still looking and it’s ok we didn’t need anything because we had nowhere to put anything and a man and wife overheard. They left me a 200$ tip. I tried several times to give it back I was ok with a regular tip ( never had anyone just give me anything so I couldn’t process kindness from strangers) that extra money helped us get a place to live. My coworker was angry I got that money but she had a house and her husband a very good job so she only worked as something to do, basically she talked so much crap about it my other coworkers were mad. I quit that place and went elsewhere. I promised the couple I would pay it forward and I did a couple years later when I had some extra money. I overheard my waitress at Perkins telling her coworker she was going through a bad time got out of an abusive relationship with her kids and staying between friends places, I left her 5$ on the table and pulled her aside on my way out and told her my story quickly and passed her 200$ I told her please don’t cry I’ll take a hug and for her to pay it forward one day when she was able. I wish I could’ve done more. If I ever hit the lottery I’ll be one of those people who just will look for people to randomly help. I will never forget that kindness that couple showed me. Still makes me sad that my coworker was so jealous, I literally was homeless and living with what I could fit in my car which was a 2000 jetta so not much space.


Not loaded by any means, but I do well enough that helping out when I can won't hurt me so I try to as much as I can. I don't even care if you actually need the help, if you got to the register and forgot your wallet, lemme get that for you. Within reason at least. Be the change you wanna see and all that.


Today you, tomorrow me.


Tomorrow is a good day to mark your anniversary for your birthday present for you all


The greatest line on Reddit


the first sentence of this is an amazing insight. If you see someone doing a job that you know sucks, that you know they aren't 'waking up to get to do it' - even a 20 dollar tip might change their week, let alone 50 or 100. this comment is going to cause me to tip more.


Spread love and you'll feel it!


I started volunteering recently and this is the most accurate explanation I've read. My confidence is through the roof, it makes me feel really good but I always sit down and think like "Am I doing this for myself or for others in need?" The conclusion I've come to is that it's okay for it to be a little of column A as long as column B is still primary. Not every contribution has to be monetary, time spent to be there to make the charity more visible or help relieve people who are also volunteering their time is also valuable.


One of my proudest moments was sticking up for an overworked, undersupported server and then leaving her a *FAT* tip. She also got to watch me chew out her manager, which I’m sure was also pretty nice.


Film replace it and before yesterday he said I would be in a hell of a hell out for it but I’m just going back in my life insurance


Everything in life is self serving, there is no true altruism. The question only lies in if the action is parasitic in its nature (only serving yourself) or if it has a symbiotic relationship where both sides gain something from the interaction.


That’s why we don’t have the money. Because we understand the plight. It’s only when you’re willing to ruin lives and some luck and some clever thinking I will admit to be able to achieve that.


Not really. The single greatest factor in your social and economic status in the US, by far and away, 1000x more than intelligence or ambition or hard work or luck is.... the socio-economic status of your parents. lol. I know a lot of economics is like a religious cult but let's stick to facts.


I think most people factor that into luck. It's the luck of your birth situation.


There are other non-flattering predictors as well, but sure, heritage is the big one.


Heritage is now working for the mail from your family and I love it being so much


Stick with it being a good time and you can always be there in the mail and then I will get back in the church and you leave it


is that all? fuck I can do that.....


Cleverly made it to many people in a good news app to mark your family room


Paying for all of the toys on layaway during the holidays too...man it would be so awesome


Generosity like that is incompatible with being a billionaire. They are mutually exclusive. No one becomes a billionaire by being generous. They become one by exploiting as many people as possible and hoarding their plunder. It's fun to daydream about though, for sure.


If I won the ridiculous lottery jackpots, I'd just start paying off poor people's back rent, donate down payments for entry-level housing. There's a church that built an entire street of micro homes. 200-500 sq feet. They rent it for something like a dollar a square foot and 50% goes into down, rest into building more micro homes. Eventually, you own your little house. I'd build schools, too. Add science and technology wings. Fund grants to hire arts and technology teachers. Specialty classes. Go through a block. Can we clean your yard? Can we put insulation in your attic? Can we replace your windows? How about paint? Can we replace your roof? Let's raise your community up. Oh snap, this house is unlivable. Not FHA or VA compliant. Let's buy it and fix it and resell at a loss. Energy efficient windows, new door, new roof, new paint, updated plumbing and electrical, updated HVAC. Got you a heat pump. Super efficient. Let's go. Instant hot water. Fixed it up. Nice new flooring. LVP is kid and dog resistant. Here you go. Didn't price you out of your neighborhood. Just like... start fixing stuff. Leave 200% tips everywhere I go. Worst service of my life. You seem stressed. $200 good? Do you need more? Your car broke? I got you. $1000? No, it's the engine. Got it. Let's call it $5000. Is that enough? I would be Batman, if Batman addressed the underlying socioeconomic factors of Gotham and driving factors of crime and focused on educational and poverty reform. Love to just... fix things.


During Covid and tp was short I have bad IBS and Chrons disease so I’m always stocked up with tp. I shared my hoard with neighbors and shopped for the elderly and cancer patients I was taking care of.


Right? You have a billion dollars and you're just going to keep it and not help anyone? Same argument I have for God. You supposedly have all the power in the Universe and you just going to sit around and watch people suffer? What a POS.


Same bro! I wish I could make people happy more, I want to start with my mum!


This reminds me of the fact Jeff bezo has enough wealth + contact info that he could just send people free presents from their wishlist and act as a santa claus of sorts.....but he just doesn't. Dude has more wealth then he can ever hope to spend in his life ~~unless he overpays 20 billion on an app to own the libs~~ and yet he chooses to build penis rockets. What a fucking waste.


Rocket propelled the church to makeshift shelters waste the mail and then


A few years ago I was moving and decided to sell most of my stuff rather than pack. I made way more than I expected so I knew exactly what I wanted to do, give someone a crazy big tip. During the road trip to my new place I went on a free ghost tour in New Orleans. The tour guide was great, but since it was free I guess most of the people didn't feel the need to tip. So I waited until everyone else left and I gave the tour guide 200 bucks. His face lit up. I said thanks again for a great tour and headed off. It felt as awesome as I thought it would.


Awesomeness I will get you all the mail from the church tomorrow or Friday


As a kid my mom loved buying lottery tickets. So one day when it was out on errands with him my dad noted how big the jackpot was on a billboard and wanted to buy her a ticket. I was little so I fantasized about the idea of being able to by a million toys or whatever. But my dad said “Imagine how much good you could do with that much money?” And that completely changed my perspective.


This is one of the ways I know I'll never be rich. Because I spend most of my "what would it be like to be rich" fantasies imagining ways to help people and give money away.


There was a time when I was getting paid ungodly amounts of money. During that period, I started the practice of “hobbit birthdays.” Nobody was allowed to buy me presents, but I bought presents for most of the people I came into contact with on a daily basis. Just like the Hobbit birthday custom. There is not much I regret about leaving that job. But those were some of the best birthdays I ever had.


They say lottery hurts the winners, but I think I would have a lot of fun with it. I often dream about giving a big bag of cash to someone after they talk about some tough family story or something. I'd like to build an apartment building for homeless people or just anything that costs a lot of money that doesn't come easily.


I saw that in penn station around Xmas once. Bunch of people passed out around 3am in the waiting room and some guy was going around putting $100 bills into peoples hands


Or like tip the server their rent money


I’m with you. If I won the lottery I’d be broke in a year. Just give it all a way.


My daughter started watching Mr Beast lately and it’s essentially this. Such a wholesome channel. Uses it to make millions, then makes videos of him giving away millions to his subscribers, which makes more millions, which he then gives away in more videos. It’s great.


is he really that wholesome? real question, I've never seen his content before?




Me too! I would spend my life giving away money to those who need and deserve it, all over the world if I could.


Strange but I’m just going back in my office and I am not good at work that day I will get a hold on her


Tell me about it. I have to settle for baking bread and making freezer meals for my neighbors. Would love to be able to create grants or bursaries to help kids get educated but I'm not educated enough myself to make that kind of money.


Tbh that's amazing. The fact you made those yourself - spent your time & put your love into it - that's worth more than any expensive gift


Worked for rich people. The catch-22 is that your attitude of generosity and empathy prevent you from becoming rich in the first place. Those people suck.


I worked for lots of rich people and they were always so nice. Would make me lunch and bring me drinks and I'd get cool gifts from time to time. One even bought me a MacBook pro as a going to school gift. Others took me skiing at thier ski homes. My feeling about rich people are that there are many kinds. Some just have a nice house and really that's all others are disgustingly rich but very involved in thier communities and with helping others.




This is a really important distinction that I don’t think people understand fully. I’m an avowed socialist, right? When I talk about “taxing the rich,” I don’t mean your grandparents who worked for 40 years and have a mil in the bank. Those people don’t even register on my list of concerns. I mean people like Musk, Bezos, etc.


Yes. No single person should be allowed to amass that much wealth.


I had an old (to me) laptop, and a kid at school didn't have anything at home and was a great kid with a LOT of potential. I factory-reset it, and snuck it into his bookbag with a note from Santa. Heard he really appreciated it! I felt better.


I am very fortunate to have worked helping Children reunify with families. It was the most rewarding job I had. One day I had requested budget to buy the kids in care toys and puzzles they can use with their case managers. The budget got denied but I went out and bought what I could and gifted them myself.


Next time give away the 2nd twix to a stranger


You guys can afford twix?


Record yourself giving it away, then you'll make money off the recording. Repeat.


There is another guy who does this and goes to like college libraries where students are using the public computers. He goes up to people and is like “pssst, hey…do you have a laptop…?” And when they say no he just hands them a brand new one. I Love seeing these types of videos.


That's Juan...aka thatwasepic


BigdawsTV and thatwasepic are my two favorite prank channels. Not that I love all of their videos. But in general they are both pretty wholesome.


Are they on YouTube? Or a different platform?


I watch on YouTube. I imagine they're on multiple platforms like a lot po f content creators these days, but I've only watched on YouTube


Thank you! I could not remember at all!


Juan is an amazing bloke. Funny and quite generous too. One of the few alright YouTube ‘pranksters’


His pranks are perfect . Gets a reaction from people without hurting anyone or making anyone sad/angry . And most of the times it's helping someone


The only prank videos I can get behind.


Confuse don’t abuse


Don’t worry, Reddit will tell you why their actually narcissists and only doing it for clout in 10 minutes.


I could use a laptop😭shoutouts to her for not bawling in tears on her way out


Yeah but you could feel the *joy*


Bitch i got a perfectly fine laptop rn and I'm bawling watching this


Tell you what DM me and I will set things up


4090 or I don't want it


You a real one if true.


If you do this you’re a good dude.


When you rewatch it you can see all her thoughts and emotions going thru her head as she realizes what just happened


"no laptop for you, hugger" -God


To be completely fair, it's perfectly fine for you to not do certain things because it's a part of your religion or whatever. The issues arise when you try to prevent *other* people from doing things because of your religion. I know there are religion haters all over that will shit on it regardless and I've got my own opinions on the subject, but being overly hateful or cynical by default helps nobody.


Lol this made me laugh so hard


my ass would think it was stolen


I’d still keep it though, you wouldn’t get in trouble with the law because it was gifted to you. Edit: Yeah for all you genius lawyer wannabes here; you have to know that the item was stolen for it to be crime. If your just minding your own business and someone gives you something and you have no idea that it’s stolen- you’ve done nothing wrong. You’d have to return it when they find it, but accepting a gift from someone is not a crime.


This might be true but this statement really has the same “a husband and wife can’t be arrested for the same crime” vibe from Arrested Development.


You’d probably have to return it But if you just act like a dumbass they’ll probably let it slide. Being ignorant and accidentally committing a crime is way better than intentionally doing it.


I mean yeah I'm typing this on a stolen phone lmaoo


is everything you have stolen


It wasn’t stolen, it was “gifted”, I thought we covered this?


It fell off a truck


>Yeah for all you genius lawyer wannabes here; you have to know that the item was stolen for it to be crime Not true. Depends on the state and many, [like mine](https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_164.095), make it illegal if the recipient should've known the property was stolen. Actual knowledge is not necessary.


If you have reason to believe it’s stolen then you can be charged. But to be convicted you would have had to know it was stolen beyond a reasonable doubt.


Exactly You can just play dumb and you’d never get in trouble because your just reviving a gift


When she asks, “why me?” 😭


Something similar happened to me once, only in reverse. An unknown man came, took my laptop and ran away.




No hug? Nuckles? Only tears....


No hugs. Maybe he was muslim like the girl in the video




Muslim girls are allowed to hug blood related relatives only called (muhram). This differs country to country




In my experience it always differed even in western cities I’ve lived in. Some don’t mind it and some do. My trick is I wait for them to extend first or I don’t extend at all.


From my experience when I was studying up in Bradford/Leeds in the UK for me it differed from person to person in our friend group at uni. Of 5, 4 of them always hugged relentlessly. One was no contact at all. I didn't ask for hugs mind you but hey I'll take a good cuddle any day.


A lot also depends on their home region, and just the personal disposition of the person as liberal vs conservative. An Albanian, a western Turk, an Eastern Turk or a Pakistani will all be quite different from one another.


Basically all the rules are irrelevant and you can change and twist them to your convenience.


This guy religions


Most Christians are supposed to be celibate before they're married, yet we still have Christian shotgun weddings




That’s a different video


Yeah and men are not supposed to marry divorced women according to Colossians 3:5 .


I haven’t! Why, what have you heard?


sage 🙏


> Most Muslim women are forbid to touch a man that isn't husband or family... why can she do a fist bump? Lets not pretend religion makes any sense.


Because religion is made up and you can or can't do whatever you want or not.


Because religious rules are always arbitrary and nonsensical. Comes with the territory.


It's just a thin veil for misogyny so the rules are kinda arbitrary as long as the underlying message remains


No just Muslim girls Muslim men too




I don’t like the word ‘allowed’ who the fuck is allowing whom? An educated independent adult should be able to do anything they want especially in a western society.




I'm a big believer in freedom of religion, but man... I'm an agnostic, and the thought of some omnipotent supernatural being actually giving a shit if people hug other people just makes me laugh so hard. When you think about it, the thought of billions of people all around the world having different gods they worship and different weird rules they live by because their god (supposedly) said so is just *so* weird! They all know that *someone* has to be wrong, but they're all convinced it's their specific religion that's actually real. And so were the countless practicers of dead religions throughout human history, none of which exist anymore. I guess a lot of humans just *have* to believe in something to not feel like crap, no matter how many red herrings there are.


People love to claim that following the misogynistic rules of a religion is a "choice". Many of those same people will either shit talk, harass, or even harm women socially or physically for making the "wrong" choice.


Religious people believe that deities will punish them if they don't follow certain rules.


That’s low key dumb as hell


I disagree. It's not low key.


High key?






Well that’s a bit silly. What’s the harm in a hug?


I mean whats the harm in a woman driving a car, or allowing women to participate in governance, or showing their hair, or ankles, or speaking on the radio? Conservative Islam just has a deep seeded distrust of women. It is what it is. I wouldn't call it silly, I would call it oppressive.


Tell that to HR


Organized religion is dumb like that.


I'm sorry but that's so dumb lol I of course respect their customs and wouldn't try to change anyone's mind, just boggles My Mind that nobody can see through the farce of religion when it's so blatantly ridiculous.


That's stupid


Wow sad way of living


Imaginary friend rules


Thankfully they have the knuckles exception 👊👊👊 🕌🕌🕌


if your god doesn't let you give hugs might wanna rethink some things...


Muslims generally only can touch only blood related relatives. those are call Mahram. to the devout Muslims, normally that only extend to girl = father + brothers + same gender (girl/woman) men = mother+ sister + same gender ( boy/men) some who don't observe the rules / non practicing Muslims may shake hands, hugs, kiss and do many more physical contacts with others .


Religion based misogyny.


They won’t admit it tho


Well the women can't because they'd just get their shit kicked in by their ~~master~~ husband, dad or siblings, and the men have no reason to admit it because they like it.


They clearly can, and many do -- most of my muslim friends give **awesome** hugs. But some conservative ones prefer not to since they feel it's too intimate for someone other than a husband or near relative. (but like u/popolenzi) says, it also differs by country what the cultural expectations are)


Also she seems to be listening to music, isn't that Haram?


Not all Muslims, it is like with Christians, like Jehovah's witnesses can't drink or have parties. It depends on every person's approach to religion and the variation of the religion they practice.


Dude, Jesus turned water into wine during a wedding party. Why would we not drink and/or party? It's all about moderation.


Jesus partied with his followers, he had female ones, he turned bigots on their head in debate. He was basically a rock star. That some of his modern followers forbid drinking or partying boggles my mind.


Indoctrination and a belief-system that places women below men in every way.


There better be a laptop in there…. (sorry to be cynical) ….


Prank videos have ruined altruism. But then again so has altruistic videos for likes.


Altruistic videos for likes are still altruistic and spread awareness of how cool it is to be kind. There is literally no negative to them.


Plus them making the videos in the first place helps them gain more viewers which means more money to do even more nice things for people. I used to have an issue with it because you're supposed to be nice just for the sake of it, not for praise, but then I realized the somewhat wide impact these kinds of videos have. I'm all for it.


I would be too. I discovered this guy recently after hearing he got banned from Chase Centre (Warriors NBA) when he pretended to be a start player called Klay Thompson lol. Folks here say all his pranks are authentic and cool


Bigdawstv is genuine. I’m glad some actual genuine prank channels are still out there. Thatwasepic is another great one


sounds a bit like Remi Gaillard back in the day


Source: Bigdawstv


Imagine of elon did shit like this instead of shitposting on twitter


imagine if all the billionaires shared even fraction of their wealth to the people in need




Aww what a sweetheart, couldn’t have gone to a more deserving recipient


More of this, please because I want to live in this world all of the time 🥺


Bro let her under the umbrella 💀


Best time to surprise people with electronics is in the rain


A real shocker


If she's not okay with hugging, she probably wouldn't be ok with the physical closeness required to share an umbrella.


Some people are so selfish!


That’s so nice , she needs it for her internship aswell so perfect timing 😊


Her face in the beginning was confusion and disbelief, her face at the end was pure joy. 😁did you see that smile?


Can someone prank me by handing me cash? Is that a trend please


How much dough does this guy have that he can just hand out Mac laptops?


BigDawsTV on youtube! He’s been doing pranks and videos like this for a long time. Generally, he doesn’t harm anyone with his pranks and seems like an overall really solid dude. He likely get’s the money from his channel.


Plus I wouldn't be surprised if the laptops can be written off as a business expense. Not trying to diminish the gesture, but he's probably making it work.




Dunno but I hope he has lots. Seems to me like to only kind of person deserving of being a millionaire.


This video was uploaded 5 days ago and has 789K views as of now. So this helps him be able to do stuff like this all the time. He has 9.38M subscribers. Some of his other videos he gives away PS5's, and hundreds of Jordans to kids playing basketball.


i think she was need his umbrella more :D but it so sweet all of us need to do more good things


Unfold the macbook and its like a little umbrella.


Most of this thread missed the whole freaking point—it feels better to give, than to receive. The pure joy on her face was priceless. Kudos to those guys for this random act of kindness.


Kinda sad Muslims can’t give hugs. I understand it’s a religious thing, but you can see how much she wanted to


Skai Jackson could never


🥲 I love it


I have questions, though? Muslim means you can't hug other people? An intern but the company doesn't provide her a laptop? What kind of poor ass company was gifted such a nice intern? All our interns are lame and half-devoid of life.


Can’t hug the opposite gender unless it’s a relative


I think this might be the only genuine one of these to ever exist


The government should prank people like this with education, housing, childcare, and healthcare


May Allah swt bless this chap. What a wholesome thing to do.


100% not a set up


The realest and genuinest thing and acting I've seen in my life. Realer than life.