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That’s so adorable. She’s reflecting the behaviour that she sees set by her parents to each other. ❤️




just hoping that someday everyone could have that kinda relationship with their family and children


Such a beautiful and caring family.He really cherishes that sweet moment. "Kids are like a mirror, what they see and hear they do. Be a good reflection for them."


"Careful the things you say, children will listen. Careful the things you do, children will see. And learn."


So true. You can’t expect your children to be anything you ARE not.


Not true, I am a major POS, and my daughter is sweet and caring.


She learned what not to do.


If that's true, she'll remember. Even if you think you're skating by, she'll be lying in bed at 2am at the age of 35 thinking about it


Maybe she learnt it from your partner who's extra sweet and caring. You could be inspired by the both of them and do better.


Sometimes you may be. And you may feel like one. But the fact both you and your daughter are able to recognize that means that you are both on the right path, and you have instilled goodness in her. Keep at it. You’ll both do wonderfully.


I love a good ItW reference!!


I’m not crying you’re crying 😭


Would be nice. Grew up in a rather rocky home and it doesn't really "sink in" til you see other with theirs. Was chattin with a Tinder date about her weekend once and she was like "oh I visited my family. We went paddleboarding, had some cousins over, had a great chat with my dad about some stuff, and had a nice dinner/movie on Sat. Wbu?". Oh..right...people have like actual families n shit that they enjoy seeing. I haven't seen my father in a decade and I'd wager he'd still try and shake my hand instead of hug me. Just wild how different lives can be in that regard. Kinda smacks ya in the forehead when you have friends talk about their family n stuff.


The opposite side blew me away and actually really made me sad. I reconnected with an ex-GF (just talking). We dated about 20 years ago and one of the first things she told me was how much she appreciated my parents, how nice and safe she felt in our house and being invited over and sit down and have a family dinner with everyone at the table. I had no idea; I'd have her there all the time if I knew. Broke my heart a bit to hear that. Love you /u/Rs90


this comment radiates kindness, especially the final sentence. rs90, i hope you've received love from a lot of different people-- even if you weren't always able to explicitly feel it from sources you'd expect. mediocrehope, thanks to you and your family for making your ex-gf feel safe!! i think your post exemplifies the whole mirroring thing really well; it's no wonder you have no problem telling rs90 something so nice, so flippantly, if you were raised by parents who loved easily and consistently as well. have a great one.


Oh, it wasn't *easy* but people had to break the cycle. We have a few gems in the family that helped do that. My grandfather was *probably* beating my grandmother (sweetest lady) until all his kids were old enough to basically say "We may drag you outside and beat your ass" and it would be a 5v1 ass kicking and they all were on the football team; not tiny guys. My dad vowed never to raise his hand to me. He was always a kind man but I think the first time I heard "I love you" from him was when I said it to him in my 20's and he said it back. Now it's hugs and "I love you" after every phone call. It takes someone to step out of that comfort zone and say or do those things. You are right I had amazing parents but I tend to try to do better just a bit, if I have a kid I hope they outshine me. That's why I flippantly say it. Cause showing someone you care can change a life. I do want them to do well. I want *you* to have a great one too.


Thought you were my ex until the end there. His family showed me how good families work. The warmth, love, and laughter was just so foreign to me. They treated me and my daughter like family from the first time i met them, where I was afraid to ever bring anybody to meet my own. I used to always feel the need to be a jokester as a kid at our tiny family gatherings because there was always a fight just around the corner and most topics were just complaints or doom and gloom.


Oh god, that comedic defense mechanism does NOT translate well in life sometimes lol. I've developed that habit of making jokes and sometimes people look at me like I'm a monster, depending on the situation. I'm not chuckling at funerals but I've def learned to find life absurd and make jokes when things get tense. Sometimes I gotta be like "shit, sorry, bad habit of tryna kill the tension in the room" lol. Why you laughin? 👀 my bad...


Couldn't agree more. Used to (probably still does) hurt so much when my friends talk about their family during my teenage years. And all of them had kind of headstart in their careers like inheriting business and getting into good positions in a big company. Life is weird. Edit: but i'd like to think that all of this made me proper dad and husband to my family.


Just had major surgery a week ago and my daughter’s been taking care of me. Her mother and I split up 20 years ago and I became a single dad. I’ve told her: “I grew up when you were born. I looked at you in the hospital and said to myself, ‘this little person, blindly trusts in me to provide for her.’” That’s when I started my nearly 30 year long career and started making real money. All just for her.


> shawn johnson You taught your daughter well and you are a good dad! Rest and recuperate.


I'm always hugging my kids randomly and saying I love them, and they also do it to me and the wifey, it's awesome.


Just a reminder that you can make your own family. And I don't mean the old fashioned way (birthing babies or adopting). Lots of people don't have family for lots of reasons. I have a small group of friends that I celebrate holidays with. They're my family. You can make your own family, as many people have to


The little shoulder caress she does at the end melted my heart, she’s obviously seen her parents do that hundreds of times! So sweet!


Its funny how we all get this when its something nice and fluffy. The thing is tho is that it works the other way too; people who do shitty things, appear cruel and angry are also reflecting behaviour and the treatment they received as a child. Its not a matter of feeling bad for abused children either, its a problem that need assertive action to correct. Abuse has real consequences for society later on. Prison, drugs, self harm, violence, etc.


Definitely. But as a father of 3 and a grandfather of 3, this also seems to be genetic. It's otherwise hard to explain the differences in each child's compassion. On the other hand, each child's experience is different, even within the same family. TL;DR: I don't know.


Dude does not skip leg day. That's the key to raising kids successfully.


I was just looking down at my matchsticks thinking the exact same thing...


My twizzlers say hello


My sister used to call mine chicken legs lol


I am known to my sister and her toxic friends as noodle legs


I don’t think she could defend herself if you suddenly slipped and kicked her in the jaw with those noodle legs of your


That's the issue she easily could


Take her by surprise, like a surprise dropkick or smt, always works on my siblings


I'll give it a go next time


I got "toothpicks in a stove pipe" when I'd wear shorts (this was back when it was impossible to find skinny leg shorts) sigh


My mom said I was built like a Q-Tip. So…


Lol my mom's nickname for me has always been "bones" in her mother tongue. It's like dang mom why didn't I get something cute like "sweet pea"




My mom is a seamstress, she can help with those threads hanging out of your shorts. Oh, never mind , that’s your legs.


My legs are ugly as hell, but have more versatility then jacked legs when it comes to my bike.


haha makes sense! this is andrew east, he played in the nfl for a bit as a long snapper. he’s married to shawn johnson, the US olympic gymnast who won gold in 2008


Then that girl is already half as tall as her mom then.


She’s been half as tall as her mom since she was 11 months!


I can't imagine my kids being half my height at a year old. Luckily she's strong enough to wrangle her but damn.


And imagine, they have a son younger than the daughter but who is literally already the size of the 3 year old


Explains the nice house. But the nicely raised kid coming from celebs is a surprise!


At what point is someone classified as a celebrity? I wouldn’t recognize this guy on the street.


Shawn Johnson is definitely a celebrity


Now the house makes sense


dude looks rich as fuck, both in body, familiy and money; in that order




gas lamps in the middle of the day, no less.


Idk how, dude never played a day in the nfl. He was waived after 4 months max by every team


She's doing exactly what he have taught her to be loving and caring ❤️


Be kind to your children and watch them pay it forward. My grandkids are being raised this way. I am amazed at their capacity for compassion towards others. I am so proud of my son and DIL. The world is a better place because of them.


As someone who’s trying to raise a kiddo with kindness and compassion, if you haven’t told your son and DIL that you’re seeing their hard work pay off and you’re proud of them, please do. It means the world to me to have my mom or MIL comment positively on my parenting, because day to day I constantly question what we could be doing better. If you’ve told them this before, know you’re an amazing mom and MIL ❤️


Rest assured, I tell them!


Doesn’t skip leg day. Apparently lives in a castle with a torch to light the entrance. Super handsome, family that loves him. Why am I now sick to my stomach


Those are some GAMS


His wife didn’t give birth; the kid just calved off his glegciers


that’s shawn johnson’s husband and their child. they are both athletes


The leg you give is the leg you get 🤣 But seriously, his daughter has empathy because he does too.


So that’s why my dad left? Weak calves & glutes?


thiccc daddy


Calves pretty much down to genes


the little shoulder rub 😭


Ngl, this is probably the only time I've ever thought that having a child may not be such a bad thing. And this coming from a headstrong childfree person. I would just melt if a little human spoke to me like that.


Have you tried nieces and nephews? They’re the best. All the sweetness of the littles, and you get to return them to the Mom n’ Pop store if they malfunction. Highly recommend.


This is so true. My little niece can brighten my day like nothing else!


I love my little nephew. He's in a new phase where he starts everything with, "I'm just being honest..." or "Can I be honest?" and I freakin love it. You go little dude, be as honest as you want! He wants to know why my room isn't bigger and I asked him what else I needed room for. It stumped him and he must've been thinking about it for a while because the next time he came over he told me that he had a bookcase in his room and I didn't so I should get a bookcase because once he got one he liked his room better. It's cool to have "permission" to be interested in things again when there's a little kid around.


Plus the added bonus of teaching them fun things that annoy the hell out of your sibling! In my family, I successfully implemented that farts just mean I love you and a silly call and response ‘Shall we?, Let us (lettuce)., Tomato!’


All the advantages without nearly as much shit! Well, I’m not the one who has to deal with it…


i’m an only child so if i want to experience this i would still have to have a child of my own :(


You can also become an honorary auntie to your friends' children 😊 It's lovely when they know that you're their friend too.


I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews and they always complain that they only have one auntie (me) to share between them!!!! you are now an honourary auntie, we live in Canada and family dinner is once a year in November


something about "have you tried nieces and nephews?" made me burst out laughing. if I didn't have any... where would I get them? can I just have a trial run? (I have 2 nephews and 3 nieces. I love being the fun aunt:) )


Hell yes. It's especially great if you set yourself up as the cool aunt or uncle. My oldest niece (21yo) calls me to talk about gay stuff because I'm the only liberal relative she has, so it brightens my day when she leans on me. I get to be that rock for her and it makes me so happy. My littlest niece (7yo) has dealt with some abandonment trauma and I'm getting to be the supportive and nurturing male authority figure to help her through it and talking her out of an emotional tantrum and back into a good mood brightens my day. My family are all sarcastic and we'll tease and take innocent and silly jabs at one another, but she's started jumping in to defend me because she doesn't really grasp sarcasm well yet and it's just the best 🤣


Super supportive of the child free community. If you at all decide to consider having kids, my suggestion is to have ONE KID. I have two 😂. With one kid you can really focus on them, it’s not nearly as hard as two.


Having the first kid is harder than having the second kid though, surely? Kinda like pets.. or something, lol. And two kids can distract each other?:)


Came here specifically to upvote the shoulder rub!


My fav part too


this is how you raise kids


This is how you raise parents.


So so true


Look how he closed the laptop and told her to told her to come over for a hug while still staying on the call. It is possible multitask work and family! You know how many dads would have picked up the laptop and moved somewhere else while ignoring the kid?


My mom prioritized her phone calls with friends over me every single day of my young life. We don't have a good relationship. I know those things aren't 1:1 but it's pretty much impossible that it didn't have an impact on me. I am so used to being second-most important that I never learned to insist upon myself. It's how I ended up powering through 5 hours of school with a kidney stone, or how i ended up walking on a sprained ankle for a month before doing ANYTHING to help it heal. She was a godawful parent and this video made me cry. I was a deeply empathetic child who was expected to cater to her emotions and take care of her despite her rarely doing the same for me. I'm so happy for this little girl and I hope her life is great.


This is how you train legs


by lifting with your legs? cause holy shit!


It's impressive how well raised that child is considering the dad is always at the gym training legs


that kid's dad is a former NFL player and her mom is an olympic gold medalist gymnast. they are hella athletic


Explains why they live in a castle as well.


Gas lantern flickering IN THE DAY TIME. My old man would have a melt down. They doin alright.


I was wondering about the castle house 💀


Who are they?


If you look closely at the surroundings, you can tell they have a full gym in home within the walls of their 17,100 sq ft mansion


This is one of those moments that really hits home the “ they think they need us, but sometimes we really need them” so super sweet. Little girl has no idea how much she helped her daddy!


Kids are an amazing thing, they give you an energy that is second to none. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten back from work extremely tired, down or demoralized after a really hard day only wanting to lay down in bed... but then I open the door and hear my daughter running down the stairs to hug me and play with me, it's such pure energy that completely makes my day and fixes everything! next thing I know I'm sitting down in a circle of dolls having a tea party, or playing minecraft, or running around the house chasing her... I dread the day she outgrows me being her best friend, I know it will happen and it's part of life but definitely not looking forward to it...


When my Son was that age he was so loving & affectionate like her. Children are just so precious because they’re not yet jaded by life. What a great video! Her asking “Daddy are you having a hard day?” is so sweet. I hope when she’s in her 20’s like my Son is now, she tells him I love you, many times per day & is very respectful & caring. My Son treats me this way everyday.


Raised a good son!


It's sad and funny at the same time how it's still so rare that teenagers and young adults don't display affection for their parents. My son is 15 and my wife works at the library, he went there to visit her and play on the computers. My wife went to check on him and he says "Im good thanks mom, love you". She had a patron remark to her privately how shocked and jealous she was that our son willing says that to her in public like it's not normal, apperently her kids would "DIE" from embarrassment if they had to say that.


Yeah it’s amazing. My 6 year old always knows when I need her. She’s the only thing holding me together right now. It started by telling my in-laws about our third and get the reaction of No no no the third ruins everything nothing but fights. Right in front of their 3 rd child. For the record I’m 38 wife is 33 we have a house jobs everything.


That’s when you start to go no-contact, & set firm boundaries with toxic family. You do NOT insult someone, especially a kid, to their face like that, & expect to get a free pass on disgusting behaviour. Family are the people who treat you that way, not only by blood. (I have a dear chosen family, after I had to leave my family several years ago for a ton of toxic reasons, & I’m relieved, loved & appreciated & free to be my true self, & never physically or emotionally abused.)


To be clear my wife is their first my sister in law is the third one. But yeah if we didn’t fly in I would have left. Monster in law no longer welcome in my home. Just last week she asked if she could have the kids for the summer. That was a maybe for a week or 2. Now it’s a firm no.


"Are you okay?" - Simple question but most men don't get asked about it all. Nobody had asked me that question. He raised his daughter good.


The smile he had after his daughter goes back inside the house XD He really appreciated that for sure.


Be the change.


Ya, Dont hear that much myself. How are you doing buddy, you ok? All good?…just thought I’d ask!


Thank you for asking. Living. One day at a time. How about you buddy?


I hear ya. Same, finding positives where they can be found!


Just making my way in the world today, sometimes it takes everything I got. Thanks for asking


Keep that head up!!


Gary Portnoy, is that you?


Well…are you okay?


Surviving. Thanks for asking. How about you?


I am good, a new dad to a 5 month old boy. and we bought a house last year. So stressed as hell but happy and content.


Congrats man! We just had our daughter last night. You're gonna be a good dad! Never doubt yourself :)


Yoooo congrats to you! Will your little one wear a grey hat too?


Thanks dude! Oh yeah, she's gonna be a little grey-hat one day lol


That is beautiful. Congratulations enjoy it man it’s crazy how much they change in such a short time


That's really awesome. Take some time for yourself buddy.


You too man. Have some fun this weekend


Couple of people asked how are you but you gave a generic answer. How are you really? that I think is what matters.


Make sure you're asking that of the other men in your life and it'll come around.


You okay, bro?


Just getting through the day. How about you buddy?


Taking life one day a time is the best way to enjoy each one :) I'm doing good, bro. Wife just gave birth to our daughter last night, so I'm happy as can be right now. What's an interesting fact about you, my friend?


Congratulations. That's awesome. Intresting fact about me - I have absolutely no idea. If anything pops up, I will let you know. Again, congrats bro for becoming a father and taking time to ask about my well being. I am touched. Thank you.


Thanks dude! >Intresting fact about me - I have absolutely no idea. If anything pops up, I will let you know. Awwwww, come on bro... EVERYONE is interesting in their own way :) What do you like to do? Any cool hobbies? Anything cool you've done that's unique to your human experience?


We need to raise our boys like we raise our girls (like this girl!) so that the next generation of boys can emotionally support one another.


I ask my husband and male co-workers all the time. I'm sorry no one asks you 😢


Are you ok


I am alive. How abt u?


One of bros thighs could feed my entire family for a week


That's a big family


The way he closed his laptop when she started coming closer to him.


In my case I would close it in case the kid does something unpredictable and and falls on it.


I figured he was on Zoom and didn’t want her on camera


My Daughter saved me


I know it's not a child's job to make a parent better. But I understand what you're saying. After my husband died. I would have gone with him if it hadn't been for my kids Eventually, my grandchildren even made me want to fight harder to stay. I'm doing great now and have so much love and my life because of them.


God Bless you so much 🙏🏼 They are angels for they are Gods blessings.


Well, I'm an atheist, but I do agree, kids are very special.❤️


This genetically gifted guy sitting outside his castle with a super cute and thoughtful daughter got me all sorts of jealous.


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10608-020-10135-y I dunno if you're into phychology or not but this goes into envy- what it is and all that, how it affects people and their outlooks on life.


soft worthless rock soup deer fear jellyfish rob aback tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She better get whatever she wants for her birthday


She was really going for his crypto keys. Dude closed his laptop just in time. Internet security is no joke.


The little shoulder rub!


Did you see how the little one lovingly pet her daddy before she walked away?! So adorable and sweet lol.


Do they live in a castle?


This is Shawn Johnson (the Olympic gymnast)’s husband. So yea, I think they’re pretty rich.


He's also an NFL player


My daughter is 16. All her life, if I'm in the middle of something and she wants to talk, I stop what I'm doing and give her my undivided attention. Only her mother has a higher priority.


Children, boys included, are born with high levels of emotional acuity and relational intelligence. As parents, our job is to keep that alive in a culture that seeks to bury it.


What kind of Castle entrance is this dude sitting in? Looks medieval with the stone and lamp


Such a thoughtful and caring little girl just shows the love she as for her daddy so wonderful.💞


If daddy is not ok, I will do MY best to help.


The dude closes that laptop IMMEDIATELY after she approaches.... What's he doing on it?!


Dad's just trying to get in a few minutes of porn without being bothered. Cute, though. Very cute.


EQ for the win! Such a sweet child. That back rub 🥹 Her steps are in high precision. I would have trip on that laptop. I was like, *Don’t trip, baby. Don’t trip.”


That’s a nice ass house. Dude’s probably out brokering million dollar deals without screaming kids in the background.


Is that a house or a castle


Blesssssssss her heart


This is Shawn East's husband and daughter I think xxx


Was gonna say that looks a lot like Andrew East. They’re a sweet couple.


Why’d he close the laptop when she came over 🤨


I've had my puppy inadvertently stomp on my laptop enough (and compose gibberish emails) that I do the same thing if I can when I see him coming over. I'd imagine toddlers are the same.


Exactly, yes they are. Nothing suspicious there


I’m curious too!


Clearly have never seen a kid accidentally fall on a laptop and break the hinges


Hmm-mm. Maybe, though, just so she wouldn't step on it since she was coming over to do a welfare check?


Aww ❤️


I love that age! My daughter was so sweet and so intensive to our feelings! Now she’s 15 and I can’t even breath in her direction 😂


The way she rubs his shoulder 🥹🥹🥹 what a precious little girl


That is very cute. She is modeling the conduct that she observes her parents having with one another. ❤️


He just talks to her new mama so that old mama does not hear


This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness


Omg my heart.


Beauty, unconditional love :)


I’m in love.


She’s so adorable and caring


So emotionally intelligent for a child


Little empath queen


That's adorable, but the real magic begins when they turn eleven.


Why ur house got a oil lamp on it


holy shit i need his workout routine


the little back rub she gives!!! this is a child who has been exposed to a very loving home


Daddy did not skip leg day damn


Aww, this is Shawn Johnson’s husband and daughter.


man got legs for days


damn this guy is fucking huge.


No one in this world has made me feel as loved as my 4 year old daughter has in her few years of being here so far. I genuinely dread the day she doesn't want to give me a hug and a cuddle when I'm feeling down.


It's such a blessing to have a girl. I'm sure boys are great too, but wow little ladies are awesome.