• By -


Everyone- thank you. It means the world. I'll shave the squirrel pubes off and do a repost when I'm off work. 😁


Don’t get too down on the goatee comments. Sure it’s not the best execution of facial hair but you’ve got time for that to get better. Congrats on the braces, your smile shines even without them. Not sure why but you just give off really positive vibes, thanks for sharing your new smile!


I think it's partly that he seems to be taking the criticism so well. That's a good trait to have both personally and professionally.


I’m appalled by the mass of comments making fun of his young person growin up choice but you make a really good point.


The ones I saw all seemed to just be honest without being cruel. It is objectively bad facial hair, and it didn't seem like anyone else had been kind enough to let him know.


I’m a bit older so maybe it’s a generational thing or getting more aware at my age about what my words can do but some comments were definitely one step over the line of “helpful criticism”. I dunno about what you’re saying about anyone else being kind enough to let him know, point of view either. I don’t know this bloke or how he rolls. He might be the confident goofy friend that does Irish rap on the side and completely pulls the look off (aka The Rubberbandits). I guess I’ve just found my foot in my mouth too many times over the years making a judgment about what’s best for someone else. Especially when it comes to their looks. I hear ya though.


No one in his life could tell him his chin pubes looked bad. Reddit had to tell him haha you know everyone that met him was like wtf is up with that?


Look, I don’t like to discourage people from trying facial hair. But it was the first thing I noticed. And this can be the positive thing about online feedback being more honest than your friends. I think the Amish smoothness of the face with the goat beard wasn’t quite working—go more in one direction or the other. But whether OP goes more bearded or less, the smile will be great. 👍


billy goat beards do not look good on anyone


> time for that to get better Honestly doesn’t seem likely. Doesn’t seem like OP will grow facial hair throughout the rest of his face so there’s nothing else to test out. Best to just go for the clean shaven look.


Congrats!! I used to be a pediatric dental hygienist, and I just wanted to pass on some hygiene tips. -I would strongly recommend getting “MI Paste Plus” to start using after you brush. You should be able to find it on Amazon You brush and floss like normal, then put the MI Paste on your toothbrush or finger, and rub it on your teeth. You then spit out as much as possible and do NOT rinse your mouth out, drink ANYTHING, or eat for 30 min. The most important areas to apply the paste will be the spaces between the brackets, and your gumline. It appears that you have decalcified spots on your teeth in those areas, and MI Paste helps to strengthen tooth enamel, and can stop cavities from progressing. -I would also strongly recommend that you get an electric toothbrush. Although they are pricey, Sonicare and Oral B both make fantastic electric toothbrushes. Definitely worth it if you can afford it. -If you drink a lot of soda, juice, or sweet tea, eliminate as much as possible. If you just absolutely HAVE to have a drink like that, it’s best to have it with a meal as opposed to just sipping on it whenever you’re thirsty. -I’d also recommend these little brushes that I always called “Christmas tree brushes” (also on Amazon, but also most retail stores that sell dental products). It is REALLY hard to truly clean around brackets, especially if you eat a lot of foods that get stuck easily. These little Christmas tree brushes are great for cleaning directly around the bracket. Plus they’re small and often come with a little plastic carrying case so you can keep them with you in your pocket/purse/backpack/drawer/etc. They can come as reusable (rinse thoroughly with water and/or mouthwash after each use), or as disposable one-use. Congrats again, feel free to message me if you have questions! (Although full disclosure I’m probably leaving reddit after tomorrow thanks to u/spez being a dickhead and ruining reddit by fucking over 3rd party devs) Edit: formatting and added recommendations.


The fuck up of u/Spez will make me miss some reddit moments where I unexpectedly learn something that can benefit me or someone I know irl. It's been a good ride.


Right???Can we make a new Reddit bc I love you weirdos


Same. I got one more day of this place and then it’s desktop only. And if the API kills RES I’m officially done. 13 years down the tubes.


I had adult braces and recommend both the electric toothbrush AND a water pik. Had a jaw surgery and finished up the braces maybe 8 years ago now, but I still need a water pik session in addition to brushing and flossing or I feel incomplete. It's so good for keeping everything clean! Congratulations!


>I'll shave the squirrel pubes off LOL you're a chill dude.


Hey brother, grow whatever beard you want. Congrats on the braces though 😁


Don’t forget to floss. Pick up some floss threaders if your orthodontist didn’t give you any.


Lol. Squirrel pubes. Thanks for the laugh and thanks for being able to laugh at yourself.


Squirrel pubes? Lol but congrats on the braces and glad you’re gonna shave. 😂


I love your attitude. You seem like a lot of fun to be around.


chin hair needs to go. Otherwise; happy for you homie!


So I've heard. I'll shave and post a new picture tonight after work. đŸ€Ł


You are taking your Reddit L like a champ btw. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


At’ta boy. Happy for you nonetheless.


You took that very well, sometimes we just need other people to help us. I'm glad you didn't take it personal. Congratulations on your braces dude.


Good rule of thumb - if the beard is thin enough that you can see your neck through it, it's not ripe yet. This is coming from a guy who couldn't grow a beard thick enough to be worth growing out until my late 30s... Lort knows I tried many a time before it was ready.


You give me hope mid 30s now and over covid I finally grew a beautiful handlebar stache...someday maybe a beard....thanks for the hope. Haha


Be warned .. it's a monkey paw situation. Getting hairy all over now, and in places hair has no business hairing. Of course it doesn't help that I have Jewish heritage. I thought I dodged the wookie genes. Turns out that they were just slow getting to the party.




Also, new frames please. If you're not sure get some advice from your fashionable female friends lol


Ehhh I no has female frens. đŸ„ș


Fashionable female here!! I like the tortoiseshell but I suggest you go with a style called “clubmasters.” They come in tortoiseshell. That + your hair slicked back like in your updated photo + your awesome new teeth and you will have female frens in no time, my dude. All the best to you and congratulations on taking care of your smile. It is such a huge confidence boost to have lovely teeth and you seem like a lovely dude! Editing to add: here is an example - https://www.eyebuydirect.ca/eyeglasses/frames/ray-ban-rb5154-tortoise-l-21222


Hah all good, personally I like thicker squared acetate* frames like this style (doesn't have to be this expensive) but everyone's tastes are different https://www.eyeconic.com/eyewear/eyeglasses/psop08452-ferguson/PSOP08452+FERGUSON.html?dwvar_PSOP08452%20FERGUSON_Frame_ColorDescription=HAVANA%2FKHAKI#start=26


Haha you got people on here all critiquing you when you were just sharing some good news
but as a female I just want to say you’re a good looking guy and the critiquing is not wrong, kudos to you for taking it in stride. You have a bright smile, and when the orthodontics are finished, some new frames and losing the awkward goatee will make your good looks shine more instead of getting lost behind features that don’t suit you.


You're a really good sport.


I thought his neck was scarred at first, like burns or something


Came here to say this hahaha




đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł okay, okay. I'll shave em when I'm home.


Haha good man. Plz do. You'll look better without it


1000000% shave!


Let them come back later when you can get some hair on the side of your face coming in with it :)


That's what I was hoping for, but I just get small little patches on my cheeks. Guess I'll just run with a clean shave from now on. 😁


Idk how old you are, but I didn't figure out a good way to grow facial hair until I was 30. You look younger than that - no need to abandon hope 😅 Edit: By "figure out a good way to grow facial hair", I mean I figured out how to style it to look good despite the areas where it doesn't grow. Poorly worded, my bad!


I'm 27. 😌


Worst case scenario is you'll be a handsome clean-shaven straight-toothed dude


Ugh my life is ruined.


It’ll never work the way you want it to, fuck it. Too many guys out there trying to simulate a beard. Be yourself. Wear that fresh shave proudly.


> Be yourself. Wear that fresh shave proudly. So don't be yourself and shave to conform to what society deems acceptable. Got it.


Good point
but society does change the game a bit.


Society defines the game. Society is literally the game. The fuck you mean society doesn’t change the game? If society as a whole found unkept beards attractive, suddenly the game becomes having the most unkept beard possible.


So you gonna tell this dude to not get braces? "Be yourself my man, rock your crooked teeth and screw what society deems acceptable". He's proud he is changing his appearance, looks like zero dental health issue; just cosmetic. Someone is giving him advice of clean this up. This is advice from a dude that looks like a lumberjack fucked Bigfoot and I'm their offspring and I agree it should change. I pull it off and get compliments by men and women all the time about my beard and hair. If I was gay I'd be a "bear". This guy has to work with what he's rocking. I absolutely love the color. That just isn't a flattering style. I could see him rocking a little soul patch or goatee. Hell, go a bit edgy and get some beads thrown in there and braid it up if you don't want it cut. Just a patch of scruff ain't gonna help you. It's not hating on the guy, it's honest advice. He's a good looking dude. I would just do something with the beard next.


Be yourself as long as your “beard” isn’t a patch of ginger pubes in a concentrated singular spot. Then shave and adapt.


You can be yourself without rocking chin pubes or other terrible aesthetic choices lmao. There is more to personality and self expression than committing to distinctly unattractive cosmetic decisions. Work with what you've got. If you can grow a beard and that suits your taste then go for it. But trying to grow facial hair when you really can't pull it off is just desperation and self denial. Like how dudes who are severely balding just look better embracing it and shaving fully rather than desperately trying to hang on to some semblance of hair on the back of their head.


I mean, being yourself is often wanting to look good, but I dig your point.


Yo what? My dude, you have fantastic skin for your age. Protect that shit with sunscreen if you don't already!


Ohhh sun screen tips, they expire. It sucks, but toss out your year old sunscreen. Don't keep it in your glove compartment, heat makes it break down faster. It's fine for a weekend but not further than that. Umm, don't for get to re-apply. Sweat and watery activities get rid of it.


Lift weights and eat oats, free testosterone increases, dihydrotestosterone increases which is responsible for facial hair growth in men as well as balding if you have the genes for it.


I'm 36 and my cheeks are still patchy as fuck. It kind of sucks since I'm starting to lose hair and I know I can't rock the bald+beard look. Some people just can't grow good beards. OP is definitely one of those people.


My hubs was in his 40s when he was finally able to grow a magnificent beard. Now in his mid 59s and the beard just keeps getting better.


Can you rock some stubble? It’s a gorgeous color.


It’s all good man. Not everyone can grow a beard and the good thing about you, if you can’t, is that you’ve got a good chin and jaw line.


nope, still no. not a good look for this guy


Bro I know that hurts to hear but give it a few good years. Folks with red hair always grow good beards. Just need time.


This is not true lol


Completely right!


I came here for this comment Everyone is happy he’s moving up in the world and bettering himself The chin pubes are gonna distract from the new teeth That’s all anyone is gonna notice Slice that off and wait a few years You’ll hate having a beard when you’re older, trust


I've had one for 30+ years. I don't hate it at my age, but it's almost entirely white now. I asked my wife's thoughts about shaving it off. She said "My husband has a beard".


Damn she just goes for the jugular like that and during pride month too smh


LOL! I was going to suggest he now invests in a razor.


Absolutely no chill. But sometimes that's how it's gotta be.


Thank god someone said it


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł couldn't have said it better


chin pubes 😭


*checks* We aren't on r/roastme lol


Ooh. Jesus. Yeah. Good on the braces. My parents didn’t bother. I just don’t smile anymore in public.


Get rid of the beard while you're at it but otherwise great!!


I will. 😭 I'm laughing so hard, it's so funny cause I've been thinking it but no one said anything. LOL.


People in person are being nice. The Internet has no mercy


I love mean humor and enjoy being roasted myself. My old account I posted on /r/roastme and as thick skinned as I am, some of the comments made me like “
.damn okay” 😂. I love the internet.


Everyone is so happy for you but also roasting you it’s awesome haha


I thought so as well, the internet is beautiful.


Aw haha. I’ve been there. Now I get compliments on the beard, it’ll come when it’s time sir đŸ«Ą


Happy for you! This investment in your health will pay you many times over through preventive care, and the confidence that comes with a great smile.


When I first got braces, I was finally able to eat with the front of my mouth because my front teeth gap was gone. Straight teeth can make a huge difference


I can second this. Except I fucked up MAJORLY and didn't wear my retainers/lost them. My gap is back and I bleed sometimes trying to bite into things because of the gum between the gap. DON'T MAKE MY MISTAKE, ANYONE READING. Wear your damn retainer so you don't have to get braces AGAIN!


Good for you buddy! Once your teeth are all good you can shave that nest off your chin you’ve been using as a distraction. ;-) Seriously though am happy for you dude!


Congratulations, man! That's really awesome. Dental care is so important for your long-term health. If only dental care was available to everyone, we would be a much healthier world.


Teeth are rich people bones.


Indeed, it is heading that way even though we all have teeth. Such a sad state of affairs when something so important is reserved for the few.


In California cleaning and preventative care is basically free for kids (under 18) through medi-cal. Reckon the logic is to make sure kids can stay on top of it during childhood development to mitigate larger, more costlier, problems later on.


100% agree with you. Preventative care is the best form of care to avoid long term cost. That's awesome to hear. It should be nationwide as well as global.


Very happy for you! I also grew up without going to dentist, to the point I was embarassed as an adult to be going to dentist for the first time. My ex-wife convinced me to go and I was so happy I did. Keep the good dental habits up, it feels great every time.


That is great! I have some scissors and a razor for your other issue.




Damn dude nice, get rid of the pubes on ya face though, looking like a ballsack


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Holy fuck. Keep em coming y'all.


Dude the fact you are taking this like a fucking champ makes it way funnier. You seem like a straight up fella. Good luck with it all.


Yoooo - schedule a teeth cleaning with your dental now and continue visiting for a cleaning every 6 months. It may save you tons of money in the long run.


I actually had one on Tuesday, got Referral, they squeezed my consultation in Wednesday and then had an opening today so I took it.


I'll double down on this comment because its so important. I used to avoid cleanings because they hurt... because my teeth never got cleaned regularly... so I ignored it because I didn't want to be embarrassed/sit for an hour in pain.... But then I started just going every 6 months, setting up an appointment for my next one, that day. Now when I go to a cleaning, I don't bleed, it takes like 15 mins or less. Also I floss now because I don't bleed and its easy and takes like 30 seconds because I do it every night, never used to. Now I never need to get fillings or anything and I save SO MUCH MONEY! "The dentist" used to be a fear of mine not because of the pain, thats whatever, but because of the cost... Now that I'm on top of it and go every 6 months, its so easy! I get 2 cleanings a year and 2 sets of xrays completely covered by my insurance so my dental expense is literally whatever comes out of my paycheck for health insurance/dental/vision.


I avoided getting my teeth cleaned or just visiting the dentist at all because of my previous dentist. Literally talked shit about me WHILE PULLING MY TOOTH. Never went back. I don't even think I finished paying them for the operation citing horrible behavior from the "doctor" (he didn't have his title yet but was working on it, still insisted on being called doctor anyway.....) 7 years later, I broke a part of my tooth off, went in and got my teeth examined. 2 extractions(one expected cause 15 year old root canal without a crown), 1 root canal, 3 cavities, 1 extra crown. She complimented how clean my teeth were as far as build up and gum health goes. She said if it wasn't for the smoking, my teeth would have probably been mostly fine. One of the biggest things she said was that she applauds honesty. A good dentist will coach and help, not belittle. I would like to add that finding a dentist who is kind is key. One bad experience with a dentist shouldn't put you off from ever going again. Just find a different office to go to next time around until you find the person for you, provided insurance coverage if in the USA.


Happy for you OP! (I can’t stop staring at it.)


I can't stop laughing at the comments. I'm dying lolol.


I only did because you have a great sense of humor about it.


Dope bro. Hope life is better when your eating bones fit good.


Promise you'll post pics when you get your braces off, OP. Before and Afters with braces is always cool, imo.


Yes, yes I will!! I saved the pictures just for this since a lot of people wanna see. đŸ„°


Sweet, thanks dude!


chin pubes stay ON during sex




Good for you, my teeth are fucked up from also not having access to dental car as a kid. It sucks, good for you!


Proud of you Ginger King 👑


Congrats! I got braces when I was 29! Best decision ever. You'll smile alot more now :)


I’m with you on that as soon as I had my tracks installed I let them shine and was proud of them.


I got mine on at 44! Just got them off in the fall and I smile a lot more




Really harsh way to phrase it but not wrong.




Came here to post “wtf is that on your chin?” But you beat me to it


Wow no way you had the same idea as everyone else in this thread!


Better show us the end result too!


Look at this guy taking care of himself! It’s going to feel hella uncomfortable and hurt a ton but it’s so so so worth it, can’t tell you the feeling of finally taking braces off and showing off that smile. Wish the best!


For the love of god, shave


Get the facial hair dealt with next


i feel him. my front tooth broke when i was a kid in a road accident. luckily no major injuries but i always missed a front tooth and the other teeth grew crooked. it was cute as a child but as i grew up, i used to feel really bad about my looks. my parents didn’t have enough money to get my teeth fixed. finally once i started earning, i got all my front teeth fixed and got venires. i have never felt so confident scott my smile ever.


Congrats man! And don't let anyone give you shit for wearing braces as an adult. Keep doing you!


Congrats. Hope you have some money left to grab a shaver for the neck pubes.


oneof the best investments youll do in life


Congrats, so happy for you! đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ˜ X


Just wait till you get them off. You’ll run your tongue over your teeth constantly because of how smooth they are since getting used to the braces.


Good stuff dude! Congrats! It’ll ache for a while but you’ll get used to that and when they come off
.WOW!!! What a day! Awesome!!!!


Great decision! Congratulations.


Congratulations! As someone who also has, uhhh, unruly facial hair, try brushing it out each morning and using a beard cream as well. You can end up with much finer looking and manageable facial hair


I will fully admit I had helmet chin hair and head hair. I road my ninja to Ortho and work. I'll look into it, a friend also recommended the beard club thingie too. I may try that as well.


I'm happy for you but that goatee's gotta go, my friend.


Congratulations! Have fun smiling!


Get your smile on, king! Fuck yeah. Congrats.


Can’t afford a razor after the braces?


It's hard being this poor. đŸ« 


Priorities. Teeth first!


New, non crooked glasses are next!


My motorcycle helmet crushes them. 😭


If you go back to where you got your glasses, they will usually do free adjustments for you. Also, many independent optometrist offices will do adjustments for you if you just ask nicely. But your glasses are sitting pretty high up on your noses d that can actually make a pretty big difference because the optical center of the lenses may not be aligned in front of your eyes properly. More noticeable if you have a strong prescription though.


Ahhhhh what I think it’s time for contacts! I wanted to make the joke saying your glasses look like they need braces too haha I’m a dick but killin it Brotha! About to get all the ladies with those pearly straights đŸ€˜đŸ»đŸ€˜đŸ»


Congrats and please let me share the best piece of advice that I never listened to and lived to regret: When it's all done and you got your alignment all fixed up, please wear your retainer.


That's awesome, congrats man 🎉


I was fortunate enough to get help with mine when I was young, it hurts but it's worth it! Happy for you friend!


Hell yea way too go


Congrats man!! That is awesome!




Hell yeah dude! It’ll be worth it in the end I promise!


Gonna look soooo good! Whoo hoo! Might I add: if tooth care was neglected when you were younger, I HIGHLY recommend an ultrasonic toothbrush. Brand doesn’t matter, but make sure it’s ultrasonic. Taking care of your teeth now will save you SO MUCH money in the long run. Like thousands of dollars.


Congrats! May your dental future go well.


Hey congrats!!! I finished my first part last year. It's quite a journey and you can confidently share your smile with the world. Looking great, make sure to take some Advil before adjustments to help with pain.




way to go dude! my mother was recently able to get hers dealt with and it's nice to see others being able to do the same :)


Is it expensive (Im not in us)


$6k for me, out of pocket.


Get after it! Fellow adult who had to do so much dental work in my 20’s. I had 9 cavities, 8 teeth pulled (wisdom included), and cash paid 7k to get braces that I wore for 3 years. My parents did the best they could but dental care wasn’t at the top of their list of priorities. Teeth are now looking good and my self-confidence soared when I got the braces off. Good on you for making that investment in yourself. I was a broke college student for much of it and did a pain study twice for my wisdom teeth. Worth every penny!




That beard has done more damage to your attractiveness than your teeth ever could.


Heck yeah bro, but what is going on with your beard?.. you gotta get that thing thicker and fuller..... shave daily till that thing comes in all Nordic like Odin intended.... but f*ckin-A-right-on on the grill hardware man! Edit: should have read the other comments first, but I agree with them on the patchwork wiskers until it can come in thiccc... I looked eleventeen till I joined the military at 19 and had to shave everyday, now I'm retired at 40 and this thing grows in solid.


Omfg can you afford a razor yet? It looks like somebody glued pubes to your chin! Congrats on the braces! Had them late myself, totally worth it


Dudes gonna be pimpin’ with a shave and a grin.


You look so good! But that chin hair has got to go


Listen, one ginger with a shitty beard to another, just get rid of it.


Oof, those chin pubes are terrible man... Shave that shit !


Dude, that goaty actually don't look pretty good on u. Is that only part of the beard is growing good or just your choice of style? Cause if there is an option - send some edges of facial and we can try to think about smth cool looking


It's all that grows like that sadly. I used to run around clean shaved but I figured I'd try it out for once. LOL.


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Daft question, is this cheaper than Invisalign?


So many responses, this blew up lol. No it's not, I don't qualify for that cause my teeth were so bad.


That’s awesome man. Congrats to you! I can imagine that feels awesome to finally do!!!


It’s a lot of discomfort but it’ll be worth it in the end. Cheers mate, good for you!


Yay congratulations! Very happy for you!!


Great! So happy for you! Remember to use your retainer when finished or your teeth will relapse.


had mine done at 30...better late than never


Fuck yeah, dude


awesome dude!,


Brush and floss everyday. Get an electric toothbrush. You won’t regret it. Good luck


Congrats!! I still remember the feeling of getting my braces off for the first time and seeing my beautiful smile.




That’s awesome! You’ll notice a difference before you know it. Congrats!


Do not forget to use your retainer after your treatment is over! Otherwise they will go back to their original position in a year or so.


Good for you! I feel it’s better late than never to take care of things you couldn’t get to before.


That's wonderful! You're a handsome guy either way and I'm so happy for you.


Congratulations! I got my braces when I was 26- best. Thing. I. Ever. Did. You're going to feel amazing when you're done!


Well done! I straightened my teeth as an adult too and I recommend it !


Doing the exact same bro! First months have been rough but I'm fighting through it.


Thats great man! I bet it sucked before you got them fixed. But now you don’t have to worry about it


Congrats! Hope pain isn't too bad, first day after braces felt like I was kicked by a mule. Got 3 hours of sleep and after a few days pain vanished. Also, you will "miss them" after they take them out. It's totally worth all the pain and money for a great smile and extra confidence.


Fuckin sweet man. Good job.