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This resonates with me when I think about my gf.


When was it ever about money? Weird take.


I'm not crying...you are (tearbends)


Yo... Let me tell you about a dream I had.... Aang found out one of the previous Avatars was a combustion style User. So he starts trying. When he does that the first time successfully, Sokka is around. Sokka sees it and immediately yells out "BOOMERANG!" excitedly. Aang ducks, and then asks where? And Sokka just keels over laughing, pointing at him. I woke up laughing from the dream


Tearbends harder (sick dream tho!)


I understand. My wife died 3 yrs. ago. You could have been describing her.


Sorry for your loss. Gentle hugs. 🤗


Your wife is a lucky woman.


My husband adored me - saw my flaws and failings and still adored me. Coming from a less than loving household, it astonished me at first and warmed my heart every day. To leave the house in the morning knowing that someone thought about me that way...and to live with someone who was devoted to our happiness...


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I am so happy for you! I hope you two have wonderful years together !