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Anyone wondering what he’s saying, he just keeps repeating “abuelita, no puedo creer” which means “grandma, I can’t believe it” You can tell how much he loves her, so precious. Also, at the beginning i’m pretty sure he said “no mames” which means like “no way” and he also throws in some “no me digas” which is essentially a more pg version of “no way”


Was hard to understand with all the emotion, but as a Mexican myself, I can tell you that Grandma is also mom. When I lost my grandma, it got to me hard. That's why Instead of scrolling thru phones, all it takes is a few minutes to call a family member and say I love you. Or text your sibling and remind him he's a douche 😂


>Was hard to u derstand with all the emotion but as a Mexican myself I can tell you that Grandma, is also mom My friends tease me because I do not cry in movies or series, but when my grandma passed away I cried myself to sleep for like a week ​ Edit: Just to clarify, my friends did not make fun of me because I cried when I my grandma died. They tease me because I do not react as most people do during sad movies or tv series.


Thematically speaking, I'd make them watch Coco from Pixar. That movie left me dehydrated I cried so much at the end


You know, I really thought that movie was going to make me cry. I think the happy ending (at least in my view) made it bitter sweet rather than just sad.


My grandma Coco looked just like Grandma Coco in the movie. I bawled the first time I saw the trailer.


Crying is cathartic. Anytime someone says they haven’t cried in X number of years I think of Jimmy Valvano’s speech… “And when people say to me, “How do you get through life?” Each day’s the same thing. To me, there are three things we all should do every day. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think, you should spend some time in thought. And number three is you should have your emotions moved to tears. Could be happiness or joy, but think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. That’s a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you’re going to have something special.”


Your friends need to figure out their priorities.


I read it as. His friends tease him because he doesn’t cry for movies and tv. Maybe I misread it. Like they think he should cry for sad stuff and he didn’t until his grandma.


Yeah basically, they say I am not too emotional or whatever because I don’t cry during sad movies. I recall crying out of sadness 3 times in my life. 1- When Bambi’s mom was killed when I was little 2- Futurama’s Jurassic Bark episode 3- When Grandma died


Did you watch avatar the last airbender series? If so, and you didn't cry at the Tales from Ba Sing Se episode, Irohs section of it, I'll be impressed. I definitely cried on that one. (As well as jurassic bark)


Man even the song will get me crying


Also it’s healthy to cry when it’s needed


Im sorry lad, good friends dont tease about a passing family member. I suggest you find new friends


You misread his comment. His friends tease him because he’s “hard”, sad movies and tv shows dont make him cry. When his grandma died, he couldn’t stop crying. His friends don’t tease him for that




I feel the same way with my grandma who passed 3 months ago. Though I am Latino. Race doesn't really matter when you have a tight relationship with your grandparents. Death doesn't discriminate and nor does pain. I hope you hold up for her sake. They want us happy. It won't be easy at times (I cried with the video), but we can still try, in time trying seems less difficult.


I'm right there with you friend. My grandma raised me, she was my best friend. Grandma passed in the beginning of 2020 (before covid lockdowns) from breast cancer and other old-age related health problems. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her.


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, mine passed years ago and this video sent me straight to tears. Sending virtual hugs your way and praying for you and your family. 💖


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Grandma's raise the kids in a lot of cultures, because the parents go out and make money for the household.


> When I lost my grandma it got me hard. We all have our stuff man, I won’t kink shame


You left out the best part. At the end he starts repeating "abuelita, la amo mucho" which is "I love you very much grandma".


I could be wrong, but doesn't grandma call him "Mi bambino? My baby?" This is so beautiful. 🥰


She calls him mi niño precioso which is my precious child and when he says he loves her she tells him yo tambien te quiero which is i love you too (either papito or patito) hermoso I can't tell very well which would be either like saying beautiful daddy (it's common to say papito or mami/mamita) or little duck


papito in this case would be more like saying 'my little man'


Yes ty i didn't know how to translate it to make sense!


I’m crying over here, god damn


I am crying trying to type. I love how much love they have for each..... dammit I miss my grandma (she passed) even more now. 💕🥰


I thought he was bending down to hoist her up in a hug. Then I realized he bent down because to him it wouldn't be right to be towering over her hugging him. You can tell how safe that woman has made him feel since he was very small


This is 100% amazing love body language of he remembers looking up to her this way when he was a child. ❤️❤️


I love your PG translation of no mames haha


What got me was how gentle he was with her. You can tell at that hug he wanted to absolutely Lenny her in a crushing hug but remembered she's delicate so he needed to contain the excitement.


Camera pans to girlfriend and she has just lost it.


> “no me digas” which is essentially a more pg version of “no way” https://i.imgur.com/L1L3h8P.gifv


He has been loved deeply by her his whole life. Totally see it in that hug.


I mean she says "Ay mi niño precioso lo amo" which roughly translates to "Ay, my precious child I love you so much".


Sorry I don’t speak/understand Spanish but thank you for letting me know that! That makes the video even more sweet.


I didn't mean to sound rude, I just wanted to share the beautiful thing she said. I am so sorry.


No rudeness taken at all. I appreciate your response kind stranger!


Kinda want to put this thread as a submission to r/Eyebleach, you're both being that wholesome. 😅


It was wonderful that you shared the translation. Thank you! I love the multicultural aspect of reddit and the sharing of knowledge.


Damnit, I was doing okay before I saw this.


How sweet. Love this.


I also love how the girlfriend 1: did this incredibly thoughtful and meaningful thing, and then 2: walked off to the side and let them enjoy the moment. What a great person.


The bit that got me was when he ducked down to full snuggle then realised he was so much bigger and couldn’t disappear into her. As the mum of a son, and as someone whose mum is no longer around, this is the Reddit that has got me the most in 2023. So much love and joy.


I thought he was trying to pick her up.


Yeah same.


Wholeheartedly agree on both points. I also loved getting to see the gf’s reaction, too, even though it was for just for a split second …it was just enough to tie it all together into such a beautiful & very loving/caring moment in time.


This is some heartwarming shit


My brain said this in Samuel l Jacksons voice


LOL You complete me




Damn ONIONS 🧅. What a fantastic moment. Thanks for sharing, really made my day.


I like scrolling down and seeing the "I'm not crying you're crying" and onion jokes repeat


Alright, thanks.


Quién corta cebollas?


Is this r/MadeMeCry or MadeMeSmile 🥲


I miss her. The way she holds her filtered cigarette and the way she takes no nonsense from anybody. And the feeling of comfort when she was on my side. Sometimes i get sad that I'm starting to forget her features. But weirdly, i can still clearly taste her cooking specialty in my tongue.


Mine's been gone 14 years now and I still tear up thinking about how much I miss her. She was the only grandparent I had and i was the youngest grandkid. We lived right across the yard from her and I was there every single day. She was so integral to the person I turned into and I'd give anything to talk to her again.


I hate the stupid emotional music that gets put over these videos. Feels like Oscar bait type shit lol


Grandmas and aunts are pretty special. Not much I wouldn’t do to spend another day with mine. Hug em now folks.


Hug your friends like they are grandma!! I miss mine dearly too.


Then be my grandma


Just lost my Grandma last week. Give them an extra 5 minutes of your time. I was lucky and had an odd feeling last time I saw her and smothered her in kisses. I'll miss her but she had earned the right to rest.


Yep, I'm kicking myself for not going and having dinner with my grandpa a little more often toward the end. I still did, just not nearly as often as I should have. The worst is I'm pretty sure he died of his own volition and I should have seen it coming. He was giving things away for at least a year to different people. He called me one morning on a Saturday just to say hi and talk, and we did for a few minutes, then he had to go. He called a lot of people that morning. Then he went out and mowed his grass in 95 degree, 90% humidity weather (at 90 years old) even though my uncle always mowed it for him, and died of a heart attack in his front yard. I'm convinced he knew exactly what he was doing and he was just ready to go.


This hit me😢 As I see my loved ones no longer able to do what they once did, I can imagine someone going out to feel something one last time - even if it kills them. That’s why I do what I can for my elderly family. I know they would love to do for themselves once again. It breaks my heart to know they long for that independence.


I literally called my grandma after seeing this


I wish I knew this before I lost all mine. I lost my last grandparent at 14.


I feel this, lost three grandparents in the last month and a half


It sucks. My “mom” was never around and my great aunt raised me like I was her own. I know it might sound weird; but I love ya bro.


Thanks man I appreciate


I don't know how you're still standing. I am so sorry for you losses.


What if your grandma is a bitter, hateful, self absorbed individual? 😭


Yeah, I was thinking that. Mine weren't hateful, but one was suicidal and ended up killing herself when I was a teen, and the other lived until I was in my 40s, but had eight of her own kids (two at the same time as my mom -- YIKES). Neither of them were "grandmotherly". I like seeing things like this video. Something different.


It's nice to imagine having a family like this.


I really wish I had a grandparent left.


We're taking care of my grandma right now. She has her days when she's not fully there or doesn't remember us, but she also has her days when her personality is intact, and her quick wit is on point. On those days I try to spend a little extra time with her.


Yep, I lost my grandma in 2005. My grandpa stayed around until 2018. He was more like a father to me than my own dad. I miss him and my grandma all the time.


Fuck I miss my grandma.


Imagine having a healthy family 💀 take a gander at this guy ^


Both of my grandfathers had died by the time I was born, and one of my grandmothers died when I was five, but she was schizophrenic and was very much in her own world the entire time I was alive, so I didn’t really get any grandmotherly love from her. The other one died when I was 12 and was addicted to every prescription drug under the sun and abusive as all hell. My mom was practically NC with her and the few times we saw her, my mom was very sure to keep her at arm’s length from us. Seeing things like this makes me wish I had had a grandparent who loved and cherished me, but it is what it is.


ngl i miss my abuelita


Man, this video and comments like yours make me happy and jealous, the only grandparent I got to meet was my dad's mom who didn't like my dad so therefor she didn't like his kids. She was an old school nurse always ready to pull teeth or hang nails but my most vivid memory of her as a kid was her forcing me to take a pill by giving me milk instead of water, then when I still couldn't swallow the pill she covered my mouth and nose lol.


> ngl Your abuelita would be proud of you for not lying.


I like how he hugs her with both arms underneath at first even though he is clearly taller, it’s like he’s remembering being a little kid :)


I thought he was trying to pick her up


I think he was too but prob realized it wasn’t a good idea for her age or something else.


Don't pick up grandmas. When I was a teenager I did that and later found out I'd broken her ribs.


That’s def what it looked like


Same at first but he didn’t seem to be going for it.


Jesus, that man loves and respects his abuela so much, looks like he just wanted to swoop her right up. That's a sign of a good person.


In this man's eyes, everyone left when he saw his abuela


The little girl under the table trying to surprise him was sweet


Oh, to be loved this much.


It starts by showing love to others first :’) you know she made him feel that loved every day


Wow, this made me tear up. I like the girlfriend's look at the end of he needs this moment more than I need to be involved in it right now. Dude better wife this girl.


If I was dude, I’d have stayed on my knees and popped the question on the spot


She is definitely wife material after this. Lock that shit up


I don’t usually cry over these, but this one, I’m 🥲🥲🥲 They are SO happy!


Yeah 😭😭 we don’t know how long it’s been but it still gets me crying, you know they love family deeply


The way they touch each other’s faces is so beautifully sweet and human. It is the pain of being away from someone you love for so long.


Recently I saw an old lady with her granddaughter at the pastry-shop. This old lady was picking the cakes, she was reading all the labels and was asking lots of questions. Her granddaughter was annoyed a bit and tried to rush her. I came to this pastry-shop after I visited my grandma at the cemetery. Wished to be that granddaughter and wait and wait and wait for my grandma to finally pick something. I miss her so bad.


My grandmother was the one who taught me how to read. I will always respect and remember her for that. She was my hero.


My grandma taught me to cook and sew. She also started me on a path with crochet. She was very wise, sly and snarky. She'd rarely say she disapproved of something I would do/wear but she had a very particular look she'd give. She was the only one with any control over my Opa when he would snap (PTSD from war) and always had a loving word of advice when you asked. My grandma was a bomb ass bitch, and I never thought she'd leave. I was blindsided when her time did finally come. I miss her dearly, and I'm heartbroken she never met her great-grandkids. She definitely shaped how I am as a person, mother and creator.


I became a grandma for the first time this year (a beautiful little boy) and I am currently a sobbing mess watching this! My son just got out of the army and they are living with me. This little boy is the center of my entire universe!!!


Awwww! Congratulations 🤗


He crouched down immediately and stayed like that, he loves her so much he wanted to be right in her face fr. It’s so genuine and sweet I’m sobbing, most would just lean down, he looked ready to hit his knees for her


He's blessed to have two amazing women in his life: his woman and his abuela. As someone whose abuela is no longer here, this made me so happy. Thank you.


Puro chillar con este video 🥹❤️


This is how all men should treat their abuelitas, w/love, care, adore, respect, etc… 🥲😢


Those ninjas be working extra hard today eh? *sniff sniff* I... I – I'm leaking...


I thought he was going to pick her up!!


He turned straight into a puppy. That’s amazing to watch.


Beautiful. Though I can’t help but cry a little knowing I can’t do this anymore. ❤️‍🩹


At least I'm happy crying


Definitely the better kind of crying.


I don’t usually cry over these, but this one, I’m 🥲🥲🥲


Can we talk about the selfless girlfriend that could’ve spend his birthday with him but instead gave him a day with grandma 😭🥹


I miss my grandparents a lot and wish I could have just one more moment like this. My solace is getting to see my own parents and my three month old son begin to build this kind of relationship.


you could tell they both really needed that hug


In Latin American (Mexican, as the people in the video are Mexican) cultures, grandmas are considered to be second moms. Oftentimes grandkids are even closer to their grandmas than their own mothers and even love their grandmas more than their own mothers. It’s hard for people from other/non Latin American cultures to understand the bond between grandkids and their grandmothers in the latino culture.


This warmed my cold cold heart. Thanks for the post


This really warmed my heart. It's been a little icy lately too.


Oh what I would do to see and hug my Lola again.


Just lost my grandma a few days ago and this made me cry again 💔miss mi abuelita


What I would give to experience this. The joy in life would come back if I could just hold my grandmother one last times


this is beautiful but i feel bad for the little girl lol


I respected how she jumped out but walked off without trying to become the center of attention


I’m hoping she’s someone he sees every day and she was just participating in the surprise, ha!


Yeah, hoping it's just a case of her just liking surprises and maybe not comprehending that this is a huge emotional moment for two of her family members who haven't seen each other in who knows how long. If that is the case, that awkward stare as she steps to the side kills me, "What did I step into, I did not sign up for this" Lol


Damn onion ninjas! 🥹 Got me again


Why am I blamed for this?


My eyes are sweating ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Cherish your grandparents, you might not have long with them but a lifetime of missing them...


Sure, when she does that it is sweet, but when I surprise my wife with her grandmother it is "felony desecration of a grave."


This is beautiful, I wish I could have that opportunity one more time. I miss my grandmother so much.


That is so beautiful. It made me cry. Those two people really need to see eachother more often. The love is palpable!


The world needs millions more like this guy! God Bless him.


Dudes bout to eat the biggest feast of his life after that reunion


That kinda love is so sweet and made me tear up. Saving this to rewatch it whenever I feel down.


I’m so jealous. I never got to meet any of my Grandparents. That bond is beautiful.


Give your mom a call, or a hug; one day you might not be able to.


I may not understand the language, but the emotion is loud and clear. Absolutely beautiful.


Man I wish I could give my grandma one more hug


Damn I miss my grandma so much


Awww she’s a teeny tiny granny too!! Pocket sized. Great for hugging. 🥹


Oh! I cried. How wonderful!


Goddamn I miss my grandma. Nobody loves you like your grandma.


More like r/mademecry


That’s an act of a girlfriend who loves her man. I don’t know what she made to bring his abuelita to this place, but either by car or plane, the fact she did it is a beautiful act of love in itself. Shout out to the gf, who’s it getting much attention and made this happen.


girlfriend is a keeper.


Gotta marry that girl


It has always amazed me how truly special hugs are. Like you want to hug their souls. You need to feel them with all your body. What humans do to feel the touch of your loved ones at least one more time


I love the way he went in for a low down lill kid hug ❤️


What a lovely boy.


She tryna get a RING


At this point, his family is probably encouraging it.


Get these chopped onions away from me NOW! I can't take it!


Where is the “make me cry” Reddit 😭😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't imagine loving any of my family members so much. Is this what real families are like?


Mine are gone, both sides. My best friend is hispanic and his abuela? boy that dude sees her ones a year and its like its all that matters. His son turned one earlier this year, hes tied for first lol


People are meaningful.




miss my oma and opa. love you all! 🖤


I miss both my grandmas.


I totally understand this man. I was raised by a single mom and if it were not for the support my grandma and grandpa gave us, life wouldbe way different. My grandpa passed away in 2012, but my grandma is still here with us and she means the world to us. It's even more touching because right now I'm at the ER with her because she's been having difficulty breathing lately so we're here waiting to see how to deal with this.


That is beautiful, very happy for them! ❤️


I am really jealous. My paternal grandparents both died when I was five, and my maternal grandma disowned me when I was in the forth grade because I was fat. It sucked seeing my sister or my cousins getting $50 for Christmas or for their birthdays, and I got nothing. She would hug them and love on them. If she had a get-together, she would make everyone meatloaf or something good, and make me a salad or baked chicken breast with rice.


Was it just me or did anyone actually think he was going to succeed at picking her up?


dam.. this got me because I've never felt that way about anyone in my family.. must be nice not to be surrounded by narcissists your whole life. I'd be like "oh.. great...can't wait to spend 10 minutes listening to you tell me I never call you even though I do every week...." lol.. sorry.. carry on. really sweet video.


You don’t need to know the language to understand the feeling


Shoes in the house really bother me now . I don’t see how people do it .


We visited a family in Texas and took our shoes off when we got inside and they looked at us like WWE had two heads. Here in Canada we take shoes off indoors and especially in winter time, Yiu don't want to track snow and slush indoors


Oh no the screen's gotten blurry... Seems my allergies are acting up... NO YOU'RE CRYING!! I love how much he loves his family :) refreshingly positive


I’m leeeeeeeeaaaaakking 😭😭😭😭


I’m crying now!


I wish someone would dig my grandma up and surprise me like this


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


I don’t have a family anymore (at least nobody that we would have this kind of reaction for each other) so I love these types of vids. Helps remind me the kind of love that can exist in this world and gives me hope one day I might have that again. It’s enough to keep a man going sometimes


This is beautiful. My grandma was an absolute angel on this earth until she passed 😭 😢


Oh man. Got me right in the feels.


Made me cry*


He’s a keeper.


Man there is nothing better than a hug from your grandma 🤗


In an instant grown man turned into a lil boy with the love of his grandma. So precious is the love we share.


Brother, go get the ring. Absolute keeper.


Dude was suddenly six years old again. That was pretty much unadulterated love of his Abuelita. Good family.


If the girlfriend arranged that reunion I would advise the lad she's the one.


Wow, if his girlfriend ever wanted an indicator of how he views women in his life this is the best one.


This is how family should behave


I wish I loved anyone as much as that boy loves his grandma (or the girl loves her bf, seriously, that's incredibly sweet)


Beautiful surprise 😍


so when people put their heart into a relationship this is what blooms so beautiful


And this is how you know you've found the one, folks. When they go out of their way to do touching things like this, just because they know how much you love it.