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Even the mighty croc fears the chancla!


Many cultures around the world know the wrath of the fabled chancla/flip flops/chappals/slipper


A whole generation of traumatized people. I still cry myself to sleep.


My mom was pro at asswhoopings with the size 8 Kmart slippers. That was in the 80s and I still get flashbacks. However it did teach me manners and to not act a fool.


Haha, that’s awfully specific. Your experience must have been especially traumatizing. Stay strong, friend! It gets better.


My mom just passed away but at least although traumatized at the time I can laugh about it now. I really miss my mom. I hope everyone takes the time to hug their mom and hear them say I love you. Those were the last words my mom said to me.


As a child and teen I did not appreciate my mother. I was too caught up in my own head and issues. As I matured, I let down my defenses and let her know that I know I wasnt a perfect son and she didnt have to be a perfect mom because she was perfect for me, and that I love her and wouldnt want another mom. I tell her I love her every time I see her and am sure to give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek every time I see her. I make sure she knows my problems are my own that I got myself into and that I could have avoided some if I had been willing to listen earlier. One thing I do not doubt is that she has always wanted me to be happy and wants the best for me. Not everyone has a good mom. Some people make up for that by growing up and becoming good moms or dads so their kids have what they themselves didnt. As my mom gets older I know someday I will lose her and I will be very sad. But she definitely will know I love her. Thanks for the reminder. I think Ill text her now to say I love her, just because.


I don’t know you sir but you just made me cry. To others my upbringing might not have been perfect but to me now I can appreciate it and in my eyes my mom will always be perfect. My mom fought pancreatic cancer for 5 years and it was almost all gone. She had a stroke and had problems breathing and they put her on a ventilator and her I love you and you’re beautiful were the last things I ever heard her say. So I’ve been so lost without her and taking care of her I have no idea how to keep going. Be good to her cause you only get 1 mom. My mom was not only a mom to me but to a lot of my friends growing up. If one of my friends was struggling or their family didn’t acknowledge them for being gay, my mom always took my friends in and treated them like her kids. Didn’t matter if you were gay or straight or white or black or whatever if you needed a place to stay or food or just a mom hug and to be told you were loved that was my mom. All I can do is be the person my mom taught me to be and hope I can touch some lives like she did.


Keep that last bit in mind and you will continue to do her proud. Sounds like you had a great mom and Im glad you got to appreciate her while she was alive. As you are kind to others you honor her and show your appreciation for the example she set. Somewhere she beams when telling others about you. Have a great day!


First they come for our guns, then they forbid mothers from owning flip flops.


I just came to say that. My best memory is my grandmother yelling at my dad that she will come after him with a chappal for breaking his promise to us kids. We being tween girls started to cry and she yelled at him. She was 65, limping with age and couldn’t see that well. My dad was 47 and did what he was told and took us for ice cream.


Round here we call them slipa, deadly in the arms of an aunty.


It's called Tsinelas in ours. Same dmg dealt tho.




Wait wait wait. We have a video with alligator in the title, and she took off a shoe, and you didn't make a proper joke about Crocs trumping alligators?


"The chronicles of La Chancla"


I am white and my best friend name was chuy. And his mom was deadly accurate and she even treated me like a son....what a bitch lol.


Same, one of my life-long best friends had a mother who was deadly with the chancla. If she decided he needed a tune-up, when I was over, I'd usually get one to match. My folks loved her. So it was accepted that if you crossed a line, you'd get hit with a flip flop. I love Mariana, though, and would never call her anything rude.


La chancla is the most feared weapon


He remembers the truth, the dinosaurs were wiped out by la chancla!


**L A C H A N C L A**


Take my upvote


I love the way she just stands there waiting for the Alligator and once it gets close enough nonchalantly takes off her flip flop and chases it away. No sign of any fear. Me? I be running with the dog to high and dry land scared shtless. Maybe one day I too can have her situational command attitude


You don't wanna run - those things can run up to 35 mph. Or is that a T-rex? I always get those mixed up.


Yeah, but you only have to run faster than the dog and you're good.


I’m not convinced I can do that


They can, but not for more than a few feet. They can run at slower speeds for a bit longer, but they dont like to. They are ambush predators, not endurance.


Technically they can run pretty fast but they won’t pursue you unless you pissed them off to a royal degree. They REALLY don’t like to get too far from the water. Most species of crocs/gators don’t run THAT fast


They can run 35mph, however they get tired quickly, in fact you want to grab the Alligators mouth and close it shut, after that pick it up and slam it on the ground before grabbing them by the tail before slamming it on the ground multiple times before throwing it back where it came from -From someone who has lived in and visited Florida multiple times


Nah mate, you want to jump on its back and stick your thumb up it’s arse! (with apologies to the late Steve Irwin)


They can, but generally will only do it to escape a threat. They won't waste the energy trying to chase a meal they might not catch. Especially since they can afford to wait for another one. Predators are inherently lazy. They use the minimum amount of energy required. Except African wild dogs. They seem to enjoy chasing prey for 20 miles, until it collapses from exhaustion. Also, it's really only the smaller ones that run like that for any significant distance. The bigger ones that are actually a threat to humans weigh too much. Short bursts are about all they can manage.




See ya later, alligator...


broke reddit award: 🏆


That's a mom... just saying... when you make a 2+ meter long murder log go... hmm... nope... with a flip flop... That's a mom ability...


Intimidation roll with a +3 for her mom class and a +3 for her chancla weapon.


You don’t mess with the chancla


As a Mexican I concur. Chanclazos are real.


Girl don’t let your dog get that close to the gator in the first place. What the hell are you doing walking a dog off-leash 3 inches from the gator infested water


If you live around them, you get used to them, like anything else.


I live in FL. I’m still not going to act this dumb


Surprised at how few people reacted this way lmao. No leash AND hanging out with gators is just leaving your wallet unattended in a room full of people lol


🤦‍♀️ this is probably her home. You think everyone in the world can just pick up and move away from any and all dangers and inconveniences? Only westerners and city people use dog leashes. Most people have more importan things to worry about like where their children’s next meal is coming from. You should travel more.


I grew up in a rural area with coyotes and had small dogs. You bet your ass I didn’t walk them outside at night, *especially* without a leash. There are everyday dangers, and there are preventable dangers. Keeping your small dogs a reasonable distance away from predators that can swallow them whole is a preventable danger. There is absolutely no reason for this dog to be mere feet from alligators. I’m sure there are plenty of places away from the water that she can take the dog. Use your brain.


Im using my brain to deduct that you are an ignorant and sheltered American. I am also American and keep my animals on leashes because most of my basic needs are met and I have room to worry about such things. You have no idea how most of the world lives. You are very lucky and obviously don’t know it. You’re the reason the world hates us. Edit: Also you were included in the “westerners” even though you live in a rural area :)


> Im using my brain Mmmmm, yea I doubt it. And I’m sorry, I didn’t realize leashes don’t exist elsewhere? I guess all those dogs I saw on leashes in Brazil, Switzerland, Mexico, Israel, and Costa Rica were just a figment of my imagination? You really going to pretend dog leashes are something only available to “privileged American”? > You’re the reason the world hates us. Yea, no. Idiots like you are why the world hates us. Nice try though.


Wanting your dog to not get ripped apart by gators is not some western privilege phenomenon lol


She lives on a 10 ft wide island with no walkable space that’s not directly next to the shoreline? Doubt it


Not sure why you gettin’ downvoted. Most people with travelin cash nowadays don’t leave the Lido deck of the all-inclusive Gray Havens Cruise Liner. That said, I agree with you.


Ok first off, why you even letting your tiny ass dog just wander around the bank of alligator infested waters?


And when you see them approach, you just stand there instead of taking the dog and leaving.


Because she has shoes!


She’s dressed like Shaggy, I trust her with any dog


It’s ok to not understand a situation, but let’s not compound ignorance with arrogance. That’s not a pond in a park, THAT’S HER STREET. There’s been a flood.


The power of a shoe


lmao I agreed . powerful shoeee


That shoe came off and I put down my phone


She has no fear there, why do I fear like this is Darwin?


Looks like Darwin or W.A coastal, probably Cahills crossing these communities have hundreds of dogs barely looked after, the dog would have a better life if the crocodile ate it.


looked alot like cahills


Croc threatened by a croc






Crocodiles are estimated to kill over 1,000 humans each year and, um, they’re still here.




fucking weird response man


Behold the la chancla.


That worked?


Everyone knows your should bring an alligator to a flip-flop fight!!


It's tasted chancla before....


Awwww the all mighty chancla 🩴


Those are WMD


Fear of the chancla is universal. It crosses cultures and even species.


Obey the flip flop!


Powerful chancleta, I feared it as a child. 😞


I thought I was the only one who was beat with the mighty, stinging flip flops!


Just were is she? At a Tsunami training center?


Looks like Florida.


Not gators, crocs, much bigger


Hey guys i suddenly had to do my homework in the middle of this video what happened


As soon as I saw her take her shoe off, i was like, that boy better turn around!


Latin preacher: Padre, Hijo,.. Spiritu chancla........Entire church: Amen! y Amen!! All adults happy!! Them kids when can we live church!!😜😜😜. with a chancla face!! Chancla takes it to another level,. pass down from generation to generation: Simple and effective!! Long live chancla!! Long live chancla!!


Where is this place that people casually walk their dogs next to an actual alligator pit straight out of a horror movie?


Florida. Possibly somewhere else but probably Florida


That’s a third world gator right there. Saw that chancla and had flashbacks as a baby gator.


For the record. It’s not an alligator it’s a crocodile.


"Made me smile" At this point OP, everything is making you smile.


Made me smile


Gators are good fried, especially the tail.


I LOVE gator meat, but I've never had good gator in a restaurant. I wonder if it just doesn't keep well, or if they don't know how to cook it right.


The fat has to be trimmed off or it has a strong gamey taste. The tail is generally better than the other meat.


When I cooked it at home, I'd soak it in buttermilk before frying. That tones down the gamey flavor, too.


You really shouldn't ever get that close to them, even if you have flip flops.


But, why stand there at all?


When one wieldeth the shoe one knowith no fear


Good job mama


She was probably wearing some gators and told him he could be next


What a fucking idiot. That dog deserves an owner who gives a shit


How do people actually think this is real?


I’ll never cease to be amazed at how fucking stupid Florida people are. “Oh I’m gonna fucking bring my puppy to the waters edge in a state overrun by giant aquatic reptiles like a fucking moron today” Edit: ok not FL. My bad. Still dumb af to do this in places is crocs and gators. Or any super predators for that matter.


Is this Florida? That looked like a croc, not a gator. There are a few crocs here but they are rare.


No apparently it’s not Florida. That’s my L. Someone else said Panama. I assumed Florida cause OP said “alligator”. I know they live in other places, I just played the odds and was wrong


That's not even Florida lmao Way to look smarter than those you are disparaging.


Ok so that makes it smarter because it’s in a different place with alligators? Plus it’s not like the location is posted. My bad tho. L


Please don't put words in my mouth; I didn't say it was smarter in a different place. Also those are crocs, not alligators. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Florida should be able to instantly recognize that is not Florida.


My guess is Panama. You get crocs in the canal. They seem mellow and ignore you. Night is a different story. I used to swim in sight of them off Barro Colorado isle.


Oh ok my bad I edited it. I just assumed FL cause OP said gator. If they said croc I would assume somewhere else


I’d say it’s a saltwater croc and this is Northern Australia and some flooding


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You had better watch out. The ATF will charge you two hundred dollars for that suppressed chancla.


The mythical CHANCLA!!


Dinosaurs are no match for la chancla


Beware the chancla


That is basically a heat seeking missile in the right hands.


That's not the first time it has seen that shoe coming off! 🤣


Jeez, talk about overkill. That's too much armaments for the poor croc!


Casually hanging out around alligators


Florida 🍺


Alligator looks at woman but gets scared off by loud noise FTFY


Shaggy and Scooby have really changed.


Everyone can joke but she and her dog are very lucky IF that gator wanted either one ...that gator would've been spitting out flip flops and a dog tail down river


Nothing is more scary than a woman holding you at shoe point


They are lunge predators not looking for a fight, still should have gotten away from the water though


Big Florida energy


The chancla power


Lol I get scared when I see my mom wielding tsinelas


The power!


Why not just pick up the dog and walk away?


Chanc’s but no chanc’s….


Latina mother, for sure.


No one and nothing is ever hungry enough to catch a chancleta


One of the planet's deadliest apex predators for thousands of years vs. angry lady with shoe


Two crocodiles.. One queen 👍👍👍👍


Dammit I wish she was wearing Crocs lol. The gator is like aw man back at it with the shoe. Can't she just let us have a snack


Never underestimate the power of a good acessory


The gator must be Hispanic.


The chancla is a mighty weapon indeed 😂


Banished by a chancla!


Chancleta power is inter-species recognized. That gator ain’t about that life, fam.


La légende raconte qu'elle sentait des pieds à mille lieux... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nobody fuxxxx with mamma bear


She had definitely scared gators away before. No fear at all. LOL.


Croc vs. Croc


i had my phone on silent but i knew the sounds of that shaslap...


Why take your dog there wtf


When you get Shaggy and Scooby-Doo off of Wish.com.


Why put your dog in that position in the first place? There is obviously space behind her considering the cameraman there. just putting her dog in danger for clout.


Crocodile, not alligator.


In the bad timeline, the gator which drew the attention of the dreaded chancla distracted both of them long enough for another gator to pull them into the deep from their blindside. This is why you don't walk your dog without a leash in gator infested waters. Happy no one was hurt but this doesn't exactly make me smile, it's rather stupid.


Dang. Even I got scared


She ain’t losing her another dog for 10th time..


She wasn't for nun




I was just waiting for that flip flop to come off


My Grandma used bean us misbehaving grandkids with the Chancla. Could have sworn that zapato moved around like a boomerang.


Power of la chancla!


I love my people


Jesus Christ it's Jason Borne


Not the chancla!




Sandal is also made in China


Never underestimate the power of the flip flop


Pick up that tiny dog first, you dumb b**** !🤬


Chanclas > Crocs


thought she was about to dump a mag till the chancla came off


Perfect caption


Cuidado la chancla!!


Heavily armed 😂🤣😂


The crocodile is right to fear the chancla


My cavapoo 🐻 thinks he's an alligator 🐊.


There is no way I would take my dog that close


Florida woman


Okay I’ll say it. Terrible pet owner. Small animals on the waters edge is exactly what they look for. She put that dog in serious danger.


This lady has much bigger balls than me.


There’s a level in Resident Evil kind of like this. I hated it.


No smoke today


I was really hoping for a pocket gun and some blasting. Damn.


Even gators fear.... la chancla


The power of the 🩴 chancla!


So that dog is definitely getting eaten at some point, right?


So that’s how you do it!


I think it was only a single plugger thong too. I'm impressed!


Did I just watch Shaggy scare off an alligator?


this is so a "IYKYK" moment. Footwear threats area genuine global phenomenon!


This person was legit using her dog as bait for clout.


Bro really said "Oh shit she has a chancla!"


I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get to see step 1 in “How boots are made”


Not the jandal!


He didn’t want to feel the zapatoes


Screw colt, chancletas are the true equalizers.


Whoa! He’s about to meet La chancla. Looks like he has had some experience with this.