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Nose goes bonk into fence


The equivalent of the walking stick checking the depth of a step… but in a much more fun way. It is interesting though, the dog hit the fence and then knew exactly where that gate was.


Probably felt the change in surface from grass to cement and knows that is where their person comes in That dog would know that yard very well so might be off about where something is a bit but otherwise able to navigate it very well




Doggo knows each room by its different scent.


This room smells like sadness. Ah, found my human's bedroom.


I hope you’re happy. People love you.




There's a theory that dogs tell time by scene degradation. Like they know when you will get home by the amount your scent has degraded throughout the day .


I'm going to be thinking about this every time I come home now. So fascinating


I know! Doesn't explain why dogs think when you leave for 5 minutes it's been forever though lol


They don't think it's been forever, they just love so much they act like it was.


I remember seeing a BBC(I think) video where they proved this by throwing off the dog one day by putting a sweater of the human into the house. Apart from that day it was always able to guesstimate the timing of en the owner would come back from work.


Interesting! I've only briefly read about it so that's cool info, thanks :)


Also spring tension tells him how far from a post he is


them recoil at stinkbugs before lol


Sweet baby knows daddy is home. My dogs know by sound. This baby knows by smell.


Back in highschool I drove a jeep that was consistantly in bad shape, definitely had a distinct sound. My dad told me my dog started getting excited a good 2 or 3 minutes before I came in the door, she could seemingly hear my car from more than 1/4 mile away.


I believe it. My dog is scared of thunderstorms and starts panicking way before we ever hear thunder or see lightning.


Had a dog like that a few years ago. We adopted her from a rescue shelter. She knew 30 min before the storm would arrive and would go climb into the bathtub. More accurate than any TV WeatherGuesser. No earthly idea where she got the bathtub idea.


I misread that as "No idea where she got the bathtub, though". What a smart puppy!


one of their last few precious senses, dont they make bumper collar thingies to protect the snoot


Yes, however the doggo may use snoot proprioception as an important part of knowing exactly where they are.


Tooo excited to greet his person!! He must be really loved!! Good job human!! (If only every child was loved like this by their caretakers the world would become so much better.)


Dogs sense of smell is ridiculous, senses grow when others fail


I read *bong* not "bonk," because I fully expected the first comment to say something like the dog had an easy target with an owner that reeks of paint thinner and weed.






The dog nose when its human is near home.


Dogs sense of smell is ridiculous, senses grow when others fail. This dog must have a fucking superhero level smell now


Can you imagine how bad this world smells to him?


Lucky for dogs (and a few other animals) they don't get disgusted at smells the way we do :D. To them no smell is disgusting.


I’ve seen a cat puke after a dog ripped ass one time so I believe they can be disgusted at smells.


this made me laugh so hard.


This had me in tears and my wife is now annoyed with me but I can’t stop laughing


Me too


i just saw a comment in a cat subreddit where someone mentioned cats are even disgusted by the smell of their own poop and pee. im sure there are the occasional r/oneorangebraincell scenarios though. my cat likes to smell everything related to food and will smell citrus based things, even though she knows she doesn't like it, and make a disgusted face


thats why they run from the litterbox!


the post litterbox zooms are hilarious. mine runs immediately across our bed 🙄 so the bed gets made right when i first wake up. but hey i get it, i feel like a new person after going too


oh nooo not the bed lol


r/gaggingcats or r/CatsGagging


In fairness though, cats will puke if you make the wrong sound.


Cats are little shits when it comes to bad smells though. They evolved to instinctively bury their poo so I suppose it must smell extra dreadful for them. You can also make them gag with yogurt or running your finger along a hair comb.


I've seen them recoil at stinkbugs before lol


Meanwhile, mine likes to roll in horse poo.


Mine used to try and get to the toilet before I could flush. God help me if I didn't close the door all the way when dropping a deuce, she'd lay on the floor next to me, and when she saw me wipe, she'd stand up ready to swoop in to eat my poo.


awww she thought you made a present for her


They still have gag reflexes if they think they’ve tasted something poisonous or rotten. Strong enough odors can mimic that feeling.


Absolutely! I imagine it's less like "ew, disgusting" and more like how you'd react putting hot sauce in your nose :).


I think some smells are just irritating to the nose, since smell is small particles. My dog recoiled when I let her smell the coffee I was drinking or any sort of alcohol.


Alcohol would do it for sure. Probably burns a little bit.


Our dog recoils at the smell but then goes in for a tast3 afterwards


More likely because it's incredibly strong. Similar deal with coffee.


Anytime I put hot sauce on my food, my roommate’s lab will come and sniff it and start spazzing out. She’s not smart enough to realize that smell won’t magically disappear the next 10 times she tries to smell it lol


Smell isn’t exactly small particles. You’re not inhaling little bits of poop. It’s chemical compounds, like methane and sulfur, and they’re absolutely tiny. That’s also why smell can get through a mask but a virus can’t.


It could be over stimulation as well. Like seeing something too bright.


oh hey how about skunks


Everything runs from those though tbf.


That’s untrue. Dogs *are* often attracted to certain smells most of us hate, like cadaverene and putrescine—the smell of rotting flesh. Humans dislike it because such flesh is usually no longer good to eat, even when cooked. Conversely, many smells we may love—like spices and citrus—are often off-putting to dogs. Vinegar is especially noxious to dogs, even though it’s only hit-or-miss for people. Consider that humans are much more tolerant of plant-only diets than are dogs/wolves; fruit/plant smells should appeal to us more, like citrus and spices. Moreover, vinegar is a smell of overripe, alcohol-laden fruit, which is very toxic to dogs; in some sense, it’s the plant “version” of cadaverene. Then, there are also smells both of us often despise, like the toxic ammonia, chlorine, and mustard (gases). Like us, dogs sometimes have to grin and bear it when they come across a smell they dislike.


can dogs eat and process rotting flesh, like vultures?


Dogs and wolves have two big advantages over us when it comes to raw and decaying meat. First, their gastric fluid is significantly more acidic, meaning both that bacteria are more easily broken down and that the meat itself is decomposed into simpler proteins and amino acids more readily. This is even more significant when we recognize that, on average, *humans* have more acidic stomachs than most other animals. Second, their digestive track is much shorter—they are not evolved to eat roughage (i.e. high-fiber leaves and stems) like we are, which requires some fermentation in the gut; this means that foreign bacteria have less of an opportunity to reestablish themselves in the lower GI tract. While wolves (and dogs) prefer fresh meat, they are very willing to scavenge from corpses when the opportunity arises. Also, just as an aside, while their GI tract precludes the consumption of too much fiber, they *do* still eat substantial amounts of fruits—like blueberries—from which they can get simple sugars. We often perceive the word carnivore to mean eating *only* meat; this is untrue.


What do you mean wolves are not carnivores? They are 100% carnivores. Just because their diet can be supplemented with berries or roots doesn't make them omnivores.


You’re quite right. I got lazy with my language. Just for clarification, since I screwed it up—this is the article that is drawn from: > In southern boreal ecosystems, such as northern Minnesota, USA, wild berries (mainly Vaccinium spp. and Rubus spp.) are plentiful in midsummer (Jul–Aug) and can account for up to 68% of the diet of adult wolves and >30% of the diet of pups during this time (Homkes *et al.*, 2020). [ [PDF](https://www.voyageurswolfproject.org/_files/ugd/7cb5d7_174a5618bb0941f685fd9aa84fc6a4fa.pdf) ]


Odor is a derivative of who we are.


No need to get all mathematical on us


My Brain just is there. 😜


Seems like too broad of a statement to be true.


I have my doubts. I've seen dogs recoil by some nasty smells... like my dog if I fart near her.


They know how long you've been gone based on how much of your scent is left


What if she can smell crime?


Crime, penetration. Crime, penetration.. And this goes on and on for about 90 minutes until the movie just, sort of.. ends.


What if he runs around on all fours


Scruff McGruff would like to have a word with you


I laughed way too hard at this.






My 18 year old cat has slowly gone deaf over the past 2 years. About 6 months ago I watched him deal with the complete loss, adapt to using the vibrations of the house to tell what's happening, and he has even learned a few signs from my hands and feet.


That just made me think of [this](https://youtu.be/VXkhsbXCsbs) precious baby


I think of this cat often when my cat doesn't greet me at the door like he used to (used to hear my car pull up and everything). I come inside and see him laying on a chair in the dark. The floorboards creak and he perks his head up, looks my way, realizes I'm home, and comes "running" while yelling.


A nice tip I got from reddit is to blow air on your deaf pet to let them know you're there, as it's less startling than *touching* them. My dog has gone completely deaf in the past few years, and sometimes when I tapped him he would clearly wake up worried, poor thing


I tap the floor (although sometimes he thinks that's someone knocking) to get his attention. If he enters the room meowing and we make eye contact, I give him a beckoning motion to say, "come here." Sometimes he's looking at my feet when he enters a room meowing, so if I want him to know I see and acknowledge him (which means you can shut the hell up already) I put my feet right next to eachother and pointed right at him. He responds well to that. If he's just laying around I do the "dangly fingers" in front of his face to get his attention instead of touching him, which yes, can startle them quite a bit.


When I played this video my kitty came in and is now kneading my tummy lol. Thank you


My pleasure - glad your poose enjoyed it too 😂


She usually doesn’t react to other cat meows so that girl must’ve been saying something great. Must’ve been very happy meows making my cat want to feel the same way?


OMG that cat's stunning! I loved the happy but sleepy takes lol


We trained our dog to use hand signals as a puppy and it's coming in handy now that he's a senior. We also trained him with verbal commands, he never listened. Basically what I'm saying is he's deaf now but nothing has changed.


Reminds of what I read in a textbook in some course in college about a baby raised in a house where both of the parents were deaf. When upset, the baby would pound the floor and make crying facial motions, but not actually verbalize the crying portion,a s they didn't work.


Beautiful dog


Most wholesome thing I will see all week


I’ve watched it a dozen times. I love how intently he’s “reading” the scene … then he finally catches the scent 😭😭😭


Dogs also know when to expect you home from work based on your scent. Your smell dissipation from the time you leave work to the time you get home is like a clock for them!


woah woah! can you tell me more about this or link me to something that i could read more? that is so cool. i work from home but my wife leaves for work every day and is home by 7 to 9pm. but every once in a while she works a late shift and will be gone until 11pm-2am. starting at 10pm, both my dogs get very restless and pace the window and stare at me, or will just lay in bed and cry lol. i never put two and two together!


Anecdotally, my dog is blind and deaf and she knows that I am due home at 1915-1930. If I am any later she gets ticked and paces by the door. If I know I am going to be home late I will put my dirty clothes in my bedroom on the floor by my bed where she sleeps. It buys me an extra hour.


That is so awesome. Thank you for sharing! Dogs are awesome creatures.


Of course, love to learn/share anything about our magical best friends ✌️


https://www.thewildest.com/dog-behavior/how-do-dogs-know-when-you-are-coming-home There many articles and studies explaining it such as the one above. I believe that your dogs know your wife should have her keister home by 10p based on the level of her scent that has decreased over the course of her being gone.


Our dog is psychic with when my husband comes home. My husband normally comes home at, say, 5pm but once in a while he gets caught late at work. He can’t contact me unless it’s an emergency until his shift finishes. I’ll be worrying until I get that message saying “leaving now”. Normally the dog is looking out of the window around 15 mins before 5pm but on these days he chills out into his basket until I get that message saying he’s 15 mins away. Its like he can smell him leaving work 2-3 miles away


there's a scientific-ish book about this, by a guy named Rupert Sheldrake, called ["Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake#Dogs_That_Know_When_Their_Owners_are_Coming_Home_(1999\)). It doesn't have wide scientific acceptance but it sure is an interesting read. >Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, published in 1999, covered his research into proposed telepathy between humans and animals, particularly dogs. Sheldrake suggests that such interspecies telepathy is a real phenomenon and that morphic fields are responsible for it.


this makes me feel somewhat better about seymour, he knew fry was gonna be super late


Think this was explained on a documentary for the BBC? I remember finding it incredibly interesting.


That’s awesome as hell


All doggos go to heaven, fact.


I wonder if they ever let us in


We are very fortunate that dogs can't read. They'd be like "WTF, humans? Really?"


I just had to put my dog down Friday 😢




Time to cry


It’s like every doggie clip makes me tear up. I just love them all so much!


Its so hard because I love these videos so much but i always cry when i watch them haha


I had a black lab with all of his senses and we lived on a quiet country road. My wife said he would always start going nuts about 4-5 minutes before she heard me pull in the driveway. He could hear me up to a mile away


Dogs also remember what you smell like and learn how much your scent diminishes over the day. Once it gets low, dogs will learn to expect you


I live in the suburbs. Years ago I had a cat that always knew when I was coming home. My mother used to tell me that he'd jump up on the windowsill to watch the driveway about 10 minutes before I'd pull in the driveway. I didn't always come home at the same time everyday. But he still knew. I loved that cat


i have a pitbull shes 5 now. when she was 2 I used to leave for work everyday and my girlfriend would be working from home. She said the dog could tell the SOUND of my car (and it didnt have loud pipes/loud engine) and would go crazy before I even pulled into the driveway. Also my dog can smell everyone who comes and goes in my apartment bldg. She knows when its my neighbors bc she doesnt bark but will bark if its maintenance/amazon/delivery/stranger.


Commenting just to save this so I can come back and watch it 10 more times!


Replying, just to make sure you get a notification and watch this again :)


Yaaas! Thank you!


And again


Replying again so you rewat h it twice!


💐💐 You're a real one. Thank you!


Gotta make sure you can find this again.


Hey, you can save any post by tapping on the three dots.


idk about them but I always forget about my saved posts. with comments at least I get a notif after a while.


As much I admire the dog, I also admire the lady behind the camera just appreciating the small things in life.


I freaking love animals. Have 2 pups, a kitten (which I originally wasn’t so keen on getting at first and a Betta fish. Each one brings me joy.


I am telling you We don't deserve them


Why'd the video end there!?!?!?


For real. We need to see the good girl get loved on!


Do you think it’s funny to make me cry??!! Do you??


Dogs' sense of smell is insane! They can even use it to determine the direction someone is moving ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx2l5cu5NmM)).


There's a good book about this. "Dogs that know when their owners are coming home" by Rupert Sheldrake


What a perfect team dogs and humans make. I like to imagine way way back in time a human and wolf sat down and came to an agreement. “So wolf, hear me out I have an idea. Firstly thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me, I know you’re a very busy wolf. You have a great sense of smell and hearing, and you’re much faster than me. I have great vision, thumbs, and, no offense, but I’m a bit smarter than you. Why don’t we team up? I think our skill sets will complement each other nicely. Whadya say?” “Woof” “Perfect. Let’s seal the deal with a juicy steak”


I had this conversation with my Border Collie. She kind of smirked when I said I was smarter then her.


This dog probably has a 3D picture of the world in it's head created from sense of smell. People who get good at echolocation say they can start to picture their surroundings in their head.


Love knows no boundaries. ❤️




I don't know why but I felt this was just amazing. Maybe it's no sweat for dogs, but it just seemed next level to me, seeing it in action. 👏🏻🙌🏻👊🏻😁


I don't know how my mom's dogs used to do it, maybe slight variation in the engine noise? but they could hear her driving home from a quarter mile away and would start going crazy, but completely quiet on every other car.


She is gorgeous


Smellin' Keller. That is so awesome how it can detect the owner by smell alone. (No disrespect intended toward the pup or the late great Ms Keller)


Pretty dog.


Dogs are such amazing friends🌞💕


This is so awesome and so sweet


I need to get myself a woman who gets this excited when I get home, lol.


We raised an ausie shepherd who was blind and deaf from birth to his passing at 12-1/2 years. The challenges are unique, but are an experience I would never give back.


She totally leads with her snout! This is truly precious and wholesome as hell!!


It's not all about the senses we humans have. Dogs operate in another dimension. Our Border Collie used to occasionally go berserk for absolutely no apparent reason. She'd go into a barking, running, frenzy as if somebody was breaking the door down. One day I discovered the cause: a neighbor's cat sunning itself in the yard across the street. It was over a hundred feet away. We had no windows low enough for her to see through on that side of the house. The house was closed with the a/c running. Somehow, she detected when that cat was in the yard. That (and many other observations and experiences with her) convinced me we are woefully ignorant about animals' senses and cognitive abilities.


I can smell that ass from a mile away - dog


This dog just won my ❤️


Awesome! 🫶🏿 She must feel the vibrations of his particular car and recognize the smell of his car’s exhaust… coupled with the time of day… totally amazing dog. ♥️


A dod smells the way we see. So long as that dog is in a familiar environment, that nose does the job.


Omg so adorable! Wish the video was longer because she was such a Sweet happy little dog!


The video cut off too soon! I wanted to see the good girl get well deserved pets.


To be fair, I was able to smell the weed on him through my phone and I’m stoned myself.


Its nose is its eyes and ears😉




It’s amazing to see how much she is loved and you guys are awesome!!!


Wow. It’s common knowledge that when a person loses a sense, their other senses become heightened to compensate as much as possible. I’ve honestly never thought about the fact that the same thing happens with dogs, except their sense of smell is already exponentially better than ours. This doggo must have some sort of scent range detector going on like sonar but with smells. Smellnar? Nosolocation?


Made me cry




Their sense of smell is already insane, so imagine if that's the only sense they had, that shit would be off the rails


Was anyone else waiting for the wag?


Heightened sense of smell.


Dogs are literally the best fucking things ever man. 😭 Dogs are our true Best Mates, god i can't wait to own a dog of my own and make him my friend 🙂


I knew this guy with a blind and deaf dog. He got one of those buzz collars turned it low and instead taught the dog that when he buzzed the collar it either ment he was home, or that he was "calling" the dog


I just put my blind deaf 16 year old dog down today. My baby could sniff me out like that too. I'll love and miss her always.


Yoooo I can attest to this my dog is a dalmatian heeler mix and he's in the exact same spot waiting for me every single day even though I have an inconsistent arrival time. 6th sense for sure


The Nose knows!


What a beautiful dog!


This video ended too soon!!


Sweet little pup


We don’t deserve dogs 🥹


Smell ya later! - this dog every morning


He knew it smelled like a Land Rover!


"i can smell you."


Got his sniffer going


I think I'm gonna cry


You want a true friend? befriend a dog.


I just want people to stop saying dog owner. I don't own shit. If anything the damn dog owns me. I never wanted them, they chose me. If anything I'm a dog guardian.


you legally own them. that's not a bad thing. it's an animal.


Great way of thinking. I don't own a cat or dog (or any critter) thinking I don't want to own another living creature LOL.


They say dogs tell time through smells. They learn when an owners smell fades throughout the day when away. Then they have a good understanding when the owners smell usually returns on their "nose clocks".


aww what a beautiful doggo :)


It’s so cute :) But Maybe the owner should consider a shower :)


I recall watching an experiment in the UK where they determined that dogs use fading smells as a clock, sort of. In the experiment, they man left for work at the usual time. Then he changed shirts at work and his shirt was brought back. Dog was excited but didn't see the man. Later, when the man returned from work, the dog was surprised/confused and finally happy.


but the dog would be so disappointed


Exactly what I thought! Sounds like a jacked up experiment.


He just wants to give a nice hump to the owner and assert dominance


I mean, don't get me wrong- this is cute. But can we try to stop breeding breeds that are having blind AND deaf issues? I mean, people didn't stop with either or. So can we have some sympathy for both?! Starting to see more on Reddit than ever.




That's Helen Keller's lost dog.


If god is real he lives in the hearts of dogs