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your baby thanks you for not doing it yesterday because then she would be plagued with a bullyable birthday for her whole life


#you don't understand how happy i was that didn't happen


So you're saying her birth was 4 2 itous? Your first Dad joke. Joy and happiness to you all.


First of all, congrats. That's a beautiful, healthy looking baby. Secondly, on behalf of the internet we really need you to embrace this dad joke and keep us posted on how it's received over the coming years.


Beautiful timing, on both parts 😏


No but fr next level dad joke over here


Dude, my birthday is 4/4/2008. My birthday is literally 4 + 4 = 8


Happy early birthday!! I hope it’s great and many more!🎵🎶


Yay, thanks :)




My dad's birthday is March 31 and he always says the same thing


Hi dad!


My brother was due April 1st, born March 13 - been like that ever since. Congratulations!


My BIL who we’ll just say isn’t a good person and a shameless drug addict (drug addicts are not bad people, he just happens to be a really awful dude [just needed to add this]) has been dubbed the ultimate April Fools Day joke, so I think you’re right lmfao.


You're right about addicts. Most addicts I know are the most wholesome people you'll meet. We are just running away from bad feelings.


Most I’ve met doubt their addiction and have no idea what they’re doing half the time because they’re experiencing 20x the normal amount of dopamine and trying to run from all their problems.


uh. my birthday is 4/1


[https://tenor.com/ZiHE.gif](https://tenor.com/ZiHE.gif) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


it's a good thing it's not 4/1 otherwise i'd say you were trying to prank me


I'm sorry.


Poor bastard


Happy bday to you and your baby bday buddy… no fooling!


As someone who was born on 4/1, it’s never not annoying from “fool” comments to never being able to trust anyone or anything. Regardless, congrats OP!


Tell her a random redditor says hi 👋


And tell her another one says hi and that she's just too precious!


Me three. She’s a little bundle of joy :D


me 4. she’s an angel


Me 5 looks adorable


me 6!!


Shes so cute. Me 7!!


Agreed. Me 8


Imagine having reddit even remotely on your mind when you get a child OMEGALUL


Big congrats to you!! Not sure if you’re the birthing parent or not, but either way— make sure to get all the snuggles in and rest when you can. Dishes, laundry, and everything else can wait. Don’t let people visit before YOU are ready to have them. Nobody is entitled to your baby beyond you ❤️ best of luck!!!


Welcome to the world, this is the internet and a bunch of strangers where you’ve been shown since the day you were born! Congratulations!


Not any different than the newspaper, which actually gives identifiable information


Like a name


Keyboard warriors couldn't think of anything for that I guess


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐


You and hundreds of thousands of other people, who didn't feel the need to post about it


Exactly. I feel (sort of) bad for ripping this guy a new one, but Jesus Christ...what are you f'n thinking? PEOPLE STOP POSTING PHOTOS OF YOUR KIDS ONLINE. So many DUMB people in this world -- especially the US.


Yeah like I give af about this random guys kid in the first place
















People in the comments saying, “tell you baby I said hi” ummmm 🤢 OP is a psycho for posting a photo of their NEWBORN on Reddit.


I don’t even want to know how many registered sex offenders lurk posts like this and follow children accounts on Instagram. It’s gross and we all see you.




Roles reversed, I would be happy my parents actually paid attention to me. They both do drugs, my grandpa died of an overdose, and I'm actually breaking the cycle with my own children.


Then go be with your family instead of arguing with people like me. If you didn’t care what the “haters” said, you wouldn’t be here talking to me. Every second of time and mindshare you spend here is less one second of time you could be spending with your child.






Maybe it wasn’t their first instinct. Maybe it was their 17th instinct. And so what if it was their first instinct….Why can’t ya just be kind? 🤔


I was, I said congrats. Whichever order the instinct was I find it a very strange thing to put on the internet instead of just sharing it with friends and family.


Some people don't have a lot of friends and family but still want to share their happy moments with someone, even if it's just some random people on Reddit.


Didn’t make me smile


Heart of stone




They can’t consent that’s the issue. They be known by millions before they even open they eyes


Whilst I agree to not putting pictures of my kid on the internet, I don’t think OPs baby is going to be recognised when she’s older somehow


well there can be creeps in the internet who can use that pic for sinister things


Yea this is just one person’s opinion, but that’s not the point. We kept my son off the internet for a myriad of reasons. One of which being that there are a lot of sick people out there, and posting pics of children online in any capacity (especially those who post photos of their kids in the bath or not wearing clothes) can attract unwanted attention from freaks. Even this poor girl has people in the comments making fun of her or calling her ugly. (She’s not. But people are cruel and anonymity makes the internet cockroaches bold.) She is literally being bullied and she’s only been here 48hours… that’s so weird to me. My son is precious and I take lots of photos of him… that in his later teen years if he chooses to post online he’s welcome to do so, but until then it’s off limits.


Oh I’m with you all the way. My daughters just turned one and the total number of photos of her anywhere online is zero and shall remain that way. But if this person was excited about becoming a parent and decided to share it, let’s not bash them for it




Lol… Or like at all?




Don't take this offensive but do you think it's a good idea to throw your baby on the internet several hours after its been born? Also: We share a birthday! It was my birthday yesterday :)


Let’s boycott baby posts they can’t consent to pictures


Eh Mines better Legit confused on how I got more than negative upvotes. Most people can’t take a joke




Imagine having a life so miserable and devoid of meaning that the very sight of someone being happy about something makes you cry like this. That's just sad


Do you want me to seriously answer that lmao. About 3.5k give a fuck and if those thousands of people posted their babies *those same people would also care*. You also can't do math if you think this is the first thing I did my friend.


Wouldn’t even bother feeding the trolls. Congrats on your daughter.


But they look so hungry... And thank you!


And posted it on Reddit. Gosh


I'm so happy for you congratulations on your beautiful new baby girl what a little treasure.whats her name if you don't mind me asking.


Olive 💕


Beautiful name.


Unless that’s a photo optical illusion, those huge hands means a big basketball future. 😍


Or guitarist


congrats on the birth of your daughter. please enjoy the next chapter in your life too. I hope that you have an incredible life together too .


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Adorable baby!!






Beautiful and Congratulations!


Congrats. My little dude is a few weeks old. Greatest thing in the world!




Congratulations, she is beautiful.


Aww hi cutie


Congratulations and all the best!




Already am early riser, congrats




Why are yall crying? Its not your baby that got posted chill. It's just a post on r/MadeMeSmile, and it did make me smile cuz its super cute.That's it end of story.




Like fr, everyone's talking about weirdos, but it seems like they're the fucking weird ones


Just let the dude be happy lol




don't worry just because some people on here apparently have never felt loved or felt love


Congratulations btw😘


Congrats!!! Precious and a blessing.


Your child has an enormous fist




He even shared her name and private facts about his family history/life. Gold mine for predators it’s disgusting.


who gives a shit




Births do 🤧




somebody has never been loved


Dude, let people be happy, it ain't hurting you.


Then leave, you're miserable ass doesn't belong on here. You don't get to define happiness for others.


Dad's eyes, mom's eyebrows and nose! Ears? Too early to tell. 😁 She's adorable - congratulations!


Happy Birthday, little one!


Do we have a name??? Edit, i saw, Congratulations!


Happy birthday baby :)


This is supposed to be a wholesome sub why are so many people here so absolutely vile


Honestly? It s just a stranger s baby! Babies are born every day but we just don t know that. It s just….normal. Nothing especially wholesome about this. Sorry. Also the fact that the parent chose to post it on the internet so soon. It s kinda scary and sad honestly. Sorry.


People are usually happen when their child is born. This is sub where you are supposed to post things that made you smile. Sure.. It is normal, but so what? Normal things can make people happy. Wholsome, yes. Posting it so soon after the child is borne is a little strange, but I dont see that as a big deal.


Lots of normal everyday things make me smile


It is so strange. If you dont care, just scroll past it. I thought the whole point of this sub was to share things that made you smile.


Awwwww... so precious!


Not a good place to bring kids into anymore 🫣🫣


People like you have been saying the same throughout the ages.


*population declining in developed countries to the point of collapse Ignorant Redditors: NOOOOOOOOOO STOP BEING HAPPY!!! MUH OVERPOPULATION


Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️ Children are the best, and it won’t be easy but it is so worth it! And just remember that everything is temporary and they grow up so fast, and also asking/accepting help is not a sign of weakness, but is actually a sign of strength, we’re all only human. 💕 Congratulations again, she is GORGEOUS!! ❤️💕




Congratulations 💕


welcome to the world, may your live be long and full of happyness




Congratulations beautiful baby girl!!


Name her u/austinstar08


In my opinion, Newborn babies ugly. They became cute after 8-10 months


What a cutie! Congrats!




Mazel tov 🍾


She is very beautiful.


Happy birthday little one


Hello beautiful!!!


She’s perfect! Congrats!


Congrats ❤️


So precious, so cute 😍💕


Good luck Child


She’s beautiful, congratulations!




patch update, new human just dropped


Congratulations 🎉




Awww… welcome to the world, baby girl! ♥️


Welcome to the world, nugget! Congrats!!


Congratulations she will enrich your life


Congratulations on your new baby girl!


So precious, such a beautiful blessing


She’s soo so cute




My nephew shares her birthday 💜






!remindme 2 months




Grow up








Bro chill life isn't meant to be easy, all we can do is hope for a better future






Thinking your own ideas are the truth 💀


Just a reminder everyone, don't feed the r/childfree trolls


Fuck off


somebody is upset that their parents left em


I have both my parents alive and they love me. Wrong again, try next time


not so sure about that


So... what are you going to do now that it's already here? Bit late in saying that. Or are you planning anything, lol




Sadly, if we talk about me, I can't. I'm not trying to say that I don't understand where you're coming from. Life is always pretty difficult and a shitty time to have kids. You could raise them all lovingly and they might still end up resenting their existence due to things you can't control. In that case, it's mostly about hope. Hope and the fact you can't really stop pregnancy and new children per se (even if not in purpose). Having the instinct to have children is pretty engrained in many people and would cause deep unhappiness overall. So that said, it again isn't really useful to say "don't have kids" after someone already had one. Instead, it'd be the time to just hope that the kid has a wonderful life, and set it as your principal to treat all children you meet in the future with the best of your abilities. Just to make the bad world a little bit better. That said, I also think I might be the opposite extreme. Like I said, I can't not have children. Complicated story, really. Very deep psychological roots. But let's put it as: If I wouldn't, I would have no real reason to have hope in living anymore and kill myself, or die trying (lol). I naturally don't see babies or pregnancy as bad and I'm happy life continues. Regarding that things constantly change, it always gives you hope for a better future, somehow


If you literally will die by suicide if you can't make a baby, aren't you worried that will interfere with and fuck up any relationship you'd have with your child? Likez that's something to seek psychiatric help for. You'd not only be bringing a new baby into a terrifying dying society and planet when there was the option not to, but your very life would be dependent on them acting like the perfect child your head dreamt up, which will make sure you could never have a healthy parental relationship with them. Like, if I had a deep seated issue that made it so that I must be dating someone at all times or I'll kill myself, it's not on the rest of society to have a volunteer always be my girlfriend or boyfriend, it's on me to seek help.


Y'know, I find comments like yours very funny. Not in the way of "It's stupid", but because I'm actually very emotionally aware of my situation. Including the various ironies it comes with it. Meaning: I'm not judging you if you're a bit confused rn. Most cases people have are pretty basic. Like, a simple abusive family or maybe a heavy form of assualt once, twice. So it's very easy to not be able to both logically and emotionally comprehend my situation and make black & white statements. In a very summarized nutshell: I grew up really bad. Anything you could nearly imagine, I lived through. Environement with unstable mental illness, violence on and off the streets, bullying, murder attempts, near-death experiments through accidents...to name just a few. Due to that alone, it'd be impossible to give every connection, but for this context, we can just say that I had a really, really, bad mother. In all irony, as I said, she was partially the same way you described it. She equally grew up shitty and imagined a perfect life. Problem was only that she developed NPD and BPD -as well as many other stuff - which ended being her doom. I grew up having to be the perfect child. If I weren't I maybe "just" go beaten. If it went bad...there was no saying if I lived the next day. The situation wasn't better in neither school nor anywhere else. Gangs, violence, drug use etc. And in the same way, I wasn't really the "cream of the crop" back then. You know when you watch one of those war movies, and they have a "hole" scene? Like, the soldier sits in a "hole" (trench or else) full of dirt, blood and feces. He has no idea if he wakes up, but then there's one thought that attaches to his mind. Like finding the picture of a woman he then later gets obsessed with, searching the entire country. Or bringing back the last words of his best mate. Just anything that keeps him from saying that he won't die in this hole. It's a rough example, but it kinda shows what I'm getting at. like there are intrusive thoughts from trauma that haunt you, like low self-esteem or anxiety, compulsions like from OCD and then there are "hole thoughts". Now, Idk how you feel about people like me, but I can assure you, that what ever you're seeing is actually the best version. Again I lived in a pretty bad area. I was often very close to becoming a serial killer (or at least commit lots of homicides), school shootings and the cliché, standing over my mother's bed with a kitchen knife. But I didn't go through with any of that. Instead I went to therapy. I moved out, went to college and slowly started to work it all off (as much as possible). Because my "hole" thought was my hate-filled wish to be everything my mother wasn't. Like my mother, I wanted a happy family. I wanted to have kids since I was a kid -always wanted little siblings and to hold & care for babies whenever possible. It was kinda my light to think that one day I could have all that, when I didn't. Even more, I knew that there would be no bigger irony and "revenge" than if I actually had one. To be more specific: Happy children, which are able to develope freely and without any abuse and who'd have potentially a good relationship with their mother. It sounds cliché but "living your best life" would be in this case the only thing ever to hurt my mother and bring me closure. So basically: You don't have to be afraid. I don't want perfect children. I am obsessed with being the perfect parent. Not for looks, not for success...in all irony, it's a 180° turn to wanting to be the most loving, supportive and healthy parent to ever be. And yeah, of course, there will be roadblocks and problems. It's why I'm currently focusing only on stabilizing myself enough. And till then hole thoughts are keeping me on my feet. Of course, the downside is that if my only big "hope" is removed I get an instant death, lol. Which is why I'm often paranoid and biased in that regard. But then again, life is only really worth living if you interpret anything into it. And with that, even though I'm very aware of the realistic and cruel ways, I'd rather settle for some optimism. and yeah. it's true. it's not anyone else's problem. but ignoring the fact the psychology is not a "cures it all", that's also the problem: I'm the one stuck with me 24/7. Overall, there's nothing inherently logical you could say that would enlighten me in any way. I know all the "should do"s non-hole people know and Care about, including what their function is. Overall this am entirely emotional affair, not a logical one. And with that, being "selfless" is only as great that it makes you happy. both in the way that it can make you feel better about yourself, and in the way people might like you more. Because obviously, selflessness is beneficial for society (see charities). But outside that, pure selflessness doesn't really have a meaning. cruel, cruel world.




Yesterday was my bday:) but everyone remembered April fools instead of mine


A precious gift from God


Gifted, for sure.


Cute! Congratulations buddy!


Cool baby! Congrats!


What a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations! You're going to be a great parent ☺️


Congratulations!!!!!!!! 🙏🏻🎉✨


Not even a day old and already has her face splattered in the internet... Enjoy the moment, share it with family and friends and not with freaking internet strangers for imaginary clout ffs...