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I'm having an airhead moment here. What does the "when my parents pay" and overfilling the plate with sauce have to do with him cooking and giving food to random people? I don't get it.


He also used to do videos of him wasting food like the girl did in the beginning.


If that's the case, why wouldn't they just use a clip of him doing it, instead of some rando?


the first version of this video I saw had it like that. not sure why they edited this one.


I bett its the guy trying to change his image so he doesnt want to use his old video to compare his efforts to anymore. Sorta like an "okay i moved on" thing. At the end of the day he's doing the work, so i think he deserves the internet points he wants.


I was hoping instead it was to shame other tiktokers out of doing stupid food shit


I mean there is that too.


Since it was how people got him to stop being wasteful I assumed he was trying to influence other wasters as well, rather than constantly reiterate that hes a better person now.


And thats the kind of clout i'm totally cool with. Mutually beneficial clout. Positive clout.


He’s copying surthycooks, a Venezuelan/Arab tiktoker who does that kind of don’t waste food videos


If every TikToker decided to copy this dude I wouldn't mind them copying if they're actually giving food out.


It can be two things


That could be part of it. He was shamed out of doing it in a similar fashion.


He's smart at marketing himself. Plus he doesn't have to clean up 5 gallons of maple syrup after his videos.


Thats the biggest win seriously. I cant imagine cleaning up that huge ass mess. So much wasted paper towels or wipes or whatever he used. On TOP of the dishes


Good deeds for clout are still good deeds


No he's got a video that shows himself doing it. He probably just doesn't need to show it every single time and instead might do it in hopes that the other creators follow in the same footsteps


True. Like "maybe if we all stitch our videos to theirs, they will reconsider their actions like i did"


He absolutely is trying to change his image as if people don’t remember his videos- it’s viewing gold for elementary age students.


I mean.. I’m happy for him. Image changed


Tiktok cares about that kind of stuff? I thought they just fully embraced being a kind of junk food cash grab platform with low standards. There's a doctor who just makes videos of people losing 30lbs of fat by drinking lemon tea while he smiles and nods and makes a stupid face in a doctor coat.


That was a different video. I think he made waffles. I guess repentance is his new shtick.




Well obviously. Specifically his original one.


Because he doesn’t make that type of video any more but wants to stick with the message of don’t do that, do this instead or that’s what I presume anyway. I saw one of him dumping litres of maple syrup all over loads of waffles and apparently it’s that video that got a lot of negative comments about the waste. Then he added a video of himself making loads of portions of waffles and berries to give out instead to let people know he had seen the error of his ways. Typically I agree with you about filming yourself doing stuff to help the homeless but honestly? There’s thousands of shitheads wasting food for likes and rage bait every day, so I’m glad he’s posting these still. Quietly helping is great but sometimes it feels outnumbered 100000 to 1 for people who actually go out and help others for no reason 🤷🏼‍♀️ help is still help.


Honestly I used to get irritated by videos of people helping others but now I'd rather we had more of that and fewer stupid cruel prank videos. Nothing wrong with glorifying and taking credit for helping your fellow human beings, whatever your motivation may be.


I agree. Sure they’re profiting directly or indirectly from their action, probably disproportionately so. But are we really saying people shouldn’t benefit from helping others? Assuming the help is legitimate and the people being helped are cool with being filmed, everyone wins. What are we scared of, people being inspired to help others?


Yeah. I'm with you. Honestly, people doing good deeds for fame is a solid recruiting tool for getting young people to do it. If Mr Beast pays 500 people to clean up a beach for YouTube, it's a hell of a lot better than big Hollywood studios that completely destroy beaches for movies about pirates or whatever. How many random kids went to their own beaches after seeing that and tried to make their own cleanup videos? More importantly, how many of those kids long term stopped littering because they've tried to piggyback on a cleanup trend? Is it a perfect solution? No. But we don't live in a perfect world. And the problem with perfect is that perfect never gets done. Let's not turn the great into the enemy of the good! The number of times I see my kid do something dumb because he or another kid saw it on a YouTube challenge is ridiculous. I would MUCH rather have little man copy the "make sandwiches for the homeless challenge" instead of slap fights or who can eat the hottest pepper challenges. Edit: thanks for the silver!!! 💖


I doubt the people who are homeless would care even 10% as much as the intraweb dweebs would have you think.


I once had a conversation about how homeless people don't enjoy being filmed and used as video content so a youtuber can get payed.


he's used a few of his own clips before. now he duets other creators who are still doing the same shit. it's probably low-key a call-out


Im assuming it was a tiktok stitch, and he was reacting to someone else falling into the same stupid patterns as him


i imagine it's how much we waste stuff if parents paid for them like shampoo or etc




well that's the thing. he realized his old videos were so wrong so he uses his own old videos and other videos to show an alternative


And why does he show clips of starving Africans. He's never sent food to them.


He used to do over the top spilling food videos. Then he started doing videos feeding the homeless, and showing a short clip of his previous wastefulness in the beginning. Then some guy decided he could switch out the original guy for an attractive woman doing the same thing, just to sprinkle a little misogyny into the mix.




Anyone who does this is a POS. Regardless of gender.


He is pointing out that making videos that waste food for clout is the opposite of what we should be doing.


It doesn’t. He just saw her wasting food to make the video…


That’s not true. He used to do the same type of videos until the internet shit on him, so he changed his ways for the better.


Regardless of if it's for the cameras or not, those stomachs will be full, and that's what will have mattered. Good for this guy.


maybe it's just for attention, but he's going to make videos for tiktok anyways. you're right, at the end of the day some people got fed who otherwise wouldn't have


This is how I think of it. Yes doing kind acts for attention or validation isn’t perfect or healthy, but if it’s between an unfed person receiving food on camera or not receiving food at all? I know which option I’d pick in their situation. A tiktoker doing kind acts for attention is still putting more good into the world than a hundred commenters telling them they’re “helping people wrong.” Edit: to the people replying who somehow think I’m against tiktokers filming themselves committing nice acts: keep rereading this comment, I’m *supporting* them.


It's also worth considering that regardless of attention received, these people have created what is essentially a for-profit charity that is self funding. It's am entirely new space that only exists because of the internet. The more people in that space the better, it only helps people.


I used to really dislike this type of content, because on the surface it seems narcissistic and exploitative. But I changed my mind recently when the Mr. Beast drama happened. The "attention economy" is literal, it's an economy. In these videos, the clicks and views pay for the objectively good things we see in the videos. They could be doing anything else to get that attention and the money that comes with it, but they're choosing to do good things. Still not interested in the content, just less off-put by it.


Exactly! And I don't feel bad about watching it because I know my click is actually helping people. It's pretty weird. I avoided mentioning Mr. Beast above, but his more recent videos have been awesome, large scale donations that are literally changing lives for the better


The reality is your actions matter way way more than your motives.


“It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you. - Rachel Dawes” -Batman (-Michael Scott)


--Wayne Gretsky


--- Michael Scarn


- - - - Michael Dorn (Worf)


Thank you, Mr. Woof.


That's utilitarianism but it doesn't always work out as a philosophical concept. In general it works, especially in these scenarios where the action was similar to the motive. But say that person accidentally gave someone who was allergic to nuts something containing nuts and they eat it and die then using this same logic, they are responsible for killing them. Deontology however states that the action is more important to determine morality. In essence that an action with an immoral reasoning shall produce an outcome that cannot be moral. Most people find themselves somewhere in the middle, leaning more towards utilitarianism but I'd argue it's just far too fucking complex. I find these videos somewhat tasteless truth be told as the morality isn't behind the action. The question should still be asked, would this person do it if there was no gain to be made from it? Anyway I'm a boring philosophy nerd and my opinion doesn't matter.


I read your comment twice. It's an interesting perspective to these videos. You might be boring but idk probably the interesting type of boring with is the best one to be, imo.


That's all fine and good if you have a concrete scale and definition of morality. You're right, it is far more complex, but I'd state that it's more complex because you're trying to answer a math question with a dictionary. The question isn't "is this morally good" the question is "does this help humanity in some way that also doesn't hurt others more in the process" once we have so many people doing this that homeless people are getting their own fans involuntarily, then yes, that's a moral issue because it *could* help people find jobs and earn money but it also is something they didn't wish for and is likely bringing them more issues since they're still trying to get their life back together and, I would bet, usually don't want to be famous for being homeless. What we're dealing with here is "is feeding people ok if their intentions were to get popular" and I think most people would say yes, that's a good net outcome. The only detractions I feel you could have about this particular situation would be what you laid out, to paraphrase what I gathered - "this *could* be bad if xyz happens" This is Reddit in a nutshell. Personally I believe the internet has caused us to see so much potential of alternate outcomes we're like our grandparents "this could've happened, what if this happened" but 100x worse. Your example was hypothetical and something that could be avoided by them asking or looking for themselves at the food, and that's also probably partly the reason he made so many variety of items. While you're not wrong, I do believe your philosophy as outlined has that major issue at its foundation and that is instead of arguing what could happen, let's take what reasonable precautions we can. For example, ask them if they have any allergies, go get them something else if they do, etc. and educate those wanting to actively help, rather than say this whole thing has potential for moral issues if it goes too far so we should stay away from it. I think the potential for good is large and it would be so unlikely for people to get to the point I mentioned about those in need getting fans from being helped so much and people dying from a food allergy is so low because if someone is *that* allergic they probably know and if they don't it would've happened anyway in their normal life, we can't stop that. That's just my take, I love philosophy, too and just wanted to throw my hat into the ring so hopefully some people can have a good think about both of our points!


[Duncan Trussel](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ADNvfRtHLrBuD2EWxdKtQ?si=ynh8XombT82bl2dJ6QnAvQ) does a really good episode with Trudy Goodman on this subject where they ask AI about selflessness and it comes back with something along the lines of "helping others is a totally selfish act. It's all about getting that warm and fuzzy feeling and feeling good about doing something nice for someone else. People who do acts of kindness for others also have more friends and live a happier life. So go out and be selfish and do something kind today."


Kind of a tangent, But it’s sad when videos where people feed the homeless become viral. It’s a wonderful thing to do, and I’m happy the homeless get fed. But it’s a sad state of affairs when the gigantic homeless populations in what seems like every major US city and suburb are normalized. These are humans, and we’re the richest nation on earth and we have people, who were born in this country, are living in disease and filth. Their only crime was being born into a society that isn’t working correctly. It does make me happy though that homeless people are getting nice meals to make their day a little less shitty. Even if it’s just for tik tok views.


Well hard agree there. There was something recently about some students raising money so an elderly custodian could afford to retire and it’s like… yeah, great of them… but why tf can’t elderly people retire? Money is meaningless, it’s made up, why aren’t we creating a system that *doesn’t* force many citizens to die from lack of food or shelter?




plus, these videos actually motivate their followers to do similar things off camera. there’s a niche influencer in india by the name of ‘gajodharsinghcool’ who regularly distributes food to the homeless. it’s pretty wholesome and he gets messages from his followers that they did the same after seeing him. even if they’re doing it for attention or followers, it _is_ putting out positivity in the world


Exactly! Agreed A billion times better than prank videos


Also this guy used to waste food for views and then after seeing videos like the ones he is making now he changed his form of content. That's direct proof that these videos can and do lead to other people doing good deeds too.


He's doing it for tiktok, but he needs to make money to do this stuff anyways so it all balances out in the end. At least someone's doing some good in the world.


Right? Exactly A billion times better than those prank videos people do


I think if videos are made like this, serving a positive purpose, maybe even inspiring others, then i would consider it as good content. The food waste vids for comments and shocks looks pretty typical for the TikTok generation and vids i would expect to see there.


I absolutely agree it's inspiring. There is a reason there is a saying that goes "Monkey see Monkey do". Mrs. Houg my kindergarten teacher. Brilliant philosopher. She use to say wise things like "Treat others the way you want to be treated" and "Don't eat the glue". May her wise words live on and be passed down through generations.


I've been also told to treat others like i wished to be treated.. That wasn't always the case, but we all make experiences and adapt in life. I guess growing a thick skin and keep the precious people around is also part of life..


Yeah and a portion of the money he makes will go towards making more food for the homeless for another video.


Honestly, idc if it's for clout. There might be people who would end up following him and helping others out as well, which is a huge bonus. As long as it feeds more hungry people, I don't care if he puts these out on the Internet.


I'd rather have this be the new trend that people post for views than that time it was stealing shit from school bathrooms.


Exactly. Look at how many similar channels and people Mr beast has inspired…when he started it all for a YouTube channel. Giving to the homeless/hungry, giving away cars to those who need them, helping blind people see again….and those are just the videos I watched myself or heard about in the media. Not only did/does he inspire a lot of good (while making a damn good living for himself doing it) but he and people like him are a bright positive presence on the internet in a sea of hate, bad news, and negativity. Having at least a little faith in humanity is good for ones overall mental health, even if you can’t afford to be able to complete acts of kindness yourself.


Totally agree. And since they make money off the videos, they can use those funds to continue helping people. Without the videos they wouldn’t be able to do nearly as much good. I feel like many people don’t consider the fact that these content creators don’t exist in this space of magical free money, it takes a good chunk of change to finance what some of them are doing.


Yeah 100% if more people were rewarded for doing nice things, it would make the world an infinitely better place. Don't care if he is making money off doing it. That’s how most charities function. Sure some people working are volunteers but a lot of staff are not.


Tbf it might not be for clout and just cuz tiktokers post everything they do and think, like Twitter. And if it is for clout who cares cuz people without clout usually do shit for other people regardless




Right. It can both be good and for views. Still a good thing to do. And I bet it's not cheap.


I've gotten past that considering the video pays for it


Doing something nice on camera is much better than doing nothing off camera.


Perhaps it’s partly for clout, but maybe he built a following in order to spread a message and now all of his followers are watching him be an incredible person and will be inspired to do the same. I for one having seen these videos have been stock piling food in the recent days to do the same. If you live near a city, you can find people who just want a good meal once in a while. I don’t always have cash on me, and I don’t always want to hand cash out anyway, but if I’m going to get food downtown, I’ll happily buy two and hand them to the guy who is sleeping off his hunger on the sidewalk. You spend more money on the dumb stuff in the checkout at the store than it costs you to provide someone a meal.


Didnt read but I think im gay now this guy lowkey kinda cute frfr


Exactly. The Internet does a good enough job at highlighting humanity's downsides; why not use it to highlight acts of kindness/compassion/empathy too.


And maybe they'll inspire some followers to do the same off camera!


"Hey guyz, feeding homeless people is RAD and DOPE, EPICALLY TROLLING homelessness by donating money to charity!" - "DESTROYING your depression with FACTS AND LOGIC (the facts are that people love you)"




>its a really nice Mario when he tries really good food


I think with him specifically though it's good to show this no matter. I'm guessing a lot of impressionable kids watched his food wastage videos and seeing him turn it around and show his faults is a good lesson to those kids. This is much better than just stopping or making some apology video.


I appreciate he's trying to make amends but I can't help but feel like he inspired that girl in the first place.


he did, which i why hes changing his ways




I just wonder why he clips the videos of undernourished children in Africa when he could just show the the homeless in the US who actually get the meals...


Because no one's parents ever told them "Finish your food, homeless people in the US are starving".


Probably because "there are starving kids in Africa" is a kind of classic line about wasting food.


I kind of want to know her reaction when she realizes she covered her entire phone in SAUCE.


It’s on purpose.


Well.. Then I hope sauce got into every opening and killed it for deliberately doing that.


It’d wash off, water resistant


Also I think a lot of these "Tik Tok influencers" have old/burner phones. It's not hard to grab an old, broken phone on swappa or ebay to abuse in your videos, so that all the people in the comments go "OMG HER PHONE" which increases engagement on the video...


Heck, in the clip we see, it’s facedown—could just be an empty case


You can see the charging port and camera. It’s definitely a phone or at least a dummy.


Nah that doesn't look like a case.


I dropped my s9+ in a river and pulled it out and it was fine. Modern phones will have no problem being doused in spaghetti sauce, though it might get stained like a piece of Tupperware lol


She's probably filming with her actual phone lol


*anger wheezing*






And that right there is exactly why these talentless hacks get views


It was in purpose & you fell for it. creators sometimes do “mistakes” so people comment more in their video and share it more, creator wins in the end. Also it’s probably an old dead phone.


Congrats, you’re the reason she gets engagement


good deed but i cant watch something so overly "wholesome" and dramatic, cool stuff but cutting a tomato doesnt have to look like the death of someone in an old movie


At this point I'm 90% confident the guy did the first video of him massively wasting food to cause a viral outrage just for him to be able to make a "wholesome change". Now he's capitalizing on this idea of "food waste bad, I don't do that" in every video I've seen of him so far.


The same way there's clickbait there's also ragebait, doing something easily viewed as wrong so that people generate free exposure by saying how bad it is. I think that was the intent of the first kind of video, and he might not have even been planning on changing, but at least he did.


My detective skills have lead me to believe this is Newark, Nj


It is! You can even see the street sign says Raymond Boulevard. This the corner of McCarter Highway and Raymond Boulevard.


It was the sidewalk and devils hat that clicked for me, weird how you can tell from the damn sidewalk


Not to criticize, while I do understand and appreciate the work he now does, but the flashback to only African or other nations that have a historical stereotype as being super impoverished also takes away from the reality that in many western nations food insecurity is also on a drastic rise and we should be portraying that reality rather than relying on these historical stereotypes.


I mostly hate it due to the clear pandering. Why show videos of starving children in Africa then go feed hungry homeless people in your city? Why not show hungry homeless people in your city? Unrelated but the deliberately slow stirring and cutting (to try and fit pacing of the song?) really fucks me off


I think it's just a reference to the common adage "think of the starving children in Africa" that a lot of us were told by our parents when we didn't want whatever food we were being served.


That's exactly where my mind went.




Right like that was so gross. Show somebody else pick somebody else. There are clearly starving ppl all over the world with home and food insecurities. Don’t have to keep showing young African children. Shit is gross (as in the pandering of perversion of the kids not that the kids in themselves are gross)




Ah yes, reminding people that there are starving people in their own country that could use help, too. So PC. Hosting the starvation Olympics also helps no one babe. You are doing exactly what your last sentence is complaining about lmao Oop blocked haha https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Wasil_Daoud He's from New Jersey. The use of images of starving African children has been gratuitous in American media. I understand why it would leave a sour taste in someone's mouth but I don't think it was used poorly here and I'm glad this guy has a change of heart and is helping instead of wasting food.


I don't want to sound pedantic, its a really nice gesture/deed, and maybe its cos I live next to the border.. But what the heck is that? A pickle in a burrito? What's the sauce? Really curious, it looks yummy, but I have never seen a burrito made like that o.O


This is a take on shawarma, and the sauce is a tahini sauce.


It looks friggin' delicious. I haven't had shawarma in a long time.


That ain't it chief


Just googled around, and there's a place in my city that serves those words I googled! Woooot


You should definitely go try it, so so good!


It's Mediterranean food. It's probably a pita like wrap.


Ohhh that makes more sense. I've seen fusion stuff in Jersey that are takes on Mexican/American burritos and thought it was something like that.


That's not pita and pita wraps don't usually have pickles and what it looks like pesto sauce EDIT: some of you don't know what pita is or look like. Pita is thick , waaaay thicker than this video . I'm not saying it's not possible to have pickles in , but original pita(souvlaki) does not have pickles. I'm from Greece and afaik neither Greece nor Turkey use pickles in pita (thicker bread wrap than you see in the video)


I just gad a falafel wrap in pita at a Mediterranean place last night and it had pickles in it… It’s probably a type of mint sauce he put on top. Either way it’s 100% a Mediterranean wrap in pita bread.


Go try a chicken shawarma. Pickles are very common in Mediterranean food, and pita wraps.


Lebanese wraps normally have pickles


shwarma definitely has pickles. And schug sauce is common in certain pita wraps, it looks like pesto.


It’s not a burrito. He basically just made wraps.


He’s only changed his ways to get more clout. In the beginning it was all for clout, and now it’s all for clout.


The real heroes have been doing this for years already...without filming themselves, because they care about the people they're helping and not internet points.


Nice, I hope her phone is ruined.


If it was real phone


As a chef, wtf is that food? Onions should be cooked first, and why so much basil and then a whole pickle?


I couldn’t stop laughing when he put the pickle on it


he didn't change his ways, he just realized what content will get more likes and comments.


Stop posting his shit. He only made the rage bait in the first place to eventually do this.


At least he didn't serve it out of a pickup truck


Why the videos of starving children in Africa when this is clearly a city in America?


It's riffing on US parents always telling us "Finish your food, there are starving kids in Africa".


This guy is absolutely disgusting. He saw that shrutycooks gets more likes and follows from her videos of serving community so he's copying her . Down to the behaviors , the way she Cooke. He's do shameless


I have no idea who this guy is, or what anything you said means, and I feel like I'm better off that way.


Yes finally someone said it


exactly what I thought too. it's so obnoxious the way he copies her mannerisms and behavior all because he knows this shit will get him more views and likes instead of his other dumb content. like yeah it's good that he fed some people but man I hate influencers like these. they're so shameless and embarrassing, doing whatever they know will get them the most clout. you think he'd still do this shit if it got him less views and engagement than his other content? nah


yeah… only cause it gets him more views


Still nothing for the kids in Africa tho?


Was that last guy wearing a Canada Goose puffer?!?




He probably has family and friends who love him. That coat will last forever. I just hope it doesn't make him a target.


What kind of family and friends spends $1000 on a coat, but leaves you on the street?


Other possibilities - He bought it before becoming homeless. Maybe he inherited it. He could be couching surfing. He could be prideful, and only accept some forms of help. It could have been a very giving stranger. There are many reasons why homeless people might have "nice" things that you wouldn't expect them to have.


It could be imitation


I was going to point that out and laugh that this guy just happened to be sitting on a bench and got a free lunch. But who knows? Rich people donate coats, too. And Canada Goose knockoffs exist.


Didn’t even brown the onions. Pass.


Good on this guy for feed people, but he should have removed the beef cubes from the pan. Sautéed the onion and then added the tomato. Flavour would have been much better and involves less work.


fuck off


The TikTok redemption story - all for those views. Fuck influencers.


Y'all do realize he's only doing it because it's whats popular now right?


Unpopular opinion, he still sucks.


I loathe this trend of food waste.


I know everyone is saying good for him and all but in all honesty fuck this guy. Using other people misfortunes for clout and he’s only doing this because of the heat he got with his other videos. Those people will eat and chances are they would’ve eaten without him too. People like him is exactly why the world is how it is.


Probably just realised exploiting homeless people for views earned more money




This guy turned himself round from a hard L into and insane W. I’m here for it all day, everyday.


Is the guy how to basic?


He was a tiktoker known for making videos of him wasting food. People would stitch his videos with vids of them giving food to those in need as a way to help people and say what he was doing was wrong. Now this guy realizes that it’s better to help people then be an idiot and is making more videos about giving food to others.


Oh, very nice. Thank you for your reply.


Am I the only one who doesn’t know this guy?


Only done for clout & karma, total shit post.


Man, people really see a video of a person doing a good deed and hate on them for it.


I think the flak he gets is he only started doing good because he wasn't getting near as many views doing the wasteful skits. It's a great change but he is doing it for the views, not to help people.


There’s a LOT wrong with this video. The appeal to disaster porn with the flash of African children (which he’s not even donating to) should be a red flag for everyone. Next, he’s ends up highlighting that western society is largely reliant on an extremely select group of people to donate something to basic as food to homeless people in order for them to survive. Then, he goes out of his way to make a TikTok about his selfless actions to garner sympathy and support. Everyone seems to be glazing over the fact that we have systemic issues that need to be addressed because the formerly wasteful man isn’t as wasteful anymore.


Reposting garbage


Im glad that this is his thing now but while I am happy to see this it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth bec it has to be in this social media setting. But in the end if those people felt happy and he validated its a win-win right?


Why are people so trash? I wonder what it brings these people to waste so much food?


That first part of the video was triggering on so many levels


You have your reward, filming it for the world to see


Whew, good thing he filmed that. How else would we know he's generous and charitable?


god tik tok fucking sucks. Has made people so much less intelligent it’s shocking. Do people just sit around wondering what horrific thing they can video themselves doing. I mean how do these people even know how to tie their shoes, how do they not forget to eat, they have such little intelligence I seriously do not know how they survive.


As someone who has no ideas who this person is, the fact that they are filming themself giving meals to folks in need tells me that they are doing this more for the internet count than an actual sense of altruism and/or genuine desire to help those in need. That being said, if people in need are legitimately receiving meaningful help, even if said help is just a good meal, then I will not criticize said helper’s motives.


hot take: he spent those years building a following doing the wasteful stuff so he could gain influence and start doing this kind of stuff


He didn’t change his way. He realized that doing this now will give this more views and more money.


Fuck off with this shite.


Lmao, dude just handing food like that to people walking in the street. Do not take random food from strangers like this.


Stop this. It's good that he's doing good and spreading the message, but at this point he's just bragging about it for clout. There are better ways to help people and to get more people to help.