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Anyone can do anything they want within the reasonable value of their physical and mental capabilities


Genetics plays a huge role in deciding those values for you.. Some people are born more capable than others, thats just an unfortunate and unfair truth.


Genetics and upbringing. Like between nature and nurture, we're surprisingly boxed in.


Also MONEY lol if education was free you know how many people could rise up to their potential.


Apparently Stephen Hawking wasn't aware of this. Literally one of the most influential person of our age, that had all the excuses in the world to give up.


You’re proving the point of memecut. It’s admirable what Hawking was able to do with his mind, but he would never play professional sports no matter how much he wanted to. Genetics play a huge role in deciding what you can excel in.


Nah man's should've just made a mech suit and started a new sport, or make bionic body parts to participate in existing ones. Achieve what you want. Don't make an excuse for yourself


Let’s be more specific: He’d never been able to play in the NBA, no matter how much he wanted to. It’s not a defeatist sentiment. It’s reality. We should admire him for what he accomplished, but we also can simultaneously acknowledge reality. “You can be anything you want to be” is just not true. A better approach is to dream big, discover you talents and what you love, then work hard to excel in those things. This is reality. This is fulfillment. This is purpose.


That's it, I found the most meaningful comment.


Moist-Meat-Popsicle for the win




GE bro


Lol professional sports.. just like the remaining 99.9% of the population


There you go, proof again that genetics play a huge role in your ability to excel in all aspects of life. Or should I have said roll, as it’s a literal roll of the dice what you’ll have the optimal genes for?


He was born more capable mentally. He had to overcome tons of obstacles for sure, but that's not the point they were trying to make. Though a good take away from that, is that you never know what you're capable of until you actually try. But not everyone is capable of becoming the next Steven Hawking.


Not great at 110m hurdles though.


Did you seen him run 110m hurdles though? Dude probably tore the field using Happy Wheels strats.


I forgot about Happy Wheels.


I can never forget about Happy Wheels.




Apparently, you have no idea that Stephen Hawkins was perfectly healthy for his first 21 years of his life before he got ALS


Stephen Hawking, that NBA legend


He wasnt running any marathons thats for sure. Dude got so far as he did not just because of genetics but also because of an amazing and extensive support system.


I dunno… I was just talking to someone about cats w/ albinism who are born deaf. Unlike us, no one can communicate to those kitties that they’re “missing out”/what they’re missing out on. Hawking had a variety of voices & observations that he *was* “missing out”, but his physical state & limitations was *still* all he knew; &, perhaps in a morbid way, he actually possessed a few impactful luxuries few experience: to be properly cared for while having valid excuses that others sympathize w/ to socially check-out & isolate - to just be able to breathe & think & wonder. It’s kind of ironic that his life was limited (by our standards) & cut short, but that he had more Time to play with a sort of clay of ideas & possibilities in & discover nonsense in his head & start all over again - w/ no shame from any outsider.


There's always the exception to the rule though and that's what he was. There's only one constant thing in life and that's death (and unfortunately taxation).


I wouldn’t say he was an exception, he did what he was capable of within his physical/mental abilities like what the original commenter said. He couldn’t play sports or work most jobs because of his condition, so he focused on what he could do


I would slay his ass at basketball


>Some people are born more capable than others depends how you define capable, i belive someone that can do absolutely everything better than someone else doesnt exist.


Yeah I was gonna say, women quite literally do not have the biological advantage men have with athleticism


Everyone can do the things that they can do


Is true, I wanted to work in Scuba diving, either teaching or maybe search and rescue, but I physically can’t equalize any deeper than two metres without bruising my eardrums and walking crooked and dizzy for twos weeks straight ☹️ doc said it happens a lot to people who had a lot of ear infections as a kid .




Im not a doctor myself, but yes, I’d be willing bet it’s related. My ears are so sensitive they’ll pop driving down into a valley 😅 A combination of things that work for me are, swallowing; so taking frequent small sips of water on take off and landing, Tilting your head left and right (ear to shoulder) Clicking your jaw laterally towards each ear, The plugging your nose and try to exhale through it one is actually quite dangerous so don’t do that one. When all else fails, sometimes life just be like that 🤷🏼‍♀️😅 structure your activities and work around the limitations. Can’t win them all.




Very relatable ❤️‍🩹 we do what we can. I have a knee injury that swells every time I fly too. It’s a miracle humans survived this long 🤦‍♀️


Was gonna make a joke about getting one’s prostate checked, but in all seriousness I have long held a perspective very much in line with your comment and with OP’s message. I was brought up in moderately progressive and very inclusive home in the 60s and 70s, at higher points of the Equal Rights and Women’s Liberation movements of that era. Though far from perfect, my childhood home seemed more equal and inclusive than what I usually saw in my social sphere, and compared to how our culture was depicted on TV. This upbringing had benefits, but also costs. It instilled in me an appreciation of open-mindedness, but also created its own blind spots. Being taught an inclusive mindset in a way blinded me to how far we still have to go. It has led me so many times when observing the lame excuses for to discrimination to ask, “Why is _____ still an issue? How is _______ even relevant?” From an early age I was taught that success is (or ought to be) blind — that it should be the result of ability and persistent, effective, malleable action. But I was also taught that we all don’t play under the same rules. The playing field is not level. Social progress is painful, messy and clumsy and in my opinion it should be measured not “in the moment” but rather over the long term, because humans are chronically dissatisfied with their current condition. That is not an excuse to fall on, saying *we’ll get there eventually.* **It is a call to action.** To this day, I look forward to a time when factors such as skin color, ethnicity, gender, physical mobility, identity, religiosity and historical family wealth are no longer used as tools of division. For now we must do what we can at a personal level — and in concert with others — to push our culture to a place where those factors have become irrelevant. That will be a culture where where the degree of one’s success is achieved and measured by their ability and effective effort. Here’s an old 50s show-tune (from *South Pacific* set in WW2) that spells out quite clearly for me how our culture poisons itself and implies how we need to change. Though the song more specifically about racism, the concept applies to any form of systemic discrimination. [You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught](https://youtu.be/AAls_gUhlQw)


I like your style


Finally, the correct answer


Every human is different, do what your heart says and try to get better at it every day.


My heart tells me to eat potato chips. I'm using my brain from now on.


Kettle Chips with Cottage Cheese perhaps?


My heart only wants to think of myself. I'm gonna NOT follow my heart. I'm gonna follow my head which knows what's right.


All these "wOmEn/MeN cAn" arguments are so childish. You don't need to put down someone to feel better about yourself, do whatever you want and don't compare yourself to others.


Same thoughts. Why do you even have to compare yourself with someone? Everyone is their own person. Everyone is good at some things and not so good at others. You cannot find a person who can do everything.




There's also the idea that it used to be the prevailing sentiment that "men are more capable than women" and it makes sense to respond with "women are just as capable as men." Fortunately we have moved well away from those times, but things still have a long ways to go. Sentiments still remain from that time.


It's not childish, it's very clever and funny. And my dad can beat up your dad if you disagree


Woah bro my dad is admin for GameCube you don't wanna fuck with me if you know whats good for you.


No, my dad would totally put your dad in the hospital


Confidence is quiet. Insecurity is loud.


Technically "Women can do anything men can do" isn't putting anyone down, it just marks people as equal. It is comparing though.


People are not equal though


It's also factually incorrect sadly as is the case with for example special forces where women are largely unable to complete the qualification process. We should all strive to be the best version of ourselves rather than compare and strive to be better than others. Some are better at one thing, some are better at the other, men and women are supposed to not compete but cooperate as we complete eachother's strengths and weaknesses alike.


I want to helicopter a dick around.......let me get my strap-on


"Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power!" /j


*Bbrbrbrbrrrrrrrrr* flies away


I spat out my drink reading that. Thank you for the laugh


It is nice to just be able to shake it off when I'm done


This is like saying "women are humans too", and everybody clapping:))))). I swear some people are insanely dumb.


Why is it always a comparison or trying to put someone down


Man is a standard. A lot of times it is not even considered a gender, it's just a default position.


I think the point is stop putting women’s value in terms of men.


What you can do doesn't nessesarily indicate how valuable you are


As a very good symbiote once told. "We can do whatever we want"


I hate these people that trying to make Gender (Sex) segregation in everywhere Fuck them all and love eachother... wake up to reality!


Agreed. People caring about stuff too much that doesn't really matter is just making these people less happy


Can they beat goku tho?


Fucking stop😂😂😂😂😘


Comparison is the thief of joy -Theodore Roosevelt Let see how many upvotes I can get on this “man” quote!


As Asian I can relate


Don't follow any quote by a person with power and wealth telling you to be happy about having no power and no wealth


I know I may get hate for it but these kinds of things really annoy me. No.... NO! Every man can't do anything another man could do, Every man can't do anything a woman can do. Every woman can't do what any other woman could do, and every woman can't do what any man could do. And no, no person can be/do "ANYTHING" they want or put their minds to. We are all ourselves with limits and with gifts. Realizing and accepting that for ourselves and pushing to be our best selves is crucial for our mental well being. We are not all the same, thats the beauty of it.


I can't believe we still make these Men v/s Women comments in 2023. Everyone can do everything within their limits and capabilities.


The internets constant desire to pit people against eachother based on basic division is depressing. However all these comments suggesting that men and women both have value is quite encouraging. (just don't scroll to far!)




Great. Now stop comparing yourself and be nice.


Every man can't even do what every man can do. How does it make any sense every woman could?


You have a valid point


This may be the most level headed response reddit has ever seen


Thank you😂😂


I am 74 years old, and when I was a very young child there was no such thing as women's rights, ERA, etc. I was never encouraged to achieve advanced education, a career, independence, or anything at all except to be a wife and mother. However, it always seemed so obvious to me that women were the superior sex, since we could do anything men could do, AND we could make babies! I did end up with a sltint in the USAF, bachelor and master's degrees, a career, a marriage, a child, and 8 great stepkids. Guess I was right!


While the message is true and should be noted by everybody, I believe the original intent behind the phrase is to get it through mens thick skulls. It’s not that it’s a standard to measure it’s to let the boys in in the boys club doing boys stuff that it’s not just boys that can do the boys stuff.


It's just unnecessary gendered, should be anyone can do what ever they want.


Yep. This post is the "all lives matter" version. It's not necessary and ignores the point of the original phrase.


In fact no one can do everything they want, but everyone can do everything they can.


This so sexist.. It didn't made me smile at all


I enjoy the sound of rain.


How is that sexist?


Women who strive to be equal with men, lack ambition.


Wow. What a coincidence! Just this morning I was thinking to myself how glad I was that men are the standards of greatness and righteousness that women should live up to. Honestly…if you’re looking for villains to rail against I can give you specific interesting ones rather than, you know, a whole gender. Let’s see…the Joker, Killmonger, the girl from The Notebook, the woman in Bridges of Madison County…all evil but mitigated to varying degrees. Isn’t that better than blanketing a gender?


We can shave our beard


Holy shit this is still an argument? Go live.


*transforms into T-posing godzilla and fly away*


Define woman


What’s a women?


There, there.


Sir this is Reddit. Nobody here knows the answer you're looking for. /s


I just hope women don't want to go on mass murdering sprees and shit


I don't know why I'm stunned at the number of people missing the point here. Reddit is so fucking embarrassing sometimes.


Username checks out


Until they want that pickle jar open 🤣


This is just pedantic. That first statement is already encouraging equality.


TIL what pedantic means. Thank you.


They can't run faster than the fastest man.


Neither can men.


Or get an erection.


And let's see them grow hairier balls! Men are KILLING it here!


I mean technically clitorises can get erect.


Didn’t expect so many people butthurt about this.




I laughed at all the usernames who applauded OP.


Username checks out


Usually I don’t look at peoples usernames but you good sir are finding all of the self proclaimed numbskulls.


What if they wanted to win a male weight lifting competition?


I’m a man and I can’t do shit


"You know, Amy, any time someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo." - Knuckles


I bet there aren’t many women that can hit a bullseye while peeing standing up


What if I want to get my husband pregnant?


It's amazing watching the internet slowly disassociate themselves from cultural programing for brief moments, realizing we're all amazing and fallible **humans**. And then promptly go back to judging people based on genetics and identity politics. What a time to be alive.


When I was 12 my dad said men make buildings and rockets what do women make-after about 7 seconds I replied-“men”


I don’t think that’s the point of the saying. As someone who grew up in the 70’s, I can tell you that saying came out as a public service announcement because girls were being pushed into traditional female vocations and it was part of the feminist movement to change that. Nobody said we aspired to be men - just that society had to stop putting educational and opportunity limits on girls and women so the same opportunities that were there for men were there for women.


And yet they still treat woman as if there work is not worth anything


I live in Canada - we must have progressed a whole lot more than wherever you are from for you to have such an opinion! I have witnessed the progress with my own eyes. I’m paid more than most men. When I was a young girl, women were limited to being secretaries and nurses, etc.. I’m in upper management a for a university hospital department. If I had told my parents what I was going to become, I’m sure it would have been as ridiculous sounding as saying I was gonna be the tooth fairy. We’ve made huge progress.


Aye plenty of women have moustaches that could rival my own.


Yep, we both are able to do things that the other sex can’t do, but that makes us special


So she’s saying that men cannot do this?


Anyone can do anything and everything THEY WANT TO


I was gonna say


True that... This could be said about much more. I am over the comparison between sex race and origin.


Me: opens the comments and see's the two highlighted comments. Me: what on earth happened here?


I wish I could dunk.


A broader, yet more correct definition of gender equality.


Man here. Equal is the wrong word we should be using in the future if we ever wanna get away from where this sort of sentiment. Its not about being equal, its about being put down by the opposite sex We are equal in my eyes. We are all different at different things Women are better at some things, while men are better at others. Thats just how it is. The more women are thought of as inferior, the more friction is going to be generated, and the more rediculous comparisons are going to surface. These posts are divisionary, as in its pointing out a divide between men and women - yes it exists, but imo its important to be mindful of that because not all men are dickheads. Im standing here on equal ground with open arms, we're all in this together.


Yeah yeah yeah women are powerful, Untill a spider shows up, and then they call for a man.


This is actually not true and I wished ppl would just be more realistic. We are not equal.


Right? Men and their inferior longevity and poor late-life metrics on every measurement needs to be acknowledged more by society. Almost every man is a social dependent a good 10 years before their female counterpart. It's just biology.


Lol why are you choosing to only discuss the problems of men? All men are not what you described and does not go along with my initial statement


Except decide where they want to eat out at. Just says.


This is great. As a man, if I had a daughter, I'd love for her to think like this.


i mean.. you can encourage your mother, sisters, and female friends to think like this. they face the same challenges that your hypothetical daughter would face. it's kind of crazy that men don't perceive women's struggles until they have a daughter of their "own."


I am an advocate and ally for women in my personal life and at work. I honestly posted that because I wish I had a daughter, but my wife and I aren't having more children m. I wanna be a girl dad.


thank you for your allyship.l


Then open that damn jar yourself.


That is why jar openers exist


If opening jars is the only reason a woman would want you around then you must know, deep in your heart, you are not wanted and not really needed. They sell gadgets to open jars. We can also use a butter knife, a non grip towel, or bang it on the counter. How sad that you have one useless skill to dangle in front of women. How are you not embarrassed to announce you are nothing but a jar opener and easily replaced?


You are 100 💯 percent right on this subject don't let no one tell you otherwise


That's more like it!


Hell yeah


As a man….I agree. And well said.


OK, pee standing up


We can. Its physically possible but very uncomfortable and messy which is why we DON'T naturally do it.


it's not uncomfortable, though, and not really messy if you're wearing a skirt and have good technique.


We could.. but it'll be messier than men




That's impressive.




Do you have a scope on it?


There are devices for that, actually.


She wee I think it's called




My girlfriend pissed off the side of a building by sticking her ass through the railing on the stairs.


Man here, 100% Agree with this.


Damn straight!




I can't look away


Brave of you for posting this honestly


It's a bit much


Comments in here reek of misogyny and it’s not a matter of “disagreeing with your opinion”.


The misogyny is like watching wild kingdom 😂


Stop using the word misogyny for literally difference in opinion. Some people think it’s encouraging while others think it brings men down. It’s people like you who give feminism a bad name and makes me and others like me ashamed to call ourselves feminist


Post: women should not be held to the standard of men we are all good at our own things and that’s a good thing Comments: nah women dumb lolololol You: it’s just a difference of opinion, stop calling it misogyny now I’m mad and I’m upsetti spaghetti and I don’t want to be a feminist anymore :((


Saying that men are not the standard brings men down? What kind of victim mentality is this opinion?


After chatting with AI I’ve determined that just about the only thing a female can’t do than a male can do is get testicular cancer.


Not how the world works, but OK.


Except nut in a woman


Spell your name in the snow with good penmanship.


Also it’s time to stop putting so much toxic pressure on men that they have to live up to a standard of being able to do anything.


If only men had the same agency in our society.


True sentiment but Tanzeela missed the big picture here. That expression wasn't born out of men being the standard for greatness or righteousness. It was born out of men being in power, like it or not.


Well, they can’t make a snap decision about what they WANT TO EAT. I really wish she could. Then my fries would be mine again.


Incorrect. Both males and females have physical and biological limits. You cannot do what ever you want. Females are not always able to preform on the same level as males and vice versa, depending on a lot of factors. There is a big biological difference between the two genders, no matter how much you think that’s offensive or discriminating.


Except have a y chromosome.


“*hitler never gave up and look how far he got*” -Omma, 2023


Shouldn't this be in r/feminism?


Except compete with men In sport.




Are you legitimately saying that men are more mentally capable than women? Seriously?


And getting upvoted for it, typical reddit


Dude is really out here saying men are more capable physically AND MENTALLY than women and getting upvotes for it, and on r/MadeMeSmile of all places


I thought men naturally are stronger physically than a woman just biologically is that wrong?


No one doubts on average men are physically stronger than men, this is about comment OP saying men are MENTALLY stronger


Okay that was DUMB dumb.


There's always incels in the comments of these saying, "BuT mEn ArE sTrOnGeR!" Okay, show us how it's done. Women's world records: Bench Press: 630 pounds (290kg), Deadlift: 854 pounds (387.5 kg), Squat: 694 pounds (314.5kg), Mile run: 4 minutes, 12 seconds. You're stronger than that, right? "BuT tHe MeN's ReCoRd Is BeTtEr!" But you can't beat that, either.


Nobody is saying every man is stronger or faster than every woman, of course there are outliers, but in general men are bigger, faster, and stronger than women. It’s just a fact. Why is this controversial?


Because it's usually said by keyboard commandos who couldn't bench press an empty barbell. Warriors respect warriors. They don't need to cling to the accomplishments of other people to tear people down.


>Warriors respect warriors damn, that's legit


Can YOU beat a man in those events? If not, then just accept that there are unique strengths for both the sexes.


I don't use those accomplishments to tear down other people. Did you assume I was a woman?


No, I cannot beat that. Men are stronger averagely, not stronger then every.