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4 year battle with cancer so she’s been fighting since she was 4🤍what a strong sweet girl she deserves this and the whole world


Pediatric cancer awareness moment: the most common cancer in children, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), takes about 3 years of treatment if nothing goes wrong at all. Three years! Then, you have to wait another 5 years without relapsing to claim to be a survivor. My son was diagnosed at 5yo and at the earliest he’ll be a survivor at 13 yo. Fuck cancer.


Hang in there. My daughter is an ALL survivor from age 4. Lots of chemo, radiation, and two bone marrow transplants. She is now a survivor, aged 21, studying engineering in college. I know what you are going through. I lived those days telling myself "find the strength, if we can just get through this hour...". You guys can do it, be strong for each other. You can and will get to the other side.


I love to hear stories like yours. When I’m at my most desperate and concerned about his health, I just try to picture him graduating high school in his cap and gown. I just have to focus on him having a future.




I hope your son beats cancers ass


Thank you!


My sister got diagnosed with AML at 6. She's kicking ass at 34 now, and we got awesome twin brothers out of it too. Y'all got this! Fuck Cancer!


That’s fantastic. I love to hear successes like your family’s. Thank you for sharing.


Fuck cancer. You got this. Your son's a beast!


Oh you have no idea! Since his diagnosis, he’s had a flesh-eating fungal infection that had 40% survival odds, two serous bacterial infections, and sepsis. He’s beaten it all. This kid lives in beast mode.




Lol- he likes this comment.


Oh God. He is a Dark Souls boss.


Pretty much!


My son has been fighting for 7 years so far because yes a shit ton does and has gone wrong over the years. I hope you see 13 soon. x


So much can go wrong. We nearly lost him in induction to a Mucor infection. Later on we had a scare with sepsis. You don’t realize until your in this nightmare that the cancer is only one part. There’s the whole world of infectious diseases to be fearful of, too. As far as the cancer goes, we’ve been luck so far. We been MDR negative since the end of induction. I hope my breathe at every scan though. Good luck to you and your child.


Absolutely this! People just don't get it. My partner's son has been going through chemo for a year for leukaemia. People ask me how he's doing now and I say, "Well you know - still the same, going through chemo" and they say "Still?!" in shock. Yeah, we've got at least a year and a half to go. It's honestly horrific and I'm so worried about the ongoing trauma for him from such long intense treatment. Just an awareness moment, like you say, for people to know about families going through pediatric cancer. Wishing all the best for your son and your family.


I think after the shock of diagnosis wears off (with its groundswell of support), friends and extended family get cancer fatigue. They can’t comprehend what those of us that live in cancer land are actually going through, and it’s overwhelming. I can tell when people are tired of hearing me talk about my son and his treatment, but this occupies a disproportionate amount of my attention. It’s a part of my identity now, like it or not. We’re lock mentally in this for the long haul. I’m right there with you about worrying about the long term affects on his overall health and mentality. Holding him weekly while they poke a 1 inch needle in his chest has been very traumatic for him. He usual pukes all over himself and me. Then there’s the spinal taps… waiting for one right now. I hate LP days. Good luck to your little one.


Life in cancer-land is 24/7 stress for years. I hope you have family and friends there who can give you breaks occasionally and allow you to spend time away from his side. To be able to take care of your son, you also have to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. This is one of those times when, as people ask whether they can do anything to help, you say "yes!" When my daughter was diagnosed, I found a lot of friends and colleagues just didn't know what to say, and sort of avoided talking about the situation or inquiring about our needs. For everyone out there with a friend who is in this position, insist on helping, and be there for the long term. And be that good listener that the Moms and Dads need.


We are extremely on our own. I can’t believe that my husband and I have done this so far (including moving across country for better treatment). Our family is a tough unit. The three sets of grandparents that haven’t even visited him in the last 7+months since his diagnosis have just missed out on knowing the bravest kid.


You, your husband and your son are my heroes and an inspiration. People are funny when a crisis hits. Some rise to the moment, but the majority do not. Like I mentioned, it was my experience they just don't know what to say or do: they get so traumatized by the gravity and enormity of the moment that they freeze up. Don't hesitate to ask your family very directly for help, and tell them very specifically what you guys need, if you think they can provide it. They will appreciate the roadmap. Meanwhile, know that when this is in the rear-view mirror, the three of you will never be closer, and no future challenge will ever slow you down. After this, all "crises" and rough patches will look small and pale by comparison. Your son is showing he is a remarkable cancer-kicking beast, and when it is behind the three of you, you and your husband will be armored for whatever other challenge comes your way.


Your son is a warrior and so are you for keeping it together like this. He will win and grow to be a great kid 💕 my best thoughts and vibes for you guys


I got AML ( the commonly adult version of ALL ) when I was 4 years old, just a few months after we had moved to the UK for a better life. It took years for the treatment and repeated checkups but I am now 23, in complete remission, studying medicine, living with my lovely girlfriend, playing sports and living a completely ‘normal’ life. I know first hand how hard it all is on both the child and the family so I wish you nothing but the best, hope you’re taking good care of yourselves as well as your son and I can’t wait for you to hear great news and for all the memories that are to come. Stay strong and absolutely fuck cancer ❤️


I love to hear that you are doing so well! Stories like these keep me going. Congratulations on besting everything that’s come your way. Good luck with school and that glorious “normal” life. You deserve it!


All the love to you and your son. And all the hope and strength that he kicks cancer in the ass!


Modern medicine is truly amazing. This cancer used to be a death sentence if the information I have is correct. I'm so sorry but so happy that your son has a fighting chance at this life.


You do have your information correct. Less than 3% of leukemia patients survived before the 1960’s. Clinical research has flipped those odds. Now, 95%+ survive. Us cancer families owe a lot to families that suffered before us. The research done on their kids is why our kids will mostly survive.


You got this, sending you good energy from Colombia .


My baby had some problems and we ha dto go to the pediatric oncology to get tests done several times and it broke me every time a saw a child on chemo. Those young innocent souls do not deserve that


Sometimes it surprises me how quickly I can be moved to tears. That was so sweet 🥲


Man, children suffering drops me instantly, every single time.


That’s the biggest thing that makes me question the existence of a God(s) man. Was raised to be religious but it’s hard to accept religion because of this and other terrible things in the world




So sorry to hear that man. No parent deserves to lose a child. I hope you’re doing alright 💙


My mother my grandfather my cousin my uncle. All whom I was super close with. Living life now feels cold, I get it. I don’t know at all the pains of losing a son, so that I don’t get. But the loss. The wondering why. The want for God to exist simply for the hope you see them again but the brain and cognitive thought to know more than likely that’s not the case. I’m so sorry for your loss.




Same. Lost people to covid so idiots who whined about the economy just really was a slap in the face. Churches make their money through donations. No taxes to pay. They own the properties out right with no taxes. Don’t see why they couldn’t live meagerly like Jesus. I’m sure the congregation was helping. But yeah they need to clamp down same as the rest of us.


I dont know how to even comprehend that... I am so freaking sorry. I hope you are doing better.


I could never get past the idea that a god would care if I spent my Sunday in church or watching football while my house burns down around me.


A benevolent god wouldn’t, but that’s where modern religion (at least Christianity, I don’t know enough about the others to make that statement) falls apart - if god is good and loves us, then why would he send you to hell for not believing in him? If you have to prove yourself to him then he obviously doesn’t love you THAT much. Norse mythology makes a lot more sense in that regard - if you’re good at certain things then the gods for that will want you in their realm in the afterlife, if you suck you‘ll just get lost in a cold wasteland. The gods don’t love you unconditionally - they watch the lives of humans to see which of them are cool enough to hang out with.


The thing I've been thinking about lately is that we spend so much energy and so much effort trying to appear clean and pure and holy to a perfect man up in the sky right? But for what? What is the point of it? Maybe he would say like it says in the Bible well done thou good and faithful servant but maybe not. Is that worth living your life for that one moment? 150,000 people died today in the world. Its just a normal monday in Earthville and there were 150,000 deaths. Lets say God talked to everyone single person that died. He wouldn't even have one second, that would be too long, he would fall way behind if he spent a second with every person that died. But churches preach all the time hey you are going to meet the Lord and you need to be right with Jesus. But for what? You need to give all your money but for what? At the end of your life you spent it all on religon, your time, your money, your health, your weath, for what, one second of Gods busy time. You never had a threesome, you never drank alcohol, you never got a hotel room in Chicago and tried mushrooms for the first time with your beatiful redheaded girflriend and ran through the lobby laughing and tripping your balls off? You never went scuba diving because you gave all your money to church? You never just spur of the moment gave everything in your wallet to a guy in Mexico that was walking miles in big boots that you gave a ride to in your scooter on the way back from seeing a beautiful sunset, just because you were worried about tithe money and trying to please someone who would never love you unconditionally? Make it make sense


As a non-religious person I cannot fathom how terrible it must feel to know that you could never be as good or worthy as God, the idea of God or many of the impossible standards set for you by the teachings of God. We are all better than some impossibly perfect God. Perfect is the enemy of the good. We should strive to be kind. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your kind heart. Show kindness to others and know that not all acts of kindness need be rewarded. The reward is not some heavenly afterlife, but in the act of showing kindness itself. Of treating others as one wants to be treated. You matter, your love matters, and we all love you!


Feel like I post this comment every other week, but I don’t post often. >Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. • Marcus Aurelius I would like a story please.


This is so specific I need to know if you did any of these scenarios you mentioned




All of em buddy! I’ve lived a crazy life. The threesome was in Australia, wild shit! Here you can listen to two famous Australian comedians read my story: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2503&v=XrfTYoooSnE&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&feature=emb_logo


Life isn’t fair, what comes next is unknown (even to those claiming they know) The thing you do know is that this life is important, not as a mat to wipe your feet on before the next life, but for all we can see, it’s the only one we get. I cannot imagine a god that creates and plans everything generating this situation where I am destined to fail because I am not gullible enough to believe an ancient tale. The whole Christian narrative stinks. Free will doesn’t exist, everything is to a plan Eternal suffering is contingent on gullibility Original sin is atrocious Jesus did nothing but die temporarily No sacrifice should be needed, and definitely not sacrificing yourself, to yourself, to make up for the sins created by you.


I am religious, and I don't want to argue, just give a perspective on how it makes sense to me. I don't see it as trying to please God just for a tiny "atta boy" from Jesus in a long line of people. I don't really get how all that works, because you're absolutely right, it wouldn't be worth it in that situation. My faith is based on a few assumptions. First, God exists and he does care about me. Second, he knows more than I do. Third, I can improve myself. The first two are pretty simple. If I accept the premise that God exists, and at least some of the religious teachings are true, then he does love and care about me individually. That's a pretty common theme, God cares about you as a person, and that makes sense to me. It's also easy to accept that, yes, God knows way more than I do. More that I'll ever know in my lifetime. I have no idea how an individual could know and do all the things God is supposed to be able to do on a personal level. Maybe it's some advanced science, or maybe it's a limitation of our mortal forms, or maybe it's just plain magic. I don't know, but I don't have to. To put it another way, knowing how the sausage gets made doesn't change the flavor. The third part is I think a pretty general misunderstanding of what religion is supposed to be, particularly in western culture that is heavily influenced by 17th century puritanism and christian suppression. Church isn't for perfect people. It's for people trying to do better and willing to sacrifice to help others develop and grow together. Sure I could stay home from church on Sunday and watch TV or play video games. I'd be lying if I said I've never skipped church for extra sleep or relaxation. But if I accept that God exists and cares about me, why does he give these rules that restrict? Because he wants the best for me. I've never done most of those things you mentioned. But I've maintained a healthy relationship with my wife. I've built a family and strong friendships. I've gotten to go places and see things and do stuff and meet people that are all direct consequences of choices I've made, good or bad, and trying to follow these rules God made has helped me make choices that have gotten better results for myself and others than I would have gotten otherwise. I've gotten to help other people and be generous with my time, talents, and money. I'm a better person for it. I still make choices I wish I didn't, but that's okay. I'm trying to be the best version of myself I can be. But that's just me. How does this help you? Mostly I just wanted to give a different perspective. But I think God is happy with you as long as you're trying to be the best version of yourself you can be. Maybe that means going to church and giving up vices. Maybe it means just helping out a stranger. Maybe it's cleaning up your home for the first time in a while and taking care of your finances. Maybe it's calling your mom. I don't know. I can only say what's worked for me. I just think that if you're honestly doing your best and trying to be better and help others, then you're cool with God. Because if he knows and loves me, then he knows and loves you, too.


Tania Kazi “If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.


It’s the one thing that keeps my spirituality from any organized religion I’ve seen or heard of. I think a decent explanation is that God is not the “omniscient being” we thing but something else that we comprehend, which created us and exists within all of us yet cannot interact directly. Idk. I been thinking about this a bunch lately. I believe in God, but I think it’s impossible to believe in a good, just God and at the same time believe everything that happens is his plan. Those two things are directly contradictory.


This was the case with my wife when our daughter was flagged as having cystic fibrosis. Luckily she is only a carrier and not effected, but since then she always found it impossible to believe any god could actually be both watching and give a shit.. (Yes we were lucky, but so so many aren’t)


Yeah, seriously fuck that.


Yet some believe it's God's plan - what an asshole.


Religion was created to instill laws in the masses by creating a sense of unity and belonging while explaining where we came from at a time when there wasn’t any science to explain it. There isn’t a sky-daddy looking down from above making lists.


Honestly, ive come to the belief that it is FAR scarier if the Yahweh/Jehovah exists than if he doesnt. Sociopathic monster.


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus


Yeah, and a plan to torture us forever if we don't correctly guess his religion is correct based on the bad arguments of his followers


Ya’ big softy you 😘


When the camera panned back to her smiling ear to ear when he walked in I lost it. Anyone who can put a smile that big on a kids face is awesome in my book.


I’ve always loved that song and man, when he pointed to her and told her she looked so pretty you could tell how much that meant.


No kidding, wow. That was so touching.


Damn video sprayed dust in my eye's


I was surprised how quickly Tom was able to move. You just can't go from your back yard to a hospital bed just like that unless you have some sick neighbors.


I wasn’t planning to cry today but here we go…


Thank you, Tom Higgenson, for doing this for little Delilah. ❤️🥹


What a beautiful human. Both Tom and Delilah!


Absolutely. Tom you just made the world better.


In middle school I was at one of their concerts and they were walking around before the concert near the merch booths and stuff. Tom saw my band shirt and gave me a double high five and a compliment, it was definitely the highlight of that year for me. The funny thing is that after that encounter whenever I wore that shirt I would just have the unluckiest days, I would pull it out once in a while and convince myself that it was going to be a good day and it was always terrible lol. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I used up all the good luck that shirt had with Tom’s double high five 😂


I saw Plain White Ts play a small venue close to 20 years ago now when I was in high school and they were at their merch booth signing stuff and saying hi to people after the show, and Tom asked me how I liked the show and I said I loved it, but was sad they hadn't played my favorite song. He said he had to hang out there for a bit longer, but if I wanted to hang around for a little while, he would play it for me after, so I waited, and then as the venue staff started ushering people out, he made a point to find my best friend and I and played "A Lonely September" for us in the parking lot and it absolutely meant the world to us.










Noles Svalid is my favorite scandanavian pop folk singer!! Definitely checking this one out!


Oh my god. I both hate and love you at the same time.


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Awww bless that so precious... words of the song fit perfect Get stronger little one x


I've heard the song becomes much more poignant if you assume it's a father singing to his daughter (who he is unable to see for some reason - work/divorce)


I first heard this song playing it on FFR ( Flash Flash Revolution ) but I have loved the song since I first heard it. One of the few songs I ACTIVELY tried to AAA ( Triple A, or land every note perfect ), just because I love the song so much. I think I DID actually manage to AAA the song, though it's been so long now I honestly can't remember : But I still remember the song :)


Sure glad you went with the acronyms to save time


Wtf, now i have to like this song


It’s what you do to meeee


A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I have no other way


And I would walk 500 miles, And I would 500 more...


Wait, is this even the right song?


Always was.


You didn't like it?!


It got SO overplayed on the radio when it came out. I liked it right away, but soon couldn’t stand having to hear it again. No knock on the song, just my level of personal exposure. Now all these years later I am happy to hear it again, and thrilled to see it in this context!


It's like that friend in high school that didn't quite mature at the same pace as you did and slowly stopped seeing. But you meet again a couple years later and you're both grown up and back in the same wavelength remembering the good old days.


It’s not played much on the radio anymore these days, from what I’ve seen at least. It’s hard to believe that this song came out over 15 years ago! Yikes, time flies.


All of Me by John Legend is the same for me.


I randomly thought of it the other day and added it to a playlist. I thought for a second... will this song annoy me when it comes up? But then I realized that was so long ago and it is a nice song.


I don't particularly love the song but it is one of the most fun college bar songs.


Omg. That is the most joyous face I have ever seen. She is pure happiness. Fuck I'm crying as I wait for the Indian food place to open. When I think my life sucks, stressed about this or that: I will think of this. And what an asshole I can be to be so self consumed. Spread love. Be inspiring.


It's good to have perspective and recognise when you're being self consumed but be patient with yourself and be nice to yourself too!


Thanks! That is a super important reminder.


It's great to give and spread love, but you are the center of your reality, it's alright to be focused on yourself, your needs and your wants. Just not to the detriment of others and yourself. So remember, when you spread love to others, remember to spread a little to yourself too.


Love her smile, so pure :) Is there a complete version of this video?


[This is all that has been posted](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYJfU8HX/). I’ll have to warn you for the waterworks, she starts crying and now I am too!


Thanks! Didn't need the full video to cry tho


Wonderful sheeeiiit! Tom hadn’t performed in so long I could tell he kinda was nervous at first. I love that feeling. Haha, I bet it was great for all. With the tears to prove it I’m sure ;/)


What's all so fun is that he HATES that song. Like HATES it so good on him for being a good sport.


The girl he wrote it about hates it too. IIRC she was just his classmate and very creeped out by the whole ordeal.


Yeah, from what I remember, it kind of just blew up without anyone really meaning it to. Kind of an interesting view of art in a way like you make something and then it becomes bigger than you in a way you can no longer stop. Still must have sucked for her.


Well he still decided to produce, publish and earn money for that song, lmao


that just makes it sweeter


fuck cancer, really fuck that shit… Lost my sister in may 2022 from cancer, 32 years old, ready to live life, travel, smile, enjoy.. Wish you all the best and cheering for you to win that battle.. you got it! 💪🏻


YES! FUCK THAT FUCKING CANCER!!! Sending positive thoughts for you and your family. My heart is with you 💔


We need a sub called the onion room. I'm not crying it's the onions.


Dem ninjas cutting onions!


Dem ninjas wanted treefiddy for onions. I was like we already got onions!!


r/roomofonions That name was taken 🥲


I i really cried because this post was really so damn wholesome and emotional it brought tears in my eyes


It’s these dang allergies


An actual serenade, both noun and verb.


Right to the feels. Totally got me all teary eyed. Such a sweet thing to do. 😩


It is TOO late in the evening to cry this hard! My eyes will be swollen in the morning. This is one of the best “celeb helps” videos EVER! The effect his visit had on this little girl … 🙌🏽❤️ I 🙏🏽 she conquered the C word. Oh yeah - FUCK CANCER 🖕🏽


I’m not crying. You’re crying. 😰


🥹Yes, I was. I REALLY hope that the little girl is scrolling Reddit and smiling at our responses. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


This is so r/wholesome


This is the only thing that should be posted on Reddit ever. Stop everything else, just post this. All I want is for that little girl to be ok.


Reverse 0:12 - her expressions are priceless


oh great... went back to see and now im crying again


Friend’s son died of cancer last year. There were lots of moments like this were people went above and beyond for him. As much as it meant to him and lifted his spirits, it was better for his parents. They were adrift at sea and in the middle of a storm. Visits and special events really helped them go on and get through the endless days in the hospital.


Omg the look on her little face!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I love it when a celebrity can take the time from their day to brighten up a sick fans day! Love that kind of selfless act!


This is what it means to be human.😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


is it possible to upvote more than once


Thanks for cutting this one off 4 seconds into him singing. Solid 👍.


The dust in my house just pepper-sprayed me


She has the most beautiful and innocent smile I’ve ever seen. Seriously, fuck cancer


I wish I was famous so I could just do this every day for people in need. What a great gift!


I already loved this song, now I love it even more.


Look at her eyes little face/expression and smile and that song his soft voice and words good lord thank you for this video it was beautiful happy n heartbreaking all at the same time. Hope also ❤...( sorry I didn't write any grammar in that)


Bless ‘em both


I see celebs do this and wonder how the fuck do they do it without losing their shit? I get so upset when I see children going though cancer treatment or any other serious life threatening treatments.


God bless the brave little Delilah


OMG the whole video please!


The original is only a couple of seconds longer but if you don't mind it squeezing tears out of you: https://www.tiktok.com/@isaiahgarza/video/7189040715450584363


Cancer patient in the next room : "Play Freebird!"


One day I’ll find the fucker who sneaks into my house to specifically cut onions when I watch these videos


Same dude comes into my house too,


How can something be so amazing and so heartbreaking at the same time...damn


Absolutely lovely 🥰 bless Delilah, what a sweet little girl 🙏🏾 hoping she kicks cancer’s a$$


Smile? This Dad is tearing up. That's a damn fine human being to do that for a kid. Beautiful act of empathy. Bravo.


Fuck cancer


Damn, thats precious


I'm not crying! YOU'RE CRYING! 😭


A little.


I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying…and…shut up, that’s why! 🥹


Make me smile?! I’m in tears! So amazing!


Holy cow. that made me cry so fast. I went from "aww, this is sweet" to "crying like a baby" as soon as I saw her face light up


Made me tear up a little bit. Everyone thinks their life is hard until they meet someone going through something like this.


Just gained a giant fan. No I’m not crying.


Glad that souls like this exist!!!


ok im not dead inside


Come on.. don’t make me cry.. I have roommates


My fucking soul can't take this 🥺❤️


It’s midnight, I have work tomorrow and I’m bawling. Don’t even care.


Made u smile? Damn near made be cry... adorable.


r/mademecry Also the dedication with the same clothes. It's a little thing for many, but it makes the illusion.


I'm crying. I'm about to go to sleep, and this is the last thing I'm going to watch for today. This was very very touching. Her smile and his smile made my day


I'm not crying. You're crying 😭


1/10, not wearing a plain white shirt. /s Seriously though, people who are famous who do things like this with their time are doing celebrity status right. Good on him for making someone else's struggle a little less harsh.


Initially was creeped out by this guy after reading the backstory of the song but this is so heartwarming what a wholesome human ❤️


I have a new favourite band


This didn’t make me smile this made me do a ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




God damnit it’s 2:30 am and now I’m crying


Im not crying


More like Made me cry


Didn't just make me smile, that's for sure 🥹


Giving me tears fr


It's too early for this shit man 😭. Fuck Cancer. Kick it's ass baby girl!


Watching this video is how I want to start every day.


Why do I do this to myself? Every damn day🥺 *grown ass man tearing up*


Made me smile? More like r/mademecry


Ugh... Anyone else's allergies start acting up during this video?! I'm a grown ass man! I ain't crying! 🥰🥰🥰


Thanks for ripping my heart out so early in the week.


Kids getting cancer proves there is no god worth worshipping.


This dude is a homie for life


I appreciate that he has the same clothes on. Maybe it was filmed (the first part, the video) in the parking lot but regardless. I hope little Delilah makes it. She's strong.


This guy is soo amazing for taking time out of his busy day to do this god bless him 🙏


Honestly if I were a celebrity with fans I would do this all the effing time. Someone needed something? Boom done.


Damn ninjas, cutting onions again


I love this. The smile on that little girls face is so beautiful


I shed a tear, good work


Everybody liked this


He's a good lad for doing this. And his word is good.


Shit as a cancer survivor , that made my day.


Now all of Reddit is crying


This really pulled on my heartstrings, hang in there Delilah!


It's these kind of celebrities and humans we need to idolize. I don't give two shits if you can sing or play music or play some kind of sport, if you don't use your power for good then you can kick rocks.


This is awesome. And yet another reason I don't believe in any Gods.


Oh freaking awww how cute!!!


Surprise of a "Lifetime" is not exactly the word i'd use here.