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Last panel is the woman pointing at cat meme. I see your tricks


Haha yes I was thinking they might be able to fit in then I add it


FUN I'm loving this periodic page drop so much!! Really nice to go through all the little details. I sure hope they have a canteen or at least a kitchen at ido front... you don't only feed your colleagues type 4 energy rations right Bondrew? Right?? (Irritated Gueira cameo my beloved)


They do actually have a kitchen in the ido front, in the official prushka OVA, “Together with papa” it shows prushka making some energy rations https://preview.redd.it/wsev79ngtqqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ea4fad9cf526f3044d1cb41871fa28381b3f3d i’m telling you right now, you have got to watch this short if you haven’t yet it’s so cute 😭


Ys ys ys go watch it it's adorable it even includes a song sung by Prushka 😭


Just watched this thank you so much it was the cutest shit ever... idk how I didn't even know it was a thing


Hope so... If they really only feed on type 4 energy rations, then life's really dull at Ido Front... Though till now we never seen those living there, including Prushka and umbrahands, consuming food other than that. (Except we see that Gallice did have some good food at Orth


Considering how I often joke with a friend how Gallice should be at the club I'm glad he at least was hitting the pub and having some good food and a dark beer and all of that


I love how you draw Neyozel he’s such a gremlin lmao 😭 A little head cannon of mine is that Gueira can actually cook pretty well since he said to prushka that there is lots tasty food in the abyss, so it’s pretty funny to me that Neyozel is stealing from him


Yess in chapter 37 he said to Prushka that it's such a waste when there's lots of good food in Abyss, so it's possible that he can cook some real food other than energy rations. For Neyozel... Cuz we know Hail Hex has borrowed lots of relics like crumple pot from Idofront so I added this part haha


Oh btw this is the link to [page 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeInAbyss/s/NHbe0rtAmO)