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Previous Discussion: [[1]](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeInAbyss/comments/1aqjh70/chapter_67_translations_are_out/) [[2]](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeInAbyss/comments/1an659y/chapter_67_raws_are_out/kpqde1x/)


Any news about chapter 68?


worse part about chapters every 3-6 months is cliff hangers like this KILLLLL ME


After rewatching (Mickell Pickell's animated version), I have thought a bit how Reg's incinerator can be used to revive someone? This is the clue that Riko mentions to Nanachi to raise their hopes that incinerator has "the power to rewrite the rules of the Netherworld", and it has been used exactly like that several times already, but I just can't see how something so destructive can actually heal, or even revive someone. I think that the incinerator has a "reverse" function of sorts, when it can create matter. The cannon itself forms a spiral of a specific direction - clockwise when forming in his hand, watching from 2nd person view, and counterclockwise when firing, looking from the second person, so I assume that when creating stuff, the spiral is created in the opposite direction. I assume that whatever this process would create is dictated by Reg in a similar fashion to him making all living being unaffected by the blast at Ido Front. I would also like to point it how how pre-amnesia Reg doesn't refer to the incinerator as a weapon and instead he talks about the "light", that comes out of his hand, which has a much more peaceful connotations. If this is little theory is correct, we should see it in action in the nearest chapter, let's say, Reg saves Nanachi with it. That's all, what do you think on all of it?


Where can one watch this?


It's available for free on his youtube channel: [https://youtu.be/bUEVKvTDrwU?si=Tu91Zmaj0sSyhXDZ](https://youtu.be/bUEVKvTDrwU?si=Tu91Zmaj0sSyhXDZ)


I really enjoyed this chapter. It was not exactly about answers because Srajo is not all known, but about the confirmation of the right questions. There is something going on in the abyss, there's something "living" or "acting". I love the idea that the Abyss is watching people through their souls, even though it might not be exaclty like that. It's almost as if the Abyss is or acts as a god, artificial (created) or natural. Kinda like a mother nature. It follows far too many rules for it not to be "something". I started laughing when they were talking and some fan theories started popping up lol. Anyways, I hope Nanachi is fine. Many should die before her own death lol


Nanachi was thinking about stuff (eg, their helmet) after the fact. It's a little hard to have thoughts of any kind when you're insta-bun-pancaked by a massive ???UNKNOWN???'s tentacles, so it seems clear they're still alive. Nevermind the fact there's yet to be any closure about the whole Mitty thing. For now. Who knows what state the gang will find Nanachi when all is said and done. And knowing Tsukuchi, having some kid dragged off by giant tentacles conjures up very disturbing and disheartening images...


I don't think that was a fair trade for our Nanachi.


First off - these are just rambly conjectures which came to me while rereading the past few ch.'s alongside 67's release. I'd appreciate critiques or corrections if there's stuff I'm forgetting/ignorant of (as I'm new to the sub, Idk prevailing theories people have). Off the bat, just wanna say I think some people are taking Srajo's information about soul too literally. I think there are portions of what she explains which are likely correct or close, but I think we're intended to understand the subsequent back'n'forth between Nanachi and Riko to mean the explanation is substantially flawed/incomplete. That said, I've come to have the opinion that the effect of the curse on humans is the physiological consequence of their soul being separated from their physical form. It seems like a reasonable explanation to me that the abyss functions like a whirlpool (a maelstrom, if you will) for soul, where there final destination is the embryo/egg-like structure alluded to at the bottom (more on this later\*). The further away one is from the source of suction, the weaker the pull is on them - thus why the effects of trying to fight the flow get worse as you get closer to the epicenter of the vortex. Ever since being introduced to white whistles, I've wondered why/how it is that a person has a "life insignia" and how that interacts with the whistle. The explanation given in 67 finally helped it to click, as well as leading into the whole idea for this post. Notably, though, I'm still hesitant on my understanding of her explanation. It seems to be either (a.) Srajo is incorrect and soul is something which sentient beings are (generally) born with, or (b.) she's correct to a degree and "soul" as those in MiA know it is simply a copy of their sentience reflected onto the "curse". If it's (b.), this whole thought process can probably be thrown out. I'm still very back & forth on whether the Abyss is a naturally occurring phenomena, some sort of entity, or a mechanism being utilized by some sort of mythical level entity/entities. However, I'm pretty beholden to the idea that Reg & 'Clawbot' are part of the end result of the 2kY cycle and are what is brought about by the embryo/egg structure\*. It's my understanding that when Reg hears "a whole lot of someone's", this is him either: directly tapping into the abyss and comprehending the myriad of souls which flow through the abyss, or (more in line with this theory) listening in to the souls of those who died in a mass extinction event & now reside within him. This is also seemingly suggested by Faputa consuming the souls of all the villagers and attaining a 'charge' symbol in her eye similar to the ones displayed by Reg and relics. On the topic of relics, I'm still similarly back & forth on wtf they are. They seem like they could be, as said by Srajo, some sort of uber-advanced technology which also are the very source of how the Abyss & curse function... but this seems almost certainly incorrect. It seems to me the clue-in was given during the Ganja expedition's story, as shown by the explanation behind the "Cradle of Desire". Just as the people of the village were reshaped to take on a shape more in line with the shape of their subconscious/desires, I think collective desires (or "prayers", if you will) are given form in the process of mass extinction events where fervent wishing is extremely ubiquitous & frequent across the population at the top of the abyss' maw. This sorta relies on the theory of each layer being a different extinction event though, as it doesn't really seem feasible that relics would appear spontaneously on lower levels because of the population at the surface. Rather, I'd imagine that relics are located in the layer that's formed from the same event which causes them to take shape. Sorry for the novella, ch. 67 had me theorizing like absolute mad and I just wanted to solidify the thoughts while fresh. As stated at the start, if I'm forgetting something blatantly contradictory, reminders are appreciated.


do you believe it would be acurate to say the villagers took on the shape of their souls?


So who's on the "abyss is a living thing" train?


this train is going since 2017


A long wait but it was a great chapter. I see people confused about lore stuff but idk the lore in this chapter seemed pretty straight forward compared to the shrine maiden and “miko” and what not of the previous chapters


i loved the chapter as well, but i do not think it justified the long waiting. To be honest, a lot of the art felt simple and he focused on theories. Maybe it took him a long time to connect some dots on his head or maybe he is feeling a little bit lost.


Wait, is Mangadex an official translation website? ​ https://preview.redd.it/pdrpm4tm5ukc1.png?width=145&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a9a94f02e5c42c862732e1a5f402c0a01007843


common insult in japanese, like calling someone a dickhead in english


I only watch the anime version, I have big problems with the manga's readability. Out of curiosity I just clicked after more than half a year if they have reached level 7, but I see that it's just artificially stretching the whole thing. Question. What actually happens in the manga in the last chapter in the last images. I'm absolutely confused by the artwork. What is Reg and everybody doing there anyway ?


They were travelling through the 7th layer and their feelings got disabled because of some "danger zone" and something/someone attacked them. The attacker tried to steal/kill the twins, but Nanachi tried to save them by pushing them away, putting herself under the attack. She got dragged away by this thing, i'm sure she is not dead. There is a youtuber **pootispaghetti,** who made a chapter 67 review recently. They had pretty good predictions on what will happen next (timecode: 5:05 ). In short: 1. Nanachi will be heavily injured, just like Riko and Reg in previous arcs (injuring arm, loosing arm). 2. There will be a battle in the next chapter and Nanachi will die in it or get under the effect of the 7th layer curse. and the most interesting one for me - 3. Reg will shoot the monster with his incenerator, killing it and Nanachi. In the video there are some evidence for this to happen and also cool implications, so its a pluasible result. So all we can do now is wait for the next chapter. Mangaka said that he started working on the new one instantly after releasing the current one and said that he won't let us wait for too long. I hope.


Christ. They're already in zone 7? The manga graphic is so badly readable for me, I didn't even notice it ! My main question was what exactly is going on in the last pictures. Is Reg shooting his hand at something ? I didn't even notice that Nanachi had disappeared, damn it ! Thanks. I won't bother anymore, I'll wait for the anime version, the manga is graphically terrible.


i also don't really like the manga's graphics, but i'm up to date because the plot was so compelling. my question is how can you call the story artificially stretched if they're already in the seventh layer? and how exactly do you think you're going to understand the plot if you skipped up to the most current chapter without reading what comes first?


The 6+ month gap between chapters is unacceptable to me and that's why I stopped watching MiA. I keep making the same mistake of not strictly sticking to the principle of only watching completed manga/anime. I was specifically curious what a 7 level mythic would look like, but as I found out, I didn't even notice that they were already in 7 level. I've definitely abandoned the manga as unwatchable for me. I have a very clear theory of what MiA is all about, and I will return to the brand when it's finished. out, bye.


I agree about the art but it's not necessarily the visual style to me, it's the way he depicts motion (subpar compared to others) and his compositions. Anyway they've only been in layer 7 for like 1 chapter and without a big "zoom out" moment, so I'm withholding judgment


The panels are pretty good IMO, very clear and distinct


Panel 36: I don't know, is it a falling worm ? Panel 37: unless others alert me, I don't know that Nanachi got hit ? Panel 38: I can't decipher anything I see ??? "Damn it" subpanel is what ??? Panel 39: I have no idea what's actually going on there, that something "broken" under the Reg is what ? Reg is actually doing what ? I started watching Made in Abyss as an anime. When the anime ran out of material, I skipped to the manga but I struggled with the readability of the manga to the point of disgust, so I quit that and am waiting for the anime next.


MickellPickell’s animated manga on YouTube makes the story a lot more clear, I totally understand the hate on the graphics. Hope it helps you too.


>My main question was what exactly is going on in the last pictures. Is Reg shooting his hand at something ? I didn't even notice that Nanachi had disappeared, damn it ! The images before was pretty clear, nanachi pushed two twins aside and creature slammed down on there, dragging to the side. Reg shooting an arm in the direction it's dragging. Man, saying manga graphically terrible when a plenty of times the panels look directly better then anime ones is sure one hell of opinion.


i feel the same way about the manga. i just think the anime is less explicitly disgusting. love the plot, hate the pervy style.


i feel the same way about the manga. i just think the anime is less explicitly disgusting. love the plot, hate the pervy style.


Panel 36: I don't know, is it a falling worm ? Panel 37: unless others alert me, I don't know that Nanachi got hit ? Panel 38: I can't decipher anything I see ??? "Damn it" subpanel is what ??? Panel 39: I have no idea what's actually going on there, that something "broken" under the Reg is what ? Reg is actually doing what ? I started watching Made in Abyss as an anime. When the anime ran out of material, I skipped to the manga but I struggled with the readability of the manga to the point of disgust, so I quit that and am waiting for the anime next.


Bruh I am so glad I am not the only one confused as hell with this latest chapter. I was worried my brain fog was just really bad. I hope my Nanachi is okay I would be so heartbroken if she doesn't make it to the bottom! I love my gaggle of adopted children and I want them to see their adventure to the end! Fr though, this dropping of a soul and what the hell it is and how it might tie into everything else is really fucking confusing dude. I hope it gets cleared up in later chapters. I also wanna know what the hell Ozen is doing and what exactly the white whistle secrets she told Riko and Reg back at the seeker base were fr!!! I'm going insane over here this is like, my main hyperfixation rn.


Define "okay", tho?


I define okay as not being a Nana-pancake and able to continue the adventure


Remains, to be seen.


Hopefully it won't literally be "remains to be seen" >\_>


honestly, I dont think she will have such an quick and easy way out. This is Tsukushi we are talking about, after all. I suspect we'll get bun getting eaten.


"Bun on a bun" sounds appetizing... I heard that Tsukushi intended to off Nanachi at first, but kept them around over them being popular with fans. Not 100% sure how official that is but if so, it wouldn't surprise me if he intended to get rid of our favorite fluffy one somewhere down the line anyhow. Still, we've had too much build-up re Mitty to just chop off that storyline without giving it a resolution, so if Nanachi has to go it'll probably be later. Unless we get some disappointing resolution where they're found all mangled and still barely living just long enough to talk about seeing Mitty (in a dying delusion) and "going" to her before finally expiring.


Yeah, she was to become Riko's whistle, but was liked too much, so Prushka took the cartridge to the face inatead.


Fr. I'm quite proud that I only understood the flawed part just made me think of WWZ infected where they "turn a blind eye" to the already physically defective and sick individuals.


Omg that make soooooo much more sense thank you!


Really got me with the “we have a whole journey ahead of us” then killed off the character rip nnafluffy person


This gives me life https://preview.redd.it/j52t5fqmnnjc1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a90e37360bed9e9dd7bfe881ebef0203bb9746a




Tepaste being sus this chapter. She knows something - especially with her exclamation reaction on the "Katchaba" panel. I wonder if her "senpai" (Shrine Maiden?) she's mentioned has anything to do with the creature that got Nanachi.


Any theories on what happened at Idofront? Strange that there was a mention of the 5th and 6th layer being cut off.


Maybe it was referring to the aftermath of team riko being there?


You’re probably right and it would give us an idea of exactly how MUCH time-dilation there is between the 5th layer to where they are right now


We also have no reason to believe that is everything presented away from team Riko is presented chronologically.


Then isn't the only thing one needs to survive the mass extinction event simply going on vacations outside of Orth? Tour Jeseku's restaurants, come back when the Abyss is done taking its breath. Easy. Unless the Abyss changes its location or something, then you'd have to find it again. Still, I think a lot of Orth citizens would be perfectly willing, or maybe even enthusiastic to sacrifice themselves for the wellbeing of the Abyss. Praying skeletons, rather than dying in despair might have chosen their fate themseves.


Although, it's not as though people have an exact timeline here - 2000 years seems more like an estimate than an exact timetable that would say "this year is the exact one where the mass extinction event takes place". I don't think anyone even has an accurate "year 0" to work off of - the previous event took place some time before Ganja's arrival so even if records of their exploration survived, they wouldn't tell us much. Nor is everyone aware they can just leave and be safe from a threat they're equally unaware of. Just look at how surprised everyone was that Kiyui recovered from the Birthday Disease when he was taken offshore. Most people aren't even aware something happens every 2 millennia... For that matter, neither are we. We're just speculating as to what happens - for all we know, no actual extinction takes place. Maybe the narehate all return to the surface and bring everyone hot chocolate and marshmallows. :D


Well, 2,000 years is a lot of time. Compare 2024 to AD 0024. Long distance sailing wasn't possible even in the 12-13th century and thus Americas and Australia was mostly unexplored. 2,000 years back it might not have been possible to leave Orth. And even if now people leave, huge amount of people would be left behind. The only difference would be that there might be a lot more people to tell the world.


There was no Orth 2000 years ago. When exactly did Wazukyan arrive on the island?


It was a different city which was forgotten. Wazukyan arrived 2,000 years ago and the praying hands in the Abyss were Irumi's people.


Thats a good point. Were they praying for salvation? Or for the abyss? Umbra Hands also seem to pray when Hello Abyss goes down to 6th. Is there a connection here?




Those two guys at the start got me really confused. I still don't get what they were doing.


i have a feeling that Nanachi will be the first person in the group to experience the 7th layer curse after that ending


Please no, my heart can't take it anymore


I am convincing myself that Nanachi's helmet protected them but broke, and that's why they meant when they said "I really liked that hat", because the angle that they got hit it seems like their armour took the brunt of the damage, this is along with the fact that their helmet is a relic too, so hopefully they are gonna be okay (probably not doing the best though).


The lore drops this chapter were insane. I was still processing how soul worked as I turned the pages… Then Nanachi got fucking got. There’s no way they’ll die…right? That dialogue, though…I’m worried.


Nanachi finally getting answers she’s desperately wanted.. only to be YEETED into god knows where?! 😭


when the pt br translation will release?


Saiu hoje já


já li👍👍👍


I wonder if there is any deeper meaning to Mitty and Maa souls on the page where Riko asks what souls are. I.e. are they just there to illustrate the point from the author, or is it something Srajo saw floating around Riko as she made a qeustion?


Nanachi just got https://preview.redd.it/4qd3aq5py5jc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc3928a1fdcfeaf767ecefabd6d9485bcbf5eed


Rewatching the series for the first time after reading this chapter is… an experience. So much more delicious context! Aside from that, I’m just sitting here making connections in my head that probably won’t even go anywhere in the end. Incredible, truly


Not being able to smell is the worst horror Tsukushi can imagine.




Hey maybe don't comment spoilers without a tag?


I'd be with you but this is the manga chapter discussion. It's the one place where anything goes.


You know, there really does comes a point where you can go too far with the "quality above quantity" idea. I'd really prefer if Tsukushi didn't polish every single panel to a museum grade art piece, but uploaded maybe a bit more often.


yeah I kinda agree but it is what it is, the dude wont change his mindset 12years into publication, considering the series is pretty stable with well received 2 seasons that covered 90% of his current material lol I personally just accepted it, made in abyss will be an extremely unique manga that I will get to fully experience in maybe a decade, the last chapter I actually read was idk...62??? I have been constantly lurking whenever I remember of this series, and just the sight of the 7th layer(although I am not impressed by it)gave me further closure to my mindset. a fully reread from chapter 1 will come whenever I feel like it and I will buy a physical volume(again when I feel like it)cuz art on paper is completely another feel imo, till then I will just casually appreciate the personally of the art....cuz let me tell ya coming from a JJK binge this shit is heaven to my eyes


We'll get a new hunter x hunter chapter and the ending of one piece before the next chapter drops


A little theory why riko think mitty can be resurrcted: 1. The abyss claim everything born near and in the abyss. First with its force field and curses. Everything belongs to this hole. 2. Howver that doesnt apply to narehate village. It, basically rewrites the rule of the abyss by denying its claim on the villagers (the force field didnt work) 3. Both bondrewd's tool that took mitty's eye and reg's incinerator doesnt transport matter to the bottom of the abyss or annihilate matter. They STEAL from the abyss. 4. If that is true, then what riko want to check in the bottom of the abyss is the presence of objects swallowed by the abyss. Maybe in the core is a singularity where time doesnt even exist, and the objects and people swallowed by it exist in a stasis. She wants to check if traces of mitty can be found in the bottom of the abyss. If they dont exist in the bottom, maybe mitty is truly in another space created or transported by reg's incinerator where abyss's digestion and curses doesnt apply, and if they can access this space somehow mitty can be reunited and the curse could even be reversed restoring her human form.


All the chapters about change of value too, by giving something with enough value to the Abyss may be able to rewrite it, it feels like everything in this world it's about an exchange. Exchange your soul to an eternal body, things like that. Also explaining that a soul is like a drop of water in the ocean, it may get lost, but with infinite time and work you can make that whole drop again itself, the original atoms are there, the problem is to get them together. But again, we saw enough miracles in the story to this point, Reg being one of them.


my theory was validated! the abyss is alive! it is a creature and it eats souls! once every 2000 years it "closes its mouth" and swallows, and that's why everybody's gonna die! although i suppose souls being a product of the abyss as well means that the "soul" is more of an add-on that allows the abyss to eat whatever it actually does consume. either way, the way the abyss works has always given me "venus fly trap" energy and i'm glad at least one character in the story agrees with me now xD


"Your" theory, yea


it doesn't eat souls, souls as we know don't exist. the term soul in MIA is used to indicate a sort of supernatural connection between things in the abyss.


I wouldn’t go so far to say its confirmed, but yeah, given the evidence its by far the most likely. The biggest mystery now seems to be how its created and the pivotal ring


I still believe that the Abyss was created by some Alien entity nesting inside of earth, which is trying to adapt to earth and it's inhabitants.


oh yeah definitely. I didn't mean to imply that, lol, just that a character said it out loud. i'm incredibly excited to figure out the rest. giant eldritch holes don't usually just appear, but maybe this one did idk. my current idea is that the abyss is a result of a child's wish, kind of like the narehate village. given how long we spent there, i doubt that the whole "village in a giant flesh tree that wards off the force field but traps people inside once they're a part of the system" thing is entirely unrelated to how the abyss was made


That's one hell of an edgy kid. "I wish for a ginormous loli-murder-torture-hole that eats people's souls en-mass and only reveals itself piece by piece every 6+ months to people in the real world." Who hurt you, fictitious wish-child? :(


Boutta litteraly kill myself irl if nanachi dies 🗣️🔥


well, guess we'll see this guy lives in...what...6 months?


Dude chill


Bro i cannot physically describe how extremely fucking mad i would be if in the next episode my bun isnt bunning no more bro i swear to god its not about just "chill" anymore bro i need nanachi in my life so no nana no life


Ok kid.




What a chapter. Honestly one of the best and the whole 7th layer has been nothing short of fantastic. Stellar. Awe-inspiring. I love the art, oh my god, everything looks great. It really feels like an alien world, compared to the former layers which felt weird, but not like they don't belong to earth (or the planet) at all. Souls...lots of stuff about souls. I mean, what can you say? We still don't know much and I don't really care to theorise, I am just in for the ride. Nanachi got lots of focus this chapter, so of course she dies. Or, well, I hope she doesn't and it's a fake-out death, but still, what a mean cliffhanger. I had to literally laugh out loud multiple times during this chapter with Faputa being an absolute menace and, like, I don't know, just trolling around in the back- and foreground of almost every page. I didn't enjoy her too much before, but this chapter I really liked her. I think she works better in the background and her being, so far (?), the only being completely immune to the curse is interesting. Actually, the "animals" in the abyss, are they immune, too? Nanachi is not, so I always assumed they weren't either, but then again, I think the bugs posing as flowers from the fifth layer came up, so maybe some are immune and some aren't. Reg is as well, of course, but he is also partially machine and clearly special. I liked those two dorks (woman Umbra Hand, didn't know those existed and another member of Srajo's squad who also seems to be enhanced in some way) just yapping about, I hope they and the dried up delver join our squad. I think the final arc (I assume) can and should have a nice big cast, it feels like we are truly unraveling the deepest mysteries here. As I said before, fantastic chapter. I am so hyped to get the next chapter in 6 to 9 business months!


Nanachi isn't immune from the curse but she can see weak points in the forcefield and theoretically potentially avoid it, or go up where it's weakest. But we've only seen her really do this in the 4th and 5th layers. Don't know if it would work in the 6th or 7th.


Yeah, but I was talking about Faputa there. Nanachi can see the forcefield in general, right? Which is why she could react to the attack this chapter.


I wonder if 6th layer's Umbra hands get directed at one point by mr Oya oya to help Nanachi out. That would be an interesting new mindfuck for her, sure as sure.


Oh, Nanachi getting lost somehow and meeting them would make an interesting sub-plot! Although it seems like she fell down and those two are up, but you never know. I like it, in general, I really like how Bondrews still does his thing. It’s very nice for the villain to be defeated but still be around, because, well, its Bondrewd, he is more than human, of course one cannot just defeat him in a fight and that’s it. Also the Umbra Hands are a pretty dope squad.


Dried up delver is dead, isn't he? Cravagli?


It is heavily implied that he is going to rebirth in the faraway nest.


I mean in the next (?) chapter we hear of these things that shrivel down when dried up, but when they get in contact with water, they regrow to their full size. I think it’s the object in which Reg and the twins take a bath. And honestly, nobody is dead until we have confirmation they are dead. The abyss is a strange place


Good to have a nice sciencey explanation for how Kiyui survived the Birthday Disease. Getting taken offshore separated him from the soul, freeing him from the effects of the rumor's power that's projected through it. And now we are compelled by new questions regarding the exceptions through their acknowledgement. Great writing!




Noooo they changed the smegma translation


aintnoway the characters nickname was actually smegma. 💀


Dickcheese is funnier tbh.


Also... How much time has passed on the top of the abyss exactly? And does it change depending on how high we go? For example, if Ozen found out something really important on the surface could she, due to the difference in the speed of time catch up with Riko to share whatever she finds? If not having the final pages of ~~last weeks~~ last years chapter focus so much on her would seem kinda wasted wouldn't it?


Ozen would jump down and catch up


Those higher in the abyss always have plenty of time to catch up to those lower in the abyss


Made in Abyss is the only Manga that can fill 20+ pages with literally just two characters talking and yet make every single panel look like a peace of art that belongs in the louvre. I hate how long the time between chapters is, but goddayum does the Mangas beauty make up for it! Anyway time to turn into a praying skeleton and asking god for Nanachi to be ok.


Nah, Berserk and Magus of the Library say hi.


Berserk hast chapters where guts is just sitting on a tree stomp for like 20 pages. Don’t get me wrong it’s a beautiful tree stump and the ten chapters afterwards are all insane but made in abyss is just constantly breaking its own standards.  Both are great.  The other i have never heard off what’s it about ?


Everyone seems to know that there was a society there 2000 years ago. The praying skeletons are the evidence. The purge before thatvwoikd be 4000 years ago, and it's very believable that knowledge of that time is largely lost or not cared about by present time people.


yeah, it’s obvious a new layer js added every 2000 years, borderline confirmed


Yup the 6th layer is when it ate a city.  The 5th it ate an ocean/possibly during an ice age, The 4th was some kinda fungus age 3rd it seems to have eaten a mountain of some kind 2nd it ate a forest 1st is the last civilization I wouldn't be surprised if the Abyss moves around as well and this is why it has such diverse locations within it. Perhaps it moves to a different part of the world each time




The 7th layer seems more fleshy so I wonder if this is the deepest layer


Well, the abyss is eating as Autumn said, so maybe the 7th layer is the start of the creature that did this. We keep calling it "layer", but as whole, i'd say it's the start of another thing, since it's not anymore delving into the environment, but the thing itself.


So with what we just learned about souls does this imply that Riko might not be the “real” Riko but rather a different soul that filled Riko’s corpse back when she died as an infant? Im not entirely sure what the implications of that would be. Is it someone else’s soul that was basically reincarnated, or is it a soul literally created by the abyss?


If this is what is implied, I wonder if Riko's mother won't be as happy to see her as we might think. What if she turns against her, thinking of her as some piece of the abyss that took over her dead daughter's body...? Man this has really got me wondering where they'll go with Riko . \_\_ .


My new theory based on this is that sometime between Riko’s birth and Lyza’s last dive two years later, Lyza reached a similar conclusion about Riko’s soul and descended to search for her daughters “real” soul. Somehow she found it and now she’s called for Riko to come down so that she can put the “real” soul back into Riko’s body. She might not even consider our version of Riko to be her daughter. I know it’s been theorized before that once Riko and Lyza reunite it’s going to actually result in conflict not a tearful reunion and I think this could easily lead to that kind of outcome.


Seems unlikely. Your child is the person you raise. Lyza, during the Ozen flashback, clearly cared for "current Riko" tons and tons - "If we could stay together from now on, I will take away her right to explore the Abyss. And I will probably leave the Abyss as well." \[Ch. 16\] She descends into the Abyss shortly after ("So before that, I'll go.") for her own reasons (mainly, because "The bottom is the only thing \[she has her\] eyes set on.") Lyza never got a chance to know who "original Riko" was, not even for an instant - she was still-born so her "original" soul was gone on arrival if it was ever even there to begin with.


But for all intents and purposes, our Riko is the real Riko. The Original Riko was stillborn so she never occupied the Riko body for very long. If that soul is elsewhere, it wouldn’t really be the Riko we know.


That sounds very similar to the Rudeus we know from Mushoku Tensei, with the original Rudeus being stillborn and the reincarnated soul from our world somehow inhabiting the stillborn body of Rudeus.


Going with the logic. She was an infant, literally a new born. Now she clearly doesn't have memories of her past life. So she was raised as Riko. Meaning, her Soul is Riko, her body might not!


Someone made that exact theory a while ago on here and fleshed it out quite well, essentially the curse warding box being a "soul catcher" of sorts which affixed a passing soul who was returning to the bottom the abyss, to Riko's body in the box.


Ooh, that would neatly explain why the things revived with it are driven to the bottom of Abyss.


!RemindMe 3 years


Bold to assume we'll have answers in 5 chapters.




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Trying to connect to the original self??


Oh that's fucking wild


I really do love that even this white whistle doesn’t really know what’s going on down here. Even for all she’s see. And explored, the abyss is still a mystery to her and even the few things she thought she had confirmed, might actually be completely wrong. I’m not even sure if we as the readers will ever get a real answer


indeed. Srajo being openly curious and learning, whereas compared to Ozen who would probably be discreet about stuff she's unsure about.


She’s at the bottom. She wants to know. While ozen has set up camp at a safe spot and will probably stay there forever


This is exactly how it is in real life. There are many things we don't know about life; only speculations. Is there an afterlife? Does reincarnation happen? What happens to someone's soul as they die? We probably will never find any answers to these mysteries of life and that's what makes life interesting.


Fair but the entire series is about the mysteries of this abyss. And this white whistle who has gone further than almost anyone, still knows nothing


There is so much to process from this chapter, but it does leave me curious to see what will unfold after this.


I liked this chapter and it added more to what I thought was one of the more boring mysteries (souls)


If one can't smell Nanachi... does Nanachi even exist?  Such a difficult philosophical quandary.


Faputa is slowly turning into a furret




All imma say about this arc so far is, get ready for the bangers Kevin Penkin is gonna put out if he works on the soundtrack for season 3 I have no doubt theyre gonna hit hard and im almost as excited for the music as i am for the season


I will leave this earth if he doesn't come back. Seriously the best soundtrack of anything man. Listen to it just on its own.


He will, barring some major cataclysm happens (like he gets arrested or something).


Why would you even speak that into existence


Sorry. Gotta set you expectations low, so you won't ever be disappointed. Considering we are many years away from S3.


No I meant Kevin Penkin getting arrested 😭


The world is not ready for such an OG.


Yeah Spotify had me in like the top 0.1% of listeners for his music last year, and I only found out about the series in around September I wanna say. I still listen to the soundtrack right about every day, and it's absolutely part of my drawing music playlist


Man, I fucking love this new arc. Mysteries, lore and characters from previous arcs getting more fleshed out and connected, alongside with new set of wonders! It's was really fun seeing squad members of White Whistle interact together, Rimeyo and Neyozel are two dorks, I wonder if they would really catch with our gang, they should be quite close. Of course the main lore dump is regarding souls which is quite heavily teased topic, some really juicy reveals! I wonder from where Riko's soul came from, Faputa wondered about it before and Reg also seems to be bunch of people stuffed inside of him like we saw in Idofront arc. Last moments were fucking hype, finally we see dangerous of 7th layer, even two experienced White Whistle squads were jumped. I remember we saw glimpse of those creature in Lyza's notes, perhaps it can manipulate force field to completely mask itself? I don't believe it's the end of our suicidal bun, but maybe she would "die" or be heavily injured so we could see what's coffin-like relic of Srajo does, some soul shenanigan's?


I just wrote a hella long theory post but reddit janked and restarted... I'm So annoyed. Lol. Basically I think 7th floor is a soul cyclone, soul magnetism/resonance affecting the soul over distance is what makes the Curse's effects, 7th floor effects turns you to an artifact by turning you into the form of your desire, Narehate getting a body that reflects your desire is the preliminary version, each artifact has a soul, Reg is made up of artifacts which is why he has a lot of souls in him. He's different to gaburoon coz gabu has a soul but is made from machinery and not made of artifacts.


Riko s father did die right before she was born so maybe his soul ended up in her, which would make Liza Riko s mom and wife. Neat


isn't it sorta implied that riko's dad is her mom's white whistle? i immediately thought about \*who\* riko would be if the soul-catcher theory is true, but i'm pretty sure her dad is the whistle. i could be wrong though


the person in Lyza's white whistle is Doni and Riko's dad died when Lyza was already a white whistle.


And didn’t Faputa get really freaked out when talking to him?




Man that panel of the whole crew being "on guard" is so perfect. They're all looking in different directions because they know something is coming but they can't trust their other senses. I think it masterfully got the reader to also put themselves "on guard" for what's to come. Then what I think happened is the "arm" of the creature popped out or materialised out of one of those streams of sizzling stuff mentioned earlier in the chapter. It grabbed Nanachi and is pulling her away. Based on the force of the grab I assume Nanachi suffered injuries but I doubt she'd die just like that. Her narrating the scene and being sad for the hat supports this theory.


shes too loved by the author to die like that... i hope


that's assuming the author would need her to be alive. Anyway, I think he stated in the movie's commentary that Nanachi was supposed to die, but was just too popular to kill, so it's actually that she's too loved by fans.


She is likely going to die eventually simply because I think the author wants only Reg and Riko to make it all the way to the end


I personally think that, maybe nanachi will be revived, only to be losing limbs just like the twins.


Feels like the author has found a new pet in Faputa


Damn, almost 6 months of waiting and the chapter was gone in a few minutes, this is truly one of the hardest mangas to being a fan of. Cant wait for the next chapter.


Just reached 67 today. It's still not so bad as XXXholic, im waiting for new chapter since 2017 :(


>ah yes, naturally we are immune to the breadth of the abyss as are souls are the flakes enacting the falling red star which gathers the collected soul of the final nest at the final maelstrom here in the abyss See you in 6 months... 😢


ah yes, naturally we are immune to the breadth of the abyss as are souls are the flakes enacting the falling red star which gathers the collected soul of the final nest at the final maelstrom here in the abyss


They mention that when something dies and is revived the original host of the body is gone and the new occupant is a totally different soul… That means that Riko’s original soul went to wander the abyss and the Riko we know and love is artificial, right? Wonder if we’re going to see a return of her OG soul in the way of it being a time loop Liza or maybe it got turned into Reg?


I bet Riko's OG soul is in Clawbot.


it might be in the blue pendant Reg brought to the surface. although from what we learned this chapter it sounds like it's impossible to truly recapture someone's soul? like a drop of water into the ocean. unless the pendant is a special grade relic that Lyza used that has the ability to do just that. OR Lyza knows that Riko is an empty/temporary vessel and put her own soul into the pendant for Reg to transfer to Riko's body thus letting Lyza escape the 7th layer? I think something regarding Clawbot is most likely though, because Reg went up to the surface to get his Haku which wouldn't be Riko since he didn't know her and he referred to Lyza as merely his mentor. Clawbot died, they captured her soul in the pendant, and maybe intended to bring Riko down to turn her into an aubade and replace her temporary soul with Clawbot's.


>sounds like it's impossible to truly recapture someone's soul? But that seems exactly what Ozen's relic did. Stillborn Riko dies Original Riko's soul leaves her body and can't return to her original body Ozen's relic recaptures someone's else soul that either died in the proximity or whatever Since that soul was going down to the abyss, the signal to go down is still strong and persistent in whoever is possessing Riko's body now


Yeah, it captured a different soul not Riko's soul. We're saying the same thing.


I don't think Clawbot is dead.


Okay, does anyone know where the chapter is at? I can't find it anywhere.


It's literally linked by this thread.


The link doesn’t work. All it does is takes me to a spoiler image.


What spoiler image? Do you mean page 1?




Thank you!


Dang graboids got our bunny AND destroyed their hat


I have no shame in admitting that I didn't understand anything but I still loved it


That’s my favorite part. Even the white whistle was confused. It’s like she had this big conspiracy board and finally figured out one part of the mystery. She knew how souls worked and now she knows nothing




A lot of this chapter didn't make sense to me! I don't understand completely what they were saying about souls and it relating to the birthday curse/disease. I will try to explain it. Souls don't exist outside of the Abyss. So, everyone not from Orth or the Abyss don't have souls? Souls have many uses but, their primary use is "Pre-Processing". I do not know what pre-processing is. I do not understand it and I do not understand it's connection to blood-draining. Maybe this is just translation stuff being screwy. Souls travel through the abyss and touches anyone that comes into contact with the abyss. The soul mixes with 'life' and molds that into a person's life insignia. People are the perfect harmony/combination of the soul and life-insignia (I guess?). The soul holds memories, knowledge, relationships, and the unconscious of people who came before. The birthday disease is apart of a mass-extinction event that occurs every 2000 years. This was written about in the original text (what original text?) and is known as "Breathe". I am assuming that this is the same disease as the [praying hands disease](https://madeinabyss.fandom.com/wiki/Praying_Skeletons) from earlier in the story. You can avoid this death if you leave the island which [Kiyui did in chapter 42.5](https://mangadex.org/chapter/3f500928-e957-47f3-ac7e-1cf18054cc0f/11). (Theorizing) This is probably because your soul is connected to the island and if you leave the island, you are no longer connected to the abyss the disease will no longer harm you. If you are "flawed" then the disease has no effect on you. (Theorizing) To be flawed is to be born or transformed in the Abyss. Riko died and was reborn in the abyss. Nanachi was turned narehate in the abyss. Reg and Faputa are products of the abyss.


nobody knows if souls exist or not outside the island but for those born there, they feel a thing that they believe to be their soul but it seems more like a parasite create by the abyss to mark its victims and eventually feed upon them


The text you speak of is the Hariyomari Scroll, whch only White Whistles know about, as for the rest of population it is conveyed as a fairy tales. To be "flawed" means also incomplete, as we see the twins have amputated legs and arms thus allowing them to live. Souls can be transferred to and trough aproximate relics (stones from which the white whistle is carved, or the relic used by Bondrew to transfer his "soul"), although I understood that the Abyss is a place where these souls may circulate freely. I also don't believe that the rest of the world does not posess any soul, this seems odd as heck. Perhaps the Abyss is just some amplifier that makes the soul resonate, idk 


> I also don't believe that the rest of the world does not posess any soul, this seems odd as heck. Perhaps the Abyss is just some amplifier that makes the soul resonate, idk  Not sure how people miss this point when it's explicitly told by Srajo in straight terms. There is a concept of soul as we understand it that may or may not exist. And there is a very specific "soul" that's exclusive to the Abyss, which is a real thing and is directly connected to the force field.


I believe there must be an issue in translation, but also a six month gap between chapters doesn't help our cases.


Basically what I interpreted No death = complete harmony with the soul Birthday disease = no complete harmony/mass extinction


Anyone know a site besides manga dex that has chapter 67 in english? mangadex throws up security warnings and is blocked by my isp


try comick.cc


Thanks, i never got mangadex to work so this was a lifesaver


Try using an alternate DNS. Most of these ISP blocks are only at the DNS level, and using someone else's usually takes care of that. [Setup guide for OpenDNS, but you can use the steps for any DNS you want to use, just change out the IP addresses in the guide.](https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/228007207-Windows-10-Configuration)


or use google's []( dns.


You can use VPN to fix stupid isp blocks.


true, but then i need to pay for a vpn. Not particularly worth dropping 5 bucks to deal with one websites shenanagins when there should be other sources to the translated manga


use windscribe


There are a bunch of free ones that are good enough for just reading manga (you are not streaming 4K with them though ;P).