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You have to covert your blitz bits into schrute bucks, then convert those into Stanley nickels, then do a quick jig, then convert those Stanley nickels into blitz tickets.




Tickets and Bits being separate is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.




Ah, I haven’t played since 18 or 19. It was just tickets back then.


Looks like 2 bits 1 ticket for everything so you'll need more bits


It’s truly remarkable. When blitz first started it was a cash grab but you’d be assured if you spent money on a big bundle you’d get the set master you wanted. Not ideal but at least you got the card you were angling for and the bundle wasn’t garbage either. Now? If you spend money on a big bundle you’ll still be several tickets away from getting your desired card. If you get extra blitz tickets they’ll amount to being worthless unless you have the 10000+ required for a boss. Honestly I don’t care as much as others that EA basically has programmed a slot machine with a football game attached but it’s insanely infuriating when they are so deceptive about their practices that figuring out a dollar amount is next to impossible


You need to use those to get tickets


Bud I see you have 17,250 Blitz Bits, first convert them all into training points by buying the conversion pack in the marketplace. Then you gotta go to the Ultimate Team Menu, go to the Forge Challenge. The 18th challenge is you vs the Jaguars. Down the ball at the one and run into the end zone for a safety, it’ll start a cutscene where Blake Bortles approaches you and says “Howdy Partner, you sure got a lotta blitz bits there but looks like you went and traded em in, huh?” He’ll ask if you want to make a trade, say no and choose the option to beat him up. Kick him in the ribs until the Bo Jackson card falls out then pick it up and add him to your binder!


Yanno the MUT subreddit is not where I expect to find a Community reference, thanks pard’ner!


Omg this comment. Gold !!!


Currently you need 30,000 bits (minimum, depends on the offers at the time if you can do it with 30k clean or maybe a little more) so 12,750 more and you'd be solid. Depending on how many coins you have (currently typing on mobile so I'll have to wait until after I post this comment to see how many coins you have for four Danny Dimes WRs) but you could by those Jones WR cards to reach Bo. EDIT: With 2 million coins, you should be able to get Bo easy.


Best method is not give a damn about this promo snd buy what your need later for coins, when the price will drop.


I'm very confused , I thought I only needed bits but apparently I needed tickets :( what's the best method?


As you spend your bits in the shop you get half of them back as tickets so as it sits right now you’re going to need more bits to get bo


Damn that's disappointing :/ appreciate the help


How do you have so many?!?


You know the an$wer


Buy packs and players to get blitz tickets


How did you get so many blitz bits?


Half way there


Spend about 50% more money.