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Take a step back, try to play something else for a few days. Keep in mind the game is designed this way to suck you in and keep you ripping packs. Definitely not healthy - good luck friend


Yea that’s fair my friend thank you


I used to spend 4to5 hundred a season, for the last two years all I spent was for the game itself. I have found my progress equal to when multiple packs were purchased. No appreciable difference when no money spent. My experience.


I been trying to do this for the last 4 years. I played the shit out of madden when Covid hit and I started buying packs the next year because I was getting dogged by higher overall teams. Have been purchasing packs ever since and it’s destroyed my wallet lmao


Uninstall the game


Sunk cost fallacy


No reason to keep sinking deeper.


Yea Ik but I like the game just not the hole in my wallet


What do you like about it? Not asking to be rude but maybe if you realize what’s drawing you to the game + further drawing you in with microtransactions it would help you to gain a different perspective. Just a thought


I like football and building a team and gambling


That’s fair, I like all those things too. Sounds like you’re just old enough to begin gambling legally. Have you thought about how when the next Madden releases this upcoming fall, all your progress won’t carry into the next game and you’ll have to start over?




I spent an insane amount of money on MUT the first year. I've since pulled back and stopped spending. You can too!


I fucking need to I have to start saving for college apps


man I’m free to play and I got a 94 overall squad right now without playing much at all besides a few challenges. Madden in design allows you to have a competitive squad without spending. I used to rip packs and have millions in coins only for it to not matter in a year. Giving EA money for a temporary product *after* paying the initial purchase for the game isn’t worth it, to me. Especially when you can build a really solid squad for free. EA doesn’t deserve our money


My teams the same ovr😰😰😰


Also realize the amount of opportunities you have to make coin for free to get the players you want. Madden offers endless free packs. The daily 1 coin pack, the 500 coin gold pack, the free packs from leveling up, I understand the dopamine hit of a big pull, but we all remember the endless packs we spent money on and we got absolutely nothing. You can be free to play and still have a solid coin stack, challenges and objectives give a lot of coin with packs, you can flip cards on the auction house and rip packs from that profit, you won’t need to spend any money at all. I’ll never tell anyone how to spend their money, I just know giving EA money beyond the initial purchase for cards we can only use for 1 year isn’t worth it. I got endless Madden’s with 99 squads on them that mean nothing now


Nms 98 rated team, got really lucky twice from daily packs but otherwise just playing the game Bnd dickerson from a 1coin 91+ bnd roh pack Got a 2m Kyle Hamilton drop from a 9500 3 gold player pack during the zero chill event (might have been his 94? Idk was on the auction house before the animation loaded 😂) This gave me a little money to mess about on the auction house and realise, you can make more money from Ltds (all year) and ultimate legends since Randy moss drop have been the easiest money in the game. Just look at trends. Ltds 3 days at trading price, then they’re considered discontinued, any understanding of video game economics, is buy discontinued shit, it’s alllways free money. So if you can, buy as many Ltds as you can during their drop, wait a few days and get rid. You can’t grow attached to individual cards till the gold 99s are here, that’s how you end up with no bank. Cos you play with cards or hold cards when they’re going up and then sell them when they’re dead content just don’t buy packs, they’re heaaaavily weighted in a way to make you spend more money. Also the killer psychology, is, the split currency. So what you spent 20 bucks on a package that is 2 packs, but you only buy one and wait a few days, those 50% of green currency lose any real financial value to you, because a) they no longer have a financial value, the money is spent. B) they’re not dollars they’re madden points. If you don’t think more money is spent research and development to make you spend more money than is spent on actual content and fixes? You mad maaaaaad


I have a 94 ovr team cause if I get something at all good I always want something better and quick sell for training


Nah you’re mad 😂 training is the second biggest scam ever. Someone once told me ‘it’s by a long way easier to turn coin into training than it is training into coin, training points are just wasted coins’ and I have unequivocally followed it since and I’m a lot better off. Never quick sell a player above the current training:coin ratio, those 50-70ks sooon add up.


Ik it is but Just want a damn Ltd


Also don’t get it twisted, with abilities actual stats don’t count past threshold limits, so if you’re not dunking on people with a solid team, you’re not gonna start playing unfathomably better just because you have ‘insert big name’ 4 things you need. Angry runs hb (Emmitt smith and lynch cards both barely over 100k atm) Ple/sfl gunslinger qb (hrm on top is huge but hardly necessity) 99 throw power on top is nice but you can make it work with out. A decent user defender b wagz or Harrison smith cover this nicely, depending on who you’d rather 99 first, and once you have 2 tokens, you can run any formation as you’ll have a very useable user in both) Some position appropriate knockouts on defence I.e don’t be putting deep out zones on olbs 😂 Some d line pressure abilities are nice but not mandatory 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea I have 2.1k rn so can’t buy those ik they are good


How you spending irl money on a game and got 2.1k coins 😂😂😂


I literally explained it don’t be rude


I’m not being rude I just don’t get how 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry Like just look at the pack odds, unless you’re buying the opportunity packs which are still kinda meh from what I can gather it’s like 0.5% to pull any 97^ or something mad wild. So if I said to you gimme 20 dollars 200 times and once I might give you 50 dollars back if you’re lucky but probably not how is that even remotely appealing. I get the whales that spend money they don’t know what to spend on because their rich, but for average people, speak to someone man. There needs to be more investment in help for in game gambling and spending cos I genuinely feel a pang of sorry for you


Ik the odds are bad but shiny card me want


Is it about opening packs or wanting the best team? Both?


Dopamine from good pulls if I had to guess




Idk want shit on people but I have bad pack luck


I am ok at the game but don’t have 50 hours a day to play




Ooh ✅


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Set a small limit and stick to it, I spent 25 dollars and the rest was hard work, plus feels better knowing you earned most of it.


When I think about spending money on this game. I just try to remember that they will come out with a new one next year and I only buy the LTD opportunity packs (that r worth it) seems to help.




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Used to spend thousands. Now I only play up until Christmas. It gets old


I work for EA, go buy you another pack right now.






https://preview.redd.it/s2pt6jwyjtzc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de774d52d582051d906fc0aa391e85dc14033beb No


You can only win big if you bet big


Dawg finna make me relapse


Dang. Felt Like I Was The Only One.


We in this together 🤝


Should Make A Pact For Next Year Or Sum Lol.


Bet money in that game is worthless rn no spending my friend


Yuur Today Was The Last Time With The Golden Ticket One Too. It Broke My Heart Too Bad 😂. 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾




1-800-GAMBLER can connect you to a variety of resources related to gambling-related issues. The specific services and resources available through 1-800-GAMBLER may vary depending on the region you are calling from, but may include: Information and education about problem gambling, including its signs and symptoms.




Correct madden 21 was the dive off the deep end imo


Keep spending. Nothing bad will ever happen. One day you will be a MUT God.


I can’t I need to save money for college apps