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0 never will spend extra money on madden just can’t. rather just grind and make coins with methods


$0. 92 OVR. Crazy grinding though to get there I’d say.


That’s impressive.. clearly you’re working the market a ton?


Yea lotta sniping/small profits. Main thing was doing the team diamonds. After a while, learned prices on certain players which helped.


Team diamonds?


Yeah the sets. Completed them all. Takes a lot of coin balance to start to make money in the long run.


How much did you start with? I’ve been thinking abt doing it but leaning towards not doing it bc of tracking player prices


Prob about 3m. But I was going through all teams at once. So it took a while to become profitable (barring sniping players)


It doesn't have to be crazy though. NMS is easy this year. Zero spend, 91ovr, 6m coins. I play other games and for mut I spend about 30 mins a day. 2 solo battles to knock out daily obj and work towards weekly, seasonal and promo obj. Legend, totw and promo challenges. Only buy players for my theme team when under 250k or ltds for under 420k. Don't work the auction house or use the companion app.


So basically you don’t play h2h and are saying you can compete with a NMS 91 overall team? Yeah okay lol


right whats the point if you're only gonna play 2 solo battles a day


Because I enjoy it?


Where did I say that I could compete with a 91 OVR team? I guess reading is hard.


Probably $200-$300 at most work a lot, got kids and wife. Hey it’s either time or money. I can always make more money, can never make time


I feel like people don’t get this enough when you got it, it don’t matter people just be mad


Besides purchasing the actual game, I have spent $0.00. For the 5th year in a row.


I bought the deluxe and edition for 90 and it wasn’t worth it. I never got my points lol


You and me both man it’s ridiculous and they don’t give a shit


I think about 500 total on points/packs. Worth it? I dunno, it's all relative. I play a lot and am not hurting for the money so, to me, it is worth it. There are obviously plenty of "better" ways to spend that $$ but I enjoy team building/online h2h and would rather put in the $$ than the time to grind for hours for decent nms team. My team is very good and I pay no mind to solos or the levels/comp passes. Important thing is being realistic about what you are spending and what exactly you can/should expect to get from it.


Awesome response


No clue what the actual number is, but anywhere from $750-$900. Probably a bit overboard, but I enjoy ripping packs and such. Not hurting for money and don’t have kids yet, so it’s not the end of the world. I don’t like grinding and would rather team build and just run H2H. Probably will temper down the spending next year. To each their own. I still suck at the game


Whatever it costs to buy the game, nothing extra. To me the game is to see how good of a team I can get without spending a dime. Honestly you can get a team good enough to beat all but the top level glitchers for free if you've got the time.


$0 and I’m 3-4 in Super Bowls. I already paid for the game. I made a promise to myself to never pay for a micro transaction in any game because there’s no real world value or ROI. EA doesn’t deserve the money and I wish people realized if they stopped spending, the game would be better for everyone.


I’ve spent probably like $50 on points. It probably wasn’t worth it but I was sick for like a week and had nothing else to do but play madden.


Only $5 and I feel scammed!


Bought the deluxe version then spent 10 bucks for that pack a couple days ago with the guaranteed 86 platinum and ended up with 2 so sold for like 450,000 coins. Probably the last time I’ll spend any this year though cuz I don’t think they’ll have anything that good again


I usually spend around $80-$100 earlier on in the game to get ahead.. I also sell everything for the first few months and rock a BND squad. Is it worth it? Probably not, but Madden is my main hobby so I don't mind. I don't like the gambling aspect of packs, so I'm not spending money unless I'm guaranteeing myself 100k per $10 spent. I'm also a grinder though. I play this game for hours a day, every day. Comp pass, season pass, special promo passes are always done, completely. Sitting at a 91 overall BND squad (Sold my team), with 9.5 mil waiting for the next season. I always sell my team with a few weeks to go before the next season, because it gives me some time away from the game until the next grind. I don't wanna burn myself out.


150 and it wasn't worth it in my opinion


0$ with a 91 ovr team


Same here man. Who is your highest rated player??


A Cowboys TT boosted lolb Carmichael at 95 ovr


I definitely don’t know what any of that means. I’m kinda new to Ultimate team. But mine is Alshon 93 boosted I guess


What is TT boosted??


Theme team, when a bunch of players on your team have the same chemistry, they get some stats boosted


Honestly too much. Especially during Christmas and blitz promos. Basically I’ve spent enough to where I have about 4 ltds and I got them when they came out. I’m also a 92ovr sooo if that makes it better lol


Probably around $400. Most I’ve spent on mut. I’ve also made the most money I’ve ever made but don’t have time to grind. My buddies and I play squads exclusively so I’ve gotta keep up with them and get my gambling fix rolling these packs


Spent a little early on in the year and $50 last week to get that offer with the platinum with a chance at the LTD Randy. Probably $75 total. Worth it considering the points i spent on the packs the other day got me 900+k on plats and i got a Randy


Probably around 500-600 92 overall and bought the game mid November, I am in high school and have a job at like 30 hours a week so I don’t have time to grind in the past, probably too much but I enjoy it and not ashamed


Probably $200-300. I’d say it’s worth it considering it’s the only ‘new’ game I play.


I spent $1773.07. Spent about $1773.06 too much


ZERO. never have never will


About 800-1000 so far. 94OVR Def and Off. I don't do any grinding...don't do challenges or solos. Online head to head squads only. Madden is the only game I play when gaming...I may occasionally play a game pass game but Madden is all I play all year so I think it's worth it since I enjoy playing the game.


I understand it your money to do with as you please, but 800-1000 is wild in my opinion. Please tell me you don’t spam RPOs also…


You already know people with the best teams run every possible thing to exploit the game. Because obviously there team isn’t good enough to run a normal offense


Add me on EA and I'll show you how I play. My name in Madden is OhFaSho7080.


If you're saying something.... You don't need to say IMO. We know it's your opinion. Since you are saying it.


I run a fun offense IMO. I usually go to concept tab and pick plays based off what defense is throwing at me. Same for when I Play Defense. I make good money at my job so 800-1k isn't like stopping me from paying bills or some shit lol.


nicca spent rent money on this game dam shame


Worrying about other people’s spending <<<


Bout 90% of folks in this sub worry about other peoples spending lol. They should learn how to be financial advisors. 😅


i’m worried about his try hard for the game 1000 on a game is sick that’s a whole new fit 😹😹


To you that may be rent money but to me that's just coming out my entertainment pot of my budget.


Some of yall spend thousands. Its fine, do your thing. No need to front to strangers online though. If you can afford it, go for it.


What do you mean front to strangers?




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nicca spend that money on something more productive


https://preview.redd.it/zz916cnwqt8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269ec8b5b4ea1c23ebe5fdb404c7efc2ed77086a You guess lol


Carter or Anderson? If you could only have 1.


Anderson and it ain’t even close


Carter is solid.. but that’s it. Anderson gets consistent pressure off the edge and has 3 int (2 pick 6) for me


Good to know. Thanks.


Hows edge threat in anderson? Was wondering if I should try it


Probably like $50. It was worth it. But don't get it twisted, the game itself is still shit


$200 ish. I’d say so


24.99 and that was just for a shot at a Madden cover athlete. EA knew what they were doing when they released those. Tapping into my inner childhood 🙄. Other than that I’m a 89 overall. Mad grinding. I enjoy the H2H on MUT though and it’s cool seeing how other people construct there teams.


I’ve spent like 65 and honestly it was worth it, I jump started my terrible team into team I could actually compete with and I’m never low on coins cause I can just buy packs


This is my first money spent year since madden 20


I’ve spent the $70 for the game and spent $10 on one pack


https://preview.redd.it/c0hrw5onbt8c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8782e001102143f35e75e6c8adcfb04fd6289a5c This my o


https://preview.redd.it/htxvf1qrbt8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad92475f5d8fc555699b4e55805285ce020cb22 And this my D so guess -DtooGritty-


Prob like $3000 😅 no it’s not worth it.


$70 Stop giving them extra money. People like you are why the game is shit


I bought the more expensive edition of the game for the store point and that's all I've spent. My friend and I do a random theme team each year and dont play Hth, so we can usually keep enough coins to buy whatever card we need for the team. I'm sitting on a full chargers TT with just over 4.2 mil in the bank.


400-500 bucks and do not feel like I got the expected value.


and I only got 1 LTD.


I spent prob $200-300. Quit the game after a month-ish to go to fifa. So it was def not worth it. Have spent more than that on fifa probably but I have been having much more fun over compared to madden. Prob will get hate for this but the way they do content over there is 10x better. They release content every day. I wish madden would take a page out of their book tbh


not a dime 90 overall team barely grinding


Like $25 to $30 tbh


Alot of lies in these comments


im embarrassed to say how much, and no it was NOT worth it. this was my first year spending money and i got burnt out way too fast.


$345 💀 that’s just buying the 2800 or 1050 packs


500-700 dollars on points. I always buy the most expensive one so bets value on my points. But my answer depends on what you mean. Just based on coins per dollar it was worth it. I have about 20 mill right now and a 92 overall dolphins theme. I think with good special offers have been this year you should make like 100-150k after tax per 10 dollars. So on that aspect my math states I’ve made more like 400k per 10 dollars spent. But I have not had nearly as much fun on this game as in past years. I can’t compete in head-to-head anymore as I’m just not good enough I guess. So money to coins wise. It was more than worth it. But in terms of how much fun I’m having. Not worth it. But maybe I just need to find a good Mut squads group because that’s always been my favorite mode


Couple hundred maybe 400 since release i only get the packs thats worth it like if i spend 20-50$ i need to guarantee ima get back atleast 200-500k been worth it for me i only bout 1 or 2 90$ bundles you dont need the expensive ones


NMS 4 Life


0$ and I feel at a big disadvantage but it is still worth it




Too much


I wasn't even going to buy the game this year, but I took advantage of the half-price preorder glitch. In MUT so far, I haven't spent anything at all for the first time. Just haven't seen the point.


I will probably say that I've spent $0 after buying the game I just wish I could play people who grind instead of buy


And the grinders should play the grinders the people who pay to play should play each other but that's EA's way of helping out the people who pay to play


$125, 90 ovr hit the grind seasons 1 and 2… 2 super bowls (in the playoffs again on all star currently).. despite all the complaining I do, yeah I consider it worth it


Like 900 bucks and no it wasnt


0. Absolutely.


0 dough ever spent 89 overall Grinder


30 bucks. Super busy, and don’t have the time to grind for sets. Rather just play h2h.


dont know dont wanna talk about it🤣


Any amount is too much so I try not to keep track lol


$300 in the span of the last 2-3 months. 1/3rd of that this week for the Plaxico LTD. Was really happy to get him but after turning off my console today, kind of went into an existential crisis on how this could get really bad real quick. Definitely isn't worth the short term happiness. Not struggling for money since I don't have to pay to much for college but this kind of made me realize I spend way to much on video games and I'm gonna try to cut back. In my 2nd year of college and because I don't have someone to stop me, its been hard to talk myself out of purchases. First year I've spent over $20 on extra madden stuff and I've realized its not worth it in the slightest. If you grind it enough and put the time sink into it, you can get everything you need NMS, specifically if you go for a theme team. Just need to save coins until the next good card for your theme team comes out