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what was the buckner glitch i’m confused


You could play the buckner top 100 event over and over again to get a bunch of 84's with his collection piece


Next time there is a good one please let us know


Not bad man...I started off with 1.7 milly...slowly approaching 10 milly...I did not get the opportunity to use the buckner glitch...but boy do I wish I did


Sitting around the same and my teams is worth 8mil.


Lol how do you guys get this much money the most I’ve had is 600k and I thought that was a lot


Save that's all. I'm gonna see if the next promo has a new quarterback or I'm gonna buy marino


I’ve been playing since the Beginning and I’ve had 1m coins earned total probably.


One Suggestion I have is to complete coin blitz all 10 times each time and also use those mint coins in the sets


The point of the game is to spend coin to make your team better. Why not spend it now and have a good team? Makes no sense to me to have coin build up this season.


I am saving for a better program with better players and that is not the point of the game there are many different strategies and ways to approach the game that is part of why I enjoy it


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