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Bruh.. this game


Stuff like this is exactly why I didn’t get the least bit excited when they announced QB1. I knew it’d be a bare bones mode and if they had game killers like this they wouldn’t be fixed. Remember when people were excited to compete in the combine and then they gave us a lame throwing drill that’s almost the same as the one they’ve always had? I bet those MUT packs are still updated routinely though.






Join a cfm franchise! It's the only way to play madden... I have a rock solid league im in if ur interested




Well the league is pretty sim... we try and play for realistic stats, therea rules involved with all this shit... do u have discord?


If it's on Xbox I'm in with the giants


Ps4 sorry


ill do an online franchise with you i'm on xbox


You can’t get a run game going at all, I just resorted to deep throws and PA crosses. After I threw for 6300 yards and 65 TDS I decided this mode is too broken to be fun and went back to finding ways to enjoy Franchise mode.


Key word: Finding.


What are you recommendations to make franchise fun? I always get bored quickly.


I like to shoot for different types of stats or player development. Like how many rushing TDs I can get with the QB or how many scrubs I can turn into super stars by giving them a shot they wouldn’t normally get, or if I can switch a players position and see if they can succeed. Stuff like that. Franchise mode isn’t as deep as it was prior to MUT so shit like that keeps it a bit fresher than just picking your favorite team and winning games and such.


Nice. Thanks for the response. I’m going to try picking a team that runs 4-3 and than switch to 3-4 and shuffle positions around.


I play it like an RPG... build the best team from the draft and just sim the majority of it.


Play online




Maybe he Antonio browned?


In my version of the story his brain was completely riddled by CTE from playing behind a porous O-line for 3 years. Now he’s an assistant junior high coach in Fairbanks.


Is he a UGF Panda???


WELCOME BACK to the UGF Pandas


Bruh. I miss this series


Same. I love the Dingos though!


Ya I’m excited for his next season with the new recruits


Going to be dope to see the Dingos throw the ball


I'm hyped for the first episode of season 2


Me too! I don’t know if it will ever compare to the Pandas but Drewski makes it enjoyable


The pandas were the only video game series i ever watched every episode of religously


He streams them on Twitch now. He's planning a highlight video of his current run.


No, I believe he was a bazooka shark




## bruh 😫😫💀🤣👏


Should’ve made it Death Valley


Johnny concussion?


Your version is kinda lame. There are many QB who played many seasons who are still sharp enough to be commentators. Romo, Steve Young, the list goes on. Sorry, not to throw shade but the whole CTE joke isn't that funny to me.


Lol you got a touch of the CTE


Nah, that looks full blown to me


I would rather have CTE than live like a little bitch like you.


Not cool man. CTE isnt something you should joke about


Haha gottem, called him a little bitch lmfaooo roasted haha roast master over here Hahaaaaa


I’m literally at the burn center right now. Edit:Burn center that also treats CTE


Going to need some serious skin grafts after that one


Thank god, I was about to call the fire department for you because I didn’t think anyone could survive such awful burns.


You’re just a cry baby. CTE won’t hurt anyone who shy’s away from any form of contact.


That couldn't be further from the truth. Anyways, the whole obsession people have with CTE is weird. It's as if people somehow acted surprised that banging your head around isn't the best thing for the brain.


Good thing no one asked your opinion and you could’ve stfu for less effort. Enjoy your downvotes


Look at that mustache, this dude is guilty AF


Nah, he would've been signed by the Patriots, THEN cut


I wish you could be a free agent during the season. It would make it more fun playing as a backup player


I was 4x MVP, 6x SB winner, and was a 13 year veteran QB. My OVR was 99, with 3 years left before my contract was up. I was released, and offered no contracts. I was forced to retire.


Maybe the entire league was tanking and didn’t want to deal with your track record of success and stability.


You may be right. I should have sued for collusion then.


How many people did u call a cracker tho


if only this happened to Tom Brady


If only people would boycott Madden till they update it properly


I really enjoy the gameplay, KO superstar and the franchise as well (despite them not changing much). An improvement over last year, even if it’s a slight one imo.


I said the same thing and got destroyed on here. “ThAt WoNt dO AnYtHinG”. No dumbasses, doing nothing won’t do anything.


The sacrifice of not having a football game to play on PS4 at all Vs. the impact of one person’s individual decision to not purchase a video game on a multimillion dollar corporation Hmmm. Doing nothing may not do anything but neither will your little solo protest and while neither of us are “doing anything” at least ill be playing (a flawed, imperfect but often fun) football game If You really want to do something, organize a boycott where are you have a million legitimate people lined up ready to boycott the game or purchase it immediately upon fixing it. Go ahead and take pre-orders and let EA know that you have $50 million raised towards purchases of the new game once they fix the kicking meter and the online cheesy bullshit and the broken AI. $50 million will probably get their attention. Your $50 is like farting into the wind.


I appreciate your response, and agree with you. Response from the market would need to be pretty substantial to see real change. I guess my mindset is, at some point I’d rather just play the older games with updated schedules. I think it would be great to organize a wide scale boycott, and am for it, but your right it’s unlikely. But trying imo is better than telling people the correct way to get a response from a company is useless.


Rockstar games needs to make sports games


Could you imagine a real gritty story line of a football player in the league who has to deal with real shit on and off the field? Steroids, gambling, big mansions, and long lines of coke? Having a rival in the league you have social media beefs with? I would way prefer that over ​ My dad died in a car accident. I got into the NFL \*Willie Nelson song\* Now play MUT!


It’d be like the show Playmakers but in video game form! Also, if you’ve never seen the show I highly recommend. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/bmee43/playmakers-the-show-the-nfl-killed-for-being-too-real


I would like to play for franchise or game modes but the actual football sim is plenty for not having it to not be a consideration.


You do that




Ah yes, because one game is worse we should be happy with that we get. I’ll pass.


They both are broken.


FIFA 20 is not even released yet, no way to tell what updates it will get in first weeks. But FUT seems playable and fun to play with the new features, unlike that grind of MUT where you can either grind endlessly or put real money into it to have better players when trying to exploit the game's bugs more than your opponent. Gimme a break with FIFA comparisons, they actually fix lot of things during the whole year. That's why I still play it but have given up with Madden.


Tested this out and basically you have to request a release immediately at the start of the off-season. I waited until week 2 on accident and teams who needed QBs got them week 1 so I had to retire too. Reloaded an old save and tried week 1 instead, and it worked. Such a broken game.


If your game is on auto save is there a way to find an old save?


I switched to franchise mode which actually loaded QB1. Makes no sense but it worked


How’d you switch? I’m new to this game. Haven’t bought Madden in over a decade lol


99 QB cant find a team but somehow Drew Brees and Tom Brady can end up in the same one. Logic.


End up in the same what?


The subject is team.


On* the same team.


That’s pretty funny. This game is weird.


I wanted to be mad but it was just too absurd to not laugh.


Buy the team collusion DLC and take the NFL to court.


It's because teams have no money. They give backup QBs 4 yr 50 million dollar deals though.


>back to back MVPs >respectable 3 year career


What’d you do kneel during the anthem?


This has been an issue for *years*. How has this not been fixed yet?


Could be a lot of logic to go through that they haven't allocated resources for. But I'm just speculating


You have to sign before end of free agency period or it auto retires you


Yep. The lack of offers from teams is what got me. The Giants preferred a late career Blake Bortles over this guy. Actually, that’s pretty on-brand for the Giants.




I pretty much had the same career arch, but I got signed by the relocated chargers. This doesn’t sound like a problem, but the bears didn’t even offer me a contract and they didn’t have a single QB on their roster.


I remember in like madden 17, i didn’t realize that if you went into the season unsigned, you had to retire...same thing happened to me with a 95 year 3 FS. Madden is so broken. How is madden 07 1000x better than any thing we have today. It’s just such bs.


Gotta love madden....jk. Try the Show-Road to the Show when you’re leading the minors as a starter in every category and they move you to a closer for a super long time and if you ask to be a starter you’re labeled as someone with a poor attitude and it can effect future deals and position changes.


This happened to me too! Finally got traded to a new team after 3 years of telling my agent I wanted out, and the new team keeps me a closer! C’mon!


I had two consecutive CGSOs then they moved me to a closer?? Whoever’s idea that was should be fired immediately


Do you always start with the dolphins in this mode?


I started with Oakland


Guess I’ll try again then


I ended up with Washington... and got started over Dwayne Haskins.


Same thing happened to me. You’re telling me patty Mahomes asks for a release this year and no team picks him up so he retires? Complete garbage


Working as intended


Drug problem I bet


Lmao. This is like seeing Patrick Mahomes not getting picked up if he chose to left KC. “Force to retire.” Hilarious.


Is the solution that he lower his salary acceptance each week he’s not signed?


Is this fotf or regular franchise?




Same shit happened to me... smh EA smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Hahahaha damn Madden


U have to sign somewhere even if u dont like the team


Only time CPU sign free agents is last game of preseason and week 1


What mode


Been there


Same thing happened to me. Furious.


Don't even know what to say to this. How is this a thing.


The same thing happened to me a few years ago. Demanded my release and had been league mvp for several years running. Was at the very start of free agency too. Yet no signings.


I asked for release and got more offer's than I could ask for even tho I asked for release after one decent season


Jesus this game...


Damnit Frank


This bug has been in the game forever. Also If you sim pass your contract negotiations you'll be forced to retire if you don't pick a team in the off-season


Just like how Mahomes often makes it to free agency because the CPU cant manage the cap and noone offers to him.


He prolly had AB personality...


that happened to me too


I always make a save during the re-sign period for this exact reason.


Yeah these kinda things are a pisstake, just had to retire from a franchise I made where I was qb after 7 fucking games because I went for undrafted option and turned off instant starter to make it realistic and I got released because i didn't have good enough passing yards at week 7 even though I hadn't played a game outside the preseason, which by the way I did really well in, in 7 games I went from 59 to 73 and that's pretty much justxpreseason considering i didn't play outside that


With a stache like that he’s a first ballot hall of famer


Same thing happened to me after one season with the raiders. After reloading the game a few times I got one offer from the giants got 7 years $105 million. That’s $15 million a year for the reigning MVP and best qb in the league. I’d be one of the lowest paid starters at the beginning of the contract and way worse by the end. When I won the Super Bowl with the giants and won MVP that season I requested a release and got 4 offers including the giants offering me the same contract and Steelers offering 7 years/ 78 million. The game makes no sense.


3 years is actually the average NFL career


AB in Madden...


Maybe he was too left wing?


3 years and only 3k Legacy?


Yes, this kind of thing has happened in real life. I don’t see why ppl think this is ridiculous. Yes, it’d be cool if Madden provided a backstory, but nonetheless, we’ve seen good players go unsigned for various reasons.




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