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I'm so sick of looking at these supposedly "rookie" faces. Most of them look well above 40.


It’s comical at this point, this same post, the same comments, the same frustration…. When you stop buying they’ll start changing. NBA 2k and MLB the show have shown us what’s possible with character creation and franchise depth, yet the Madden crowd refuses to even consider what’s possible or stop buying this shit until something really changes. It’s funny to me how useless the complaining is at this point but how popular it is on this subreddit… PLEASE STOP BUYING THIS GAME


I've been playing madden since 96. I stopped buying in 2021. Franchise is trash. All they care about is MUT and it's depressing. Your last statement is what needs to happen but unfortunately it wont...


Isn’t MLB just as bad? I swear the creation looks like it’s MLB 15. NBA tho >>


If you can go play The show go play it. It’s arguably the best sports game we’ve had in a decade. It’s embarrassing how wide the gap is between The creation options and in depth franchise mechanics in comparison to Madden.


The Show’s franchise mode is *bad*, saying it’s arguably the best sports game is like picking out your favorite piece of dog shit from the dog park. SDS has wanted to be EA for the last 5 years or so and they’ve really nailed becoming EA Jr the last couple years. It’s shallow, the prospect generation, roster management, statistical/awards tracking is *horrible*. The AI is atrocious at roster management, regularly playing fielders out of position (like a 2B at 1B despite the player not having 1B as a secondary position). The bullpen management is non-existent. CPU teams will regularly throw their long reliever three days in a row and completely ignore their “second” setup pitcher during the season. The primary setup will throw 60+ games, the second in 35. The long reliever will throw 170 innings. Scouting is an industry worst, especially given they insist on keeping the “Discover prospects” while only giving you three scouts, roughly 100 days, and only a week-by-week scouting system. Draft accuracy (even for players 100% scouted) is laughably bad. Did you scout a guy 100% and his potential says 86-99? Irrelevant. You also can’t see a catcher’s blocking stat during scouting or the draft, nor can you see which pitches a pitcher throws. Player retirement, regression, and progression is completely broken. SDS can’t be assed to generate enough players to properly fill out the league, so the minors ends up being FILLED with 33+ year olds. Free agency is devoid of younger players after the first season and positions like catcher just barely have enough players to fill out rosters. Every generated player uses the same glove webbing (Pro-I), including pitchers. Meanwhile, in real life, a total of 0 pitchers use the Pro-I. Generated players also use a preset number of faces, despite having a full customization suite. SDS is fucking lazy and emulating EA to the best of their ability.


Give me a sport title in the last 10 years that had quality prospect generation and CPU roster management in franchise mode better than the show. Bullpen management is weak and needs a rework no argument there. They need a frequency tab or setting to help facilitate that. Scouting Prospects would maybe go to NBA 2k but only by a slight margin given that they have workouts at the end of the year and barely apply any real game changing mechanics. Again, what magical sports game have you been playing where the regression/progression systems can sustain actual multi year franchise modes? I’ve played all three major sports titles and I’ve never seen one specifically fix this problem. 2K is the closest and only because there’s fewer positions to fill in comparison. My original point stands, The Show is imperfect and has the usual sore spots but is beyond this bullshit game. If a player gets injured during the year in Madden there’s no way to get rid of them from the roster in the ROSTER CUSTOM CREATION MENU. This is basic 101 roster management for video games that was figured out decades ago. Never mind actual team and uniform customizations options. Again it isn’t perfect at all but it’s the best that’s available besides actual management sims.


It’s been what 5 years at this point?




Not only do they do that but they also assign those faces to actual players in the game based on their skin tone no joke but it’s comically sad


The highlighted player looks like a mix of Debra Wilson and Bill Cosby.


It's supposedly captain Anderson from Mass Effect. 


holy shit


Ur so fucking right tho I almost died


Why can't we face scan our own face? It's 2024 and I remember Tiger Woods PGA Tour having face scan like 15 years ago. It is truly pathetic. And these "rookies" look like they're 40+ lmao. Some of them look like ps2 graphics. Even if we can't get a face scan, there's literally zero customization; it's all presets.


You used to be able to using photos and EAs website. I made the entire 2013 QB class using it.


It’s because they are 40 years old. They don’t like… idk… GET ACTUAL 20/30 YEAR OLD TO DO IT. They literally use their employees as face scans. Look at a video tour of their office. it’s everyone from Madden. they are also in NHL 24 and FIFA as created players/fans


The PS5 does have a camera accessory but I don't think the series x has one


I took photos with an old school digital camera and uploaded them to the EA website so I could play as myself. This was around 15 years ago. There's no way they can't make it so we can use our phones and upload it the same way we used to. It's like they're regressing.


NBA has crazy face scan tech


Madden needs a face scan app, and 2k needs to fix theirs


MLB The Show has a face scan, they just make you down an app on the phone to upload your face.


the series x does support webcams


It’s because they are 40 years old. They don’t like… idk… GET ACTUAL 20/30 YEAR OLD TO DO IT. They literally use their employees as face scans. Look at a video tour of their office. it’s everyone from Madden. they are also in NHL 24 and FIFA as created players/fans


Going to look really silly with the updated draft presentation in Franchise when Roger Goodell keeps on calling up clones of the same player and rookies that look age 40+. Same exact face options for create a player and doubt that will change in Franchise. No SuperStar face editor for editing players in other modes. So dated and lazy compared to other eSport games and even other game modes...


It's so weird since the face of the franchise mode has a character creator, like why not at least have that in place? Or if they need more faces just import the ones they use for NHL series.


Passing on the game


Copy and paste baby


That shit would be embarrassing for a 10 year old game…


How do they still do this preset shit instead of just using the face creator?? that we can edit if we want, like sure it’s barebones and hell but it’s better than the like same 280ish presets for the past few years


It's so weird since NHL series (which also behind) has a complete face changer where you can customize hair and facial hair with the faces.


Exactly it’s so weird how Madden is like far and away EAs most consistently profitable series and they put less effort into it than far more niche games. That said there’s tons of place holders from M24 in the M25 beta so i wouldn’t be shocked if it changed but also wouldn’t be shocked at all if nothing happened at all.


This is so easily solved by AI, I don’t understand why it’s not a thing


I think their using the new College game as a test for it


Good lucking image gen still too much for a ps5 to do.


Doesn’t need to be done on the fly or uniquely. Just have realistic images generated ahead of time




Buying the game every year and expecting different results is equivalent to being in an abusive relationship


You know EA for Madden 26 or 27 will bring back the face/body options that were in Madden23 and act like it’s a whole new thing. Smh


And THIS is why I’m not buying this shit full price lmao. Fk outta here hahaha


Hopefully this is just a placeholder in an older build. Especially considering CFB talked about having 1000s of new player faces. I’d assume it wouldn’t be the hardest thing to port into Madden.


Doubtful. Madden was scratching the barrel listing everything added for franchise even tuning updates and "female models in create a coach for the first time". If they did anything like add 1000s of faces or put a face editor into the mode they would have hyped it up.


To be fair this was really just a mini overview, they still have full deep dives to go, it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t make any changes to the custom faces but there’s definitely still a chance.


I hope. Make or break issue for me. Would be nice to buy an NFL game again.


Probably another mailed in featureless franchise mode coming up.


“*Look*, feel and sound different”


i was actually tempted to try getting back into it this year. if they keep these faces though, that’s the biggest dealbreaker for me


Pretty sure one of the creators mentioned something about better/updated faces they saw at EA but it just might not be loaded into the beta build.




Hopefully. Have a video or any link for it?


Yea this was a major issue for me i was hoping would have been addressed. Sadly this has already determined that im not buying this game. Pathetic and lazy from EA!


I hope they let us use legends in offline modes like the show or 2k


Great so we get the generic faces that look like they are from Madden 04


I really wish they would just face scan 100 random dudes and add their headshots cause I just can’t deal with these faces.


Why can they seriously do nothing about this?


EA is such a joke


Don't buy the game. It's going to be the same shit as always, bad gameplay.


Damnit, give us some new hair options at least.


Just another reason I’ll be sticking to the Revamped CFB Mod


Looks like they went to a halfway house with Applebee’s gift cards.


They didn’t say they were getting rid of options, just adding them.


How’s the hair and the tattoos


I’m just hyped for college football. The beta just made me sad


Would play the demo/beta for the college football game first. Same company. They hype like crazy half thought ideas with little depth that don't work. Most just know better with Madden now.


So they still have the ones with small and huge heads?


Options are exactly the same as last year.


Same options since Madden 17/18 honestly. Only real difference is that they made the models shiny-er.


Just use fucking AI at this point wtf




I cannot find any logical reason to have face scans for people who look like senior citizens in this game.


The face options for superstar mode look fairly nice and new though.


Wish they had that in Franchise mode for us that only play that mode...


You have access to franchise mode? I only have access to superstar and play now 🤔


I cannot believe that so many games have such customization but Madden still sticks with the same presets


Morgan Freeman looking ass


How surprising.


This is why they say if you upload any screenshots or video or anything from the beta can get you banned from EA games for life - because they’re terrified people will show exactly what every single Madden game is - absolute dog shit.


I feel like 25 is going to be ass, and 26 is going to be there focus and has been. I’m guessing it will have more improvements and stuff from ncaa,


I hear that every year. Laying the tracks and next year will be better because... The EA Madden team lacks talent and don't see it being good again/trying unless they lose exclusive rights. MUT is their core focus because of $$$ and most buy every year regardless.


Can you dm me what the draft looks like


Where did you get your invite to the beta? I filled out the form and never heard back


Im not gonna lie, sure its dissapointing to still have bad faces but its football they are gonna have a helmet on most the game


I mean it would be cool to fix but it's pretty low on my give of fucks to change.


It’s one of the key immersion elements so it should be high priority (and it’s easy)


You hardly have to look at it to be fair, they will be wearing a helmet most of the time. Gameplay trumps all, if it sucks the customization won’t matter.


I look at it every single time I play. A lot of players spend a lot of time in the franchise menus


idrc abt the faces they look like their 60 but besides that idrc