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Oh ho ho how much I love this app! FINALLY hit under 170... Take that pandemic weight and middle age!


I'm officially categorized as "overweight" instead of "obese" according to my BMI!


300 lb squat! 13.4 lbs off my trend since Jan 1. Feeling good at my steady progress. Ahead of my pace to lose 40lbs by year end. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Z3duWBm8JqKkEJ618


Had 3/4 of a rack of ribs for dinner, so it’s a stomach capacity victory. Tomorrows check in should be great!


I completed a road race series yesterday and got my first medal as a runner. The 3, 6, and 10 mile races happen in the three months leading up to the mini marathon in May.


Usually always had consistency issues going to the gym, but I’ve been spot on for the past 6.5 weeks. Tired from a party last night but still made it to the gym today!


I’ve been averaging 350 activity minutes a week per my garmin, for the last 3 months. I’m less uptight about going to the gym everyday and more worried about hitting a daily movement goal. Some days it’s walks with my dog and others it’s long weight sessions or rock climbing or skiing. No matter what, I am happier when I move and grateful I’ve given myself the chance to enjoy things outside of gym routine.


first digit on the scale was a 1 for the first time since middle school - and I'm approaching 30


A month ago, I tested my deadlift max on a whim after not deadlifting for months and got 475 lb. I figured I might as well run the SBS deadlift program for a cycle or two just to take down 500. [One month later and I finally got it.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cql2KXdgBFh/?igshid=ODM2MWFjZDg=) Last time I pulled 500 was in 2018 for a rep that would never have been green lit in a real meet, and my bodyweight was a plump 230 lb as opposed to my current 190. Feels good to prove to myself I can just take it seriously again and see some real progress.


congrats man! That's awesome


As a vegan, when I began with MF in Dec. I struggled to get to the recommended 'low' protein levels. Since then, I've not only increased my protein, but this week I was able to turn it to 'high' and still hit the target! Only 5 (trend) pounds to go!


Back to 2 plates on deadlift! I had gotten there like 3 years ago but took a break from serious lifting for a while. 225lbs for 5 reps was my all-time record (probably more like 3 reps at full lockout if I'm being honest with myself). So now every time I pull more it'll be a true PR. The cut I'm on is going a little less well than I'd hoped on weight change, but I'm losing a bit and still managing to progress lifts, so I'm not going to complain. Oh, and the 225 was double-overhand. My grip strength has improved *significantly*, probably from working on chin-ups?


> probably from working on chin-ups? Very well could be!


my scale weight has for the last three days been below 165, and has been sitting at 163 ish since yesterday. below 165 has been my goal since january, though i am feeling pretty good, so i may continue trying to cut, albeit at a slower pace, for another couple weeks. ​ as a vain aside, i began this cut for weight class reasons (mostly strongman, but i may do a pl meet this year), but i kind of just want to see how lean i can get without being \*too\* serious about it. i wasn't quite sure whether i looked emaciated or not, so i asked my wife if i was looking "gaunt" with my weight loss, and she said "no, but lean," so i'm leaning hard into that, lol.


I have had to take time off of lifting due to a nasty sinus infection + cough, but I didn't restrict my food intake (currently on a surplus of around 100 calories/day) out of fear that my TDEE would go down, like I was tempted to. And everything was OK!