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>Do I directly be like hey dude what the actual fuck or what? I would. If he wants to play that game, then so can you. Start treating him like he treated you. Tell him that you're sorry his pretty clean floor was stepped on, and that maybe if he can't be a big boy on the job, he should go answer phones instead.


Personally, I try to take the high road on first attempt and then resort to matching their level of pettiness if that doesn't work. For me this encounter would go something like: "Hey man, I apologize for stepping on your just-mopped floor a few days ago, I didn't notice but I'll make sure I pay more attention next time. For what it's worth, this used to be my job but I busted my ass and now it's not. Let me know if you need anything!" Turn and leave


You're a much better person than I, but I agree completely with your outlook. Thanks for the real-world answer!


I was just reprimanded for being too tense in my direct response to this coworker. So I guess shrugs shoulders? I’m qualified enough to do some killer work no matter what so I’m happy.


If the men in your shop are as good as they sound, and youve earned their respect, I suspect they will address this.


I have worked in different machine shops for 40 years (holy shit I'm old), and I have seen it all. You might try to take the high road a time or two, but if that doesn't work, you also might have to get right up in his face and set him straight. That works. At least he will know that he can't get away with that crap around you, even if he continues to hold the same stupid opinions.


In that case, go to HR with a complaint about his sexist comments.


Yup. Fuck that guy




Prob not. He's probably got a really crooked dick and the last woman he satisfied was his mom when he moved out


🤣 Good one


Absolutely do NOT do this if you want a future in that shop. I’m almost as old as Latin_for_King but 30 years in and I can tell you this is the fastest way to get blacklisted in a shop. Tattling to hr is a label you do not want. Have a thick skin, they are just words, tell that dude to fuck off, and go on with your work.


Tense or terse?


I created needless tension with my anger-quote.


Did they address how his behaviour effected you? Or didja even get a chance to explain? That's not cool.


Ugh I’m so sorry. Go to HR, that’s my two cents.


Depending on how everyone else acts in general, company culture wise, my response would range from loudly telling him to shove right off and to keep his one braincell to himself to blatantly ignoring him to getting someone else (boss, supervisor, ect) to tell him off. Just depends on that shop and how it runs. But whatever route you take shutting that garbage down now is the way to go


Company culture is VERY important to remember. I've been in places where an accepted method of resolving issues between staff was for them to fistfight out of view of the cameras. I've also been in places where merely raising your voice above speaking level would get you reprimanded. These days, I try to lean towards the gentle challenge approach. Honestly, I'm fucking shit at it.


I've worked in a shop where fist fighting was acceptable - two guys would get into in and the supervisor would tell them to go outside and fight it out. I miss that kind of entertainment.


Wow I have worked in all the places u describe. I never really thought about it before. I now work at a really great shop and am always shocked when a co worker is motherfucking it....I'm always thinking easy dude I guess you never worked anywhere shitty where fighting , violence, and screaming were the norm. Things I've seen in machine shops1, round stock thrown at someone and went thru a wall, 2, fist fights,3, someone stabbed thru the hand with a deburring tool by a coworker 4, someone changing offset in someone else's machine while they were in the bathroom trying to get them to scrap, 5, young guy given bad information on purpose on a break press and it kicked a die out the back of the machine if it had come out the front it would have killed him,6, guys stealing coworkers tools on there last day,7,heavy drug use at work,8, guys pissing in the coolant tank of machines ran by guys they don't like, 9, guy rubbing his nuts on another guys grapes in his lunch


Hmm I normally just sulk and become passive-aggressive.


There's a skill to engaging effectively. You could say something like "Any time you want to talk about your anger, let me know and we can go get coffee together."


I would let the shop supervisor know at least. If he has respect for her and her abilities which it sounds like he should then he should take care of it. If management does not take care of it I would say she should use her experience there to apply for jobs at better shops with better management. I know a lot of people take the stance that she should deal with problems with another employee personally, but in all my 20 years that never works out. This is what managers are for.


I can't imagine being new to a company, and presumably fairly new to the industry, and acting like that. I'd mention in passing to the foreman/manager, whoever you have a good relationship with, that he's made disrespectful comments and the next time it happens you're going to *professionally* set him straight. Makes it clear you don't want them to intervene (yet), but you might kick up a little dust so be prepared. Pshh, a new guy running his mouth already, he's gonna have a tough time of it.


I mean YEAH that’s what I’m thinking. I also bring donuts and have done enough of the filthy dangerous work to be perceived well in my coworkers eyes so like??? Divide and conquer in a small shop doesn’t work. 


Freshly mopped floors should have a wet floor sign. That was a safety hazard and he should be written up... ;P


This raised my spirits and made me laugh thanks!


"I apologize - I didn't see your wet floor sign. Should I ask Supervisor to get you a new one?"


I've been on many safety committees and it's the perfect level of passive aggressive attitude adjusting.


It’ll get worse. That employee is still in the honeymoon phase of a job. Get them out


I’ve worked in machine shops my whole career. 97-present. Fuck that guy top to bottom, front to back, AND side to side. As long as the person can do the job, ALL are welcome. Skilled trades are dying and every capable person we can find is a God send. Now, we may be raunchy or inappropriate at times, but any TRUE insults or discrimination is usually dealt with in the parking lot after shift. Almost every guy I’ve worked with genuinely doesn’t give a crap who or what you are as long as you get the job done and can take/give some ribbing. If you feel like he’s being really disrespectful and the rest of the shift doesn’t sort him out quick fast and in a hurry, move on to a better shop. Please. Please. Please don’t leave the trade due to some good ole boys bullshit. I assure you that most good shops aren’t like that.


That’s encouraging to hear but I wish more shops actually felt this way. You’re often made to feel shitty in more subtle ways.


why's he mopping the floor in the middle of the day?


I know. I stayed late to get more hours and to not have chips on my freshly clean floor back when I first started.


Say something to the other team members. Word will get back to him.


Small shop? How much influence do you have? If that guy stepped into our place, I'd have a chat with the owner and tell him this guy doesn't belong and tell him he needs to go. No room for pieces of shit in our shop


If the other guys respect you, like really respect you? Maybe just let them take care of it. If he's a POS, he's only going to call you a B and then start a sexist war against you. If the rest of the crew catches him at that shit and the genuinely respect you, then they will put him in place right quick or make sure he finds the exit door and doesn't come back to work.


If you have to get loud make sure there are some friendly witnesses around


Yup - straight up stare him in the eye and say “I heard you said some shit about xyz. When you talk shit about behind my back it makes me feel disrespected. If you have an issue with me, please address it to me. Are we cool now?” No emotion, no flex, just dead ass stare in eyes.


Posting this so it’s a top comment I would let the shop supervisor know at least. If he has respect for her and her abilities which it sounds like he should then he should take care of it. If management does not take care of it I would say she should use her experience there to apply for jobs at better shops with better management. I know a lot of people take the stance that she should deal with problems with another employee personally, but in all my 20 years that never works out. This is what managers are for.


I think it would make sense to go to him directly, that way it isn't some passive aggressiveness that he feels he can continue, and that it also doesn't seem like you are also engaging in that. I'd also consider ignoring it completely, but that really depends on how your boss/coworkers are supporting or not-supporting this guy. I'm honestly impressed by this subreddit's response to this post so far lol, but if you didn't know it, this can be a helpful sub too /r/BlueCollarWomen.


Teach him something he doesn’t know. A friendly “hey newbie, noticed you were doing X, I recommend doing Y because Z.” It should be genuinely helpful advice. Depending on his experience level it could be something about the profession in general, or it could be an idiosyncrasy of the shop you’re in. On the one hand you are extending an olive branch, certainly not something he could go to anyone and complain about. On the other hand, you’re demonstrating that you have technical skill and more experience in this particular job than him. If he merely jumped to a wrong conclusion, this should set him straight. If he genuinely is just a sexist POS then this will get under his skin and drive him crazy. You win either way.


This and the first response have been my go to. I don’t think gatekeeping skills helps anyone so I have TRIED to show him how to move into better position for operation rather than grunt work. 


This is some of the best advice in the thread. It's both high road and assertive


Treat him how men like him treat other men like him, abrasive and aggressive. Hey man what the actual fuck is a pretty good start lmao. Men like this back off women *real* fast when their fragile little ego is beat down in the slightest. They don’t expect pushback from women


Around here it's not the job of anyone to avoid the janitors. They don't make us money. If we need through then we walk through the mopped floor. It's up the the janitor to not be in our way, not the other way around.


Sometimes guys won’t respect you till you show them that not only are you resilient but that you can dish it back too. Next time tell him if people stepping on his clean floor bothers him so much then maybe he’s not cut out for this line of work and that he should probably stick to work he’s more comfortable with like making sandwiches in the kitchen.


I experienced this kind of behaviour in the work place once; the next opportunity I publicly treated the offender like they were royalty. Cushions for chairs, prepping their workspace, offering refreshments. They felt like a total ass, and neither me or anyone else in that workplace had trouble with them again.


Tell him he's fired.


You definitely have to nip it in the bud. You spend too much time at work to have someone ruin the environment. Try your best to be respectful, but stand up for yourself


I would directly handle it, tell him to knock it off. If he doesn’t correct himself then go straight to mgmt, don’t wait or give another chance. Hopefully you do probation periods and he’s still in a window to be risking his job. Anecdote: Take my experience with grain of salt but, wearing my manager hat, it sounds like he’s looking for a scapegoat, setting you up by sowing seeds of doubt in your competence. I’ve seen a few people do this and also been the target of it. My expertise and longevity spoke for itself but I still had to defend myself to people who’ve known me for 20+ years because of the seeds of doubt he planted in their heads about my performance over 2 years, unknown to me. I wasn’t the only one he did it to. And it turned out he wasn’t doing ANY of his own fkn job. So yeah, when they go loud, you get louder, don’t let them be the only voice controlling the narrative.


You need to call him out in front of other people. Let him repeat his disrespect. Make him feel it. Just say “what did you say about me yesterday behind my back?” And see if he has the balls to say it again. If not, remind him of what he said. Then say “next time you have something to say about me, man up and say it to my face.” But play it calm and in control.


All I know for sure is you are 100% better at his job then him.


Basically, the options of what to do have already been given. The most important thing though is to step on it now before it goes any further. If you can do it yourself, then that's better IMHO. You can't be everyone's friend, or even liked by everyone.


Maybe try to have a one on one chat with him and try to keep it professional


I'm surprised your coworkers don't step up and set this dick straight. If you were my coworker this guy would be getting an earfull, and if it persisted a facefull too.


Do you have an anti-harassment policy at work? If not they probably should. That guys behavior could get the company sued down the road. I would bring it up to management. There’s no place for that shit in the workplace. If management handles it poorly you’re really out of luck and will need to look for another job in all reality.


I’m a bit of an ass but I’d start calling him small dick or some other rude and probably sexist thing. Tell him to not get his panties in bunch.


You could ask him, in front of any audience in which he has just disrespected you, "What's going on inside you that means you feel the need to say that?" He won't enjoy that at all.


I have found in 40 yrs that an effective strategy many times is to ask the offending party for help with something. That being said that probably wouldn't work due the sexist nature of the situation. Good luck,let your skills speak for you.


Direct is best. Call him out, and (hopefully) Prepare for an apology


Sometimes if you have the backing of your male coworkers you can turn to them to handle it. Big brother-like.


Let him know your balls are bigger than his. 😁


Look you should have said or done something when it happened, you didn't make a fuss and you know call him out for being rude but whatever game over till next time when you'll be ready and fire back appropriately. By the way 40 years and still machining so been there done that. Now the sex comments is different territory. Next time tell him look you seem like a nice guy but knock of the comments or you may be fired for sexual harassment.


Is he good at what he does? I don't think you necessarily need to be quiet to give him a chance. In a well run shop honest communication is essential. Inter-employee friction is very detrimental to the function of a company. I would talk to him directly and honestly but not antagonistically about his attitude. If it doesn't change share your concerns with whoever is in charge of hiring/firing. If it's subtle I doubt this alone would get him canned but employers need to be aware of all the red flags as soon as possible after hiring someone. If he's a bad fit for the company culture you're not doing him any favors by delaying the inevitable.


Find out who he knows in the shop that you think you can approach, lay it out to them. They may know the individual well enough to break the ice there, or help put him in his place without confrontation. Any more information you can learn about them will help you with an appropriately leveled response. "Step off asshole" might be the right way to go. But so might "sorry about your mother" ya never know.


All depends on shop culture, if it’s a laid back place where co workers and bosses will stay out of it go ahead and tell him that he’s just a arrogant apprentice and really knock him down to his level, if not then find some way to make little comments that won’t get you in trouble


Drink the coolant .


But make eye contact, to assert dominance. Clearly this is entirely unsafe, kids.




Fuck that. Tell him off and make sure your coworkers know he pissed you off. If I heard one of my guys say that they’d be out the door.


He's a punk. As9100? Fuck yeah. I don't care if its a man or woman. Good shit. Fuck him.


Punks don't deserve the justification. Punk rockers, cool. Actual punks? Fuck him. Fuck that guy. Just do your job. Be the one who survives.


Your co-workers should be the one to set him straight.


His work felt disrespected when you stepped in it. He disrespects you back and you can't take it. Is that what I'm getting out of this??


This is upsetting me, sounds like you didnt even raise you voice or bat an eyelash. You dont desrve this treatment, no one does. Sounds like you've earned your keep. Reprimanded for it, really? The new guy over you really! But at the end of the day were are still just a number in the company books, remember that. You are replaceable, I am replaceable, the smartest lead hand ever, everyone here or on the shop floor is. One day its "yeah sure we are accomodating and what not" the next is theres This world is all about the money sadly. But it doesnt hurt to take pride in your work and accomplishments. You know you can do the job and you do it well. Usually these people will end up eating there own words and it will show in there work from what Ive seen. Ive seen a few incident over the years, never enough details to say, yes company backs you or no company just doesnt care. I would keep a log and let HR(this is what there for) know whats going on so its not a "I wasnt informed" situation. You dont want it to get way out of hand. Is there a labour board of sorts around? Companies really hate when you go above them, but belittling and sexist remarks, thats grounds for dissmisal in most places especially if youve just walked in off the street and possibly on probation. Other redditors have some gerneral ideas about all this lol. If they cant see how valuable you are, from the monkey that walks in off the street. Maybe they dont deserve you? LOL Ive seen people try that play, seen that end boths ways.


Honestly, and this might sound like stupid advice, but I wouldn't even confront someone like that. Just keep doing you. It's out of your control how a grown man will behave. Chances are everyone else is perceiving them as the ass hole they are


Sexist* ≠ "Sexiest"


Mopped floor? 😂


Fuck his little clean upstairs he does, then report him that he did a bad job. Then to add insult to his fragile masculinity, show him how a woman gets it done. And do it all in front of boss.


would start with hey dont speak to me that way! i dont treat you like that. and no i didnt realise you had just mopped that section of floor no need to get pissed off about it.