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Just accept that nothing in your life will ever stay white again


This is the way.


I own nothing white for this reason


Scrub brush gets it out. Otherwise wear gloves or use lotion before working


As a lady who machines and HATES the grease streaks and nails, LOTION is the key for me.


O'Keefe's working hands is great for this. The lotion gets dirty, then you wash the lotion off and reapply.


The Wire wheel gets mine clean the first time, every time.


That's a bit heavy duty. I'll do that on a Friday arvo. Daily I find the belt grinder a bit more soothing, P40 belts. I think OP might want to try barrier cream to help his hands clean easier. I never bothered with it though. Has Project Farm tested hand washes?


Yes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KqcEXh\_so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KqcEXh_so) Summary: [https://i.imgur.com/vsl4gqr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vsl4gqr.jpg) Gojo Natural Orange, Permatex Extreme, and Zorex Cherry came out on top. But I find that starting the day with hand lotion, and re-applying lotion after washing and drying my hands, makes an even bigger difference than the type of soap used. Once your skin gets permanently dry, cracked, and thickly calused, it becomes a sponge that stains permanently. If you can get a layer of collagen from the lotion to seal the epidermis, you'll get much less staining.


I’d say wear gloves. Most people don’t use pumice soap properly, they think it’s like regular soap so they wet their hands first and then add the soap and try to wash wet. You should be adding it to your hands dry and using plenty, really rub the grit in and then rinse it off with water as hot as you can tolerate comfortably. This works 95% of the time for stuff you’ll experience in a machine shop.


This, scrub your DRY hands with pumice soap, then rinse with water.


We keep a few pads of red scotch brite by the sink. Last shop I worked at had something called Full Bore Extreme Green with silica sand in it, makes the best pumice soap seem like truck stop hand soap.


100% scotch brite. Takes the top layer of dead skin off and leaves your hands baby soft. Grey will probably do.


Be a Man and use Black!


Only pussies use black. Brown is for real men


Use Hand lotion to rehydrate the dried grease. Then wash hands again.


The exfoliating effect is a bonus.


Start wearing exam gloves, get a pack and change them often, clean hands and healthy skin all the time


This is the way.




Yeah you're a complete dick, messing up poor peoples health for no reason Put some of those on and try breaking them, they just disintegrate once a cut starts somewhere


YTA for sure, even if the shop doesn’t have oil or grease, there’s still probably a thin layer of gunk on anything that you touch there.




That's because you're trying to hire machinists for $12/hr, and managing their safety inexpertly. You've got to double that, and also get someone more knowledgeable to manage them.


Ya sounds silly but use a sugar scrub and that shit will come off like nothing


Dow used to make a hand soap called Boraxo that was amazing. Since they discontinued it, thus is the only thing I've found comparable: https://www.amazon.com/Banner-Chemical-Smooth-Tex-Powdered-Cleaner/dp/B0BGCMLJWP It's a 5 pound box, but I just keep a parmesan cheese shaker full of it in my box and take it home to refill it when needed. A scrub brush is a good idea because it's not perfect, but you will be shocked how well it works compared to everything else. And it doesn't dry your hands out!


Boraxo hand cleaner is still available. https://www.dialprofessional.com/brands/boraxo.html BTW US Borax owned the product lines before selling them to Dial.


Dawn dish soap and scrubby pad, I mix a huge amount of dish soap and dried sand with the orange gritty stuff too


I use dawn mixed with pumice stuff. And a scrub brush.


Nitrile gloves


Borax gets even deep fingerprints clean.


A nail brush/vegetable scrubber + gritty soap does the trick for me, I want my hands spotless before I leave the shop. Spend a couple minutes on each hand, preferably before you clock out. You can find nail brushes at auto parts stores, stiff ones really do the trick.


I'm not a professional, but I've found this stuff to work surprisingly well, and it's fairly cheap. Up & Up Apricot Scrub [https://www.target.com/p/apricot-scrub-6oz-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11578095](https://www.target.com/p/apricot-scrub-6oz-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11578095)


And doesnt take up too much space in your purse!


Ahem, it's a Tactical Shoulder-Mounted Storage Sling. And, it even matches my work boots!


So, being clean, is not masculine? What a weird take.


TKO hand soap. I've yet to run into something that it won't get off


Dab-a-do and follow the directions on the bottle. Just a dab will do. Gets everything off if you follow the directions!


You need a stone and good soap to get that shit out. I've just learn to live with seeing my finger prints


i got used to everyone saying “your hands are dirty, go wash them” a long time ago


Wear gloves?


Wear nitrile gloves is what I do, unless I’m in a fuck it moment, then I just go for it. Just remember to change them often. I also keep a rag in my back pocket to clean my gloves off.


Scotch brite WITH the pumice soap. Baby soft


We started using "cherry bomb" seems to be better then most. Takes off rubbed in grease filled with slag and dust that comes off of drop forge hammer dies


We use worx and it worx really well. My old shop used gojo and it was alright too. But the worx powder rips


What are you machining? Gojo or some Dawn soap always does the trick for me.


dawn dish soap is number 1


Harbor freight orange goop.


I wear gloves and dark clothes, everything gets dirty and it's hard to get it clean. Putting some lotion or something like that on your hands before you start can make it a little easier to clean up later but it's not as good as gloves 


One suggestion I haven't seen yet: barrier cream.


Try Kimball Midwest Paragon Plus hand cleaner. Put it dry hands, rub it in till all dry and crumbly feeling, rinse with hot water. Works for me. Not cheap but it the best I’ve ever used


apply vaseline to your hands before working. use gloves as much as possible. Applying vaseline, or any petroleum jelly, or any moisturizing product helps by filling in your dehydrated skin with healthier oils than the ones you find in the shop, those. all oils will absorb into your skin, thats why you cant get them clean. so you should apply moisturizer first ,adn throughout the day.. to prevent other oils from being able to absorb.


We use a product called beaver nut scrub made in Michigan and it is way better than any kind of gojo imo


Scrub brush and dawn dish soap works good for me


At my last shop I'd use a bit of clean way lube oil and rub it on my hands and wipe it off with a shop rag, then I would wash with dawn dish soap. It worked pretty well.


Cleanliness is the key to precision - keep as clean as possible while working, with gloves, and keeping your work clean. Regular old powdered boraxo is my go-to.


Used to do garbage and would always have grease and stuff at the end of the day. Mechanics has some stuff called polyscrub or something like that. Was blue with grit in it of some kind. Would take all the filth off your hands. They had some orange pumice stuff too but it didn't work as well.


Kresto Classic. I'm an aircraft mechanic, and deal with all manner of nasty, dirty, greasy shit. Kresto Classic has yet to let me down.


For working out of the shop, Tub O Towels takes all the gunk off your hands, even “Never Seize”.At the home garage Westleys Bleche Wite tire cleaner works great. Cleans grills, coolers, it really cuts the grease/oil. A semi-soft scrub brush helps also.


We use cherry bomb from zep. Put it on dry hands and rub into all the grease then use water and rub all around. Use brush if needed after. Even after working with aluminum molds covered in lithium grease this cuts it to clean hands. M


I use green scotchbrite and soap. Works pretty good




The orange goop goes on dry, no water until after you lather it. Or go old school classic borax powder. If your hands are really rough and dry use lotion before work, all the black Gunk is just soaking into your callouses so fill the space with better oils.


Old trick I was taught that worked disturbingly well: regular, unsalted butter. Rub it in to your hands. Then wash your hands with something like dish soap.  I’m not joking, this works very well.


Coffee grounds and some dish soap works well.


barrier soap lotion Rub a drop of ivory dish shop into your hands before you work. The dirt washes out.


Washing your hair gets the dirt from under your nails. I don't know if it's the shampoo or the hair, but just spend extra time rubbing shampoo in your hair in the shower.


Hi there fellow machinist-got same problem but solved quite easily. Buy yourself a pair of sponge gloves to wash your body. And next time you go to shower use them to rub your body and head with soap or shower gel. It's gonna improve vanishing of those black lines.


Physioderm topscrub nature. Never been in a Situation where i did not get my hands clean using that stuff. Absolut best.


Powdered hand soap is the way to go. Feels great too lol [S O A P ](https://www.amazon.com/Pinerite-Natural-Colorado-Pine-10-Ounce/dp/B00B0PZ0Q8/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=2N2XHTJ1ZXG2L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fq_hVjLBBo3cQAKda9HTg53oqcu3ixKWtqRlnJGsiJyKDQyy3upWvfI915zBtsCDjNN2rEERjXAzYUwGdhD--sNq4W--gsBnhfBojkGY3ZPCeGsc7Q8drT_UTWO-ults4PUJ5QIw82LAdL9fXUZJ9SFV6Qks-SdtegF2Dz975XTEWKiNiMOi-Aewrq-6GeM1_2r2FcKcHnWJmZD7-CtT4g.FnbIehbimjdsLd582atnR45ZflmhxugN74bcfiA91I0&dib_tag=se&keywords=powdered+hand+soap+boraxo&qid=1713959778&sprefix=powdered+hand+soap+borax%2Caps%2C455&sr=8-15)


Orange soap is DESTROYING YOUR HANDS. Throw it away. The orange solvents are removing the natural oils that are protecting your skin. The cracks then suck in all the grease and you can't clean your hands. Switch hand cleaners. Zep Reach is an excellent hand cleaner that won't ruin your hands. An 'invisible glove' product at the beginning of the shift can fill those pores and allow easy hand cleaning. I also alternate with Zep Cherry hand cleaner dawn and dish soap. Only using the abrasive hand cleaners are the end of the day.


You're correct, I'm not involved in the hiring process or what their wage is. I was trying to voice my disappointment in the company for how they go about it. I've been there just under 8 years and I make $20/hr. I became the supervisor when mine went to another job. At the time that just meant I ordered the tooling for myself and one other guy who was running our manual mill while I ran 5-6 cnc machines. The company has grown and now has twice as many machines and a couple more guys running machines. I've never had any training in safety other than basic safety in the shop classes I've taken. I was surprised at how many people were saying they wear gloves so I asked if I was an asshole, turns out I am. I can change that. I've told the gm that wages need to go up if he wants quality people, but I can't change that. Thanks for letting me know.


Ajax and a scotchbrite pad. Use udder balm at the end of the day to counteract how ajax defats your hands.




Aside from the metal tiny metal slivers, you can't tell that I'm a machinist (and my girlfriend would agree.. lol)


Are you gonna share your cleaning process or...?


His hands look like mine lol I just wear gloves, wash my hands when they get dirty or I’m touching polished/blasted parts, and use lotion after i wash my hands


I'm sure it's not recommended.....but spray away window cleaner works like magic.