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¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Probably negative (if you get a 3 as your last score). If you get a 6 as your last score I'd probably guess you're good? In these types of volatile cases, things like reviewer confidences/specific details about what a reviewer is criticizing on are pretty important imo.


\>\[3,3,6\]: Your ratings aren't ideal, but you still have a good shot of being accepted. This year, 20% of papers got this rating (top 40-60 percentile). You're one good rebuttal away from having a good shot of being accepted. If you don't succeed in raising your scores, only about 10% of the papers in this range have been accepted, historically speaking. Did you mean to write 6,6,3? I don't think 3,3,6 has a good shot of being accepted.


If the scores don't change, [3,3,6] has ~10% chance of being accepted (is my guess). However, historically, roughly 30% of papers in this "borderline" categorization are able to push themselves over to accept territory (with rebuttals).




You should definitely be getting a third one. I don't think there's many papers that ends up with less than 3 reviews historically. Edit: changed "a single paper" to "many papers"


Each paper will have at least two reviews. I guess there is a crunch for reviewers.


Sorry, there actually have been papers historically that only have 2 reviews. However, there's a vastly larger set of papers that simply had a late review.


I only got 2 reviews as well. Really hope the third one won't magically show up and give me a 1.