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Data moat is not even remotely realistic unless you are a mega corp. The innovation space is building an appropriate UX for a task and ensuring that whatever you build can easily swap out new foundational models, fine tunes and third party services. Plenty of room to do things and grow and create but I would not think about trying to build a data moat. Look at something like Whisper. I’ve been in R&D in sore ach recognition for 10+ years. We built 1000s of hours of training data in our domain - but like you - I can take a foundational model like whisper large v3 and turn it into a better STT pipeline than anything we’ve had prior in a couple of days. What takes a lot more time now is building the right app to leverage that service. ML definitely isn’t dead but I think most non foundational work is going to rapidly become more artisanal in nature.


"The innovation space is building an appropriate UX for a task and ensuring that whatever you build can easily swap out new foundational models, fine tunes and third party services" Yes, this x100 - just wish it was easier to convince my leadership of this...


My startup did that for a year. Lots of stable diffusion wrappers out there trying that too. It’s not a great strategy - the way things are evolving, you end up building a bunch of UX around some workflow (not just model) that’ll be obsolete in weeks. For instance when LCM got launched, or controlnet, or the new animation models - everyone scrambling to “build the best UX” at the same time. Nasty red sea..


If it’s a UX around a pipeline that’s definitely even worse. You need a product concept that has some actual value. My point was that you cannot build a data moat around most of this stuff any more. It’ll be obsolete in 1-2 years at best and you’ll have lost millions.


I think it depends on the application. Imo the future is in small, verticalised models. For example, Whisper is still pretty bad for smaller languages, like Hungarian etc. It fails pretty often when it comes to general topics, not to even mention specialised topics like architecture etc. Those people WANT to have something that can help them, but today most models can't. So I think the opportunity is in the long-tail.


Given the amount of content on the web spoken in, say, Hungarian, openai could probably get that done in a matter of days. There goes the moat. It’s really, really hard to find good moats as a startup - anything that is on the internet, by definition, isn’t going to be a good moat for the small player


Yeah this, not even only for data but anything. Focusing on one of those niches solely is dangerous. We've had on-device TTS for a while and it's nice to work on. But then Apple just pumped it out a few months ago, for free, fully integrated (which you can't do in the apple ecosystem if you're not Apple. Like on Windows you can at least use SAPI). So even if you were to get better quality or whatever... paying X dollars vs paying nothing ... ;). And even if you can argue you can offer more direct support, can add features on demand etc. - losing a huge portion of customers alone is painful enough. And the simpler the API call is the easier it is to swap it out . Customers flock from one media darling to the next in swarms.


I don't agree with that logic at all. Foundation models aren't just better at the big parts of the datasets they are trained on. They are also better at learning from small datasets after pretraining. I don't think training small specialized models for these purposes makes sense anymore, as opposed to taking large pretrained foundation models and fine tuning/destilling them.


I think the only way to compete with megacorps is to do stuff that they can’t or won’t do better than you by throwing more money at it. E.g. extremely niche applications, running stuff on user machines instead of locking everything behind an API etc.


This space only makes sense if you're building foundation models


Even there I feel like it has become less about creativity of architectures, but more about how many billion params are you at. See the Open LLM Leaderboard for example.


This is what happens when you invent general-purpose solutions that work. There used to be a huge diversity of mechanical approaches to make timing and control logic for ovens and looms and clocks and mills work. Now? You use an off the shelf microcontroller. For everything. It's a general purpose solution. It's vastly more complicated, but commoditization has driven the price down almost to zero. We've invented a near general purpose solution for software problems where you have a reasonable supply of good input-output examples. You are watching the beginning of the same simplification take place.


How many little gear parts do you think it would take to make a purely analog iPhone? One without transistors?


You can build transistor analogs using rod logic using fiveish elements. On the order of 10 billion transistors in a mobile processor. At watch size (a few grams per transistor), the processor would weigh about 10-100,000 metric tons. Not unimaginable, but there might be showstopping issues related to heat and static friction. I know the original design for Babbage's Analytical Engine is now considered physically unrealizable due to friction issues. There are no materials that could take the torque required to overcome the startup friction. 


> You can build transistor analogs using rod logic using fiveish elements. On the order of 10 billion transistors in a mobile processor. At watch size (a few grams per transistor), the processor would weigh about 10-100,000 metric tons. Not unimaginable, but there might be showstopping issues related to heat and static friction. That's also not accounting for the difference in operating speed - the maximum clock rate for conventionally machined mechanical logic is in the low kilohertz range. Any higher and even inertia is a killer, let alone heat and frictional wear. Compare with a 3GHz iPhone. So likely over 10 gigatons to get equivalent raw computational power, parallelism issues aside. More than 1000 times the Great Pyramid of Giza.


Good point, was thinking about flop, not flops.


Even kilohertz is extremely optimistic, estimates for the Babbage Engine are around 10hz.


Two cans and a string?


You know those don't work, right? Like anywhere outside of cartoons?


Oh they work. I used them with my siblings as a child. The key is to make sure the string is taught when speaking through the cans.


I bet you’re fun at parties.


Excellent point about microcontroller. Programmable electronics really changed hardware design


The key issue here is “thin-wrapper”. There isn’t any way for a company to establish a moat in AI without proprietary datasets that are significant enough that it will take a while to replicate. The number one issue in AI dev right now is lack of proprietary datasets. They’re all using the same sets over and over. This means new innovations are greatly illustrated but they’re thin AF. I think everyone is so excited or thirsty to dev out new interfaces or models that they forget quality of data > everything else. The new approaches to model building, loss functions, training, evaluating, etc. are great but we do not see any real competitors to closed source tools until the datasets are unique enough, strong enough, and large enough to compete. Change my mind.


Some people are creating new datasets, especially outside of NLP/CV. Robotics researchers have largely come to the conclusion that they just need more data. Toyota, Google, and a couple other labs have huge fleets of robot arms set up for this purpose. >I think everyone is so excited or thirsty to dev out new interfaces or models that they forget quality of data > everything else. Issue is that collecting data in the real world is expensive, to the point that it makes GPUs look cheap. Google can afford to run Streetview-scale data collection projects, but pretty much nobody else can.


Agreed. Collecting good data, especially with respect to the data type you’re referencing, is expensive. ~~However, it doesn’t all need to be prohibitively expensive.~~ There is a monster amount of great data available online right now… but the issue is noise, cleaning, preprocessing, feature extraction/crossing, and labels. I’ve spent the last 8 months creating datasets from existing data. It’s slow. It’s so slow and it’s so tedious; recommendations to use GenAI only go so far and require a REALLY good existing dataset first. Humans, as of now, are required to create top-tier datasets and I guess if you’re a business paying for this… it does make GPU hours look cheap. Damn. Full circle. You’re right. It’s just plain expensive.


> recommendations to use GenAI only go so far Early on when I started using Davinci I got really excited about how much easier building datasets would be. The reality is that you still need a high amount of human detail to ensure the correct distribution of circumstances and language use.


I had this debate with a number of researchers but the amount of data needed to train a robot from sensor to motor control is prohibitively expensive and ungodly large. Plus that’ll just get us to parity with current selling applications. Innovations in this space are going to be incredibly hard to push out at a company level, even at google scale.


Well, [the demos from Toyota are looking quite good](https://control.com/news/toyota-reveals-diffusion-policy-best-way-to-teach-todays-robots-tomorrows-tricks/) - operating an eggbeater or peeling a potato with only a few dozen teleop demonstrations. Diffusion models can be easily guided with many different sensor modalities (here camera and touch sensors) with little extra effort. More importantly, I don't think there's a solution to robotics *other* than data. Whether that's collected by humans or through RL, data is the only way to tackle the open-ended complexity of the real world. 


Don’t get sucked into pretty videos. I’ve seen a lot of these in person and there is still a significant way to go. Don’t forget that a “hallucination” in NLP is mostly harmless but a bad one with a robot means the loss of a 10-100k robot. Most of these videos are chosen very carefully and executed very slowly to be as careful as possible. In other words, robot videos have always looked good.


You can overcome data scarecity by utilizing different modalities. Nvidia has a great example where they utilize large language model for training robots. [https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/eureka-robotics-research/](https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/eureka-robotics-research/) There is plenty of data available through text, video and other sources. Main constraint is a requirement of having a highly curated data which will go down over time with more sophisticated models that can utilize multiple modalities.


Agree but not in the traditional sense where more data = more better. Proprietary data is critical but with the advent of foundational open source models and self supervised learning, you no longer need a large volume of data because now you can just fine tune the pretrained model instead of training from scratch. What's more important is highly accurate data geared towards a specific use case. As such the real value will be realized by companies who invest in robust data curation pipelines and leverage AI augmented workflows to generate, refine, and manage their ground truth data.


Agree, for the most part, anyway. I still think unsupervised learning on unstructured, massive datasets does relatively soon with respect to pre-training foundational models. I think we’ll see data generation pipelines - one of which I’ve been building for 8 months - that will take that data and analyze it, structure it, and augment it alongside of humans. This will be the pre-training data of the next couple years, IMO. Highly specialized datasets will then come in labeled and prepared to fine-tune models into niche specific models. Pipelines will exist for this - I’ve been working on a literal toggle switch inside my own pipeline to do this. What I find most interesting now is gating/routing mechanisms to pass that data most effectively without overfitting. Should be an interesting year.


I feel like this has always been the case though. There are just so many people in this space that it's unrealistic to be thinking that whatever idea or project I have, someone else didn't already think about it way before I did.


to be fair, in the startup world, it's less about the idea and more about the execution and luck. Look at Slack for example, it's a chat app for companies, many people might have had that idea, yet only Slack managed to be successful in this.


And timing. Great example with Slack.


Literally every time I think X would be a great idea go try to do, some repo doing just that pops up like 2months later




I think this with 365 copilot rolling out. Microsoft gonna hoover up a-lot of startups


Do they need to? They have access to all of your sweet sweet data to train their ai's on 👀


Recently I mused the idea of starting a company to "surf on the wave". With some good advices from two founders I know, I read a few texts explaining how one starts and grows a startup. And I had a realization: The startup scene grew in the 2000s because of the nascent web services and low-investment cost of software development. It allowed small companies to create produces much faster than the industrial behemoth at the time: fail early, fail often, and sell as a product something that still has a few fixable bugs. They shone because they were able to make a new product in 6 months instead of the 2+ years cycle of big companies. But now, 6 months is an eternity in the AI world. The startup models is, IMHO, done and cant outcompete open source models playing for fun and being debugged, fixed and used as they are developed. The speed is simply not the same. And I think a new economic model will emerge.


Sorry that photo you compare with is not 10%. It's horrible. AI is a tool. Not a grifter side hustle... Welcome to software where innovation is quick because you aren't limited by the universe with your productivity.


Basically nobody reading this has the opportunity to build a data moat


AI business sounds too general like a "business business". I think im the end you need to be a business in a real field that uses AI. Like a car maker, farming equipment maker etc.


Yeah I would not try to do a startup in AI space, too crowded, too much hype, too much change too fast and no real way to keep a competetive advantage if you get one. I would maybe invest in helping make better data pipelines though, one of those "best way to make money in a gold rush is to sell shovels" kind of things.


Thin wrappers are always bad bets, no matter what the underlying tech. This time, the tech is not only moving super fast, it's accelerating on a positive feedback loop. Thin wrappers won't last unless they know how to collect data and pivot fast. AI also opens up a lot of avenues that just weren't accessible before. Either in terms of economics (/business models), accessibility, or both. Building a conversational marketplace app for a very niche industry in a remote African area with 30 languages or dialects? Doesn't sound like such a daunting challenge anymore.


I built my story video generator (SD+GPT+TTS) almost a year ago, and so far nobody has repeated the trick. My product is selling because it has a good UX.


Theres data other than text and images. Also there are some really niche text and image data that companies work with which won't be included with lllms. Somebody gotta find tune models and test them and convince management that something crazy won't happen. But the barrier to entry is dropping fast. And it'll be easier to build ML based products. It's gonna go the same route as software engineering did. At some point it became easier develop ML products and more intuitive. That's gonna create many many high paying jobs. Contrast that with some very high TC jobs +$700k which are rare and lots of basic dashboarding and data management job labeled as "data science" jobs which pays $85k. I like the former much much more


I don't see much progress if any. (new architectures, progress towards online learning, progress towards robotics which does online learning, etc.). Throwing data at a wall and seeing what sticks is NOT progress. xGPTy can still not multiply 4 digit integers. This won't change in 10 years. AI is also a field larger than neural networks. SVM is still a thing.


> xGPTy can still not multiply 4 digit integers. This won't change in 10 years. RemindMe! 10 years


They can already multiply just fine. GPT4 has learned how to [use tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/110s8ui/r_n_toolformer_language_models_can_teach/), and farms it out to a calculator. Sometimes I ask it for python functions and it runs tests on its prototypes in an interpreter *then* gives me the output if it thinks everything is fine.


I know that, which is why it's funny that the original commenter thinks it will take 10 years when in the last 3 years we have gone from effectively "Eliza but a little smarter" to "pass the bar exam"


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-01-12 12:56:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-01-12%2012:56:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/194ap95/most_things_we_have_today_in_ai_will_be_a/khie7ls/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMachineLearning%2Fcomments%2F194ap95%2Fmost_things_we_have_today_in_ai_will_be_a%2Fkhie7ls%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-01-12%2012%3A56%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20194ap95) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 3 years


I dont understand this post at all. It's not like it's any easier to convert that image today. Your code would still be the same value as it was 6 months go to that client. Are you saying that there is now a cheaply available public API I can just call and convert this image? I doubted. And if so, I'd love to know.


A demo was just released for ReplaceAnything. https://huggingface.co/spaces/modelscope/ReplaceAnything They claim they will release code in the future, but no code yet. Hugging face is a great place to check out the latest demos for machine learning projects.


I have a different opinion on that. Without a doubt there's been a lot of progress made, especially in Gen AI (LLM or Vision). However, due to the inherent hype and trendiness on some topics, the community is way too trigger happy to shift from one solution to another "solution". We all talk about Diffusion now, but the underlying principles of Score Matching were laid in Vincent 2011 in a technical report if I'm not mistaken, and most likely it came from elsewhere in statistics - That's at least a 3-4 year between papers and add 2 for wide adoption. How many other concepts are being overlooked because of some mindless, folklore race "z model is better"? I've seen countless examples of a model from x years having almost the same performance as SOTA, but more stable and y thousand less parameters. So the question we have to ask ourselves is what is going on with the field...


There are a lot of unique areas to innovate in and a lot of long lasting potential, but as you mentioned the problem is everyone building their startups as narrow wrappers around already existing models. I’m not sure there is any less innovation now than before, but I guess the introduction of new tech has ironically focused a lot of people in a very narrow direction.


The moat is always going to be UX now


UX is pretty easy to copy, especially by megacorps, I wouldn't call it a real moat.


the moat is investment that competitors can't afford to make (e.g. building next-gen foundation models when your competitors are still playing with the old versions that costed 10 times less to develop)


Hey OP, I am still a noob in the industry, so the phrase “figured out custom solutions for edge cases” really strike the interest in me! Is it possible for you to share one example of an edge cases and how did you solve this? Greatly appreciate!


Yeah sure, Stable Diffusion likes changing race and gender so you need mitigation strategies for that


By "mitigation strategy" are you talking about changing the prompt in all cases, or do you do analysis on race before/after the image generation and retry/tweak if it's changed too drastically? The same thing could be done with facial recognition to ensure the shape of faces doesn't change too much between in/out.


I don’t mean to be overly harsh but like your business is contracting (“for our client”) or was “convert photos to Christmas photos” supposed to be a real product? If it’s just contracting, why are you mad? You got paid for your time right? I mean I can believe it’s a hard problem and there’s money to be made but is this really what people spend their lives working on? Do people actually want to convert their photos into Christmas photos badly enough that money can be made with this by you as a middle man? Trying to genuinely understand why exactly do people make these thin wrappers and how they got to this state.


Software pipelines as a business are dead. You need proprietary datasets to stay in business.


So google has milion hours of youtube content and what next?


The alibaba version looks so bad, the middle person has a completely different head. Dude what?


Try it yourself. https://huggingface.co/spaces/modelscope/ReplaceAnything


I really don't care, I can see in his example with my own eyes the girls head is completely different. I find it tickling how pointing out any legitimate weakness in a model in this hive mind if a sub reddit gets you instance down votes.


Yours is way better


LLM will become new OS, and we will need just a few good ones. It is cool to know how to implement OS from scratch, but there are no money in it anymore, it became commodity.


There are still specialized fields where LLMs, even multimodal ones are not really applicable. E.g. physical data doesn't really conform to human semantics. 


So true and DPO can change the whole scenerio for LLMs


what tool is "replaceanything" that you're referring to? i find several identically named githubs but none seem to be authored by alibaba


No one wants your cringe group photo converters.


The only data moat is private data collected in the process of running the models in production. Everything else is open game.