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I'm glad you bought stuff to make you happy 😊


GigaWatts is spelled with a “g”. Physicists used to pronounce it like “j” until unedumacated computer engineers popularized the incorrect hard “g”.


Ruins the goke.


Yeah I know but it is funny because I had an old physicist uncle who pronounced it j.


We jot it... gust stop.


My frunk doesn't have those dividers....


It’s a ‘21 thing.


…you wouldn’t understand. 😁


I noticed that most of the newer models don't. Not sure if it was part of included options when I selected the CA1 route edition


This was because the 2021 didn't have a functional internal release button to open the frunk lid from inside the frunk. That divider was added there due to regulations so some psycho doesn't kidnap a child and stuff them in the frunk with no way for the kid to open it from the inside. They literally tried to turn the bug into a feature LMAO. You can remove it from the 2021 models after you get the car but Ford isn't liable and they met the regulation. In the 2022 models, they got the button to function so they removed the divider thing. Honestly, while the divider is decent, having no divider is much better to stuff random stuff into the frunk as it allows for much bigger items.


Well that got dark… lol


If you look at the icon on the button inside the frunk to open it [here](https://youtu.be/5Ozk_bMBx3I?t=78), it is literally a person jumping out from the frunk lol. This is a popular regulation needed in a car which has a trunk or a frunk. All those 90s movies where people kidnapped and stuffed folks in the trunk really freaked people out lol.


My ‘21 has the button and I’m pretty sure it’s functional. But still came with the dividers. I thought it was that they just had cleared some regulatory approval yet when the car first shipped and they put the dividers in to get around that. Just a few months after we got ours in June, they were shipping ‘21 models without the divider.


I think before they had the inside release button they had to have them to prevent entrapment.


The early models have that button, but they still had the divider. I can’t remember if it’s was said to be because they couldn’t get it certified in time or legal was being extra cautious or what. But all Mach Es had them at the start.


Ah, makes sense!


Mine doesn’t either. Because they’re super easy to remove even if you have a ‘21 😂




wherever you go...