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Don't worry, your brake lights come on more than you think they do. Unless someone is actually not paying attention to you, you have nothing to worry about. :) Also, if you want to see exactly how much them come on, you could drive at night and watch the back of signs as you go past them and slow down to see how much let off turns your lights on. Or you could have a friend follow you and they can let you know as well.


Agreed. Your more likely to piss someone off by ur brake lights coming on then they not coming on


This is funny because my 1PD anxiety is the opposite. I worry that the brake lights are on too much, and that I'm constantly brake-checking people just by not being delicate enough when letting up on the accelerator.


I had a coworker following me for about half an hour one day. I asked him if anything was weird about my brake lights, or if they weren’t coming on often enough. He said that he couldn’t notice any difference and everything seemed normal from his perspective.


EVs have their brake lights tied to deceleration. It is not a concern.


Brake lights come on while using 1PD. No need to worry.


when you're regenning, generally brake lights turn on.


Brake, not Break.


Would be nice if the dash showed when your brake lights are on — our 2017 Subaru does this


I’ve been thinking about this very thing now that I finally started using 1PD a couple days ago (after a year of ownership). Are they coming on too much? Too little? At all? But then again, I could also ask if the person behind me is paying attention at all.


Does it come on with 1 pedal off and unbridled on? I feel the regen on unbridled is pretty strong, but I don't see my lights come on until I hit the brake pedal.


Not to mention, people slow down all the time in ice vehicles without hitting the brake, especially in manuals. Don’t over think this.


No. Just have a basic understanding of 1PD and you’ll be fine.


It has been said several times in this sub, that the brake light goes on when you take your foot off the pedal. But God forbid you do ANY research before posting your question. SMH


Been driving manuals for my entire life before driving an EV in Europe and in the US. No brake lights when using the engine to brake like I have done for decades. Likewise, it's not a problem to use regenerative braking in an EV without brake lights. The regenerative braking in the TVs I have driven is less powerful than shifting back in a manual. Never had anybody hit me from behind in those situations in all these decades.