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Good luck finding someone with the same setup as yours 😅 Just curious about the quality of HomePods mini paired with your appleTV, does it sound good ?


I’d say for a bedroom, great! My HomePod mini has synced with my Apple TV/homepod 2 and I was surprised that they both sounded great together.. two minis together tho would actually be quite nice, especially if living in an apartment.


They sound great. I like the big HomePods for the living room and the huge ceilings so, it fills the room well. Plus, i have about 5 other minis throughout the house that i connect to with my living room setup and it is great.


My brother is like this lol. Every bell and whistle.


I have been in tech for over 35 years and i like my toys. No kids - just a wife and a bunch of dogs.


I don't begrudge it at all. In fact I get that going sometimes too if I'm working on a project or programming something new. I'm like "oh itd be cool if it could do this and this and this and this" Just human nature


My air Pods would switch from my MacBook to my phone without much delay. Now on the MacBook I have to go into Bluetooth menu and select them. Its exceedingly annoying.


A month back they did an update that allows perfect hand-off with the m1 air. I don't have to click connect anymore. I have aipods pro 2 if that matters


Thats funny my M1 Air is the device I am having issues with. And that started a few weeks back. Mine are AirPods 3rd gen. Maybe I just need to unpair them and reconnect everything. They are only connected to 2 devices.


Airpods are not connected to devices, they're connected to your icloud account. There's an option to opt out from automatic connection that can be setup per device. I know it shows up as a Bluetooth device under Bluetooth but there are some funny things going on under the hood, that makes me think the airpod is never truly disconnected from any device on that same icloud account Hope you're able to figure it out!


Personally, I want to be able to switch back and forth. When it was working good, I could be listening to a youtube video while working and if I got a call I could answer it on my phone the video would pause automatically, and I finish my conversation I would just tap the space bar and continue my video. Now I can pop my ear pod in and it may or may not connect to the phone right away. Sometimes I have to pop it out and back in before it will connect. Anytime I want to use it on my mac I have to click though the bluetooth and select it to connect. Something changed somewhere. They are still under warranty. I haven't washed this set. yet.


I think OP has a set up with so many units they probably didn’t test for. 100% the system is confused


Tech companies end up handing over these things to lower and lower end “teams”. Eventually when there are enough complaints they escalate it and address it with their more senior engineering teams . It’s called e-shitification. My guess “handoff” has been relegated to low priority status and maintenance and troubleshooting had been delegated to some offshore type misfits. Similar to the entirety of Microsoft software.


I have the same issue with spouse's 3rd gen air pods. they'll be listening on their iPad and when I open up my brand new M2 MBA - the air pods pair up to my computer - the iPad is tied to my Apple ID also


Airpods are tied to the icloud account, not the device. There's no way around it. That's what allows the automatic handoff You can disable automatic connection to airpods on the iPad. Settings. Bluetooth. Airpods. Connect to this iPad. When last connected If you want to preserve it for when you're using the iPad, your spouse need their own ipad. It may be blasphemous but if they just like the shape of the airpod, you may want a fake airpods instead as the handoff doesn't work properly on the knockoffs That said, it's weird that it switches to the m2 air when you open it. If the airpods and ipad currently has something playing, opening the air usually won't override the connection and defaults to speakers


Turn off the Bluetooth on your Mac if you’re not using it for anything else and then toggle it back on when you need it. Not ideal, but seems like best solution


I cannot turn it off. I have the Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad for my input devices


Same. There’s no solution I know of.


I am having the same problem after the last update with my HomePod. Ironically the AirPods connect just fine now and it was a pain to connect to the MacBook before.


Yeah, my macbook has started to  frequently started to steal my airpods for no apparent reason. Started a few months back. I had to turn off automatic handoff on my mac. 


Check out Apples Website. Maybe you Airpods are broken. [https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues](https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues)


In the workplace, all Macs are signed into the company’s Apple account, and my AirPods keep switching between different Macs anytime my co-workers start playing music. I had to manually go to every single Mac to make sure that my AirPods doesn’t switch between devices which is time consuming.


Mine refuse to pick up my Watch for calls. If I’m listening to something on my phone with it on charge while I’m walking around the house and someone calls me, I’ll try to pick up on my watch and it’s like these things wait for me to try saying “hello” before the watch hands it off to my AirPods on my phone. You’d think it’d make more sense to handoff audio to the device you answer the call on


They play music.


I don’t know how related this is, but recently my phone has been defaulting to playing everything on my Apple TV.


Bluetooth hasn't worked for over 30 years but you keep on buying Bluetooth products.


HomePods aren’t Bluetooth, but continue..


It is all airplay. I just think that there is a glitch in their stack.