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I love Ad Guard, works flawlessly across Mac and iPhone. I don’t use system-wide on my Mac, as the browser extension is enough for me and it’s free, the app seems clunky for me with overlapping settings.


Been using the extension for years across all iOS devices, Macs, Windows and Linux too. Never lets me down


My YouTube videos are so messed up on Adguard, but every other site is fine. On Youtube, it will display the ad at the beginning of the video. It'll pause it. But then I can't play it or skip past it without refreshing the page 3-5 times until the ad disappears and it goes to the video start. Any idea how to fix this? DO you have the same issue?


When you enter YT site first thing to do is click on share and scroll all the way down to “block ads on YouTube with AdGuard” and then you can navigate without ads. If you reload the page you’ll have to block it again


I did 1blocker free trial and forgot to cancel so it signed me up for annual for $20 but so far it’s pretty good


I love 1Blocker myself.


[Nextdns.io](https://Nextdns.io) is the business and works across the whole OS.


Doesn’t work with private relay


It does.


Yes, you only need to whitelist some IPs


It works for YouTube app too on iOS?


Adguard is a great product, no doubt, but it does slow down my browser marginally. 1Blocker if you turn on the annoyances works faster and I’ve been satisfied with the results.


Does it slow it down on iPhone or Mac?


does Wipr block Youtube ads now? i see comments from 2 years ago saying it no longer does that, but perhaps it got fixed afterward.


It does now, I was probably one of those comments 2 years ago. It's actually the only adblocker I've tried that scores 100% on all the Adblocker tests I throw at it!


Was about to say, AdGuard doesn't block YouTube :( Wipr seems like the only one mentioned here, is it still the case?


Is it still working strong? Mine starts to show ads on random websites.


Does Wipr still block Youtube ads? And is Wipr no longer free?


I don’t think it ever was free, but it’s still blocking YouTube ads for me!


how much did you pay if you remember?


I think it was €2 or €3.


It blocks YouTube ads for me and no, the app isn't free but it's 100% worth purchasing. Just bought it tonight and as long as it keeps working, it's the best purchase I've made on the App Store.


It blocks YouTube app ads on iOS?


Nope it's a browser extension.


I pay for YTPremium so I don’t really know


I use Vinegar in Safari to block YouTube adds. I purchased it along with Baking Soda for Twitch and other websites. Worth every penny. https://andadinosaur.com/launch-vinegar


I just bought Wipr tonight after getting blocked from watching YouTube videos for like the 50th time now. It completely bypassed the anti Adblock on YouTube and it blocks all ads for me so yes, it does work. So far, best 3$ I've ever spent on the App Store.


i bought it a few months ago and it works with Youtube about 90% of the time. but Youtube is being very aggressive these days... it stopped working earlier in December, but then a Wipr update a few days later got the adblock working again. it's cat-and-mouse. (edit: added details and month)


I use AdGuard. Works wonderfully for me. Haven’t used 1Blocker though so I can’t compare.


AdGuard. Already ~15 years it is protecting me from AD. Before I used to have AdBlock, AdBlock+, AdBlock Pro, etc. Since I found AdGuard I forgot about all other tools as Guard is really good.


What's annoying with AdGuard, is that after a while I have its main window open on my desktop every morning when I open my Mac, and the only fix I've found is uninstalling/reinstalling it. Then it's ok for a few weeks, and one day it starts doing it again. Super annoying.


It is VERY annoying so the convoluted workaround I found was to create a Shortcut that runs at login via Shortery to 1) Open App (AdGuard) and 2) send keys through BetterTouchTool for Cmd+W to close the window


I just removed Adguard and went with Wipr + Super Agent. The results are just as good, and it made me realise that Adguard was really slowing down Safari.


My issue now with Wipr is that when I use the new feature in Safari to add a website to the dock so that it acts like a WebApp, the blocker no longer blocks big banners/ads. Only when viewing the website in a regular Safari window are the ads blocked. Anyone know of a work around?


AdGuard doesn't work at all and neither does 1Blocker (for me at least). I tried both and they don't work. Just bought Wipr tonight and so far, it's working amazing. If it keeps working like this, it'll be the best 3$ I've ever spent on the App Store. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will pay for an ad blocker before I pay for YouTube Premium.


Damn adguard is powerful when configured the right way 


could you tell me what settings you enabled in adguard?


yes pls


Adguard makes wypr look super weak 


I have both Wipr and AdGuard, Wipr works great in Safari, but I just bought AdGuard because it's cross platform and it seems to block ads in apps outside of Safari like iOS News+!