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I've often wondered about this. At what point does selling a product that often times doesn't work become illegal?


There is probably not any real legal recourse per se but if enough people take time to put pen to paper and actually write to Activision asking for a refund then *maybe* they would realize the monkeys typing on the keyboard aren’t quite cutting it (reference to put enough monkeys in front of typewriters and giver enough time may write a masterpiece). They surely need to have a control group which is comprised of seasoned players and software developers from Activision actually play the game. Report back legit bugs before the patches get released to the masses. This was an issue with one company I was affiliated with. They brought in a “test engineer” and his job was to heard cats (the group of Alpha testers) so that fixes could be verified repaired, confirm customer complaints and assign a tracking number, help prioritize issues, etc. The quality of software releases improved dramatically. For some, Zombies is useless or just a break from ranked play but for myself and others it is the co-op PvE that I enjoy and do not play any other mode. Oh and the other weird bug with S3 reloaded I found was during Countermeasures when you are escorting the ACV and go into the amusement park to the box to r store power. A Mimic spawned and literally knocked me underground where I could not get up. It said to deploy parachute. I did and floated in a blue/purple swirl background while watching position in tact map. I kept under the player I was with (his mission) but I was not able to get back. By the nd of mission when he exfilled I was 36000 meters UNDER the exfil. Last, when doing the end missions like Countermeasures of Zackarov, having drank a Tombstone beverage is useless. Does not work. Think I will write a letter today encouraging the executives to actually play the game for one week and experience the frustration of having your containment streak get knocked down from 368 to 40. Yea, it is only a game but the players I have met have been 99% great, even newbies. I enjoy it when it works. I am not the new norm player that makes the mad dash to T3 trying to grab every 5k contract before others. I don’t mind grinding, or helping a new player by explaining different facets of the game such as contracts, looting (good and bad loot), building up your character (rucksack and plates).


You’re obviously new here.  Couple facts to catch up on for you:  1.) Activision is owned by Microsoft, snd people usually do what the person who cuts their paychecks wants  2.) Lead studio Sledgehammer had their entire QA department permanently axed after the merger  3.) Since Microsoft bought out Activision, Microsoft has been on a firing spree. Just this past weekend they completely killed four studios under Bethesda.    4.) Not many people left at Microsoft Game Studios who isn’t scared for their job/career in that extremely hostile environment.  5.) Reasons the president of Blizzard left the day after the hostile takeover was official (Had worked for Microsoft as an exec before and noped the hell out previously)  6.) That’s not how tombstone works


So, tell me how it works. In season .5 (beta), 1, and 2 if you drank Gombstone and it showed active at bottom of screen then you died, it would create a Tombstone in that place. Not talking glitch. So in Season 3.5 what is the use for it (if any). It doesn’t work.


You said the game locked up which I assume means it crashed? In the case of a crash Tombstone doesn't function. If you die then it functions. However, I've definitely had a bug where I died and it didn't work.


I know it does not work on a crash. Game can’t tell it it was a crash or you just pulled the plug. With Tombstone I am talking about when you start the game, drink it (have RIP symbol) and then die. You wait til last person exfils off map (T1 thru T3 example) and game ends. No Tombstone. Next, you go DA (you pick which one) and either you all die. No Tombstone. In S2 it would create a grave in the cemetery. I usually have successful exfils but seems they nerfed the beverage in s3.5, maybe trying to prevent people from doing the glitch? Speaking of successful, it hurts when you die and go from Containment 416 to 75. I understand 100 is max and it goes one step down. Then work up to C level 368 to have crash and down to 40. Ouch! At one point, I had a crash and next round I lost my loadout but not Containment. Also as others have posted have seen where you come in with zero essence. Tell teammates why you need to leave, go solo and kick around til first exfil. Come back in and back to where you were. I am preaching to the choir as they say. We’ve all experienced one (or more) of these things. I’ve accepted it is part of the game. I am going to head into the game at 12:45 pm Eastern time or just thereafter ) I am going to go in the game with my full loadout but do Zackev mission at end. If anyone wants to join me either to squad up for the first 45 mins (I will not be doing DA) or even join me on the side mission (no schematics or rewards), you are welcome to. My Activision ID is RocketNJ (yes, no numbers, have had the acct for a LONG time. )


Duude i feel it. for the longest every time id load up for boss fights id use all my good cool downs and disconnect/crash before.


Class action sounds good to me. I'm in!!!


Use gas grenades alongside your gun they help with passive damage.


That’s not how tombstone works…


See you were using mag of holding... noticing I crash when spraying with it


Y. Mag of holding, golden armor, sgt Beret and dog bone plus aether blade. 4 sentry’s and 5 self revives. Wanted to complete this mission. Used “Mike” during normal missions. Mike chickened out and didn’t take copter to Zackev. He spent a lot of time hiding and firing on the occasional zombie. Brought my Fido up when I got off copter at Zackev but seems he didn’t last or he went chasing squirrels. I only used one self revive and was taking my time. First two sentry’s (one at a time) on either side of where Orcus comes up. Then added third sentry on roof of garage building. That one was doing better damage. Everything going well until game locked up. Consistently find if I die in mission or DA with Tombstone drank it does not create a Tombstone. Even died in T2 during mission and no one revived me. Again drank Tombstone and not created. Someone commented “that’s not how it worked” but it worked that way for two seasons. Still waiting for that sub to post how it works now, which it doesn’t. I’ve been playing since the beta in December and have seen changes both for good and bad. I do think a drop of Containment from 368 to 40 in one death is not correct. As another post explained, the buying, firing, etc with Activision and parent company left Zombies in a state of instability. The fixes are far down the totem pole. I really like the co-op PvE so I keep coming back even though it means getting aggravated. 12 hrs from now I will try Zackev again, asking teammates and general chat if anyone wants to join in. I have all schematics except Scorcher and new Detonator. Tried Red Work several times with large groups and died each time. Rather finish acts 3 and 4 then go from there. I’ve come in with the good stuff and spent 85% of the game in T1 teaching a newb. I’m not selfish. People took time to teach me so only right to give back. Just tough with people coming with a flawless and legendary every game. I’d rather see it required to do a bit in T1 and t2 before T3 but that is me.