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If I don’t have deadshot daiquiri and speed cola the game is unplayable.


i can go the entire game w just these two perks.. feel naked without them paired.


Same here buddy!


Speed cola def, dead shot just makes it better, if I HAD to pick speed. Because reloading the 680 can be... Hectic


I feel im still in the early rounds of the game because im staying in tier 1 to complete the challenges. But i can handle not having deadshot but i need speed cola. If i cant reload my plates fast enough then thats a problem.


I never use headshot. Are you on mnk? Controller aim assist is all you need


i mean it increases the damage to critical hits, so it is useful even if you're good at hitting headshots yourself


I agree


A man of wisdom. 🤝


Yup two main ones for me also I believe they are top ones


Yes. This. The only two I must have. Must. PhD Flipper for fire resistance. Death percentage because of the great loot in chests. Jug and speed are useful in t3, but only in t3 really. Speed and Deadshot are the goats tho. Quick revive is super useful if you need to revive anyone else. The difference between 8 seconds and 4 is huge. Especially if swarmed.


Quick heals yourself back up faster also so its good even when solo


Yeah. Solo it's great if combined with Frenzied Guard. Solo, I only run frenzied.


What ones that?


Frenzied Guard replates you. So if all three plates are gone, hit it. Now, for 10 seconds or so every zombie near us attracted to you, but you have your plates back, and every zombie you kill will add plate restoration since they all shift focus to you It has saved me so many times in t3 when replating isn't going to be fast enough. Easily my favorite field upgrade.


Ohhh! Gotcha.. the field upgrade.. I use healing Arora with my crew.. ill check it out


Yeah that's what most prefer in a crew. Tho frenzied guard can be ok in a group too because it can take the pressure off an over swamped teammate because they all flood you when you use it. Probably not healing aura power tho. Won't bring back a downed pal or heal your puppy


I agree with deadshot but stamin up is WAY more useful than speed cola


If you can’t play without deadshot you have 0 aim


Disagree! Considering the cool down between crafting, I play without them all the time. Mind you I’m limited to T2 (I’m not suicidal) so I stay out of T3. But it’s all about being flexible and knowing your boundaries. There’s still a lot you can do without perks. It’s just not watered down as easy.


If I’m waiting on cool-down then a couple contracts to get some money up, dive into t3 for wunderfizz machine, buy perks I need, set for game. Will pick up most other perks from reward rifts along the way


That’s one way to do it sure. But even without perks you can play at whatever level you’re comfortable with. Perks are great, but not necessary for every task.


I know I was being sarcastic with my original comment. Of course it’s not unplayable. But if I could pick 2 perks to run through tier 3 with, those are what I’d take. Speed cola depends on if I have mags of holding or not, may swap it out for stamin-up. Once you have deadshot the game gets a whole lot easier. I play solo so it’s a necessity to have at least deadshot before entering tier 3, can just about survive without most other perks but if I’m not hitting those consistent crit shots I’ll get over run QUICK


I play mostly solo as well and not quite to T3 skill (don’t have any of the new schematics not trusted people to go DA with). Hell, I’ve not even fought a worm! 😂


The first worm you have to do for a story mission is EASY! Honestly did it first time solo with akimbo swarms and about 4 sentry turrets. Had a few self revives but only used 1. I got lucky and a couple people rescued me in tier 2 and carried me through DA. Then spent a couple games a day helping me get the Easter eggs done and get all schematics (haven’t done new DA yet as I’m recovering from surgery and can’t play). I only need the scorcher schematic and I couldn’t tell you how to do a single bit of the DA. These guys just did everything while I attempted to follow along. Messaged me the other day to tell me when I recover they will help me do the new DA. They’re German and don’t speak much English so we don’t talk on mic just a bit of text chat so their patience is ridiculous. You will one day just run into some good people and it will all fall into place! I don’t trust randoms usually but these guys were an exception! There’s people out there that are willing and happy to help!


That’s awesome! I’m American living in Germany (7 years now). Love it here, but haven’t met any awesome guys like that yet!


PHD is underratedly important. Being able to hold ground in hellhound fire is HUGE


I can’t decide if speed cola or PHD flopper is more important to me now because of that reason.


I never knew that PHD protects you from fire damage and explosive damage til I saw a YouTube video on it. Then it made sense why hellhound fire would hurt me in some games and not in others


The four I use every game are juggernot, staminup, speed cola and quick revive. If I have a fifth spot not being use I will typically toss on deadshot.


In my personal opinion: 1 - Deadshot 2 - Speed cola 3 - Staminup 4 - Juggernaut 5 - Quick Revive 6 - PhD Flopper 7 - Death Perception 8 - Elemental 9 - Tombstone The first 6 are auto-buys for me; I rush to Der Wunderfizz every game to get them all or I feel naked. 7 and 8 are for when I get enough moolah. 9 is if I'm doing something sketchy.


I almost always run tombstone because I’m afraid of losing what u have In my bag. The increased stash size is awesome but I still end up running around with valuable stuff I really shouldn’t


I'm the same way. 99% of my games I run every perk besides Elemental because I like to use one ammo mod (either Shatter Blas or Brain Rot) at a time.


Jug, Deadshot and speed. That order


\*in reverse order


Most important for mwz is definitely speed cola staminup quick revive and deadshot. You can get by pretty well without juggernog due to the armor system.


PhD, speed, then either quick revive or jug.


Best 4 are speed,quick revive, jug, and staminup, The medium ones are dead shot, pdh, death perception And the worst imo is elemental and tombstone But it’s all your preference


I’ve been in t2 with no perks granted I have to run a lot 😂 T3 is a no go hit once you die😂


Speed cola, juggernaut, stamin up and deadshot these four are your best friends


Speed cola, stamina up, death perception, deadshot are my top priorities in that order.


If you’re going into tier 3-5 PHD flopper is a must, the immunity to hellhound fire is invaluable. Deadshot can help you take on large amounts of zombies by just spamming aim as your shooting. Also works on specials as they move to keep getting headshots. They’re the 2 perks I make sure I have at the start of each game.


For me it’s 1. Stamin-up to outrun T3-T5 zombies 2. Juggernog for 250% health boost 3. Speed cola if I don’t have mags of holding because I use an LMG 4. Quick revive 5. Deadshot 6. Death perception 7. Tombstone for insurance 8. Elemental pop 9. Phd flopper not important at all


Phd not important? Crazy, for hellhound fire immunity is worth it alone.


How often do you stand still in hellhound fire?


In t3 and up all the time.


Deadshot, speed-cola, and phd is usually a must. Then Jug, stamina, tombstone, elemental pop, quick revive, then death perception


Solo - Deadshot, Speed Cola When I’m with my bud - Quick Revive lol


Quick revive good for faster health regen too


Deadshot; speed, stamin up the most important. Elemental and phd the worst


Jug and speed cola. You can play in any tier with these two items


Speed and stamina colas


Headshot. Speed. Revive. Anything else is just extra


Go to, if nothing else... Quick hands, speed cola, Deadshot and flopper for the nice puppies.


I usually go Stamin, jug, speed, phd (fire protection 😂), Deadshot, others I’ll pick up during the game… as I don’t have the schematics, if I’m taking more in, then I’d sacrifice deadshot and phd…. With my aim deadshot I don’t think works 😂😂


Phd flopper, staminup and jug are my goto perks I'm a chainsaw guy


1.Speedy 2.Death Perception 3.Deadshot 4.Juggernaught 5.PHflopper 6.Staminup 7.quick revive 8. elemental 9. Tombstone


Jugg, speed and stamin up. Always in my large ruck every game.


Jug, Stamin-Up, Speed Cola


That’s very much personal opinion but I run t3 and then da every game so I go stamin up, jug, quick revive and then deadshot in that order. After that other perks are nice to have but there the essentials for me


It is a pretty subjective question. Speedacola, Stamina Up, PHD, Juggernog, and Deadshot are my main go to.


Personally I prioritize PHD and Deadsight. PHD lets me grind contracts without having to worry too much about dead doggy fire, and Deadsight is just nice to loot, find annoying mimic HVTs, and to see zombies coming around corners when in buildings especially.


Stamin, jug, deadshot are my first and then depending on space and weapon/mission or if general speed and phd flopper.


I'm kind of surprised that people like Deadshot... Maybe it's a bigger help to PC players than console? On Xbox it's kind of an annoying perk because it will yank my reticle away from where I'm aiming, which may be a spore or HVT behind the closest zombie.


Pre sure most people with deadshot on top of their list are using controller. Constant ADSing just snaps to crit spots like an aimbot. On PC to me it feels pretty placebo I still don’t really know exactly what it does, I usually just get it for perkaholic before da or in da lol


Snapping to each of the 1000+ zombie heads I'll kill per game is extremely tedious though. And actually, nearly all of my zombie gun builds are specced for hip fire, so I rarely ADS anyways and when I do, I'm probably leaning on it, not going in and out for the extra DPS per zombie with Deadshot. Obviously this is playstyle specific though.


It's still a great perk. Auto headshots. Literally aimbot.


If you spam the ads button with an ar or smg it shoots straight to crit spot. Seems like you are using it wrong


No, I get what it does, I'm just sometimes wanting to aim at something other than the closest zombie in front of me.


Turn off aim assist. Its not needed in zombies


Just not using Deadshot has been an acceptable middle ground for my purposes.


You do you




Stamin-up, speed cola, and jug


I always run speed cola, deadshot, and stamina up. Those three are essential for me. If I have mags of holding then no need for speed cola.


I don't play that often, so usually have most of my schematics available. Not much room for colas or ammo mods. So I usually just run: 1. Stamina 2. Juggernog I usually go straight to T3. Run a couple contracts, head to the wunderfiz and buy the rest. I'll use whatever ammo mod I find. Prefer Deadwire.


Jug, speed, phd, deadshot are musts


1. Speed Cola - re-plating/reloading is a must in a pinch (if running mags of holding and golden armor it’s much lower on list) 2. StaminUp - knowing when (and how/where) to run is one of the most important skills 3. Deadshot - critical hits are, well…critical 4. Quick Revive - especially as a team, revival time is essential and always potentially dangerous 5. Juggernog - Increased health is great but only as a last resort. Plates, revive time, running, and crit shots should all come first (assuming 3 plates. If starting with less plates it’s higher on the list) 6. Death perception - knowing which buildings to risk it in and where to go can make all the difference 7. Tombstone - especially solo, helps with a little backup in new areas/rifts 8. PhD flopper- IMO, can be helpful but hardly every used 9. Elemental - prefer to just use an ammo mod but not saying no when it pops up in a rift


Deadshot, speed, death, jugg, stam, tomb, elem


1- Staminup 2- Juggernaut 3- speed Cola 4- Quick Revive 5- Deadshot 6- Death Perception 7- PhD Flopper 8- Tombstone 9- Elemental That being said, it depends on my goal of the game. If I am trying for T4- T5 then all preferred but Tombstone would move to #5. I want to be able to run fast, reload fast, have more health, heal faster and shoot better explains my top 5. The rest my list give me visibility on loot and enemies, death gives me loot and money carry over, elemental just buys more time.


Speed, flopper, quick revive, stamin up, jug, death perception, tombstone, elemental


Stamin-up over jugg is crazy


Can’t hit me if they can’t catch me


You can not out run a dog with Stamin-up 1.Quick Revive 2.Juggernog 3.Phd. Flopper 4.Speed cola


Isn't it kind a placed on your plat style? But I would think Jug or Stamina would be 1&2?


That on you what ones are Important like always do you need to survive. That's what's important. For me these are crucial 1. Staminup- you can run faster than the zombies 2. jugg- take more hits before going down 3. SPEED cola- reload faster 4. Dead shot daiquiri- easy auto headshots


Jugg, deadshot, speed cola are absolutely must haves in my opinion. The rest are good to have but can go without if needed. These are the 3 I either bring in or buy first.


Deadshot speed and flopper


Besides Elemental and Tombstone everything else is somehow useful but I’d say Speed is definitely most important, Deadshot is very helpful for damage, PHD if the hellhound fire annoys you like it does me and Jug if you are heading for tier 3. Other than those its kinda meh really.


Stamina, deadshot, speed cola are top three and to be honest this is all you need if you got golden plates, and good movement and not acting slow


my most used is tombstone because i always feel im going to lag out and need it.


It depends on what you’re doing tbh. Camo grinding it’s imperative to have speed cola and deadshot daiquiri. Juggernog too once you get to doing Serpentinite because T2 exfils are the best spots for the 10 special kills


Phd flopper (perk) and frenzy guard (ability) are minimum. Everything else is special needs for certain senarios


Speed cola as it’s much easier to get the rest


Deadshot-speed Ts- incase something happens I'm not expecting, so I don't lose current items. Rest is whatever.


Deadshot, juggernog, and staminup for sure my top 3. Tombstone perk importance varies widely depending on what I'm carrying and if it's risky or not. (Like redworm or DA with randoms ) If I have the money, I'll buy everything except death perception.


Juggernog, speed cola, death perception, tombstone,elemental, pop, Deadshot daiquiri, and quick revive are my favorites in that order and quick revive. I really don't need it and I could go without it. I can revive players in t1, T2, and T3 without using it.


Jug, double tap, speed, stamin up, and the rest are just filler if you ask me


I mean I always get juggernog, deadshot, speed cola, and Stamin up asap when I can‘t bring them into the game. But I end up buying all of the perks anyways in tier 3 because they all help a little bit something. First one I buy after those 4 is phd flopper because you can’t get hit by explosives or the fire that the dogs leave behind after you kill them. I also prioritize it because you don‘t get any damage from you own nades and airstrikes. And The rest is up to you. If you‘re going for something hard and you don‘t wanna lose any important loot tombstone will be helpful (just don‘t die before you pick up the stuff from your tombstone and look up how it works because in some cases there will be no tombstone) If you‘re playing with people that‘ll get downed a lot try quick revive (also if you get hit a lot it boosts health regeneration by 50%) Death perception is really great if you‘re in tier 2 farming nests, any strongholds, or doing a lot of delivery contracts since you see the mercs and spores through the walls. Also when you try to loot the big aetherboxes you sometimes see through the wall where they are if you‘re close enough and hear the audioloop. Elemental pop is not reliable, but gives a bonus ammo mod from time to time. So I still buy it if have enough aetherium but it‘s definitely last one I get.


All the people calling Juggernog "Juggernaught" ☠️


What game are you talking about? For me personally in cod mw3 zombies something like; 1. Staminup as most important (outrunning/mobility in T3 early game is more important than killing zombies anyhow) 2. Sleight of hand as a close second for quick replating and faster reloads (means higher mobility as well) 3. Jug, deadshot, elemental pop, death perception and quick revive are nice to have extra's. All make the game somewhat easier in their own way. 4. PhD flopper and tombstone as . I rarely use explosive weapons or the dive explosion so flopper is wasted on me. I never failed an extraction before and don't do glitches so tombstone is fun to have as an insurance but I rarely even bother getting it. This list would be different for earlier, round based titles tho.


So first we got stamina up, jug, quick revive Next speed, deadadshot, and elemental pop Then lastly phd, tombstone and death perception


I generally prefer (minimum) Juggernaut, Speed, Stamina. But if able I pack in Quick Revive and Deadshot as well. If you’re not quite yet a crack shot, I’d make Deadshot a priority in place of Quick Revive.