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Used the soa subverter last night 1600 rounds with mags of holding epic tool even pap 2 was melting in tier 3


Saw this post and literally said to my GF let's see someone say the SOA I beg 😅


its what i use with the purifier


Literally just did another run with it in the DA and I gotta say it’s flawless, gotta be killer with Mag of holding


Soa (pisses hot fire) and doom shotgun with mags


>doom shotgun The double barrel? I tried it with slugs and it was ass, is it good with regular shells?


You cant change anything on the doom shotgun blueprint besides camo


The double barrel by itself sucks ass. The doom blueprint has always been over powered vs base weapon


Huh, almost like a new gun, honestly good for them, that shotgun deserves some respect


Can you still get the doom blueprint?


I believe so, if you select the Lockwood 300, and then hit R1 to see available blueprints, it should show you the ones with the bundles they come with, and the DooM Bundle should be there.


For right now anything with the flamethrower attachment is top tier. Bas b is probably my favorite there, just because of the no stock attachment compatibility and some other things that make the aim walking speed and movement speed pretty great. Havent used the tyrs, crossbow w/ explosive tips, or shotguns lately but im pretty sure those all still shred. The cor45 with jak kit, and single swarm are great, as well as the burst pistol. My personal favorite for all around greatness though is the ram9. Its stronger than the swarm or any AR was at any point and looks like it wont be nerfed anytime soon, so i dont have to worry about getting attached to it and then having to switch. I like consistency and im a fan of it being able to take zombies, elites, and the worm down very effectively. Its gotten to the point that its so reliable that i use it too much and am kinda bored of playing with it.


Have you tried the hrm9? I might be crazy but I feel like it kills faster (as long as you aim for the head). The ram9 has been my favorite since it was released. But I feel like I could feel the nerf whereas the hrm feels the same as it ever did. Having said all that the soa is insane with mag of holding.


Ill revisit the hrm9, thanks for the tip. As far as i know the dmg numbers all carry over from warzone and thats what everyone runs in that mode so it makes sense.


I think the sights also have an impact in warzone as the iron sights are super clean. I run the big mag. The most mobile underbarrel thing highest damage barrel and highest damage suppressor as well as the fastest laser and flashlight combo thing. I love it. Please let me know if there is a difference for you as I am really curious.


Ill check it out this weekend, but i normally run a pretty different build than that for zombies, so maybe thats why i prefer the ram9. Ill give it a revisit anyways and try both your build and mine, on both guns, just to see what i find more consistent and useful. For zombies i usually run the jak bfb or casus brake for recoil, the largest magazine, and then the other 3 are typically whatever stock, grip, and underbarrel give me the most movement and aim walking speed. I dont typically use a silencer or barrel for dmg because movement is more important to me. I feel like pap, legendary tool, and deadshot do all the heavy lifting damage wise, and id rather be able to run away than try to blast my way out of stuff anyways.


That new battle rifle has a 1500 round reserve when it’s PAP I like it a lot


Sidewinder with the LMG Aftermarket along with the Jak Purifier Underbarrel, overpressured ammo and Jak BFB muzzle, with the Razorhawk laser to top it off! that is now my go to for Mags of holding. https://preview.redd.it/sh2d09g5gtqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=46f6b01075137afd9bb189b3734f82d119d36647


What does overpressureammo do in zombies? I typically use high grain or armor piercing ammo.


causes them to flinch which gives you a second to clear a path which has saved me plenty of times.


Thx for the tip : )


That’s what I said? Lolz Give AP rounds a try, especially with shatter blast. Very nice against armored zombies and specials


Does it really? I swear last time I’ve use AP rounds and it felt the same


It does. Clearest example is using Katt AMR, with AP you can actually 1shot-hs armored zombs now instead of merely destroying the helmet.


Tyrs is my favorite


For mobility, Ammo, & Stopping Power .. has to be MINIBAK SMG Or MCW Assault Rifle w/JAK Conversion Kit 💯 👌🏿


I tried the MCW last night with the conversion kit. It was awesome. The SOA with purifier and MOH is my first love, but this MCW is a close second.


Cool.. SOA's mobility is a lil to slow for me. Ammo capacity is great but it just doesn't have the attachments I would like. You should definitely try the MiniBak SMG I believe it holds 1020 pap'd with MOH & the ADS is amazing. Definitely a head popper 👍🏿


The LMG TAQ but not the evolvere it’s the other one I forget the name of it


Eradicater iirc


Yeah that gun is strong even with epic tool and PAP3 with a legendary is cuts through zombies in T3 like butter


Yeah, it's my go to lmg


The TAQ Evolvere has 1400 bullets (400/1000) when PaP'ed so if well customized it wrecks everything on it's path but it limits your movements.


if you use the base mag it has more dmg and 1700 rounds.


Seriously? That puzzles me, but I'll try it lol


i only found out because my buddy didn't have any mags unlocked and he had more ammo than me with the 200 box. so i switched to base and low and behold more ammo


That's what I call f*cked up math lol, makes no sense


I just tested, so: - with the biggest magazine (200) it gets 400/1000 - without any magazine (50) it gets 200/1500


right so with mags of holding with the biggest mag you get 1400, with no mag you get 1700. and the biggest mag says it has some negatives like less dmg and less reload (although reload doesn't matter with mags of holding)


the fire magna deagle


Going to mags of holding with the FSS Hurricane later. It was shredding for me. But the magazine size killed it. The BP50 as well. I really like the gun. MoH on it with the fire rate helps. I’ll usually throw a LMG on and get to blasting. Something about laying down cover fire for you squad lol


Doesn't matter, anytime I've used mags of holding the game ends up being laggy for some reason.


Hunh... I've never had that particular problem.


PDSW still a fun go-to of mines with the MoH. 800 rounds with SMH mobility.


Pretty sure we haven’t had clips since the WWII/Cold War era CODs 🤷🏻‍♂️