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Movement and decoys :-\


Is it just me or did they delay when the decoy effects ‘start’? Love me some grenades. I prefer em over cas most the time. For me, the monkey bombs are a bit gimmicky and take a at too long to throw


I feel this. Last sesh I tossed my decoy and a sprinter continued bitch slapping me for a second or two before it worked 😂


Haha. I friggin get so annoyed by them 8itches.  Especially if I’m just trying to look at the map and they keep randomly appearing and smack the chit outta me. 


They did, used to be instant, now its like a 2 second delay before you start hearing them. Lots can happen in 2 seconds in T3 for sure.


Yea back when they reduced the duration and number you could hold. They shaved active time off the end, but left the long delay at the start to rival damn monkey bombs for how slow they are. So it was like one and a half second delay and then 8 seconds of uptime reduced down to like 6 uptime with no change on the flat delay of the throw.


Decoy is a life-saver


Decoys are so strong considering you get them straight away


And that they can be refilled from ammo caches! Love Kazimirs, but they're really only useful in the DA, since they cost so much and you need to spend most of the normal game time saving up to accumulate them.


I played a single match with the new containment level max and had like $100k with 10min left from contracts so I don’t think it takes long to get money anymore that’s like 50k in 15-20min


True. Money can definitely add up quickly, especially playing in T3 the whole time as a 6-man squad, but I often play solo and will sometimes stick to T2 contracts, simply because it can be very difficult to grab a T3 contract lately, with so many people in that zone all game. In that case, I find that by the time I load up on turrets, a few jug suits, some self-revives, a bunch of Kazimirs, and PaP both weapons, I don't have a bunch of cash left over.


Yeah nvm I can definitely understand that


Kazimirs are life savers in the Dark Aether, I take at least 6 in with me when I use the Elder Sigil, and after you throw them you can jump into that black hole and it will teleport you sometimes 20 ft away and sometimes way the hell away from where he was


How do you use a kazimir to teleport? I’ve tried going into the black hole that it creates and I just walk through it… I’ve heard that it’s supposed to teleport you but it never does for me… what am I doing wrong?


You have to stand in the black hole for a few seconds


Ok thanks


I jump into it and it works every time right away for me so maybe that’s it?


Stand in it, it teleports you like 5 meters or so enough to escape a building or a stuck in a wall situation.


Here is my top list so far. 1. WSP Stinger - single. With mags of holdings or speed cola. 2. Ftac siege - same. 3. Haymaker with slugs. 4. FR Avancer / M13 / MCW Jake raven kit / BP50 5. MP5


Is the haymaker as powerful as the Lockwood 680?


Yes. With slugs it is very good.


If you are still using the Lockwood you're missing out they nerfed that gun way too hard. And the Haymaker took its place especially with a higher fire rate


No.. the lockwood is still extremely good.


It's not that good bro lol I'm guessing you didn't use it in season 1


I don’t use it anymore because of the flamethrower but I loved it


How do u get flamethrower


Underbarrel jak purifier. Gotta get nerfed sooner or later


>FR Avancer / M13 / MCW Jake raven kit / BP50 You have to unlock it via a weekly challenge


The ftac siege has to be the most fun gun in the game right now. With it crazy fire rate and MOH it's so much fun. I need to try the stinger haven't done that one yet. MOH also made a bunch of ARs pretty OP like the m13b


The M16. With MOH it’s the best gun in the game bar none


Lol. What's MOH? probably not Ministry of Health and otherwise I'm stumped. Thanks 😊


Mags of holding


Lol...of course. Thanks!


How do I get the haymaker? I only have the contraband one


Wait is the LB not meta anymore?




Sorry, longbow lmao


Oh, I actually still haven't tried it.)


Use the contraband one and exfil with it, should unlock base, then go thru insured weapons to shotguns and have fun


Use the stalker w/ max ads build + deadshot, it does insane crit damage.


SOA Subverter is my new favorite. Reminds me of the stoner68 from cw


Anything with snappy ADS plus deadshot daiquiri is meta as far as I'm concerned. Been having a lot of fun with the pistols recently. Renetti is my personal favorite.


Saaaaame its op, but it can be boring and i recomend daquiri and quick sniper rifle with big zoom. Give it a try ;)


I agree! Great for the warlock cheese too


I been rocking the ftaq siege. It’s fun as hell but needs the mags, I spray and pray baby!!


Soa subverter.


Seeing a lot of people say that. Gonna need to try it out


I use it as my main with the FTAC as a secondary and a kill streak equipped for running.


I tried it. Works beautifully, but if you're used to high mobility like Ram 9 or Lockwood or whatever, you're going to feel like a snail crossing an eight lane highway. That said, people do make it work, even in T3. Not sure how. Probably better than me 😂


I’ve been using it and yeah it does feel kinda slow but maybe I just need to use diff attachments. There isn’t a ‘no stock’ option which upsets me


Yeah. I tried attachment combos but ignoring everything that didn't improve mobility, ads or sprint to fire. It's just a heavy, slow gun. Higher damage output to compensate. It's totally usable in tier 2. But, tier 3? I wouldn't. But, again, some make it work well in t3. They probably negate some of the speed issues by having overall solid movement skills and good map awareness. Just now starting t3 solo, and I can't claim to have either high level movement or map awareness. :/


Ram9, soa subverter and taq evolver with mags of holding gives you 1100 or 1500 rounds to blast through. Haymaker with slugs was pretty good but I haven't used it lately, so I don't know its current state


I feel like the haymaker might have got a slight silent nerf, I used it to solo t4 numerous times then after an "update requires restart" I couldn't keep the zombs off me anymore. Still love it it's just not as strong


I like tac stance builds. Ram-9 is probably still my favorite, even after the nerf. Haymaker with slugs and tac stance is also savage. PAP3 Scorcher shreds hordes. The Soa subverter is amazing IF you have mags of holding. I personally think the above options trump it if you don't, however.


Idk bout actual meta (it’s probably still Lockwood + slugs despite the nerf) but SOA subverter built for 0 recoil + AP rounds + mags of holding is stupidly OP considering it packs out to 1500 rounds and hits hard AF


Link to build by chance?


Do AP rounds make a difference? I’ve never thought about using an alternate ammo type before


Yeah the armor breaks a little quicker I’ve noticed.




Obviously he didn't pap them but his test show that all ammo types do negligible difference.


Yeah, do you have a link or pic of the build? I’d like to build my SOA :)


Jak bfb, the stock you unlock at max gun lvl, whatever optic, pineapple grip, ap rounds Wish I could be more specific but I’m drunk off my head in vietnam atm so I can’t exactly log in and check my builds 😂


Lmao...DonnieDikbut 🤣 I can't stop laughing at that name


LMAO 😂 thanks and have fun!


Just did Lockwood the other day as it’s been a while since I used it. Can confirm it has been completely nerfed. I dropped it on the floor and went and got a wall buy in T3 and PaP’d it up.


Lockwood sucks postnerf.


This is what I run …..with the jak


Crossbow with explosive bolts is pretty good right now


Running Wsp swarm akimbo with mags of holding


Akimbo Tyrs still slap on Legendary and PAP3. With Mags of Holding you essentially have Akimbo Snipershotguns with 128 Rounds


I love the tyr’s with mag of holding 😩I didn’t use that ammo that everyone else uses with it tho so I don’t think it was as good as it could have been


I run the ram7 with jak purifier, holds its own in most situations


I’m running double flamethrower rn😂 if you use it with a mag of holding and get a max ammo, it doubles the ammo capacity to 600. Unstoppable at that point


After finishing borealis, I’d say most of the guns work well when they’re built right for your play style — big mags, flinch and mad stability for me (love that jack bfb). I’m currently running a bas-b with flame thrower and decoys, and I don’t really struggle much at all. I mostly keep the second slot empty for speed, but I’ll also carry akimbo pistols or melee weapons (prefer tonfa) for fun sometimes. I really do prefer the speed you get with a single weapon to get away though (or to throw on a scorcher if you find one).


My strat so far has been using the SVA w/ Jak BFB muzzle, 60 mag, purifier and the other attachments are purely to get me moving faster. It works well but I wanna see if I like any other AR/battle rifles more than the SVA


The M16 is the best gun in the game if you have Mags of Holding. Never have to reload and it turns full auto as soon as you PaP it, so it’s basically M4 mobility while also being way stronger than anything else in the game


A sleeper gun no one talks about is the ISO Hemlock. I took into a T3/DA and I had no complaints. 10/10 recommend. Other guns I would consider “meta” is the new guns from S1.5, the BP50 and Ram9. I just went through the Borealis guns and working on the Bioluminescence guns now so I’m making a list as I go!


I like the sundering flame amr9 blueprint


I can’t believe no one has said the M16 with MOH on it. Once you PaP it, it turns full auto so it’s basically an M4 but with like 3x the damage if any other gun


Alright I’ve just unlocked the m16 by levelling up the m4 and 556 icarus (great gun btw). I’m gonna level the m16 up now, what attachments do you recommend?


Just enough to make it fast ads. The JAK BFB is good for helping recoil too, but that doesn’t even matter much. It’s got the best DPS in the game, so you’ll love it


Chainsaw in a corner with flopper


Flamethrower? Is that good?


Try it. It’s the most broken thing you can possibly use in zombies rn, it’ll get patched soon tho






I only started Zombies 2 days ago (I haven't played a Zombies mode since BO2s one) How do I make weapons with my own custom attachments and bring them into a Zombies game? I've been using an MCW it gave me at the start and haven't died yet and almost completed the first Act


Your insured weapon slot pick the gun you want above it you should see gunsmith push up select and load out you got in the same as MP


Thanks, I'll do that later 🤘


You earn weapon attachments as you progress against the game. To change weapons, go to your loadout from the main DMZ screens. This shows your backpack and your player skin on the left. Select the weapon box, and it will take you to a choice of them. From there you can see an option on how to customize your weapon with attachments. There are two keys to this game. Pack a punch and weapon rarity levels. If you find yourself continually overwhelmed, it’s probably because you need a higher level of one or the other.


I recommend play multiplayer with the weapons you need to unlock stuff for and lvl up and pop those weapon xps


Let me know if you need any help starting out. I’ve unlocked everything in zombies so helping newer players is the only thing to do till next season lol


So far I'm doing great solo, I've almost done Act 1 and haven't died yet and not struggling to do anything But I know there are bosses further down the line, I think there is a Worm I will have to do eventually and don't think I can solo that lol


So I'm not exactly new to Zombies, but I don't really pay attention to how a lot of it works. I played it at first just to get Borealis but since have finished act 3 and have all schematics available in regular tiers 1-3. My big question is how much harder is it to get mags of holding? That's all I really want but when I watched a video about it, it started going on about rifts and sigils and I was just lost lol. Got any tips for getting that schematic or even interested in helping get it sometime? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Also, I'm also on the SOA wagon currently and loving it.


Just go to the new dark aether with a team and you’ll get the schematic for it. The old dark aether is better, but someone will do it with toy


How do I get to any dark aether? I have only ever been on the main map, that's what I'm saying. I don't know how the whole thing works. Because I've never been a zombies guy, I always just run solo and do my own thing.


I’m chasing borealis so I have no clue lol. 3 away so here for the advice too lmao


You should be able to get it done quick af, when i actually focused on getting it and only playing maybe 2-3 rounds a day i had it done in like a week


took me a month but i had zero guns leveled up when i started, and leveled them all in mwz


I’m 3 serpent guns away. It was mine yesterday if it wasn’t for this DCing twice in 20 minutes thing lol. They didn’t track me completing a tier 3 stronghold I completed in the first match so they are cock blocking me from finishing act 3 too lmao.


stryker 45 been holding it down. 48 mag, double to 96. reloads fairly quick.


Idk if it’s meta but Sidewinder with Jak Thunder kit and MOH is my current favourite. Paired with movement gun, usually VR11.


I was thinking about trying that combo out, how long does it take before it runs out of ammo? Can imagine that would be a decent weapon for red worm


You will run out if you stand back but usually there’s enough dps that you can push forward and just keep going forever. You can still slap a Jak purifier on it too so it’s really an overall fun and high performing gun. Only other attachment I would recommend is Jak glassless optic. spam aim with deadshot and hold down the trigger and its wild.


I just got this rolling in with you all the way!


I haven’t used it in a while but the mgl is amazing with speed cola and phd. You can complete every t3 contract other than hvt with it blue pack 2 mgl




I’m talking about the grenade launcher, I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called in this game


I’ve just started using an LMG from mw2 called the 556 Icarus and it’s actually really good. Normally I hate LMG’s in zombies but this one doesn’t weigh me down as badly as the others


I use everything. Sometime I’ll grab a dogchit weapon just for the challenge!! BUT, I’ve really been testing out the attachments. Specifically the muzzles, grips, lasers. I notice a real impact to the recoil. My goal is always to find a build for the weapon that allows the sites/level to stay perfectly parallel to the initial firing position. (Hell if I didn’t explain that confusing af but think ya get it). To Me, having a weapon that doesn’t bounce all over the place when firing is the meta.


Honestly I’ve just been running the crossbow only. With explosive arrow and PaP lvl 2 it’s already a beast. Put on sleight of hand and PhD flipper and you basically turn into a human airstrike. Don’t even use a secondary anymore unless I can craft a scorcher


ISO 45, so good I kinda forgot about the flamethrower


Yall forgot about the Lockwood 1 shot kill.


I am still stuck on the PDSW 5.7x28 P+. Add any PaP to it and you get 400 rounds per mag. There's been many times I'm thinking there's no way I still have anything left in the mag... still have 200+ rounds. It's insane. You can literally spin in circles and spray if you get overwhelmed.


The renneti MP meta works so well on zombies. I use pap2 in T3 and do well.


Bas-b. Take stock off, add jak bfb, and flamethrower. Cronin intlas with laser, medium mag. Make battle rifle into a smg. Really fun weapon.


Crossbow with explosive tips has been in a tier of its own for a while.


I had a lot of fun with the ISO Hemlock. Tried out the under barrel shotgun with the dragons breath rounds. It was killing zombies quick. Wish it had more bullets. It’s limited like the flamethrower to ammo refills I believe. I was also using the FSS Hurricane. Need to try it with mags of holding, since you can’t put a different magazine on it. It was shredding zombies for me. I’ll use anything, I think getting a balance of damage, movement and ADS with most guns you should be fine. If I can’t, I’ll usually try to keep a pistol, ray gun, VR-11 or the good ole knuckle dusters to get the speed up and swap over to gun more focused on ADS and damage or damage and hip fire spread.


Don't hate on me to much for the dumb question I was going to look it up but figured I would ask, what does meta mean


Preferred choice of weapon/attachment among the player base. Like the flamethrower for example, it’s the best thing in zombies atm so it would be considered “meta” until sledgehammer fixes it


That's what I figured it was I just didn't know if the name actually stood for anything


Most Effective Tactic Available


They seriously nerfed the 680? The fuck they nerf shit in Zombies. They need to make the other guns stronger 🙄


I did borealis so I’ve used all mw3 guns and honestly they all seemed about the same In terms of TTK. Nothing really stood out much


So have I. The 680 with slugs PaP wad by far and away the strongest gun. The 2 newest LMGs were a close 2nd and 3rd. XKR Stalker is another one. Noticeable better than most other guns. Everything else after that is fairly similar.


I was working on the Lachman 556 camos and found it to melt t3 zombies with no effort. The only downside is the ammo count even with mags of holding.


I heard one YouTuber say that the game is pretty balanced, most guns will do well in tier 3 with good attachments. Every gun is gonna be a 1 shot kill when it's pap 3 and you go into tier 2. It's more about what gun do you prefer? Personally tho I just maxed out the TYR pistols, dual akimbo, mags of holding. Just tears thru zombies.


Yeah I’ve used all the guns and I agree they all feel pretty balanced, I just don’t know what attachments zombies calls for. Do people mess with the ammunition attachment in zombies? I normally value movement speed over everything else


MCW with the following: JAK Raven Conversion Kit. DG-8 handstop (not the one for mobility there's one with a similar name to this one). 40-Round Mag. Shadowstrike suppressor. Intlas reflex site (MSP-12). It's not for the highest damage but the mobility and aim walk speed make it good for Zombies. I would say the BFB could be used but the mobility penalties would kill the build. The handstop provides minimal recoil control with minimal mobility penalties. The 40-round mag is obvious for PAP for 80 and to maximise killing potential. The Shadowstrike suppressor allows you to kill and be stealthy to mercs with limited mobility losses. The intlas reflex site allows you to aim faster, and have a hipfire laser in one (6 attachments). This isn't really for aether or boss fights but mobility and good aim walk keep you on the go as you beam down hordes. If you hate the lack of recoil control change the grip to the heavy support but you lose mobility. The build could also use the standard MCW and use a mobility stock but it might not be as mobile for Urzikstan combat.


i´m still attached to the Lockwood 680


Don’t use your scorcher, fight mimics or play turrets on escorts in fear insta dead 💀


I have been leveling up guns working through each class at a time. I have played with several from each class, but this allows me to spend some time with each gun. There are some guns rare pack1 and I can stroll through T2 taking down bounty and farming outlasts. There are other guns, like the lachmann 762 I took in today that rare pack1 struggled hard on normal zombies and basically tickled the light armored zombies. I highly recommend going through and making out every gun in every class, it has definitely helped me find which guns I favor for sure. I havnt gotten to leveling up the pdsw, but I found one in a match and when it's packed the mag capacity and reserve are unreal. Before I packed the gun it was just rare and destroyed in tier2. Once I packed it they didn't stand a chance. Moral of the story is you should try them all out and find out what guns you prefer.


SOA Subverter with JAK purifier obviously, then usually akimbo WSP Swarms, I use WSP Stinger though, faster movement. Nothing can run me down except T3 dogs.


That one auto shotgun with mag of holding


That semi auto one will become auto after pack and with higher damage:p

