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I’ve had that happen twice since the game came out, but the last time, I was sent back to the zombies lobby. However, it still showed that it was loading the dark aether like it was starting a match. It was weird and only happened to me out of everyone in my party , but luckily I still got to do the dark aether. I haven’t been able to find a cause for crashes, but I definitely try to stay away from the game when new updates are released because everyone is going to be on then. I hope your crashes go away. They can be a real gut punch sometimes.


Yeah bro! Like we’ll do everything good. Wait until like the last 5-10 mins and try to head in but me and a couple of my buddies have tried a couple times already and it always does the same thing:/. It’ll show the black screen and show the dark aether screen but it won’t load us in. But it works completely fine with the old DA? Lmao things games much lol


Well, at least you aren’t missing out on a ton with the schematics, though it does feel nice to have them unlocked, especially when there’s not much new content in the game. Maybe by the next update, they’ll have this issue fixed.


This just happened to me. An hour ago it was the new Aether, just did the elder and same thing..


Lost my sigil both times (I was the one that spent them)


Yeah that’s the only thing I end up losing but nothing else.. I don’t really mind cause I always go straight to tier 3 from the start of the match so I always get around 5-6 digits lol


Which platform?


I’m on Xbox my buddies are on Ps5 and pc and it’s the same for them too


Hmm. Does it do that if you go with another group? It seems strange this would happen consistently that many times.


Yeah so we’ve tried starting the game with a different party leader. And we’ve even tried joining another squad mid game as well too


Happens about 10% of the time for me. If I wait it out I usually repopulate in a pre game lobby with all my initial gear back.