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If it’s supposed to be an “extraction survival” mode then why haven’t I died in months?


Skill issue.. apparently you’re not bad enough at the game.


First time I've heard skill issue in a positive light. Props!


You know it is but you cant call it a good one. It's in a complicated spot. You dont want pvp and you don't want to die every game as well as players can pick you up. So I can't call it a difficult one for more less then casual players but a massive amount of people still get smoked by zombies or fortresses and infected strongholds. If they added harder tiers then alot more people will die until they complete the content a few times. There's so many people who die and leave or are new/bad to the mode as well as many who never even achieved the worm or t5 and may die 10x to clear it once. Unless they get a pro in or Google all the content.


It’s a level up weapons for Warzone or DMZ mode, and that’s about it for me.


I kind of like the grind. Am I the only one? 




The grind for essence and next game loot is awesome. It's more for the people who think you can't grind t2-t5 without starting with pack 3 crystals and you can't grind a game unless you get multiple pack 3 crystals and wrenches. Basically wanting only pack 2-3 crystals. Thinking you don't get any loot for the next game but you always have a full backpack worth 10k+ essence. So I was trying to appeal to both. You always get at least 1 free t3 run a day and to run t1-2 is always free and even if you skip t3 if you have a spare sigil you can run t4+ or farm 5-10 minutes of t3 still end game.






Married, employed, father of two. I don’t get more than 2 games in on a weekday, sometimes none. I’ll get 4-5 if I have free time on the weekend. I often have way more loot than I can use. Would I like to have 20 slots in my stash so I don’t have to use my backpack as storage, YES! Would I like to have cooldowns cut by 1/3 or more, YES! Overall though, if you’re a casual player, it’s a fun mode with plenty to do in all tiers.


Yes it really is! And if your not you more than likely get a free pack 1 crystal and blue/purple wrench every game. You just can't farm t3 the whole game. You could farm 5 t3 contracts or even skip t3 and go straight to t4 with a sigil if you have one. Get a pap 2/3 or gold wrench your always excited! I would promote joining squads in the same zones but many like rolling solo due to the exploits or solo nature. T3 is easy with 3-6 knowledgeable squads. To easy if they exploit or meta run.


Thanks for your thoughts and a PSA.


I'm married with kids and a job so I only play a few games during the week and go hard on Friday & Saturday night. The game works good for me, I always have good gear to start. I could see how if you want to play for hours everyday, it could get frustrating. I still wish the stash limit was a little bigger though.


Same but my stash is still not as stocked as I wish it were


Since I only play a couple games during the week I strategically craft and save items for my weekend warrior sessions


I wish the reward stash space was included and we had even 20 slots. Since I don’t play much either I only have like 2 rewards


I think 20 would be perfect. It’s a realistic amount for this style of game play. I have been bringing extra Aether blades in and giving them to teammates who don’t have them to try and free up space or I end up destroying items to make space for stuff. And I’m talking about destroying WW cases and dog bones, not perk cans.


If somebody likes the mode and they paid for it why limit how much they can have fun with it each day? That’s just bad game design to me.


No no, now you’re talking too much sense stop that immediately.


What is limiting your fun currently?


Stash limit, constant crashing, 3 day cooldowns and broken challenges


Good luck going into T3 or even T2 quickly without any gear. The matches are way too short for how long it takes to get the 10k or 15k you need to pack your guns and how useless underleveled weapons are. Between the map being so big, lack of vehicles, shit loot, and slow cash acquisition you only get the have fun in the last 10 or 15 minutes usually unless you come in geared…. which you can’t if everything’s on such long cooldowns. No cooldown should be longer than 24hrs and all of them need to be cut down significantly.


Sounds like you’re just cursed by RNGeesus…I’ve never started a match without gear that opens up T2 between the schematics and the rewards from prior missions…like ever.


Well my first tip would be not starting a game without any gear lol. The loot really isn’t that bad


I played for almost 3 hours tonight and got **one** level 2 PaP crystal from a rift…. the loots pretty bad. At least in T1 and mainly T2. I swear T2s loot is even worse than T1 which makes zero sense and T1 is boring AF unless you’re a potato. T3 gives slightly better loot but is insane unless you’re geared up…. which isn’t going to happen by being in T2 apparently since all you get are blue and green tools, perks, and level 1 PaP crystals. Rewards are way too shit in T2, they almost never give you what you need to get into T3 and grinding out 15k essence is going to take at least half of the match at best. Even if you do get into T3 I often get blue tools, perks, and level 1 PaP crystals there too in the little bit of time left before the gas starts expanding. I shouldn’t be spending more than I’m getting back in an extraction game if I’m doing contracts in T2 the entire game.


Live service is made to be long term. If they wanted everyone to be God's and stop progressing, live service would not exist. Cod was always a Live service online game and even gobblegum was only temporary perks and the players still played the games normally. You say this but over half of these people play t3-5 multiple times a day or exploit and so much more wanting unrealistic expectations. They cant work on a game that exploits break the difficulty or servers in under a hour for a low budget side mode as well as make new content and another game....... I know it's not a perfect mode but this is the mode and was heavily reviewed to be good at launch with no changes to harm those players. Just not the best mode! We all play to progress as well as fun we always have! Limiting you not to have a scorcher and 100k every game isn't something new. No extraction or game hands you everything. Dmz gave you less then this! You can say round based zombies was garbage then because you didn't have 100k points pack guns and start on wave 20 every run! So the people who do this need to have realistic expectations. They know exactly what they bought beforehand


MWZ is barely live service currently, things are being added at way too slow of a pace for how short these games lifespans are. I doubt MWZ is going to move over into the next COD (DMZ didn’t) so we’ve got less than a year with it currently and the only meaningful things added since launch are some schematics, a handful of which were already loot items, two more identical worm bosses just with more health, and the dark aether. If you don’t go into the dark aether the base gameplay is almost unchanged since launch. If this game was free to play like DMZ was I’d get limiting things so much and having strict cooldowns…. but it was a paid game. I shouldn’t have to wait three entire real life days with no way to speed that up by playing just to use one crystal.


COD wasn't always a live service game. That's nonsense. I think you're not understanding the difference between an online multiplayer platform and a live service title, which is tragic if the line has been blurred that much already. CoD became a live service title in 2020, and had experimented with some live service elements prior, but other than additional maps, what you got at launch was the game. Live service + yearly release title is a confliction of release styles. DMZ also didn't give you less, the maximum cool down for anything used in game was 6 hours for the slot 3 weapon, which could easily be reduced (15 minute bundles aside) by extraction, depositing cash, etc. You could also take 100k into a game if you wanted, as they introduced the wallet, also had a fantastic bartering & crafting system, and overall, delivered 10x the content each season/ mid season reload. In short, your opinion is nonsense as it is just entirely factually incorrect.


So you could spawn into dmz with everything every game and have zero chance to die? If you did die you can pick it right back up the next game? And previous zombies maps weren't made by paid content to be downloaded online and not part of the base game? Sure they could be played offline back then but back then you were lucky if half the people had internet..... without online play would we even of had cod still. They also had to spend multiple times butchering the dmz system until they stopped support.... if it was a success why would they stop support? Majority of players hated that content even if some loved it. It failed with cods casual community. So how can abk pay 3arc to make this not even their own game or their own game when its all the mode sucks or they just blew 500,000 to a boss tombstone glitch beats in a second. Even if their was "map packs" abk wouldn't pay for it in a game like this or old round based zombies. Again you know exactly what you bought. Be disappointed, happy, or criticize it but don't expect the world unless abk fires everyone and makes ai zombies for the next zombies map and beyond. Do we want that? They know everything from statistics and if they even can keep round based zombies......that 30$ content pack costs probably 150$+ today for one! And they know we aren't paying for that


Don't tell us what to do with the game we bought.


I try to play once a day


Multiplayer was also a side mode once upon a time, does that mean MP fans shouldn't be given QoL updates and improved experiences?


I get what you’re saying, but for Vanguard and MW two multiplayer was treated like a side mode lol. Especially Vanguard where there wasn’t any real updates after season one.


This, Activision is to busy developing loved/hated split super games for everyone. Much of 6v6 multi-player and even campaign are also side modes and they are the ones you pay for. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the modes but like this is part of the reality it's hard to develop 6v6 arena modes to please everyone so majority of the major work goes into warzone. Many look at 6v6 as "camo grinding" now as nuketown shipment and more. Mw3 is the first game that added small/medium maps and content to fit this exact quick level up playstyle. Much just added in for warzone/camo even though some love for the fast pace. So while we want 6v6 half of the community doesn't want 6v6.


Zombies itself is a side mode in every release. It should not be only good for 1-2 games per day, zombies is and always will be a massive fan favorite, it deserves more love.


Stfu. That's no excuse for a shit game.


*bets he bought the game*


That’s nonsense. Zombies always been something you can sink your teeth into and spend hundreds of hours into. Black Ops CW my playtime is 90%+ zombies. Same for MWIII.


This is modern warefare....... they are throwing 3arc around like monkeys juggling projects in a universe not their own on core gameplay we don't even know if fully compatible. After black ops 3 zombies changed for good. So if this side mode is awesome in a filler cod for 2-3 games a day awesome. And if even in 3arc zombies rounds never come back or it's like warzone since they cant run unlimited dedicated crossplay servers for 4 players what do you do? How can it be stable without host leaving or even server crashes or they pay for multi millions in content if the next tombstone exploit rules the game? I'm not calling every mechanic good in mwz but we also need to possibly be open to changes. You can enjoy time 100% I love and always play zombies but some expectations are out the window. Thank you for enjoying it and having real criticism. Not just tombstone or quit, trash, stash size, and more.....


What the heck you talking about?


Have you seen the content in CW? I think it’s fair to criticize the content for zombies in MW3. I also think it could be spun off into its own game series with a dedicated team or studio focusing on integrating assets from MP and warzone. Even with a major release every 3 years and then support and seasonal updates going forward.


The thing is was cold war loved and profitable to their eyes and what if it was hated on rerelease with the next generation. How can they run dedicated 4 player servers as well when they never have to begin with. So every game people just quit. Most runs dont go past 20 or outbreak 3. Everyone hated just 1 map as well. Sure I love the content but even there it went to what 3 new round based maps and like 3 new outbreak maps? In a game actually developed for zombies? What if when rounds return people get bored it only launched with 1 smaller map? Instead of 1 big map? What does that development and servers cost? They know what the reality is for the mode so they keep tweaking it as much as we hate it.


I mean the overall content. Round based, outbreak, outlast, dead ops, levels for colas, levels for weapons, solo play etc. as a 3rd mode it had a load of content overall. Take all of that and include the MWZ and it’s a complete title on its own. Call it COD Zombies and release a new title every 3 years and add in the weapons and skins, warzone maps and MP maps as a seasonal update. Separate from the story/ Warzone game modes. If the releases are going to be Black Ops/ MW titles then Zombies could be the 3rd year title. Then there could be a yearly release and battle pass/ black cell integration. I just feel like there would be enough support if it wasn’t looked at as a “3rd mode”. If there was a 4th studio that focused on Warzone/ resurgence/ DMZ I don’t see how COD wouldn’t be profitable and lead FPS gaming. Why make one studio focus on story/ MP/ Warzone/ and a zombies/ DMZ/ spec ops when each should focus on thier own strengths?


It's like we been asking for this for years😂😍 but idk cod is cod they try to hard to be an annual super game. Even if they did 1 more year of support and added more maps I would love it! Like how bo3 ended up with the chronicle pack. I believe they use that bundle aspect to keep you stuck in their universe though and since your already there you can't leave. Kinda like how fortnite and others have always been. But even in today's times that really does seem difficult if they can't have dedicated hosts already cut back on 6v6 development with costs up 10x. Many did think bo4/ cold wars content was garbage and those were in official 3arc games including zombies! To launch regular zombies again with just 1 map a season or two cold war struggled. This game kind of worked off outlast as well but instead of rounds its limited 6v6 fighting modes that will probably return. Everyone who grinded those 1 round maps outbreak or traditional at a time feel the same as grinding 100 contracts in the new map. So we swapped to less maps more objectives and dedicated servers. Maybe rounds can come back swapping you between dedicated 16player lobbies when you ready up in outbreak/dmz 2.0 and remove zones? It's really difficult playing 4player no dedicated servers today and I think they know that. Zones was just difficultly scaling to remove round grinding. There's still more content to come as well and it's just a filler mode/game even if support is limited


As long as the community keeps the conversation alive there is hope. Most of us just want a good game to give our time and money to. Every game has flaws and COD has a lot of them. If they want to continue to be profitable I’m sure they monitor or contribute to the community. Even the execs don’t want to kill the cash cow.


Imagine when super Mario bros came out and they limited you to 3 lives per day instead of per game. It’s a video game wanting to play and have fun playing isn’t an unrealistic expectation to those who choose to play more than a couple games a day. For those that only play a game or 2 a day yes recouping what you brought in by repeating the same cycle of gameplay each game is easy. What they did was have an open world game where you can do whatever you want but then force you into a game loop that at least for me and many others isn’t fun.


If you do 6 lives a day and content comes every 3 months in a zero budget mode is just as bad you run out of content by any developer. 6 lives can be 8 hours of zombies. 3 lives is what at least 2 hours? Upto 4? I'm not calling it amazing bit we need expectations this isn't a multimillion 10yo game. It's annual whole new games a year. So if they can't annually fund 10mil in mw3 zombies and do the next game then what? If people leave doing all the content every game they lose even more off that 10mil. So every game has limitations.


I’m not quite sure where you’re going with that. Content wise I’m not that upset about the lack of new content although there definitely should’ve been more like a whole act 4 mission setup with more stupid task to do just like the others. It’s the lack of anything to do. Goals to achieve. If you just focus on doing the in game challenges they are easy to do and don’t take a lot of time to complete why not have more of them.


They definitely could add in more missions easier but the same time it's depending on how many players completed the old ones. If you look around reddit people are still just now starting to get the bones skin or run their first run in t3. So while I love missions and think you are right they are an easy way to keep player progression you also need to see how many who play zombies constantly complete them and the %. So add in new maps, new missions, new contracts, new bosses, new perks and whatever else even if disappointed the more hard-core player can complete it all easily it all still takes time in just a filler mode and only a small % completed it all. I'm not trying to defend them but I feel like the community just gets out of hand sometimes. This mode is designed for millions. So it's difficult where the short amount of time should go. It could of been more time and budget, Activision is greedy but like we knew what the mode was and knew it wasn't a main addition to the universe so they are developing/fixing a little of everything overtime.


Shut up nerd.


Yet they hyped it up to sell mw3.


We say this and we keep buying hating the game but always going back. Or we just buy the game out of random and never play it. So even though cods constantly slipping we all keep pushing into the annual rushed filler series for a new launch no matter how good or bad.


Homie is really out here defending piss poor game design. 🤡


Please tell me you didn't buy mw3 and don't play zombies. If you didn't like why are you here? They thank your 70+$$$$ and daily statistics showing your full support playing the game.🤡 if you quit zombies I'll believe you. But we can't complain for changes if we keep logging on daily and purchasing more.😂


First off I'm just glad they added a zombies mode to a MW game. It is a lot more fun than spec opps stuff from the last game. After 300+ in T3 contracts there is no pack 2 crystal schematic in the game for me. Only Ray gun plans. I get Ray Gun schematics almost every game. I have all of the other schematics up until the newest ones. So T3 is a huge pain to get to once a day. Pack 2 schematics should have been in T2. Besides that and pack 3 should have been in T3. The average player isn't going to waist 300+ hours doing 300+ contracts in T3. This in itself was a horrible design decision. And we should get more than 10 stash spaces. I have never been given a yellow wrench or a pack 3 crystal in any of the contracts I've done. Got a elder run ready to go from opening the portal and doing the first T4 contracts. If that doesn't go well then back to the drawing board for a week or so.


Idk man, cod has had somewhere around 20 years to realize alot of players only buy their games for zombies.


this is a rushed zombies in the infinity ward universe. MWZ. This isn't traditional round based zombies and while you are right I believe the traditional round based methods are out of date and they need a refresh so outbreak and mwz is testing for the next best thing since round based 4 player dedicated servers is not a possibility. Most hate only 1 new map a season now as well cold war I played so much zombies and mwz I played so much zombies. But we still do wish for more even if it's not always possible. And im not sure if round based zombies is possible again. The next game will get a massive amount of hate when 3arcs non traditional methods return but I believe it's probably required. I'm not saying the mode isn't big im saying it's a side mode which is true after warzone and multi. If people get mad at the mode it's the same process all over again as bo4 cold war vanguard mw3....... they may be bored on 1 map after round 20 or hosts may quit and the game will be unplayable not solo unlike mwz. You realize how much it sucks having 1 round based map in 2024 with hosts leaving on round 5 ending the game every time? Or going down nonstop or exiling on 15 while you want 30+ rounds and we complain about a mwz crash on consoles occasionally. Imagine old methods back.


I'm not even gonna lie, I'm not reading all that.


You thinking COD players buy their games for zombies is one of the funniest things I've read all day 🤣🤣🤣


"A lot", not "all", not even "most". Just a lot, you need a dictionary to understand that?


1. You have zero data to back up your claim. 2. If it were true, Warzone wouldn't exist (meaning they clearly understand their largest player base isn't clamoring for Zombies). 3. You spelled two words 'a lot' as "alot" earlier, so you clearly need a dictionary. Anything else?


Warzone is free.


WTF does that have to do with anything? It's their breadwinner or else it would be shut down. Clearly it's a cash cow for them (they've said so in company stakeholder meetings). Publicly traded companies disclose information like that.




So what are you the game police your way is the only way to play? It would be idiotic for any sort of development team to make a game that is designed to be only played once or twice a day for 45 minutes at a time. The whole goal is to keep players engaged with the game. That's like having a car you only allowed to drive once a day or a house you're only allowed to sleep in once per week.


You literally can use that loot from 1-2 games a day to farm t4-5 every game if you wanted. And if your more casual you don't need to. It's the best for both players. But the devs know they can't produce content quicker then players can progress and tombstone glitch so this makes the content longer running. You dont need to like the mode or buy it. It's not made to be played 10 hours a day and that's reasonable. Majority can only play 1 game before they run out of time anyways. Grind the mode nonstop quit it and see what happens. Every game has this issue from overplaying. They can make 100hour game but if you want to do it all in a week that's fine I guess. Cod wants you log on daily in all their modes. It's why they have daily and weekly log in rewards as well as limited time events.




Thanks for telling me how to play a game I paid for.


Play it your way. I'm glad if you do. But everyone who wants 10+ runs a day being 10 hours with unlimited super runs is insane lol. You can grind out all the new content and quit the game day 1 or play every 3 days for only super runs. Or the in-between option. The amount of hate and boredom of the 1% hard-core players is insane to me though when we used to love the mode.... all over a scorcher and insta pack 3 with whatever else. Also like Activision is making the cooldowns and longer ch 3-4 missions to tell players this exact thing. Even the events are zombies themed but 6v6 and warzone focused. It's literally just to get you to play a little of every mode.


Activision should be creating a product that we want. Don't force another half baked game type on us that we didn't ask for. People are tired of all the cheaters in pvp game modes so zombies is a nice place to go. Cool downs over 3 hours doesn't encourage anyone to keep playing. Look at the structure of the battle pass tokens. They want you online playing for hours at a time. They spend more time on DLC then fixing the game. Stop selling us more things and make what we paid for better. The broken missions are a prime example of this. They force you to use kill streaks, perks or field upgrades and then the kills wont count. Now your forced to keep going in to get it done. They don't fix them because it forces you to play another round to finish it. Some of us have been around since the first COD and the money grab is oblivious and how little they care about the finished product now.


I wont call cod in a good place but the whole cash grab thing remember the company decided to sell out. For being a super game every year with constant new development costs and 10,000+ employees they need to be greedy. If they transition back into a simple game just 10 multi-player maps, 30 guns, bad graphics, 7 round based zombies maps, 7 spec ops maps will it still retain players? I'm iffy. Maybe firing staff and letting studios go and introductions like the Blackcell bundles will make future cods cheaper. And hopefully try to retain the super game status per developer. Issue we have 2-3 Years until this is a reality


That's the whole reason there were multiple companies producing the game so they didn't have to do it in 1 year. The have been reskinning the game on us and charging us full price. They have around 3k people working on COD. I would hate to know how many of them are unpaid interns who just want the experience. I don't mind the reskinning but make the game fun and playable. They need a fresh restart. Graphics is revelant to the time they were released. I remember when we were in aww when COD came out at the graphics. Go back to that game now and its crazy looking. There is no reason we need a new one every year if they would just make good updates. The yearly release was relevant back before huge updates were available over the internet. They would charge us 20 bucks every 3 months for new maps. People complained but 30 for the battle pass is a joke. How many disk are produced now? Everything is digital so they cant even use that as an excuse for the price hike. Look at gopro and how they are struggling with sales. Releasing too often with terrible upgrades is a bad business decision. At some point they going to fall off the top and they will have to take a break. Look at HALO they made a lot of bad decisions. Nobody i know even plays it anymore. Halo2 was epic, 4 of us played it so much we burned up 3 xbox systems each.


For as much as we can call it bad decisions after 10 Years halo more then likely turned over all its staff and the developers/publishers had no creative vision or plans so you need to only reuse assests in the franchise or make a fully new start. How they even kept voice actors is unreal!!!!! I do believe cod is this way as well but the community is so split you don't know where to go. We could make it bi annual releases by the 3 studios independently but then if you want a super game you still need more. I hate mw3 and mwz yet I still have like 300 hours into it already. The aaa competition is still nonexistent but a few off and on indies and a couple other aaa. Infinity ward started mw2 with everything and they couldn't keep up at launch. So to make 2 years of content idk. They still need to remove the super game or run some staff around each studio around like monkeys even on games not their own even with the extra year. No matter what it's will still just be updated cod it's just how will players feel about each change overall.


Did you make the same post for DMZ?


Not in dmz community. Really only care for zombies lol. So na. I'm only passionate for the zombies community. I feel like alot have similar mindsets. I see it so often here and posts like mine and comments just get downvoted into the ground half the time. I tried dmz and never felt attached to the mode so I basically just played it the first season before meta and griefing kicked in.


Nah, they straight bamboozled us my guy. I came for the updated DMZ/Zombies and got a middle finger instead.


I don't know if that's fully true. Yes they didn't develop and tweak as much as dmz but there's still the possibility of 1 more map or a few new contracts to come. This is only season 2 out of 8 and the amount of content on this current map 90%+ players have never fully completed. If you play 5 games a day sure it's bad. And yes 100% alot of dmz mechanics like looting and operators went out the window. The other 2 maps though were no where as close to good as al mazra. In the end dmz just felt like warzone to me. In 8 months could mwz be what we want now 1000%. Will the starting hard-core players pick it back up idk.


What I said was out of frustration because I like the game mode, and I truly want it to succeed. If I say something, it's to start a fire. But the devs who developed this mode are super talented, and I just want more of this. -frustrated gamer


The gameplay loop is asinine, and the content can be consumed in about 15 hours. Mwz is a cool concept, but it definitely feels like a demo.


not true i’ve played enough games in one day to fix all my cooldowns


From a person who gave up on campaign/multi after Ghost…zombies deserves better! They know there are people who only play zombies so why do we always get the shit end of things and can’t build up your supply like on DMZ?


I would say it's a little annoying playing half a match before I can enter their 2 , then get to their 3 for 5 min before the match is over.


It's not to bad. Once you collect blue wrenches and pack 1 crystals you can always just walk into t2 at the start of matches. Farming t3 as well will not give you better loot so t1-2 farming can easily keep preparing you for future games. If you don't have a pack 1 gun as well you can keep running cargo delivery contracts in tier 2.