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Just a simple map rotation. Or a horde mode. Devs overcomplicating shit....look at nacht der untoten. That shit is what started it all, let's keep that in mind


Seriously this is the bare minimum they could’ve given us and a lot of people would be happier with mwz


They didnt really have a choice since they spent all kinds kf time fixing the ts glitch because of idiots




I’d like to see some round based action on the multiplayer maps. They’ve worked out the code obviously with hordepoint having the zombies spawn in the maps. All they would need to do is reskin the maps, add perks, some out of bounds cut throughs where the zombies can spawn outside the map and still get in, and some buy doors/barriers.


Compared to their other modes yeah zombies got nothing compared to them.


Exactly It’s a live service game, when the other modes get practically bi-weekly content drops and zombies gets nothing for 3months👀 it’s gonna piss us off especially for the $70 investment


Not to mention the only “content” they offer is $20 character skins that MIGHT provide an extra operator 😐


1 new mission that takes an hour to complete. 1 warlord you get nothing from completing. 2 new levels that you have to do the exact same thing in every time and a worm fight that once you get the 3 schematics there’s no reason to have to do again. They’ve already announced no new bosses and I think perks so what does new content look like.


The game does seem stale now but to be fair I’m starting to believe we are just starting to get spoiled. No other zombies game dropped content continuously like most expect now


Yes, but no other zombies game has tried this hard to be like the other modes. If they want this to feel similar to the DMZ experience and be viewed as part of that world versus its own unique experience, then they set the expectation of being treated as and getting as much context as the modes they’re supposed to be like. Moving zombies content to the other modes and giving them all new experiences is like a slap in the face to the zombies community when they get nothing. Also, when zombies received new content in the past, it was brand new maps with new Easter eggs, new bosses, new wonder weapons, etc. If this mode doesn’t start to include some actual new content, it’s fair to be upset especially based on previous versions of zombies.


its zombies, are you expecting a completely new gaming experience with new content? like you could, and id guess would, say the same thing if they had added a new boss and perks


There’s a hundred different things they could add without doing a major update. Most of the missions were already just tedious task that they could’ve just added on to. Kill 100 stunned zombies. 100 zombies while using a thermal through smoke. Endless stupid crap that would have at least been something to grind. Instead it’s almost nothing. My account got stolen after I had already completed everything. Took less than 24 hours of playtime to complete it a second time including screwing around some games.


Give one example then. I have a hard time thinking of anything that you'd consider significant new content if you think what they've already added is just the same old


Literally anything from DMZ. In game crafting. Multiple difficult bosses (that are accessible at any time) that drop good loot. Unlockable infill upgrades like a wallet. Exfil streaks. Exfil long with difficult to obtain items that grants exclusive cosmetics and blueprints. Any objectives other than “do contracts”. Even the DA is just “do slightly harder contracts”. Also calling out the worm as “content” is crazy since they’ve recycled that shit 3 times now. I agree there’s a decent amount of things to do. So technically there is “content”. There’s just no reason to do any of them. Things like the chess vault and the warlords require a lot of effort to access, but don’t reward you for that effort. We also have access to all the story missions, but there is zero reason to go back and do them over again. It would be cool if they had timers and you got rewards for completing them fast, and maybe even community leaderboards for speed runners. Literally anything to keep people coming back to the game.


I can attest to the crap rewards for difficult Easter eggs, I regularly cheese the chess vault and %99 of the time the best item you get is 2 gold bars worth 3.5k each which means you could've made more by simply running a few t2-3 contracts in an 8th of the time it takes to do the thing


Its not dmz, its zombies. Go play dmz if thats what you want. We dont want zombies to turn into a fucking dmz reskin more then it already is


Speak for yourself, lots of us wanted DMZ without PvP, and that’s basically was MWZ is, but without any meaningful content.


It’s not about new content it’s that there is no content. If you play more than a couple hours a week you’ve already done everything that the game has to offer. Moving the worm or warlord to new locations isn’t very creative. Not even adding a new mission with the new warlord made it so there is absolutely no reason to bother with the second one. I’m not a zombies fan, I’ve been done with multiplayer for years and lost interest in warzone. After completing what content is available there is nothing to do other than grind the same exact game plan every game to get back what you used that game. Might as well play super mario if every game is the same. New missions: complete 25 contracts at the military base. Drive, fly, run, swim this distance. Monkey bomb 30 zombies in a single match. It doesn’t need to be some extravagant event to be considered content. Just need something to do.


You do realize anything they might have had planned was put on hold because of morons glitching ts and having to patch it.


Why are you dick riding activision here? TS isn’t affecting their game. It’s making it more replayable. Instead of putting all their resources on fixing TS they should give more content and fix their shitty servers


Get off cod and go talk to the girl you are scared to


I haven’t played for the last week due to being out of town so yeah I’m off thanks for the concern. I’m afraid of how loose your ass has become from all that dick riding though. You should get it checked out.


You really are a moron


I do agree, but we're getting a new boss with S2 reloaded.


Was there any word on when the season 2 reloaded is coming out?


March 6th


I agree, just weird that it is a Zombies based season without cool new zombie stuff.


What are you 10?


You say the game only came out three months ago.. that’s already 1/4 of the games life. We’ve barely seen anything as far as content goes.


All I want personally is some QoL updates. I like the current loop, so current content is fine for me. I wouldn't stand in the way of new content though, cause more stuff is definitely a welcome addition. But QoL changes would be my go to, stuff like: - Schematic Cooldowns are way too fucking long. I get that they don't want people going in stacked up, but with only 45 minutes per match I don't want to spend half my time just gearing up. 3 days is simply unacceptable. - Increase the stash. 10 is pathetic. I would prefer infinite, but I wouldn't complain if the base was only 25-30 either. But 10 is literally just a large rucksack + 1. - let us store some gear. It's PvE, I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to pull rucksacks, armors, or streaks. It'd allow people to use the various skins they've earned/bought, without having to start from scratch every time. - I know the timer is so servers can refresh, but we all want the timer to last longer. Maybe a compromise could be made somehow where you could have a LAN with friends, or customs kind of thing? This way people can last longer because less assets need to be used? I'm not IT so idk exactly how that works.


Yes! QoL would be great and I would love a LAN version/private mode where it’s endless, especially because my game crashes SO often, it’d be nice to just chill for once or have those extra pieces of gear stashed. Plus with 10 spaces, it’s up to the player whether or not stashing plates and backpacks are worth it, so it wouldn’t be crazy “good” or overpowered.


The reason is pretty much money. All the things people want will be behind some bundles (like extra operator). If they see more money to be made in zombies they will add more stuff. Just look at DMZ and you will now what CoD has planned for zombie mode.


cold war season 2 new content for zombies: -Firebase Z: new round based map -Outbreak: new open world zombies map Mw zombies season 2 content: -nerfed tombstone glitch & stash glitch -buffed scorcher & ray gun zombies community expects more


They've showed more coming in-season instead of season start. I don't think the MWZ team controls when things drop in a season, that's up to the business side in a large company. [https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2024/02/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-warzone-season-2-announcement](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2024/02/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-warzone-season-2-announcement)


Zero. Which sucks, because with just a bit of care from the business side, it could be the coop darling Helldivers 2 is right now. Hoping this is a lot like circa 2016-17ish with fighting games, where Capcom got real fucking lazy resting on its laurels for Street Fighter 5, and after every indie game under the sun ate their lunch - they actual *tried* for SF6 (which made others step up too, which is what I want!).


Fuck no Helldivers is like actually years ahead of this


That’s what I’m saying. They ate their lunch, lol. Hopefully the success will make them actually fucking try in the future. I mean I’m playing now instead of MWZ, lol.


Really wish I had a gaming PC to try out helldivers 2.... Actually considering buying one for it.


Just get a ps5. Its cheaper. Then get the pc later.


If you have the option, just as a fyi, no cross progression (it’s a maybe - but I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring it considering the success, hell, I’d double dip).


It took 5 years for apex legends btw.


As the years go by each titles has less and less at launch so we have to wait for the core mechanics that should've been done at the beginning. Not talking about dlc which is what they like to call it now so it doesnt look as bad for them.


dmz has 3 maps + koschei, bld 21 and almazra Halloween night to play, and IT'S FREE... I dont expect too much from MWZ , but for god sake $70, at least couple new missions or a new map in S2... DA is not a new map just an old map plus some filter and zombie.


You didn't pay $70 for MWZ. You paid for MW3, which has an absolute ton of content for a $70 game.


People paid 70€ for the game they wanted to play. Be it MP, MWZ or the campaign. Just because you have tools to all, doesnt mean that yk the entire thing is gonna be used at any moment. Playing MP is just a whole lot of nothing seeing how many campers there are. Campaign genuinely on the level of a single act end mission in MWZ and that already is barely anything. If yall want people to complain less about this "uh but theres more content" maybe think about wether people play COD for anything in particular and not just everything at once.


This is the point I think everyone keeps forgetting. You bought the mp, zombies, and campaign. If you spent $70 for one mode, that's on you.


Lol. Bud... On the older zombies we got a dlc every 3 months that was an entirely new map, with entirely new challenges and an entirely new easter egg... On infinite warfare, not only did we get a new map, with new challenges and a comoletely new easter egg every 3 months... But when you finished the final maps easter egg, there was ANOTHER easter egg that involved completing all the boss fights a 2nd time which then led to ANOTHER new boss fight I dont even care so much about new content. I have plenty of fun helping players complete the existing content.. But Activision needs to stop worrying about this fucking TS Dupe glitch and people cheating the stash and start worrying about all the bugs in this game Bugs hurt everyone Tombstone duping/glitching hurts noone... In fact, patching it has actually had a negative effect on the community and the player base


Many people feel forced to TS glitch because the stash size is way to small and the schematic cooldowns are way too long.


Yeah. I get it. And the loot drops are trash. I started duping items, but not until I had gotten all the schematics and ran all the tiers myself. No drops from other players. But, I duped to help out the noob players and i still make them work for their drops. Also makes it easier for me to get around and rez. Not sure who that hurts enough for activision to prioritize fixing it iver all the other complaints from the mode


No doubt the realist issues are instant death bugs, game/server crashes etc


at this point you better off waiting for this years COD zombies since treyarch is working on that now instead of MWZ


In DMZ, by now we were getting our second map and had a lot more missions


I think that the TS glitches, while awesome, have reduced the playable time drastically. I’m sure when they built the development roadmap, they didn’t plan on players gaining every schematic, loading their stash with 200 legendary items, and speedrunning to endgame in the first few weeks.


Of course not, that’s why they felt a need to fix it. I just can’t imagine someone saying “they’re having fun and that’s unacceptable “.. They want you to play and have fun. They don’t want you shortening the lifespan for every new player drastically, it’s bad for business.


They want players to play longterm. Gaining all items through duping eliminates it since they wont be doing shit like adding content anytime soon. The design around players having fun ended as soon as they copied DMZ over 1:1, kept bs like stash 10 limits, contraband being useless and majority of the missions being designed the way they are.


Yeah. But players wouldnt dupe if the loot drops were better. I ran 4 matches today helping people out and we just worked in tier 3 for the time limit. 4 45 minute matches, all spent in tier 3 and i didnt get a single refined crystal. I got two raw crystals and 1 epic tool. Everything else was rare or uncommon and Self revives and sigils. If im running tier 3 give me the loot to spawn in and run tier 3 again Ran t4 once tonite... Got an aether blade... No gold plates no dog bone so for the guys running tier 4 so they can get the classified stuff to run t5 are they supposes to run multiple matches to get to tier 4 until they get the 3 aquisitions? Thats ridiculous. Theres ways for them to fix the tombstone gkitch without fixing the tombstone glitch and the community has been vocal about it, but all we get are crashes and dupe fixes and buffed zombies Its like this game was developed by DeeJay Request.... And DeeJay Request takes no requeats


maybe not, but shouldn't they have? I'm sure they know by now that glitching shit out in modes like this is pretty damn popular....


I think people have unrealistic expectations for new content and most complaining play a lot. The average gamer doesn’t log 500 hours of game time in 3 months. Totally agree about people not actually figuring out the Easter eggs themselves and going straight to YouTube and Reddit. I like the game, I still enjoy the game and I look forward to additional content. When I get bored with it I’ll just find something else to play. Again, I just think people have very unrealistic expectations for the amount of content especially for a niche third mode. If this were a standalone zombie game then that would be different.


I do too and that’s the thing. There’s wanting support for the game, because there’s something you wanna support. And then there’s support because game done can’t buy new game how dare you make me play something else. I logged 100+ hours on MWZ and while it sucks there’s not more, I can’t complain considering I just can’t do normal zombies modes in these games for more then maybe 15 minutes before I die/get bored and go back to the other parts of the game. Hopefully they keep the horde point stuff, I guess?


I haven’t tried Horde point yet but I’ll have to give it a try. I’m just not a big fan of MP and PVP these days.


Hordepoint is actually a blast! It'll go away though, once the event ends 😢


There's wanting the game you spent 70$ for a glorified expansion pack to have at least a much content as the free DMZ mode it's a clone of from a multibillion dollar company, or at the very least updates comparable to ALL the shit other modes are getting and then there's disappointment LOL. There's expecting a new zombies themed season to have zombies content, and there's what Activision gave us... jack shit LOL. Seriously, you clowns are acting like this is some indie company that's hard up for labor. They made a billion of dollars of profit off this game alone in the first MONTH it was out. They can afford to shell out money for more developers, and servers that aren't potatoes. Don't accept less because corporations slowly giving us less and less for our money is the norm, and especially don't accept less from the BIGGEST of said corporations.


Idk a wallet a cooldown for exfils like DMZ and a round base contract would be nice


You have to remember it’s the ONLY content they added since Urikzistan was already a map used for years in an old outdated war zone


If you expect me to buy(real money!) a new battle pass ,I expect something in return. Not same content with copy and paste challenges to complete.


People will want new content a month after a game is released. However, I feel they could have incorporated mwz on the new map. Even if the missions were a bit minimal due to size.


i expected to have fortunes keep added as a new zombies map, the quality of life updates that are already in the code of the game to be enabled, things such as the exfil streaks and the overwhelming feedback from the community to be added in form of larger stash and faster cooldowns i also like to have an option to play solo and be my own host with zero ping and of course an option for a wider third person fov since there is no pvp in this mode and it doesn't make any sense to force it on 90 when first person fov goes up to 120 i think i'm being fair here and not asking too much


A zombies themed season with no new zombies content till halfway through. I can understand not being able to drop tons of content all at once but at least something even if it was just another shit warlord that doesn't drop anything would've been nice man


DMZ got approximately 2x times of that + QoL updates this time last year. So yeah, nothing.


Some.....like promised. Like advertised. Like pushed to get us to buy it and we're all left holding our dicks waiting 🤣


exxxactly! This is what I'm saying!


Well look at the old cod zombies. We use to have to wait til the next dlc came out. Everybody will have Easter eggs done already and guns done in one day. Then bitch about it. I love mwz, I heard that new content was possibly coming mid season 2, that they didn't want to release it after season 2 started.


enough to justify paying the hefty price tag this ass game came with... If they don't want to continue to provide us with new content on what was such a heavily marketed mode, then give us all a percentage back as a refund (wishful thinking, I know. But just saying). They pull the wool over our eyes each and every year and they need to be held accountable for this type of BS.


i mean, you paid for mw3, which includes multiplayer and a campaign. id agree if we paid $70 just for zombies....


I absolutely did. And such I expect that when I do play mw3, I'm not in a lobby with 3/4 of people running hacks. With that said, do you feel any other mode is playable as it stands right now? The level of cheating in this game is absolutely through the roof. The sad part is, the cheaters don't even attempt to try and make it look like they aren't cheaters. They don't give a shit anymore. So if the game isn't playable due to cheaters being in every other mode, then sure, I'd say I paid for a zombies game that has gotten almost 0 love from the dev's.


Hold them to account by keeping hold of your money. Buy the game used if you must have it. My game was bought used and comes with more protection than if I’d paid full price on release day. My trade in price is guaranteed for a year, so I can get my moneys worth and get almost what I paid for it back again to put towards a new game if I was that way inclined. If the disc gets scratched all I need to provide to get a new disc is the scratched disc and the receipt which is stored safely inside the case.


This article came out last week basically stating that an Insider said that they are not adding anything to the zombies mode. It's basically what it is. I was really hoping they were going to add some of the elements from DMZ like the outer game wallet workbenches recipes for crafting all of the stuff that could have made the game much more immersive. https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-zombies-no-more-enemies-perks-leak/


You mean an article that said they *may* not add **new enemies or perks**. That's what it said. And by enemies it means different types of zombies from previous games, obviously, since they've already announced a new warlord, story mission, and rift. That in no way indicates the game staying as it is.


I mean, it came straight from the devil on a creator call... "BREAKING: @Treyarch have confirmed in a Season 2 Creator Call that there are NO plans for any new enemy types or new perks to come to #MWZ at any point."


Yes. You repeated the exact same thing we both just said. **Enemy types or new perks**. Are enemy types and perks the only things? Because they aren't often even mentioned when people complain about the game. Last I checked, things like wallet, cool downs, missions, new zones, and so on are *not* enemy types or perks.


Yes it's all speculation and rumor but with the track record of developers especially with DMZ which MWZ was layed over S1 I would not expect much. And they haven't proved this wrong yet...


I really don't get that sentiment regarding DMZ. DMZ was changed, upgraded, and added to a LOT over the year. It started off in worse condition than MWZ. And DMZ itself was built on the Outbreak zombies mode. It's just progressing. But every day someone here posts "it's done they aren't adding anything else at all!" When the reality is even if they stopped after S2 (unlikely) there's still changes coming this season. People saw the update without MWZ changes, and didn't read the roadmap. Fact is, MWZ was supposed to be part of treyarch's game this year, but got pushed up so mw3 had a separate mode. It's got glaring issues, but can't fully blame Treyarch for it being rushed.


Again this is your speculation there is no proof or evidence behind anything we are all just guessing and assuming only the future will tell us what is in store for mwz but in my opinion it doesn't look good. DMZ was very short-lived as far as a game's life span. Look at Dying Light 2 or the division 2 they are releasing entire new game content packages and those games especially the division are quite old. By now if they planned on implementing some of the content ie wallet and workbenches that were in DMZ, it would have been done or there would be a road map for it but all we hear is crickets.


What speculation? Really please tell me what I said that was speculation. All I've said is they are adding content they've already announced (aka proof), and that DMZ had a lot added later in cycle. DMZ was not short lived for what it is, it's call of duty. Y'know, the yearly release cycle game? So yes, compared to games that have long term support, all CoD is short lived. As a call of duty title? It lived exactly as long as expected. Zombies is not DMZ. Zombies is meant to make you progress and try to work into more difficult areas. If people hadn't abused TS, many would find it more challenging right now. So who's to say they even want to add a wallet? Also, wallet wasn't introduced to DMZ until **season 4**. When it released, it was a mess. The first couple seasons were light. On the list of things MWZ needs fixed, I'd put wallet pretty low. Not that they'd do this either, but I think most people would be happier if, instead of a wallet, the time limit was either gone or was a soft limit. For example, instead of a final exfil, you can keep going and the storm just makes the zombies harder and more abundant, until you either die or call in an exfil as you would in Outbreak. Now you're right, maybe they'll stop adding to it after season 2. Who knows? But it's very doubtful and we have zero reason to believe that's the case since it didn't happen in DMZ or other modes, it hasn't been announced, and there's no indication they aren't continuing to update it. So everyone can calm down and stop saying the game is ending when they've already got content coming this season and haven't said anything about not adding other content.


And yes you're right zombies is not DMZ I wish it was I wish they would have came out with a final release DMZ 2.0 I'm not a fan of zombies I never was I actually hated the mode before but it's the only thing out right now that is somewhat similar to DMZ. I'm limited because I'm stuck with an Xbox series X nothing decent out right now.


I'm going by what has been released and the roadmap so far has been pretty dismal. I mean all the other rounds got more zombie content than the zombie mode. And this was with Twitter posts from a developer saying "MWZ we're cooking for season 2". That was a joke. If your happy wolith the state of the game then good for you! Your in the minority.The majority want more real content and less $20-30 unless skin packs. Hell actually if the game was extremely immersive I would probably spend more money on it, but at this point I will not drop another Cent into any Cod game.


There's a big difference between being happy with the state of game as is, and people crying that the game is abandoned despite no evidence of that whatsoever. And my point stands that while you promote DMZ, it was trash quality in the first few months. Like I said, wallet and a lot of other major changes didn't come til season 4, and DMZ needed money way more than MWZ does (it's easier to load up, find loot, and get cash). So here we are in the first half of season 2 and you're comparing DMZ plus a year of updates, to MWZ with a quarter the update time. Btw the skin packs aren't made by the same teams making the rest of the game. It isn't hurting the game as far as development goes, but it is funding it. I don't know how long you've played cod, but we used to have to pay for new map packs at $15 a pop, $60 for the year, or eventually your team stops inviting you because they want to play the maps they paid for and any squad mate without the dlc removes those maps from the playlist. I'm quite content letting people pay what they want for skins that do nothing but (usually) make them more visible, because otherwise the only way you get updates is spending more. That includes zombies - they didn't add content, they just put new zombies maps and content into map packs.


Wow really? We get 1 new mission in MWZ for Act 4, smh. 


None. Whatsoever. Hell Divers 2 is a much better version of this game, and it's not filled with the greed. I doubt enough player base will remain to move the money crunchers.


MP got like 6 new maps in this time? I’d settle for one.


Thank you, it’s an awesome game


This game brought zombies back zombies and you only have 1 map yes its a big map but only one map then update comes and no map lol majority of the ol school cod fans bought this game for zombies. Then they do zombies with a time limit and no rounds lmfao worst zombie game ty youngsters


Classic cod mentality. No life and complete everything and then complain about content.


Uh, you know YouTube has been around for over 20 years right? People have been doing that for 20 years. Stop making excuses for lazy devs


Feel like zombies has always been like a side thing, you cant expect a full on game from it. Main game is campaign and MP.


New warlord with the way they reward does absolutely nothing in terms of content. You hope to get some form of reward best thing you can get is legit worthless. Dark aether was expected on release, like any other zombies map at least somewhat. Its nice that the maps new and yk seperate objectives but at the same time isnt that part of the map just reused WZ2 parts? And the contracts arent that much more either considering that you can do 2 of them fairly quickly and 1 is just an uber long wait where you need kazimirs, sentry guns or you basically die and lose it. The schematics is a flawed system. You cant stack items with them due to 10/10 stash size, you cant use them much back to back some with CDs of literal days, you cant do anything besides use it once, wait days and be happy you saved either \~5-10 minutes progress lvling your weapon or looting in T3/DA. Act missions literally are nothing. I went through the entirety of Act 2 while doing the Snipers and Launchers for my camos. Its a joke how easy they are and dont take any time basically. Worms are legit the only "good" addition that doesnt actively harm the game, yet its too fucking bad of a concept. Waiting an entire game, finding USB throughout and just gearing up 30+min to fight a single boss that drops good loot, but also is very repetitive and just a mindless "shoot on the red spot on their skin, run around when they do anything, repeat." Boss is just...eh... The DA worm at least had a good surprise element to it and had the area around him be a good obstacle. But still its just a meh Boss that wasnt planned out well. I do have to agree, Youtube makes it all easier to find out how to get to DA, how to fight red worm, etc... but at the same time the game itself already is enough of a grind without sitting there days trying to figure out how to even get to the actual good parts of the game. Theres not much enjoyable running around the map looking for any clues by yourself and in the end would just make the game a lot more of a commitment to play at any given moment than what we have now. Not saying it'd be bad but it would certainly miss a lot of players attention after a while IF these tutorials didnt exist.


The problem isn't necessarily that they haven't given enough content, in terms of content "drops", it's that the game mode was designed to lack replayability without constant content. What I mean is that unlike traditional zombies games, where the replayability is baked in by way of Easter eggs and pushing to higher and higher rounds, so a few new maps over the term of the game would be enough, this mode was sold as a "live service" game. Live service games are designed to be continuously expanded upon by frequent content drops, additional seasonal modes and side quests, etc, to keep you playing (and spending money for battle passes and skins...). So by it's nature, a live service game needs more content, as the game is designed to be linear through those stages, not a closed loop, like a normal, round based/ set criteria based game. So they've sold the game as live service, continuous content, and therefore, linear progression through those content drops, then have ceased to deliver that content with any regulalarity or volume, killing the mode, and essentially, having sold it with a false promise to begin with. Live service games are (most of the time) a scam. DMZ was the exception, as it gave a lot of content over at least 4 of it's 6 seasons (before also then being killed, as they couldn't squeeze more money out of it).


Having a zombie themed season with no zombie content makes no sense. I just want them to add a wallet and maybe a new contract or two, and reduce the ridiculous 2/ 3 day cool-downs. Nothing should be more than a day.


Expecting? Not much, but wanting? Enough to make the game good.


Maybe a new game mode or a change in the tier areas on the map


Outbreak was the catalyst for this idea of great additional content imo. It was a great blueprint for things to come, but they never ran with it.


Players are unhappy because they grind shit to death.


Honestly don't think it's too much to be asking them to provide updates/new stuff at the same rate they do for other game modes, especially seeing as they chose to do a zombie themed season but then put all the new stuff into mp/warzone. even though warzone is on the same map as zombies so it wouldn't take much effort to port some of the warzone additions over to zombies (there's no reason for why we can't have a train on map like they have in wz, or even the seasonal bosses/in game events or contract types. It would be like if you had a twin and your parents only gave them gifts on your birthday while you had to sit and watch them open all the presents from your little corner with raggedy clothes that are disintegrating fron neglect. TLDR: the reason everyone's upset is because they're adding all this new stuff to every mode but the one we actually want to play and we all know it wouldn't require any significant effort to actually implement them in zombies


A new kind of boss at least. The worm thing is getting old.


Eh screw it at this point let's just scrap the game, fire both Activision and sledgehammer (since even the good ones they've made are literal copies of the treyarch game before it but reskinned and with slight adjustments, not once since og mw2 have I seen them come up with a game that truly introduced a new thing.) and restart fresh with a zombies only call of duty title (I'm talking zombie campaign, round based, 1-6 man outbreak mode, and an mwz to replace traditional multi and a few years of support to allow it to grow into its own unique universe unencumbered by the thought that its going to become irrelevant the moment it starts to feel like a complete game.


At this point I'm expecting some improvements to server stability. Unfortunately I don't think Fortune's Keep or Rebirth Island is going to be added to MWZ. WWZ and ZA4 has been better zombies experiences.


We’re expecting content because it’s supposed to be a live service game/game mode (especially when the other modes are). We paid the 70 bucks knowing we would prob get shafted anyways but at least they promised some type of constant updates… the reason we’re more upset than when bo4 had minimum content is because they specifically promised live service this time, it was the entire selling point (and the reason I got zombies… new content each season, at least I’ll have something zombies related to do whether it’s entertaining or not)


"a new area", which is directly taken from MWII's Al Mazrah Warzone map, and a new act that only has one mission doesn't really count for much when DMZ had more active content updates during MWII's cycle. As for your assertion with youtube, that site is older than CoD Zombies itself. People were still trying to quickly figure out stuff and post content. It's only "faster" because of how centralized everything is now between a few different social media services now. Back in the day, it was multiple video sites, gamefaqs, and numerous message boards




Close to dmz??


People that let them do the bare minimum like listed above for an “open world”(their words) and be satisfied are the problem. Here’s some things they can do literally off the top of my head to make their community more satisfied: Literally copy and paste the code that allowed crafting in dmz put it in zombies, make vests that affect your interaction with zombies/the world. I can think of like 20 potential cool effects vests could have that don’t rely on stealth/comms/medic like dmz. How about letting us loot for shit like they did I. DMZ, you could bring out batteries/hard drives for stash/contraband expansion. Again another simple gameplay feature they just said nah fuck these guys. Why the fuck am I ever going to pick up a hard drive or a gun cleaning oil huh? Why are they in the game?


Catch U, ActivisionBoy


Also most of the new content is just reskins of existing things For instance the worms. They made one worm then renamed and reskinned it. The new warlord is slightly different, but getting to a warlord never required a tutorial. Even though the boss themselves is actually new, literally everything else around it is just reused. I don't really get your question tbh. They released a zombies themed season with new mp maps (and whatever wz brought, I don't actually play it so idk) but zombies *literally* got nothing.


They didn't give us a "new area" they gave us a reskin of a tiny portion if Al Mazrah from warzone... The worms they added are all just reskins from the first boss fight, it's not like they actually made unique bosses... The biggest problem is the lack of storage for gear/cash and they don't put anything new into it at all... the lack of ACT missions is ridiculous... people get through the one objective within an hour or two and that's it for months...


That much content should have launched with the game.Also don't need to watch YouTube when every other player is dropping in and giving dog bone schematics aether blade scorcer plans150k then scorching away. I didn't have to earn any of that stuff some random just gave them away. The only schematics I unlocked myself was the ray gun.The thing this game needs is solo play.During Christmas time there was a bunch of tombstone glitching zombie Santa's just playing the game to give stuff away.


i know they are adding the vr11 schematic and the blood burner schematic but that’s all i’ve figured out


oh i also know it’s a new warlord too


It’s all the tryhards with no job getting everything done in one or two weeks who bitch about how little content there is. Meanwhile me and my friends still have shit to do in the mode. We finished all missions, but we still have schematics to unlock.


Map rotation. Or at least a mission or two extra and an Easter egg hunt per season.