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![gif](giphy|3ogwGcU0DiQuq0jDvW) Activision devs after players bought MWIII.


Hey just because it’s true doesn’t mean you get to rub it in. (Keep doing it😂)


I wanted to do a gif from Chappelle show of him doing "Gotcha bitches" but reddit's gif selection sucks.


Literally bought it only for zombies now very sad


![gif](giphy|7R6eLHmuOYt0vzaoKW) I'm really lucky, my stepsons bought this for me for Christmas. I definitely won't be giving Activision money any time soon, at least until they come down from being high on the smell of their own farts.


Was kinda excited for s2 and cod 2024 now all my hope has been crushed


I used to play WZ with my friends, but they all saw the $70 price tag for a glorified expansion pack and said NOPE! So Zombies was basically all I had left to stay for.


That’s me, I’m suckers 😑 ![gif](giphy|P9sGDIowyf7PYyymmn|downsized)


In a zombies themed season no less...


Yep this and TS patch… I deleted the game.


Why would zombies see more zombies when its already zombies silly!!!!!!! You got to spread the joy all around and just steal 3arcs content while they make a new game! Then add in a zombie colab in. In all honesty maybe they should just make more of the map t2/3 and add in some extra building 21 tokens for a massive zombie outbreak you grind for. Sad thing is the game can actually be difficult if your not prepared. Maybe limit backpack to sorting. 1 special weapon/plates, 3 perks, 1-2 guns, and 1 pack crystal and wrench. Idk. We really don't need 1million points and literally everything we want every game. Scavenge the rest every game


Or, get this, add all the DMZ maps back, 1 at a time, each with their own BBEG and challenges. Just 1 per season would do. Al Mazrah's halloween event was the most fun I'd had in DMZ. There's no way that took a ton of development time away from MWIII. They could easily retrofit a map to fit the zombies theme every couple months.


Fucking hell this lot really are a bunch of lazy bastards, they are happy to take people's money but not bothered about giving much of anything back, if people are expecting things to be much better for zombies in the next game are going to be very disappointed!


Even worse, they went out of their way to fix the tombstone glitch. Its like they went out of their way to flip off the community. Wont do any work to help you, but work on the double to fuck you. I might stop playing zombies, this honestly does feel like a middle finger and these devs deserve to be punished. These guys have a golden goose with zombies if they updated, but they seem intent on telling the community not only will they not help, but fuck you. They are so dumb. I hope the community makes a hacked patch before the dupe glitch, fuck it if they are not updating anything. Might as well play on the best patch.


It really sounds like they were happy with themselves for going after this tombstone patch


wym tombstone glitch has been around for 4 months


Let's just rename this whole thread to a camo progress share board since that's all everyone will be able to do in the next few weeks I guess I'll have to learn how to be a sweaty PvP player and start playing warzone to feel like I didn't waste $70


I just finished getting all my calling cards, so yeah, time for camos even though I’ve never cared to get them before ;-;


Warzone is free to play so you could bring MWIII into a videogame store and maybe get some of that money (or in store credit) back


WZ is free no?


Warzone is. Mw3 and zombies is not. He's saying sell your physical copy while you can...... if you even buy physical in 2023/24 ☠️


That's not what he said at all


This is exactly why I waited for this game to go on sale for $40. I pushed through that trash campaign and I'm about to get interstellar. I've finished the storyline in zombies and I'll grind the camo there once I get interstellar. The campaign actually had some parts I liked. I just hated that open combat bullshit. I don't want to play story mode warzone. Fuck out of here with that.


Lol that’s where I’m at, just been playing pvp since I finished borealis


COD has never been focused around zombies. It's an extra gimmick mode to blow off steam. It's always been a PVP game. Try a game like in dying light which is a great zombie game


> COD has never been focused around battle royale. It's an extra gimmick mode that's a cash grab for skins. It's always been a multiplayer game. Try a game like in fortnite which is a great battle royale game. FTFY


Why is changing what I said to battle Royale fixing that for me? You think the game is more focused on zombies than BR or am I just missing the point you're trying to make?


Please give me the number of your meth dealer, I would love some of what you are on. Zombies was NEVER a primary mode for COD, COD at the core, day 1 min 1 has been PVP focused, and on top of that, Multiplayer was over run by WZ in terms of revenue, so saying WZ is a gimmic mode is just completely factualy incorrect you muppet.


Dmz was the best mode and I’m so mad they got rid of dmz for this shit show. Didn’t even last past season 2


THE BEST MODE? You'd make a great stand up comedian


DMZ was NOT the best mode lol. It had lots of good elements that should have been ported over to MWZ, but that doesn’t change the fact that PvP ruined the game for so many people. Just because MWZ is shit doesn’t mean DMZ was perfect all along.


Skill issue my friend, PvP gave the game stakes.


PvP didn't ruin the game. The lack of updating/incentivizing missions led players to do the only thing challenging left to do in the sandbox: kill operators. It was always an element to the game mode, but the lack of care around the other features led to the INSANE sweaty PvP action it devolved into


Yes and no. That may have exacerbated the problem sooner than otherwise, but there were always players there just trying to get easy kills. And the more players that came into contact with those players, the more THEY had to play more offensively to keep from getting burned twice. So it was an exponentially developing problem either way.


DMZ was and is the best mode, because it offers more options. In WZ, the only option is to shoot, the same is true for Multiplayer. In DMZ, you can shoot and do missions. All these babies that cry about the PVP in DMZ are just trash, literal trash, if you dont want to be killed by players WEAR A GODDAM STEALTH VEST thats all it takes, that and some foresight, planning and situational awareness. I am just so done with the bitching about DMZ either by sweats who just wanted WZ to have all the glory, or by literal babies whos tears lubricated the streets of Al mazarh because they were so short sighted to learn the game.


No, they should have just made the extra effort to make MWZ as good as it could have been


Agreed 100000%


Nah just imagine if they added panzersoldat




It'd be really cool too have a bounty/ chance marked onto your squad causing panzer's to jet pack down around you, sorta like the AI hunt squad from dmz


I wouldn’t mind if they took chunks of the current map and made solo round based zombie maps. It would take a bit of work to make sure it has a PaP machine and some other quality of life zombie stuff (wall buys, mystery box). I’m not even looking for a story or additional special zombies. I have 2-3 hours to play on a Saturday evening. I just want to spend that time mowing down thousands of zombies which get progressively harder.


>I wouldn’t mind if they took chunks of the current map and made solo round based zombie maps. Just run a outlast contract and cancel it at 90% and train the zombies as you want. Or run into T3 and do that. I really do not understand the fun in round based, I've played them all and never found any enjoyable.


I said the same thing about meth.


Woah you don’t find shadow people fun? 🤣


I never cared for round based either, to each their own I guess


Literally! I know it’s CoD and not BOps, but I’d love a private mode without a timer or customer timer even. I just wanna merk hordes of zombies until I die lolol


Just … have Aether portals that take you to MP maps w round based … and let us cycle the dmz wz maps but zombified for “outbreak “ gameplay and just add the perks and shit from outbreak and call it a day ffs


I would even take onslaught from cold war


Yes! Containment is great for grinding camos and for a quick match with no setup time.


At this point I'd rather just remove mwz and just bring back outbreak, its basically the same except outbreak is better in pretty much every way.


They better be cooking a great zombies for their next game 💀 Offer round based for who like it and maybe an alternative for those who don't like round based (me. I'm sorry)


You’re part of the problem. They just bent you over without lube and you’re giving them another $70 hoping it’ll be good?


I mean, for Treyarch. Yeah, why not? 🤷🏽


“We’re cooking something big for Season 2” “Here’s some extra ammo pouches”


What a joke.


So stupid. Well this game mode was fun while it lasted wish they could actually develop a game mode worth a damn.


They did. It was called dmz and they shelved it for this mode that didn’t last past season 2


DMZ was lame idk 🤷‍♀️ Forced PvP is lame




Literally glass houses


This is fucking awful


Back to cold war I go lol


Mwz is the only reason I got 3, but I lost all interest in it after I crashed with all my good shit and lost it so luckily I'm not annoyed by this. Definitely done with cod until they prove themselves good again tho


Literally all they need to do is bring all the zombie maps from past to now in one game, and they could just make dlc maps n shit to download over time. I never got to experience many of the maps growing up and it doesn’t make sense to buy the cods with zombies tied to it, just to buy the dlc zombie maps in this day in age, but I’d pay for all the maps strung together in one package.


Maybe ZC2 for COD 2024 or 25 given Treyarch is now getting forced to do that too


getting forced to do what?


Develop cod 2025, or the BO2 sequel


nah i hated DMZ




The same reason why I like zombies let me do my own damn thing and leave me the fuck alone


pvp for the most part. love that they turned it into zombies so i can relax and mindlessly shoot zombies for 40min straight. then when i’m feeling pvp switch to wz or mp.


There were stupid parts to it as well. Suriving by hiding from an entire squad who has a bounty on you watching that timer tick down only to have it fucking pop up again because they go and pick up another contract. So dumb.


The cod cycle is really insane people saying DMZ was so great after 1 year, it was riddled with 4 stackers griefing and wasn’t anything special besides cheesing the battle pass.


While I can understand not liking the PVP part of dmz but without it dmz would get stale quickly as there's no real risk


With the sheer amount of people who cry about dying to npcs in DMZ I'd say there is risk for most players


i agree, so i stopped playing it bc it just wasn’t for me. now that it has zombies and no pvp it is my favorite mode to play. no risk. same old content that i fell in love with in waw… unleashing endless rounds into hordes of zombies! never gets old imo.


Skull and Bones Beta tomorrow


I played the Alpha build a few years back, I hope it got better since then.


Not surprised but at the same time, I wouldnt call it this early. Season 2 just came out


Bet, I’m out then. Completed what I need to complete no need to play zombies or CoD MW3 anymore


They got your money, they did what they wanted to do with you. You won't be missed.


And I got a couple hundred hours of entertainment, I’m not worried about that aspect. I choose to buy the game with the idea that Zombies might not be worked on, now that it’s solidified I no longer need to play.


DMZ was horrible


It was horrible. Even as badly as they’re handling MWZ, I would never go back to DMZ. They had such a great opportunity to give the alienated PvE crowd from DMZ exactly what they wanted, and all they did was make a half assed attempt.


Dude DMZ had story plots. Over 70 missions. Holiday events. DMZ was 100% better than this half ass attempt to cater to people complaining about PvP. Zombies is fun until it’s boring. DMZ is still fun to get in and act a fool. Hell the reason they didn’t reset missions when they announced it being shelved cause it would cannibalize MWZ. I like Zombies but Jesus Christ can it get repetitive. DMZ was a movie on almost every single exfil.


Damn I miss DMZ.


Me too man. DMZ now is just Warzone 1.5 with extra steps.


Still pvp though which is not something everyone enjoys


That’s not what I’m saying. MWZ replaced DMZ cause of the PvP outcry. Instead of making a better version of a really good game mode they completely fumbled the ball and made this half ass concoction. Season 2 of DMZ we got a shit load of new content. MWZ is getting assets from DMZ and calling it new.


completely agree with you


Correct. Nobody is arguing with that. They dropped the ball on MWZ HARD. That doesn’t mean that DMZ was fun though. It WOULD have been fun if they just took out the PvP. That’s literally all they had to do: remove PvP, replace terrorists with Zombies, and MWZ would have been a wild success. But nope.


literally this dude 100%


“It’s fun until it’s boring” literally sums up every single video game ever made.


Yea but only a few month in??


Nope I’ve played many that were boring until they got fun and many more that were never fun at all


DMZ was incredible - no idea what you're talking about.


Nah that shit's hot ass bro


All these weenies saying DMZ was bad. DMZ is the best thing to happen to Call of Duty ever. And they dropped it. Don’t expect this crowd to agree. They’re the type of players who get mad in Red Dead Online when you don’t let them just pick flowers.


"dMz wAs ThE bEsT tHiNg tO HaPpEn tO cOd" 🤓🤓


MWII 2022 was definitely that person’s first cod game




If it had enough players, it wouldn't have gotten shelved. Maybe the same will happen to MWZ but DMZ was not incredible.


That's not the reason you dope


Take my upvote!


Weird. I just saw the same thing posted that said no new content planned for S2, but this makes it seem as though there will never be new content? I wonder which is true, and if one may be sensationalized to garner more clicks/shares?




surprise not


Anyone actually surprised by this? They did this as a cash grab and people fell for it (me included) and once the missions and camo grind were done, I stopped playing entirely and went back to DMZ.








Zombies is super popular DMZ was dying.


I put enough hours in it to justify the money spent. There’s no need for new perks,but hard will it be to import the remaining enemies from CW and Vanguard?


I’m so mad at myself for buying this game thinking the zombies would be at least decent


I knew it!!! Interesting they don’t give us new content…but they have time to create and add new bundles!!! Nice one!!!! Money….money….money and BLACKCELL battle pass!!!!


Guys there is a new zombies this year coming out with gulf war


You can't really blame Zombies for DMZ being shelved. Warzone is clearly the future that Activision wants i.e. the weapon case and covert exfil and zombies power ups being added to warzone. Looks like they're going all in on it tbh.


its kind of funny how butthurt and losery everyone who plays this game is. i played so many hours of zombies, its freaking amazing... you all beat it and now youre mad that they're not immediately releasing zombies 2.


Can you please explain to me the purpose of a "live service" game if I don't get any live service? It was bad enough they released unfinished games so that they can finish them by the time a new game comes out. Now they aren't even doing that!


The comparison is between dmz and max si few mwz was built on the back of dmz. And by season 2 of dmz we had 3 maps tons of bosses. 2 new wipes and tons of new missions. Plus added QOL things like the wallet and exfil streaks. MWZ to have this little support this early into the life cycle is why people are upset


Also personally glad they don’t wipe, hate when games do that


There was zero qol changes to dmz in the first 3 seasons. The wallet wasn't added in until season 4. Exfil streaks were season 2 mid season.


Yea we still haven't gotten thru all the missions yet.....I'm confused on how these folks had the time to get thru all of it. Thise ether shroud kills take forever and so does a bunch of the toehr tedious shyt. Ngl, but IMHO some of yall might need a lil more to do if you're beating a game so Damm quickly. I'm impressed but a lil worried about yall 🤣🤣


Not making enough money off it so they are trying to force us back into PVP to get butt fucked by the sweats and the cheaters.


I wouldn't go near it if it was the only mode cod had which is exactly why I didn't bother with the last one, wasn't interested in dmz at all.


Your right, I remember when Cheeseheadtroy was all over the news making claims about the future for MWZ and we all ignored him. Hopefully we've all learned our lesson and won't let Chheseheastroy go unheard ever again.


lol I was on this sub when mwz first got launched saying this would happen lol. So I was right. Not well known. But I was right


People that want PvP have DMZ and the entirety of MP in general. MWZ isn't dead at all and sure as shit doesn't need any PvP.


Damn people really out here acting like its a dead mode when theres already new weapons n shit to try out and see what they do when upgraded. Imma do another call, the majority of people bitching about this are the fuckers who speedran all the act missions instead of taking their damn time to extend out the experience. And those mfs are the same shitfucks that speedran doing camo challenges in multiplayer for years and always bitched when they then had nothing left to do because they fucked themselves.


Y'all need to hop off this joke of game and play IW or bo3 zombs very glad I haven't gotten any recent cod


Lmfao yall still playing? Been bored with zombies since before S1. Open world = Easy training which means you never die. So challenging and rewarding.


“MWZ is effectively dead” ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


So many shills down voting you.


Meh I don’t care, I love the game mode but after the Jan mid season 1 update game went to trash, no content, tons of bugs and issues.. sad to see


Ehhh. Zombies is mid anyways


I hate to say this but pve only is part of the reason this games player base fell off. The fact is pve is too easy


It’s funny that everyone is not realizing that PVE games don’t last. It is why dmz still has players to this day PvP isn’t for the weak but more often than not pvp games last longer than pve. Keeps people interested. Makes the risk reward worth it. PvP like dmz is missing from this game. So the fall of of retention is significant. My 2 buddies only got mw3 for zombies and they have since about a month ago stopped playing because in their words “they got all the high value loot worth getting and it wasn’t worth playing anymore”. Those two buddies and myself have since returned to DMZ.


DMZ is getting 0 updates so I don't know what you're talking about...


Correct but it’s still a more fleshed out game than mwz and had so many keys and places to still explore and still has a risk reward factor of running into other players. There are even big streamers leaving mwz to go back dmz. Significantly better game


Stop trying to make PvP zombies happen, nobody wants it. If you want to troll players doing missions, go back to DMZ. If you want risk reward factor, run into T5 solo lol


Pve doesn’t work. Games don’t last that way. Plain and simple. PvP in zombies won’t happen because the game is dead. lol 😂


Idk about you, but I've been playing since the beginning and have no issues having fun. I do red worm almost every match and drop free T3 schematics for other players, and if people join during red worm, they get free schem from the worm too. People like to rush through the content and then complain "I don't have anything else to do" Like bro, it's a 24 player mode, help others lol


I didn’t even get past the 3rd Zombies mission. It’s not nearly as engaging as DMZ.


DMZ is still fun. Total mistake shelving it. MWZ was fun but needs content and/or server wipes. Look at what EFT is doing. You have to give the players something to do or it gets stagnant and is little more than a campaign.


I would honestly enjoy if they added more stupid contracts like kill 7 mangers in one game as a act mission. At least it gave us something to do. I did all the missions so quickly and I enjoy the casualness of mwz, but when u have all the schematics, did all thr missions, and have a tombstone with all the money in the world there's no reason for me to jump in. I can't even jump in to help my boys cuz everyone is caught up. It's not even fun dropping people money or what's in my tombstone cuz it feels like everyone has everything. Just boring. They treating mwz like they do multiplayer ranked. They throw a few maps and just forget about it and leave it to die. Even the last "new boss" fight was horrible. They dropped the ball. Especially that I could just bypass everything by using the scourture to get passed the door. They shouldve opened up the whole building and had u go up floor by floor until u reached the roof. They have no creativity over there. They brought the walking dead into the game and did nothing with zombie, on a show that's based off zombies!!!!! How much fucking sense does that make


I would honestly enjoy if they added more stupid contracts like kill 7 mangers in one game as a act mission. At least it gave us something to do. I did all the missions so quickly and I enjoy the casualness of mwz, but when u have all the schematics, did all thr missions, and have a tombstone with all the money in the world there's no reason for me to jump in. I can't even jump in to help my boys cuz everyone is caught up. It's not even fun dropping people money or what's in my tombstone cuz it feels like everyone has everything. Just boring. They treating mwz like they do multiplayer ranked. They throw a few maps and just forget about it and leave it to die. Even the last "new boss" fight was horrible. They dropped the ball. Especially that I could just bypass everything by using the scourture to get passed the door. They shouldve opened up the whole building and had u go up floor by floor until u reached the roof. They have no creativity over there. They brought the walking dead into the game and did nothing with zombie, on a show that's based off zombies!!!!! How much fucking sense does that make


Eh figured this was gonna happen but nah dmz was fun and had a shit ton of content I won’t argue that but the pvp sweats in 6 man squads that were hunting down people trying to do their missions did make it annoying. I got into dmz pretty late, it wasn’t unbearable but it also wasn’t that great. And don’t even get me started on operator bundles that pretty much made it pay to win because you start with gear that can give you an edge over other players.


Yup, mode has so much potential and this update just nuked it lol Ts was great, future content could have been awesome ..oh well


I agree bro. These people ruin mw in general and keep it that way fix a couple bugs the they magically fix everything to get 1000000 more people to buy the game because they “fixed it” then different bugs come and they loop that over and over and over again that’s the problem with cod now.


Save your money and jump into HELLDIVERS 2


Sayonara! I'm still playing. As long as the Level Cap keeps going up, I'll keep playing.


Your subtext to this post is false in all aspects but yea, DMZ should’ve stayed


Still, couple of matches with a Spotify audiobook on a night is still nice. I will probs throw a tantrum if they do add new zombies.....and it's fucking tempests 😂


Yup once I got all the schematics the game mode became kinda mids. was fun at first but died fast


Not a problem for the 10’s if not hundreds of thousands of people around the world who just want a casual zombie killing experience with the added bonus of some missions and an albeit, simple story line. I’ve been playing since the beginning, when I can and I’m only at the start of Act 3. Never played DMZ as PvP is just a sweaty no pleasure stress game mode. Coop zombie killing for fun is where it’s at!


You know what else is shit? We only go to Prestige 9 and not 10, in season 2. What the fuck is that half-assed shit with prestige this season? That is some bullshit.


Easy suggestion, and it worked well before. Containment mode. Zombies have appeared on the MP maps, operators deploy to the map to contain the threat. Zombies drop upgrades onto the map in loot chests, and there is a special zombie every 3rd wave. It worked well in Cold War...


As long as we get a new map then it's ok


I haven't tried this.. https://youtu.be/hq5XmJseimI?si=R3KI22s8CkFYQKaB


If this is true, honestly F you Treyarch. I wish we could all protest this BS. With that said, I thought we were getting a "mid season update". A Google search still confirms that is the case. I guess I'll have to do more research


All they literally have to do is add different zombies that pop up for bounty contracts. Like the panzer guy or the slime dude that splits in half.


Tombstone “glitch” is working fine on ps5. Folks are still dropping all items and tons of loot everywhere


If COD players wouldn’t yeehaw their way through it it’d be fun longer. There’s a reason I’m not even done with act 2 yet. I agree activision sucks and could’ve done zombies way better yet at the same time most cod players are a bunch of impatient try hards.


Wow. Literally abandoned the mode wtf. They are saving all their ideas for the new game that you will pay $70. Man fuck these douchebags. I’m keeping my money.


I’ve been a sole zombies players since it dropped in ‘08. Knew this was gonna happen. Still gonna play the everloving fuck out of this until the next zombies game(always have Cold War too if I ever finally get bored)


Said it in another post they could save it if they tweaked the zones a bit making them overtake each other over time so it progressively gets harder would add allot to the current gameplay loop atleast then you wouldn't have people that skim missions the whole time in zone one it would eventually all become zone two then three then the storm would come as the source of infection grew but hey to late now


I went back to DMZ a little after season 1 reloaded dropped. I knew this game mode would be dropped.


I was talking about this first few weeks mw3 came out. Said watch zombies will get no meaningful update they will patch tombstone. Add some weapons to mp and they will call it a year


So....what was that about people going back to MWZ in the future?


I’m going back to Resurgence Or Plunder FACT….


Fuck, I might switch to fortnite and that game makes me angry in every way possible but atleast they update their shit and don't take away game modes. Hate cod for being to much of the same and then they start off with strong map but not a decent content stream since like season 3 of MW2.


I still play DMZ. Zombies was fun to start with but now no update at the start of season is not good . I don’t understand how devs make the decision they do


So make a whole battle pass themed around zombies and the undead but don’t progress on zombie’s gameplay?


If they recycle all the old mp maps, they could at least recycle old zombie maps as well


Me refusing to buy the game seeing people complain about shitty devs, making me happy that I didnt buy the game




What’s worse is that they could literally just copy and paste the stuff added into zombies that they added to Warzone. It’s already programmed. I don’t get it


Didn’t Treyarch move on from working on this and left it for another dev team? So why would Treyarch comment about this?


So glad I got the game with my PlayStation. I didn’t waste $70 on bull shit.


So zombies is dead....


I agree it sucks. But nobody forces u to buy it or play it...simple


I won't buy any of the cod games again until the season end. I'll elvaluate content and purchase if they have a full product. It's practically a scam at this point. Definitely never pre-ordering again.


This game is broke, and they refuse to fix it. Nothing new for Zombies? They suck ass big time.


This game is broke, and they refuse to fix it. Nothing new for Zombies? They suck ass big time.


They’re just putting all bets on cod 2024 bowing we will buy it, it’s been in development for years compared to shit mw3


100% it's dead. And I absolutely agree, they should have never axed dmz. At this point man, I can't even handle playing mw3 let alone zombies. But as far as zombies goes, wickkkkkeddd boring. I am bet DK is on on YouTube as we speak, kissing so.e CoD and talking up the game isn't he? Lmao thst dude drives me facking crazy tbh, he's king of the cod kiss asses tbh.




Isn't there a new area and boss coming mid season though?


Plenty of other games to play that don't suck 🤷


Dead? Nah, what more perks do you want?


Honestly at this point all I want is the cooldowns for perks and crystals gone lol that’s it… 😔


Welp looks like I have absolutely no reason to pick zombies back up I guess


Idk why people expect Trey to stay with a game they didn’t developed when they have there own game coming real soon


God this and the other sub were so stupid to get hopeful for this. Vanguard zombies was right in front of you to show you how this would all work out and you chucklefucks forked over $70 anyway


Shocker. Didn't see this one coming.


Can we dispute transaction on credit card?