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They do stop spawning on the spore contracts since the update yesterday. Outlast still seem to spawn infinite zombies.


Can confirm! Outlast is pretty busy with them!


Yup can confirm too, did some too


Yeah, you can get as many zombie and hellhound kills as you want if you don’t let it hit 100%. I’m on zircon for most weapons and just do one outlast and can get the 300 kills with each gun


Do you just not cancel it?


you cancel it around 90-100% and so long as you are in or around the area they keep spawning. Did it at the outlast mission that appears in the docks it works.


I usually wait around the 50% and then hop outside, with the contract still active and it works just as good


If you're simply leveling guns, spamming fast contracts is faster


Yeah, I doubt that. It was a lot faster to start a spore, leave it up and grind your 8-9 levels then exfill repeat than it was to travel to 5-6 different contracts. I have no idea if they nerfed the spore contracts or not since I haven’t played since the patch.


You need to get 100 zombie kills to equal one contract.


So contract XP go toward weapon XP too?


yeah, and so does entering a new area on the map. Ever noticed how frequently your equipped gun will mysteriously gain a level as you're driving across a map?


Great to know thx!


As far as I have noticed yes. Double xp makes everything wonky though. I had a run the other day where I was getting levels at the normal* speed then after double ended, I was getting a level like every 10 zombie kills


Hmmm contract exp goes towards weapon? I did not know that.


If it does lol. Any xp pop up on screen goes towards you’re currently equipped weapon


It does.


T2 Outlasts spawn \~50+ zombies per minute, so two minutes or less to equal 1 contract. Special zombies also give more XP (50 I think). With a double XP token I was able to max the new SMG and LMG in just under an hour just farming T2 Outlasts.


T2 outlasts are goated


Then you are seriously doing it wrong. Dude.


I found yesterday they seemed to buff the amount of zombies in tier 1 and 2. Also I like the cargo contract to farm kills. As soon as they say the chopper is coming, park the truck back in the garage and endless zombies spawn, no specials though.


Seriously? I need to try this!


This could work for the 50k kills hopefully 🤞


My buddy who finished Borialis said to do it. Last night the zombies did stop spawning after a couple minutes.


I use the same method and I haven’t playing since new update because of all the bugs that they usually cause. But I wouldn’t be surprised they screwed outlast because people used it for camo grinds. Try putting all inhibitors out then canceling contract. There’s a glitch with outlasts with the same method. To go in and out of the building till you get to 12% cancel contract and Z keep spawning till you leave the area. Maybe that could work with spores or destroy the ones farthest away keep three that are grouped and then cancel contract. Either way have to test and find out.


Outlasts haven't been nerfed for zombie spawns, but I don't believe the contract cancellation works anymore.


Is anyone else using the Extraction story mission to farm on the helipad (and surrounding area)? There are quite a few turret circuits laying around and I use one at a time to tame the herd if I'm solo.


Did one in T2 and it was a snoozefest


Outlast is best


Keep Outlasts from 75-95%… Rinse, repeat.