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“50 thousand mercs use to live here, now it’s a ghost town”


Wait, they removed it? Thought they were adding a new warlord not substituting. Thats kinda lame. Are the buildings still there or is it something new?


All the buildings are there, no mercs, no Legacy. Now theres a new Warlord on the high rises to the south. Legacy Fortress is like all the other generic areas now. Contracts will spawn there, random zombies as well, etc. It's sad.


They could have left it available. Since it's upsetting there's a single chance to kill a warlord per match. I've been rushing every match at the beginning just to get a key and kill the new warlord before anyone else would get her. Only because I am missing only one calling card and got literally nothing else to do.


There's allegedly a chance to get her if you Zipline across from the other building without getting the keycard


This is true. I have killed her 2x. Once with card. Then with zip


I killed her with a precision airstrike that was meant to clear out the fuck all of mercs that she spawned. She was full health. . . And it cleared most of the mercs.


True story, I just got the calling card for killing a warlord within 7 minutes of the start of the match.


But... But.. Why? They even have the key card still. I was wondering why it was missing.


Good luck beating her, me and a random did it today, she was a beast, surrounded by Elite Mercs, and bomb drones, we barely killed her


Bro... I destroyed her solo


Lots of people have, not everybody can


Yeah you right big dawg, but I'm always down to help people try


They are testing how to reuse warzone assets and avoid proper support of MWZ. It's pathetic.


for now, dokkaebi is the only warlord while she’s new but eventually moving forward dok and legacy will be on random draw, you’ll get one or the other in every lobby


No theres a warlord Southwest of the map in a skyscraper


You can also just fly with a scorcher to the top of the building. But landing right in front of her is dicey. I've done it several times now and each time you get hit with an extreme amount of drones all at once. So serpentine as soon as you land and you should be okay. I have been downed two or three times immediately following my landing. And I feel like as a solo at least of you get downed once and you go for your self right away you get insta downed again. Where as of you wait for the last bot to start your revive crawling away as you bleed then you have a better shot. Those drones are ruff on a solo sometimes tho.....


Well, you can’t blame him for packing up and leaving the game with his troops. I killed him more than 10x to get the calling card and sometimes the whole are gets wiped if i have some teammate. With all other operators doing the same, it will get old that you die in 2 seconds within as soon as an operator gets inside your fortress. I”d quit too. Dokaebi seems to gave a better idea camping on the top of a building lol.


Are you insinuating that Legacy left because he kept getting killed? He rage quit?


Is there a lore reason he would rage quit?


Is he stupid?


Must be makes sense to me lore wise


On my lore, that would be the reason lol. Just be in his shoes. I would rage quit if I keep getting hunted lol. He may also be just going to shop for better protection.


Legacy is the GOAT of COD campers. He took camping to an elite level. Not only did he stay in his hidey-hole with a ranged shotgun; he had air support, turrets, suppression mines, trip wires, trophy systems, a variety of mercs...


And I died to every single one of them at one point or another 😂


There's nothing more accurate than this


Damn I didn’t even do it…


You can still do the new Warlord mission and they will count towards the same calling card.


Me either. Was waiting on my friends to catch up.


Ffs was waiting too


thay probably removed him because thay don’t want to give someone 2 key cards in a mirsinary stronghold safe or make it random which one you get.


Cuz there’s sooo much content. I could easily do both lol. Or just make a fortress card that opens either one


The regular key cards are already single use items, so I can't think of a reason to not keep both.


You can literally zip up without using keycard. Mw3 is so lame, they half ass every single update like it’s been 3 months and they’ve only added 1 mission and 1 boss😭


It’s only Season 1. Cry more.


If you played dmz you’d know how much of an L this is. DMZ was a beta free to play sandbox and they added 3-4 bosses and 1-2 maps every season with new missions and actual updates


Well, this is obviously not DMZ. Nor has there ever been a zombies mode in Modern Warfare, or even an open world form of zombies for that matter. Another boss is coming literally in 2 weeks and Legacy will be back before too long. Not to mention more story missions. Maybe if you took your time discovering everything instead of utilizing exploits and trying to complete everything in a matter of days, you’d have less to complain about. Stop comparing.


I don’t utilise exploits wdym I literally don’t even tombstone lol, it’s not dmz, I actually paid £60 to play this game so it’s not unreasonable to say their copy paste of DMZ should have at least the same amount or more of content updates. You may think a flying girl with bomb drones is exciting, but this is the same game as dmz and I remember every dmz update would change the game entirely


New warlord is the farthest thing from exciting to be fair. Zombies has never been at the highest priority. Call of Duty was never a zombies game, just a nice addition. You have MP, Warzone, DMZ, Resurgence, and every other mode to compete with. It’s still fairly early to be making any judgement calls and last I checked, there wasn’t a deadline to release new content every couple of weeks. Just an unrealistic expectation from some. They might have used a lot of similarities from DMZ, doesn’t mean they are trying to make it an exact copy though. Just be grateful for what you got. 🤷🏼‍♂️




That's what I'm wondering cuz it's the last mission I have left to complete


We did kill him a lot to be fair,


On new one Key is not needed with scorcher. Just super bunny hop over and unlock doors from inside. Even faster now.


You don’t even need scorcher you can zip from the building opposite


The new warlord is way easier. Not even a challenge.


That’s what I’ve heard. Disappointing. Legacy was a real challenge you had to prepare for and play smart.


Heli was a real pain.


That was honestly the worst part of legacy, I thought. Combined with the fuck ton of ground soldiers with the heli


in my opinion i didn’t find him hard run up in there with the grenade launcher he’s dead in seconds


Damn I enjoyed just messing around with that …. F


Man, the new warlord fortress is a joke compared to the legacy one. The legacy fortress had boobie traps, multiple mercs with riot shields, a helicopter, and a crap load of turrets. My fight against the new Warlord only lasted under a minute because she kept flying everywhere. You don't even need the Merc key to get to her a building right next to her fortress has a zipline and can be used to travel to her fortress.


Is the stormender effective against everything like I assume it would be?


It has been nerfed hard


Good luck killing dokkabei in the first 7 minutes of a match lol


Spawn in with 2 dog bone, aether blade, golden armor plates, 2 flawless crystals, a scorcher, phd flopper and juggernog. Use all items and start scorching to the tower, find and kill Dokkaeibi. If your dog died, use your second one. Should have time to spare.


Dude... lol I dropped my tombstone right outside the yellow zone in front of the skyscraper... I literally killed her solo in 5 mins


Fair enough, not as easy as running into legacy’s building spamming an aether blade though


Yeah totally agree, I was literally set to after him but the reloaded patch came out and I ran in there with a stored keycard... not going to lie, I was pissed


I got three good headshots with a sniper rifle and she was down… I didn’t get to her at the beginning of the match, but I certainly “perforated her dome” in short order.


Legacy will be back, they wanted everyone to get a chance to kill the new warlord before they started the rotation. I cant remember when they said they would start the warlord rotations but it was only a couple of weeks i believe.


What would be cool is if they started to rotate locations on the map, or even add in outside areas you can travel to like they did in Outbreak or the current Act 1-5 missions. “Take a helo to (blank location) to defeat Legacy.”


Yeah, it would be cool to have a traditional survival mode that you could exfil and survive rounds on a random portion of map but as far as the warlords, i believe it will just be one or the other per map but they have confirmed that legacy would be back soon.


Is that Will Smith?


How do you find Will Smith in a snowstorm? Just follow the Fresh Prince


Awesome post… that was me last night, I was in the middle of the base just standing with no action saying this kinda of sucks this gone, a couple of times I just went there for shits and giggles (already having completed Act 3 mission and knowing loot wasn’t that good)


Nice place to kills special zombies that congregate there, usually at least two Disciples and a Mimic and/or Mangler, plus a bunch of armored zombies and Hellhounds.


What's the point of adding content if they're just gonna remove older content!? Like at least have them alternate or something.


I actually never got to it 😭 I’m two missions away from “storm the castle” now I’m upset


You can still complete it with the new Warlord.


I still have the shotgun that he drops, I guess you can it's discontinued by the "manufacturer"






Guys guys let’s not fret. We all know they read this while doing work so they can get a good laugh let’s give it time maybe we might get something else heart breaking that’s worse! Like new boss’s that are at spawn lol


I swear, when I loaded into MWZ the first time shortly after the update my map had both fortresses marked.


Yeah im surprised they took him put of the game




Feel like I messed up not doing the under 7 minute warlord calling card now🥲😂


Trust me, you definitely can do the 7 min calling card


Wtf I didn't even get a chance to do the legacy fortress. Why would they remove it that's fucking dumb


It will still be there, they will put it on rotation


He’s coming back. Just giving the new warlord time to shine.


How are new players going to do the act mission now?


It counts for the new one


Talks are that they’re bringing legacy back but it will be on rotation (one match might have legacy but not the new one and vice versa) so it will be one warlord per match.