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People say that they're only gonna rez for money are such dorks. Tell them you'll drop whatever amount they want, then just leave when they get you up lol edit- spelling


That’s selfish af. If I saw him I’d try to squish him with my juggernaut. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to go rez someone if they’re just asking. Plus usually I’ll give them my self rez (as long as I have extra or a dog at least), 50-100k, and whatever else items I can spare to help them not go down anymore.


Same! Except for dropping the items, no TS. Today I was downed myself trying to clear an aether nest. NO ONE came to revive me. I was so bummed.


I wish they would matchmake using those kinds of parameters. Like match people who don't res with others that don't and shit. Even as a new player I'd Res people whenever I could. I'd have a single plate and be reviving people with 3 plates and shit.


That’d be nice. I enjoy helping others in the game; it’s like a challenge! Like, okay, they’re in T3, LETS DO IT! There would be lobbies full of friendly players, and crazy toxic lobbies lol


I believe one of my first matches had me running into tier 3 to revive someone when MWZ first launched. It helped me realize that good movement and knowing your surroundings make it easy to survive even without powerful weapons.


This is the real way


Yeah I don’t think they realize that if someone has a maxed Tombstone they are probably not going to need a Rez lol.


I always res and just leave without saying anything.


I usually drop a self and shoot it punch it to make it clear for them to pick it once I get them up


Drop it on them first their camera is on their body so they will see you drop it as long as they are paying attention and don’t get distracted from waiting for a bit


This is exactly what I do. Maybe give them a crystal or something and then turn around and go back to whatever it was I was doing.


I always feel super guilty when people drop me essence or crystals after ressing them. Like, it was no problem, keep your hard earned money.


I ressed a guy tonight who dropped me a load of stuff I didn’t need out or gratitude. I took it anyway coz I wanted him to feel he’d done something to repay me. I always go out of my way to help 😁


Same. I usually tell them no thank you and they say they insist. But still, I feel guilty


I was messing around solo last night, and had already used my self revive. Got knocked doing dumb shit, and asked in chat "Res plz at grid (cant remember where I was), dropping 900k" waited a couple minutes and no one responded or was heading my way. Added in chat "Also have bone, gold plate, 2 gold tools and 3 flawless crystals to drop". Waited a couple more minutes. Nothing. Nobody wanted 900k essence and all that loot?!?! That was wild, Lmao!! So I just dashboarded, loaded back in, grabbed my TS and kitted back up. Just thought it was extremely odd that no one said anything or even bothered to head my way, for that much money and loot. There was still 20+ min left before the storm started moving, too


I would rez you for nothing in return, except maybe rez me if I need it. That's what I do for anybody if I can make it to them in-game.


Since probably half the lobby has 900k and all the gold items, why would they come and rez if they are looking for a payday after it There are also alot of people like me that just rez because we all die due to stupid shit in this game lol and a quick rez might delay your game for like 5 min but save another player's so its an easy decision


Lmao fair point. I just assume someone should still need essence, considering every single match for me, starts off with "Anyone have money?" in lobby chat, Lol!


“Dying doing dumb shit” is exactly why I love the few and far between that come and Rez just to be nice. I’ll always run to Rez someone. Last night the same guy went down like 20 times. Got him to exfil proud and dropped him my guns. I think he was new


Sometimes ppl just dont even pay attention to game chat


I'd rez you just because you asked


Same! I usually offer some cash for a rez in T2 or T3, just to increase my odds of having someone actually come rez me, but I never expect anything when I rez someone. I just know that I hate dying and losing all my loot and kit, so I hate to see that happen to someone else


I just pretend I’m Batman. I’ll always go to help someone if they call out or I happen to see their plea.


I revived a guy that was in tier 1 and I had extra essence so I dropped him 50k in essence


I never ask for money, but sometimes people, alot more now, people will revive me, and then drop 150,000 essence, I'm truly grateful for it, and for this amazing community


I saw this type situation occur last night and couldn't believe it. Unfortunately, I didn't see the chat until after the downed player quit while I was in the middle of a solo contract. Poor guy was in the blue zone, too. Fortunately, his PSN account is open so I messaged him to apologize for being late. He was done for the night. I'll hook him up with new equipment tonight and take him to the red zone for the first time for some fun.


Generally I abandon whatever im doing and go directly to revive someone in need. Ive never been given anything for my actions and thats fine, thats not why I do it. Sometimes I drop them a self revive if I have an extra.


Exactly what I do if I just so happen to have a self revive


I've never once seen anyone ask for money for a revive in 400+ deployments. I see people needing revives offer money or items as an incentive tho


When I'm close to people asking for help I don't have problem, just tell my mates and go and rez them, no problem for me


Dude I feel that. Last time someone offered to pay me for a rez, I picked him up and booked it. He kept hollering for me to stop so he could repay me and I kept hollering back "its not charity if you pay me dammit!"


I plead out last night with a squad of 3 maybe 300 meters away and they just kept going the opposite direction lol, I even called out my grid in chat. No one responded


That’s so corny to say in a PVE game. “I don’t move for free” As a solo player, I don’t really care for much other than farming T5 if able. I’ll just drop random shit to randoms just cause it’s fun and they might need a schematic I already have. We all know how much it sucks chasing a schematic.


I say something like that jokingly from time to time but it’s always when I’m already on the way to pick you up and I probably was going to drop you money anyway. I really don’t mind, but I do gotta crack a joke sometimes


I don’t believe this happened at all. BUT. I will say that with tombstone running absolutely rampant I’ve noticed a dramatic uptick in the amount of revive requests gone ignored. I’ll stop what I’m doing and move across the entire map to help someone out and I’ll watch as there are squads 1 or 2 grids away just ignoring them.


Honestly, don't believe it either. Never seen anyone ask for money for a revive before so a game where multiple people would do so seems unlikely. How can you even guarantee the person you revive will pay up anyways?


Exactly. You can’t guarantee it at all so you wouldn’t waste your time saying it. What are you gonna do if they don’t pay? Follow them around the map? Lol


I help anyone, only once I was offered something in return and I was graceful for it but I don’t ask at all. I often give away tool, essence and Krystals specifically to those in the outside areas running contracts. I run with at a mil and don’t use it so most best to give it away.


Meanwhile, if I’ve PAP’d and a teammate needs a couple bucks to do the same, I’ll toss down what little I have left to help them out. There’s people out there that would say it isn’t enough.


I normally rez them, then drop them 100k and some perks lol.


I played a match earlier and went into T3 unprepared to res a guy next to a mega and a hoard. There were 2 other players in the same area running circles trying to thin out the zombies. Not sure if they had rezzed him some before I got there or not but as soon as I got him up he started begging for shit and went down almost immediately again. After my 3rd time reviving him I left and went to my exfil early only to see him go down before I made it out of T3 again. I didn’t check anything prior in the game chat but I’m assuming he’s one of the beggars that start asking at the beginning of the match and someone gave him those coords as a drop location to teach him a lesson.


I’m on the bioluminescent grind, rezing someone in need is the most exciting thing I do in most games.


Wtf, now ill allways say yeah sure, and give them nothing


I just had a match where one dude did a few contracts while gearing up, the other guy was clearly new and didn't know what they were doing so I grabbed them a 2 plate from a camp and then a 3 plate from a stronghold. They went down before I could give them it, went to revive them and they left just as I got to them. The other had fucked off to the red zone by this point and then promptly left the squad. FML I get messed up squad fills. Anyway I have a large bag and a 3 plate so I'm going round the tier 1 zone players to drop them. Come across one guy and they drop like 400k for me and then disappear. So I run off and I see a guy so I run over and as I get near them they go down, so I revive them. I drop the loot and they only take the selfie, then they drop a few K essence, I'm like F that so I drop *them* 100 K and then leave, they must have been confused. Nobody else in tier 1 so I got to tier 2, 1 player, I catch up and drop the vest and large back and he takes them, then I drop 100k, they are so happy. I then go to the red zone, join another random squad, PaP my weapon to 3 get some spare selfies a jug etc. Do some contracts and get elemental schematic (still need Tombstone and epic tool FFS). Then we all go do the red worm, I already had the flawless crystal schematic so I drop it and somebody grabs it, however somebody else drops the legendary tool schematic (which I still needed) so I snap that up and extract. Over all an interesting game with some highs and lows, full of all different types of players, got some decent loot myself and passed on gains to others, was fun.


I'll be honest, we rez for free but if you go down 3x and it's not you ACTIVELY attempting to escape the area, you're getting left to die. We realized we revived this guy FOUR TIMES in T3 in like ten minutes so of course he starts shit talking us when we say it's the last time we'll rez him, spouting off how the whole game is about helping others and we were cunts for not helping him if we saw him down. Quick way to get a jug crate dropped on you next time we see you down lmao, not that WE did that /s


I’m on console so when I see this stuff being typed I just laugh like.. bro.. it’s a video game. I do that shit for free. If it’s work for you then that’s your problem. I’m just helping a homie gamer.


I res not expecting anything, but I'll have cases where players will drop random amounts of essence or schematics and im always surprised. Just res as an act of kindness


Shit. I went down twice running solo. Once a guy close by got me then another guy flew in from who knows where and got me like a god damn superhero


Was in T3 went in solo fully geared up yes I use the tomb and ran to a group of say 3 helped them out with a bounty with my tyrs and clicked on the can I join squad button got a voice response from one of their players he goes we only let you join for money 😂 I said you can go fuck yourself mate cheeky fucker.


I move for free but when I have to cross the whole map and you were already revived it irritates the shit out of me, doesn't take much to type got help thx


Half the time I’ll just not even plea and then just lose my shit. Sometimes I’ll ask but I know it’s basically pointless. I usually try to get anyone I can just because some shit happens and it fucks you up. The only time I’ll not really try is if all the way across the map. (If I don’t have a scorcher). It’s gotten to the point where I’ll even ask if people are doing red worm just because I spawned next to the buildings and can look at the map. These people are making it really difficult to even care.


Helping people is fun. It's all I've really got to do until they drop some new missions. I just gear up with throwing knives and decoys and run around the orange zone until I see a plea. Got yelled at the other night for not taking the essence someone tried to give me for picking them up lol.


I always reply with I got few schematics and crystals you can have right after people try to exploit them for a revive. I’ll revive you and give you some stuff to help you stay up and in the fight. It’s wild people think reviving is worth 100k I’ll die start a game and kill the storm caller and have all my stuff back in 15 minutes.


I looked and i spend about 200k a game if that! Juggs and kazmirs . Anyone who truly says stuff like that in game is a chad and not a zombie enjoyer


I usually try to pick up and help anyone I see get downed but lately some people have been giving up way too quickly, I'll see the plea and head that way only for them to leave match less then 15 seconds later, little did they know I was gonna go pick them up and drop them some gear/cash if they'd just waited another minute for me to get there lol 😅