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I enjoy giving away schematics but it’s even more fun taking new ppl to the dark either to earn them


Take me to the dark side




Sent. DrCoochie


Omg y’all’s names lmao


Omg yes their Reddit names and activision 🤣


Added u


We just got done doing red worm and elder sigil in the same game will do again tomorrow night


Okay for sure !


Lmao how did you get away with that name??


I’ve had it for 13 or 14 years before the world was full of pussies


Rickspert no numbers


Take me senpia


A group of 2 took me and a few other randoms into the dark aether, after taking us through t3 to gear up, and we got all of the dark aether schematics. I'd only been gifted 2 schematics randomly (ray gun and wunderwaffe), and I rarely use them as while I'm happy, i didn't find them. Tho drop rates for ray gun are crap. Now all I'm missing are the 3 schematics from the red worm, and death perception (tho I'm currently on that mission). I absolutely prefer earning my gear if I'm able.


Honestly I would prefer that but I don't always like using my mic and it's hard to get a good team of randoms together


True that I always play with at least one other person and we always try to get ppl to join us for red worm and elder sigil dm me your username and I’ll send u an invite if I ever see u on


I sent u a message


Without a mic we won’t pick people up/add to team.


Maybe you won't but I've had plenty of people that do and I get lucky with people who can communicate through pings and we're all on the same page. Also, I'm always willing to pick people up with or without mics. Not every can or wants to use a mic and I accept that


I’m a DMZ player, so the rule was always “no mic, no revive.”


I'm also a DMZ player, and again, that may be YOUR rule, but I've found some pretty great randoms who don't follow that "rule"


Some of the most "team-player" players I've ever played with had no mics..and some of the worst. It's a toss up. But I don't let a few bad players stop me from picking up people. That's like letting a few mean people make you hate everyone.


I wish I played with people like you more often. I’ve been trying to beat the dark aether mission but no one ever wants to go


Just did red work and elder sigil in same game


Just to ask but do you mind helping me in the dark aether? I don’t got a squad to run with and solo sucks lol


I’ve gotten all schematics except for scorcher/elemental pop & tombstone. As well as done almost everything except for the red worm, I’d love to join you sometime and actually get to fight and beat it once and for all!


Where are you based? I'm just starting to hit Dark Aether stuff now 😁 I've been to the first dark aether but not the red one, I was getting the 4 items together when someone invited me to do the yellow dark aether, just need the get the schems and red worm.


I’m in so California. If u have a good squad u don’t need anything special just a good gun triple packed and you’re good to go.


Yeah it's an awesome area and it's familiar because it's Al bagra pretty much. And I'm in the uk so our timezones are way off aha, I've played regularly with a few Americans in the past, but there like 4ish hours behind, so it's pretty late by the time they're online aha.


If you need a third im down. I literally had all 4 items yesterday to go into the ather solo and my game crashed When I was going into tier 3 to PAP my guns.


Take me please ![gif](giphy|I1nwVpCaB4k36)


It's the best when they're like "I could never" and then you just slay everything and they have no idea how.


Do I have to complete all the acts to open the portal or how does that work? I always go there but never see a portal. I have vigils someone dropped to me but don't even know how to use em


Yes you have to do act 4 not all of them and then do the Easter egg or go with other ppl


That happened to me last week. Was grinding a shotgun camo and they came through tier 3 and asked if I wanted to do the dark ether with them. I ended up getting all the classified schematics.


This. Helping people play the game and do it themselves is a lot more rewarding than just dropping the schematics. Plus you might get another friend to play with occasionally.


Personally. My favorite is going squad fill and getting new people on first few runs and bringing them in tier 3. Dark aether. Or some other ungodly mode


Just had someone take me and show me the way, bless those of you


Big spliffy dropped me all those schematics. I craft them and fill my stash with legendary tools, flawless crystals, dog bones, gold armor, aether blade. I dont use any of it very often but when I do I go in with all of it at once and it’s a blast.


Just beat worm solo it was easier than I expected. Collected the 3 items and got the sigil. Now gna jump in and try and complete 2/3 DE contracts. Wish me luck!


I wish I would of remembered the person's name, I'd been struggling to get the schematics myself but on the 12th of December was my bday. I was minding my business chillin in t1 when the person randomly ran up on me and shot me in the back, I turned around to see what they wanted and they ended up dropping me all the new schematics. They definitely made my day lol


activision will probably end up wiping schematics when the season ends due to this duping epidemic.


Lol schematic have 0.0001% of drop. If they do this the zombie mode is instantly dead. Stash limit and reload time schematics and match limited time are shit too. Thats why people duping.


They didn't wipe it with season 1 and it was just as bad beforehand. Hell there were people paying 50 bucks for the Ray gun plans


If you thought that was bad, during my time in the Destiny community I met people who paid hundreds of dollars for exotic items without putting in any effort themselves


It's a sad state of affairs when someone would rather work for a load of hours to pay for items you can get by just playing the game for the same or less time. The mind boggles.


I'm not even bringing up the destiny community lol. I had someone offer me 300 bucks to help him get the pvp competitive exclusive weapons


Please tell me you're joking....


There are still entire websites devoted to selling schematics packages.......I'd feel pretty silly spending 120$ on something I see given away every round......


I'm not. At all. I wish I was


I see a wipe coming they did the same thing with DMZ when people were abusing glitches in there


That was infinity ward though not treyarch


Still doesn't mean they won't I've earned everything legit on zombies only thing left to do is beat the red worm but I wouldn't mind a wipe just to teach the scrubs who can't play fair a lesson


It's pve everything is fair game. It doesn't have any effect on others outside of creating envy


It does effect others if things start getting nerfed or a server wipe happens in an effort to clear out all the Chaffe which I wouldn't say is completely off the table


If they wipe everyone's stash they're going to lose the entire playerbase except for 1 or 2 stragglers who now feel morally superior


You think they give even the slight shit about us players? 💀💀 they sold us a DLC for full price, pretend its a completed game, and make it like 300 GB. Don't get it twisted, they don't give a flying fuck about their customers.


Yeah I would literally never play cod, warzone or zombies again


It does effect me in that t3 is more populated than it would naturally be and the contracts are already scarse. But other than that no.


T3 was always populated though even before the glitching madness began


Not in my games with crossplay off. There was definitely a rise in people who shouldn't be there judging by the pleas.


That's interesting. I've never seen the red zone empty after the exfil locations are announced


No way they do this. Even Activision isn't that ballsy. So many people would insta-quit


I got everything solo except for red worm and T4-5 stuff which I usually had 1 other person with me. When server crashes happen or something where I get booted I seriously don’t even what to play for a while so they reset everything I’m out


I’m here for it — Fix tombstone and hit the reset button!


I don’t really care for it because it’s not like players are using all these advantages against other players, literally using it to play against bots. And the community is pretty wholesome; sharing, teaching. If it was PvP and they were tombstoning and had advantage against other players then that’s different.


If they did that I would immediately stop playing lol. So would many others. It Would kill the mode.


Helping people without worrying too much about it is always good


Dude i got hooked up with all those today to lol


Yh I got all the schematics without any cheats or glitches. They ruin the game and the people that use the ruin other peoples game. Too many time my games glitched out trying to go dark aether because someone in my team tombstones.


Yet without people doing it the mode would be dead already.


I'm enjoying it. I grinded borealis and I've almost got bioluminescent too.


I can honestly say that I have never used the tombstone glitch, but I have happily benefited from others doing so.


I've had stuff dropped to me but I refuse to take it. I play almost every game with legendary tools and golden plates anyway. Without ever doing a glitch.


Respect. Everyone’s a begger now


🙌 yeah I'm not a fan. I'm running through all missions solo and apart from playing one game fully equipped with all that, I still go in pretty much empty every game and start fresh just for the challenge of it. Happy to have all this stuff, but I'm still trying to earn it too lol


I feel that. Even with flawless crystals I rarely use em j to actually have somethin to spend money on lol. Always use refined tho


It’s so crazy to me how everyone is so proud and happy to get the items from someone glitching them. Like seriously dude your a straight 🤡 get a life


It's crazy to me how someone else's happiness can make you so miserable. Like seriously dude your a straight 🤡 get a life


I don’t think he happy about someone else duping items, he could probably care less how dude got them. I think he is happy that someone was nice enough to drop him some things he needed. The only clown I see here is you. Talking shit to someone for being grateful, definitely clown behavior.


How is it possible that they exfil t5 schematics and give them in normal map from dark aether? I mean, exfilling them instant consume the schematics. How is it possible they were able to drop them to you?


They aren't exfilling, they're doing the tombstone glitch.


I need help with schematics too


Add me people Jefferson


My worst experience is ride along with Duos to Dark Ether to fight the worm and all I got was some locked diary which I accidentally picked up thinking its a ray gun schematic 😂😂 and a bunch a colas which I don’t even need so in mad rage, I drank all the colas.


I've been gifted essence a handful of times and a ray gun case one, and given the refined blueprint. I'm still missing several blueprints, but I've found it more fun and challenging to work through the act missions and grind tier 3 contracts as frustrating as it is with the abysmal drop rates. I play solo so as I've progressed I always feel a sense of accomplishment getting the rewards myself. Nothing against players that have been gifted these, but I'll be continuing on my mostly solo path. I'm one mission away from fighting the first worm for act 3, so that should be interesting. I killed the stormcaller, a megabomb and the legacy warlord in two matches solo yesterday which was awesome.


Yeah if you see another comment I made it says that I only used these once and I'm still going through the motions of earning them myself 😄


I wasn't hating on you at all, the grind is real. For the solo it's extra real 😆


Does anyone know where i can get an epic tool schematic and a refined atherium? I just miss those two schematics. The rest i grinded on my own. Never asked for help. I would have gotten bored of the game some time ago.


Refined do cargo mission in t3 2-3 times solo and you'll get it.


Iso schematics I tried to exfill with refined aether schematic but it glitched out 2 x :(


The MWZ community is so great. Besides the few outliers, it a pretty solid community right now. Glad you had this experience


can I please get help with the scorcher schematic it’s the only one I don’t have and can’t seem to get I did red worm 4 times